HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-28 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:30 A.M. Wednesday, June 28, 1989, in the office of the Authority #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Dan Hudspeth, Chairman called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners Present: Hudspeth, Windham, Fries, Richardson, Morgan Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Fredia Sawin, Bromo Wilson, Toady Edwards The Minutes of the April 26, 1989 Regular Meeting were approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. The April Financial Statement was approved by motion,seconded and carried unanimously. • RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF REVISED BUDGET NO. 1 OF OPERATING BUDGET FOR FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/89 AR097--1 & 002. Resolution No. 482, was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF OPERATING BUDGET FOR FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/90 PROJECT AR097001 & 002. Mr. Wilson reviewed the Budget and Travel Expenses for the coming year Resolution No. 483, was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO SWRC/NAHRO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING AND STATE CHAPTER LEADERSHIP TRAINING AT OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS. Resolution No. 484, was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. Fredia Sawin, Section Eight Director, discussed the Section Eight Review held May 8-10, 1989 by the Area HUD Housing Management Office. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: SECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF REVISED BUDGET NO. 1 OF OPERATING BUDGET FOR FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/89 AR097001 & 002 THE OPERATING BUDGET ADOPTING RESOLUTION NUMBER 482 A. Be it Resolved by the Commissioners of the Low -Rent Housing Agency of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas that: 1. The proposed expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing agency for the purpose of servicing low-income families. 2. The financial plan is reasonable in that: a. It includes a source of funding adequate to cover all proposed expenditures. b. It does not provide for use of Federal funding in excess of that payable under the provisions of 24 CFR 990, Subpart A, (PFS regulations). 3. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law and the Annual Contributions Contract. B. Pursuant to 24 CFR Sections 913.109 and 960.209, the PHA herein is determining eligibility for admission, determining annual income, adjusting income and Total Tenant Payment, and reexamining the Family income and composition at least annually. CERTIFICATE I• Bromo Wilson , the duly appointed Executive Director of the Low -Rent Housing Agency of Fayetteville, AR , do hereby certify that the above resolution is a true copy of the Resolution passed by the Low -Rent Housing Agency of regular meeting held on the 28th Faypttpville, AR day of June at a 19 89 In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 28th day of June , 19 89 • "I certify this is a true and correct statement." S E A L RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF OPERATING BUDGET FOR FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 9/30/90 PROJECT AR097001 & 002 • THE OPERATING BUDGET ADOPTING RESOLUTION NUMBER .483 • • • A. Be it Resolved by the Commissioners of the Low -Rent Housing Agency of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas that: 1. The proposed expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing agency for the purpose of servicing low-income families. 2. The financial plan is reasonable in that: a. It includes a source of funding adequate to cover all proposed expenditures. b. It does not provide for use of Federal funding in excess of that payable under the provisions of 24 CFR 990, Subpart A. (PFS regulations). 3. All proposed rental charges and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law and the Annual Contributions,Contract. B. Pursuant to 24 CFR Sections 913.109 and 960.209, the PHA herein is determining eligibility for admission, determining annual income, adjusting income and Total Tenant Payment, and reexamining the Family income and composition at least annually. • CERTIFICATE I, Bromo Wilson , the duly appointed Executive Director of the Low -Rent, Housing Agency of Fayetteville, AR , do hereby certify that the above resolution is a true copy of the Resolution passed by the Low -Rent Housing Agency of Fayetteville, AR regular meeting held on the 19 R9 2Rth 28th day of June at a In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this day of June 19 89 • Executi a Di. ctor "I certify this is a true and correct statement." • • RESOLUTION NO. 484 RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO SWRC/NAHRO EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING AND STATE CHAPTER LEADERSHIP TRAINING AT OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS WHERE AS, the SWRC/NAHRO executive committee and standing committees will be meeting and also state chapter officer's training will be held in Overland Park, Kansas August 19-21, 1989 and, WHERE AS, Bromo Wilson is on the SWRC/NAHRO executive committee and is also President -Elect of the ARK/NAHRO chapter.... NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, that travel expenses for Bromo Wilson be paid to this meeting in accordance with the agency's policy. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 28th ATTEST: DAY OF June , 1989. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN SECRETARY i • • • • • • SECTION 8 REVIEW CERTIFICATE PROGRAM • • PUBLIC. HOUSING AGENCY Fayetteville, Arkansas PROJECT NUMBERS AR37E181001, 002, 003, 004, 005, and 006 NUMBER OF UNITS AUTHORIZED 375 Certificates DATES OF REVIEW May 8-10, 1989 REVIEW CONDUCTED BY Ednasue Davis Housing Management Specialist Patsy Stockman Housing Management Specialist PERSONS CONTACTED Bromo Wilson Executive Director Coretta Edwards Administrative Assistant Freida Sawin Section 8 Director Laura Higgins Section 8 Inspector PART I INTRODUCTION On May 8-10, 1989, representatives from the Little Rock Office conducted a review of the Section 8 Certificate Program being administered by the Housing Authority. The purpose of the review was to determine if the program was being operated in accordance with the terms of the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) and applicable HUD regulations, policies, and procedures. Our review indicated that the PHA has implemented the Preference Rule and is correctly computing Housing Assistance Payments and Tenant Rents. Operating Reserve usage appears within guidelines, but the PHA needs to expand its Rent Reasonableness Survey. We reviewed and inspected 12 units. There was no outstanding management or fiscal audit finding. While the review did identify some items needing corrective action, substan+ tial agreement was reached with the Executive Director as to the resolution of those items. 2 PART II ITEMS REQUIRING CORRECTIVE ACTION The items requiring corrective action that were developed during the review are as follows: A. Administrative Plan The Administrative Plan needs to be updated in accordance with the current regulations published in the Federal Register and in accor- dance with Appendix 18 of handbook 7420.3 REV. Items needing revision include, but are not limited to the following: 1. Improper wording, such as, Gross Family Contributions (GFC) for Total Tenant Payment (TTP). The term was replaced in accordance with Notice PIH 86-20 (PHA). 2. Items listed in the Plan to be maintained in tenant file that were omitted are: Rent calculation worksheet, verification of income, HUD Form 50058, and Rent Reasonableness Determination. 3. Security Deposit procedures were not identified in accordance with HUD Handbook 7420.7. To show compliance with Handbook requirements, it is very important that your Administrative Plan is fully updated to include current rules in order to ensure accuracy. Please review thoroughly and provide us a copy of your revised Plan. Utility Allowances Handbook 7420.7, Chapter 11, requires that the PHA review utility allowances at least annually to determine if there have been substan- tial changes in utility rates or other generally applicable charges and whether an adjustment is required. The utility allowances being used have not been updated since March 1987. This is a•repeate) finding. Please conduct a utility review and if there is a need to revise the schedule, please furnish us with a copy for our files. C. Security Deposit Paragraph 4-19 c. (1) and (2) of HUD Handbook 7420.7 prohibits secu- rity deposits in excess of the greater of $50 or the family's Total Tenant Payment (TTP) for families who do not lease in place. For families who lease in place, the security deposits collected prior to the execution of a HAP Contract do not have to be adjusted even though the amounts exceed the maximum allowed. • • • • 3 The file review of families who did not lease in place revealed instances where the security deposit exceeded the maximum permissi- ble. The PHA should review all files and require the owner to return to the tenant any security deposit which exceeds the greater of $50 or the tenants' TTP. This is'a repeat finding:? D. Rent Reasonableness Paragraph 6-5 of Handbook 7420.7 states that the PHA must certify and document on a case-by-case basis that the contract rent for each unit for which a lease has been approved is reasonable in relation to rents currently being charged for comparable units in the private unassisted market. A review of the records revealed that in some cases the improper unit sizes were used as comparables. Since this is a repeat finding, the PHA should review the files, identify the inadequate comparables, conduct a survey, and make necessary adjustments in accordance with the above handbook guidelines. Please give us your assurance that you will review and revise your comparables to comply with regulations. PART III COMPLIANCE WITH THE HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS A. Scope Under this phase of the review, a random sample of units was selected and physical inspections conducted to determine if the units were in compliance with the Housing Quality Standards B. Items Needing Corrective Action Of the 12 units inspected, three (3) failed the Housing Quality Standards. We have attached a copy of Part E - Inspection Summary of the HUD -52580, which indicates the unit and the observed deficiency - (cies). It is requested that you notify the respective landlord of each unit in writing of these deficiencies and require corrective work in accordance with Chapter 5, Paragraph 5-9 of Handbook 7420.7. As noted in Paragraph 5-9, the PHA must reinspect each unit to determine if this work has been performed. We request that you advise us of the actions you take on each of these units until all deficiencies have been corrected. J PART II • A. ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN • • SECTION 8 REVIEW 1989 Enclosed is a copy of the updated Administrative Plan. This revised Administrative Plan includes your recommendations of changes and additions. B. UTILITY ALLOWANCES We are currently reviewing our utility rates. If we find that there has been a substantial change, they will be revised to reflect that change. We have scheduled our office to review these utility rates in June of each year. C. SECURITY DEPOSITS After your review and our timely discussions, we now feel we have a better understanding of the Security Deposit procedures. We will review each file' to make sure they comply with the regulations of HUD Handbook 7420.7. In the future, all Security Deposit procedures will be closely monitored. D. RENT RESONABLENESS We will examine each file to be sure that the correct unit sizes were used as comparables and adjust accordingly. We are currently conducting a survey to update and clarify our rent resonableness data. PART III COMPLIANCE WITH THE HOUSING QUALITY STANDARDS RE: Telisa Burk, I183 S. Hunter St., Farmington, AR 72730 Carla Culp, 566 Skelton, Fayetteville, AR 72701 Frank Navarro, 319 Kelli, Farmington, AR 72730 The respective landlords, of the above three units, have been notified of the deficiencies and a follow-up inspection has been scheduled for July 17, 1989. Our office will keep you up to date on the status of these three units and what actions were taken. Copies of the letters, mailed to the landlords, are enclosed.