HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-20 - Minutes - Archive• MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the city of met in Regular session at 8:30 a.m., in the office of the Authority, #1 N Arkansas. Fayetteville, Arkansas Wednesday, October 20, 1982, . School, Fayetteville, The following were Present: Jim Shreve, Robert Windham, and Lloyd Seaton. Commissioners Absent: Judy Endress, and Sherman Morgan. Others Present: Bromo Wilson, and Betty Jordan. There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: The Minutes - September 15, 1982. Moved by Mr. Seaton, seconded by Mr. Windham, The September Financial Statement. Moved by Mr. Windham, seconded by Mr. Seaton, and carried. and carried. RESOLUTION #363, APPROVING A COMPREHENSIVE IMPROVEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR PROJECT ARK. 97-1. • Moved by Mr. Seaton, seconded by Mr. Windahm, and carried. RESOLUTION #362, APPROVING SALARY INCREASES. Moved by Mr. Seaton, seconded by Mr. Windham, and carried. Executive Session followed. Other Discussion: Mr. Wilson, stated to the Board, that the HUD Area office, would like for the FHA, to go on a every two week pay period, which went into effect 10/15/82. The Board suggested to Mr. Wilson, paying the employees's in the office on some type of evaluation scale, and that this should go into effect immediately. Meeting adjourned. • THE HO SING AU✓'SRITY OF THE CITY Oj FAY TT LLE, ARKANSAS C. IRMAN RESOLUTION NO. 363 RESOLUTION APPROVING A COMPREHENSIVE IMPROVEMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR PROJECT ARK, 97-1 WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority finds it necessary to have certain needed improvements in Public Housing Project ARK 97-1. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE that the Executive Director submit a application for special purpose modernization funds under the comprehensive improvement assistance program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE HEREBY CERTIFY THE FOLLOWING: 1. The PHA will comply with all policies, procedures and requirements prescribed by HUD for the modernization, including implementation o f the modernization in a timely, efficient and economical manner; 2. The estimated costs of the modernization program cannot be funded f rom current operatin funds; 3. The proposed physical work meets the Modernization standards; 4. The PHA has adopted the goal of awarding at least 20 percent of the dollar value of the total of the modernization contracts, to be awarded during the subsequent FFY, to minority business enterprises; 5. The PHA has complied with tenant/homebuyer consultation re- quirements. 6. The PHA has determined.that flood insurance is not required. 7. The PHA will comply (where applicable) with requirements for the physically handicapped. 8. Where the proposed modernization involves the temporary or permanent ✓ ehousing of tenants, the PHA will ensure nondiscrimination in the selection of tenants to be rehoused, determination of which tenants ✓ equire temporary and permanent rehousing, assignment of tenants w ithin the PHA and provision of assistance to tenants being rehoused. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 9•/, ATTEST: �l ECRETARY bj DAY OF , 1982. THE HO ING AUTRITY OF THE CITY 0 AYELLE, ARKANSAS RMAN 0 RESOLUTION NO. 364 RESOLUTION APPROVING SALARY INCREASES WHEREAS, the approved budgets for the Housing Authority allows for salary increases for certain personnel, NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville that the regular annual increases listed below are approved, effective October 1, 1982. ADMINISTRATIVE Name From To Bromo Wilson 26,620.00 27,950.00 Coretta Edwards 13,104.00 14,150.00 Lynna Snider 10,400.00 11,230.00 Betty Jordan 8,840.00 9,550.00 Kathy Elmore 8,320.00 8,990.00 • MAINTENANCE Wayne Whitehead Scott Stafford Ernest Carr 13,096.00 10,596.00 9,168.00 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 2 Q DAY OF 690.? 1 ATTEST ECRETARR44~ (/ 741 • bj 14,140.00 11,440.00 9,900.00 1982. TH OUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CI OF F EVILLE, ARKANSAS iip I IRMAN