HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-22 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Tuesday, July 22, 1986, in the office of the Authority, #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Dr. Fries, Vice Chairman called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners Present: Morgan, Fries, Hudspeth Commissioners Absent: Richardson, Windham Others Present: Bromo Wilson, Toady Edwards The minutes of the June 11, 1986 and June 25, 1986 Regular Meetings were approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. The June Financial Statement was approved by motion, seconded and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR REPLACEMENT OF ROOF AT HILLCREST TOWERS MOD PROGRAM 903. Resolution No. 428 , the resolution was approved by motionseconded and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN RESOLUTION NO. 428 •RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR RE -ROOFING OF HILLCREST TOWERS MODERNIZATION PROGRAM NO. 903 WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authorityreceived sealed bids on July 17, 1986 for re -roofing Hillcrest Towers which bids have been opened, tabulated and found to be in proper form and, WHEREAS, David Powers of Hailey Powers, Froning Architects has reviewed the bids, attached to this resolution, and recommends that we accept the low bid of $27,470.00 from Franklin $ Sons, Inc. of Fayetteville, Arkansas, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY. 1. That the contract for Re -roofing Hillcrest Towers be awarded to Franklin F, Sons, Inc. subject to HUD approval in amount of $27,470.00 2. That Bromo Wilson, Executive Director of the Housing Authority, is hereby appointed to serve as contracting officer for the project. The contracting officer is also delegated by the Authority to execute any and all change orders (limited by the policies, rules, and pro- cedures as set forth by HUD) affecting the contract. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 22th • ATTEST: DAY OF July , 1986. • HAIRMAN • • • • -IAILEY • POWER!S • FRONING ARCHITECTS, LTD ARCHITECTURE • ENGINEERING • PLANNING July 21, 1986 Fayetteville Housing Authority One North School Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72201 RE: Re -Roofing of Hillcrest Towers Fayetteville, Arkansas Project No.: MOD 903 -- Job #9 • ATTN: Mr. Bromo Wilson Executive Director Mr. Wilson: • The Bid Tabulation sheet for the bid opening, held 17 July, is attached. The apparent low for both the base bid and the alternate bid is Franklin and Son, Inc., Roofing Company, of Fayetteville, Arkansas. 4 S ince the bid of Franklin and Son, Inc. was substantially lower than any of the other bids, I requested that they review their bid and takeoff. I was advised 18 July, by Mr. Bozarth of their company, that they were completely satisfied with their bid. I have reviewed the bid and find everything to be in order. I recommend that you accept the (low) bid of Franklin and Son, Inc., and if money is available, that you award a contract on the alternate bid (not on the Base Bid). The base bid is essentially a re -roofing, since the new roof is installed directly over the existing roof (after the gravel is removed). The alternate bid completely removes the existing roof and the new roof is installed directly on the existing (lightweight) concrete deck surface. All roof drains, penetra- t ions (of vents, etc.) and edge details can also be installed better under the alternate bid system. Please advise if you should need further information regarding the bids or the above recommendations. Best regards, HAILEY-POWERS-FRONING David L. Powers ✓ ice President DLF:sah ARCHITECTS, LTD. • N EWTON L. HAILEY, JR., AIA • DAVID L. POWERS, AIA • DONALD J. FRONING, AIA • BOB H. KELLY, AIA B OX 790 • FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS 72702 • SUITE 440 • FIRST PLACE • 501 442 5565 • • • • FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY RE -ROOF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS EID TA.BULATICN PROJECT NUMEER: 860624 17 JULY 1986 HAILEY-POWERS-FRONING ARCHITECTS, LTD. SUITE 440 / FIRST PLACE EUILDING FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS 72702 - - aXiTEACTOR BID BOND ADD 1 EASE PROPOSAL ALT 1 TIME (DAYS) Construction Co. X X $32,046.01 $42,037.7 UNIT PRICES (No. 1 - tlo. 5) Frar•_:_in Roof ing X X $23,889.00 $27,470.0 floc 'ir_= , Inc X X $37,966.00 $39,951.0 Roofing, Inc. NO BID Er.b _s Cc-•= X X $41,777.00 $35,000.00' • •