HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-09-19 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 19, 1979 in the Office of the Authority, #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Upon roll call, the following were present: Commissioners Present: Taylor, Endress, Morgan Commissioners Absent: Seaton, Windham Others Present: Chad Kumpe, Pat Donat, Tom Comley & Son, Fredia Sawin There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: The Minutes of the July 18, 1979 Regular Meeting were approved by motion of Mrs Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The July Financial Statement was approved by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The Minutes of the August 15, 1979 Regular Meeting were approved by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. It was voted by the Commissioners that a correction should be made on the Special Meeting Minutes of August 29, 1979. The correction was to be made ont•the second page the next to the last sentence, to read as follows: After further discussion, the Commissioners voted to confer with Mr. Kumpe on his opinion at the next Regular Meeting of September 19, 1979. The Minutes of the August 29, 1979 Special Meeting were approved, as corrected, by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanamiously. The August Financial Statement was approved by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 314 RESOLUTION APPROVING NEW INCOME ADMISSION LIMITS FOR LOW INCOME PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT ARK. 97-1 Resolution #314 was approved by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 315 RESOULTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO ARKANSAS CHAPTER NAHRO ANNUAL FALL MEETING, OCTOBER 24-26, 1979, AT PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS Resolution # 315 was approved by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 316 RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT RENTS The amount of delinquent rent this year, as compared to last year, is con- siderably less. Mr. Kumpe believes the reason to be because of tight housing in the City of Fayetteville. Resolution #316 was approved by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 317 RESOLUTION TO WAIVE TIME LIMIT OF ACCEPTING A DEVELOPERS PROPOSAL ON ARK 97-2 TURNKEY HOUSING PROJECT Mr. Kumpe explained the situation that came up on the date of the Bid Openings, September 11, 1979, for the Turnkey Project. Pete Sissan, Developer, phoned before 1:00 p.m. to inform the Fayetteville Housing Authority that his comer would be late with their Bid Packet because the flight scheduled was experiencing mechanical difficulties. It was concluded that it would be of no advantage for the Developers to be on time with their packet but it would be of great advantage to the Fayetteville Housing Authority. After further discussion, Resolution #317 was approved by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. RESODUTION NO. 318 RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SELECTION OF DEVELOPER FOR LOW RENT HOUSING PROJECT ARK 97-2 Mr. Kumpe read the following evalubtion from Mr. Kinsey to the Commissioners: Ken Wilkins -Unresponsive because of no scattered sites, E. R. Coleman ranked number one, Comley Construction Co. ranked number two, UMIC ranked number three, and Pete Sissan ranked number four. Evaluation was based on whether there were scattered sites, sewer and utilities, the layout on land, playground and other recreation, and if they came within 105 to 110 to proto type cost. It was noted that one of E. R. Coleman's sites was too close to Lewis Plaza and if their packet was chosen it would have to be changed to another site. Mrs. Endress questioned the possibility of a fire hazard when looking at E. R. Coleman's designs because there were no windows in the bedrooms. Mr. Kumpe explained that after the Developer is chosen it will be sent to HUD for their approvals. Mr. Tom Comley wanted it written in the Minutes that his bid was $300,000 less than E. R. Coleman's - E. R. Coleman $1,700,590, Comley Const. Co $1,447,980. Mr. Kumpe stated that the design of the sites was worth 24 points E. R. Coleman received 22 points and Comley Const. Co. received 10 points. After further discussion the Board voted to call our Consultant, Paul Kinsey, and ask him to come to Fayetteville and give us his evaluation. It was also voted to have a Special Meeting Friday, September 21, 1979 at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Taylor mentioned that it would be very important for Mr. Windham to be present at our Special Meeting, September 21st, because the Board would like to hear his imput. e • In regard to the Housing Opportunity Plan for Washington and Benton County: It was voted that if the Fayetteville Housing Authority is needed for the Housing Opportunity Plan to succeed, we will do it. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CH/YI RMAN Cl L / • • RESOLUTION N0. 314 RESOLUTION APPROVING NEW INCOME ADMISSION LIMITS FOR LOW INCOME PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT ARK. 97-1 WHEREAS the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas has found and hereby determines that there is a need for a change in income limits from the limits adopted by Resolution No. 281 on February 15, 1978; and, WHEREAS the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 has provided for such change in the Federal Register, Volume 41, No. 194, dated October 5, 1976; and, WHEREAS such change was recommended by Notice from HUD dated 8/17/79; and, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following Schedule of Income Limits be adopted: NUMBER OF PERSONS LIMITS IN NET INCOME AFTER EXEMPTIONS 1 7,900 2 9,050 3 10,150 4 11,300 5 12,000 6 12,700 7 13,400 8 or more 14,100 No change is being made in the definition of net family income or in the policies relating to exemptions and deductions. Further, the exemption policy shall be so administered as to preclude the admission of any family not of low income within the meaning of Federal or applicable state laws. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ATTEST: 19th DAY OF September THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS , 1979. • • • nous ing SMSA: /mummy of the city of tif'rG �L�(.Q;fi�GCe Code Including county(ies) HUD Office: Little Rock county Jam, r}nrmAinTrcnap swnrorm1 1979 Median Family In Area Office Y Income - County: $/4,767D 1979 Median Family Income - South Region: $15700 "'Admission Limits for Low -Income Housing Owned by PHA or Leased by PIA from Private Owner (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Number of Persons Present Schedule of Income Limits (Approved:3/'e ) Percent of 4 -Person Section 8 Income Limits . (Approved:7/30/79) 80% of Sec 8 90% of Sec 8 4 -Person 4 -Person Income Limit Income Limit Col 4 $10040 Col 4 $11295 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 • orl0 more criteria 7c.? orb 93&v /O3671 /0 9SD a5a /ago?) /a 9aa /a9O7) 70.00 8800 80.00 10050 90.00 100.00 11300 12550 106.25 13350 112.50 14150 118.75 14900 125.00 15700 7050 7900 8050 9050 9050 10150 10050 11300 10650 12000 11300 12700 11900 13400 12550 14100 Note: Continued Occupancy Limits and the 20% Lowest Private Rent Determination Eliminated. Any locality in their respective county may adopt Income Limits based on the above Round to nearest $50. Examples: 5,024=5,000; 5,025=5,050; 5,074=5,050; 5,075=5,100. In areas of extremely low median family income, HUD can approve income limits for 4 -person family which is 61 % of the South (West for NM) Census Region Median Family Income of $15700 or $ 9577 for 4 -person family. In no event will the income limit for any given family size below or above that of a 4 -person family be reduced from that currently in effect as the result .f adopting income limits pursuant to HCD Act of 1974. Admission LimitsA'dOe�d y PHA in Column 9 (Subject to HUD Approval) Yt LHA Executive Director ( Resolution 11 -3/7, dated /91/47,41 (7) (8) (9) Recommended by HUD for Adoption Number of (Based on 80-90% of Sec 8 or Admission Limits Persons Census Repion MFI) (To be completed by PHA) 1 $ 7900 $ .7700 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more 9050 10150 11300 12000 12700 13400 14100 9044 /o/5n //500 /aoo0 /.2900 /3900 /9/o (10) Very Low/ Income— Sts -1) 6 q5-7) 69 s eon HCD Act of 1974 requires that at least 20% of all dwelling units in any project place under ACC in any fiscal year after August 22, 1974, shall be occupied by very low-income families (50% of median income of area for 4 -person family --cannot be modified. APPROVAL is given on the condition that the definition of admission income shall be administered as to achieve and maintain the low-income character of the project in the meaning of Federal or applicable state law. Prepared by EMA: Date: Approved by HUD Date: Name: Title: Central Office Approval for Rent Supplement - Column 9 • Approved: Date: Director, Economic and Market Analysis Division • • • • • RESOLUTION NO. 315 RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO ARKANSAS CHAPTER NAHRO ANNUAL FALL MEETING, OCTOBER 24-26, 1979, AT PINE BLUFF, ARKANSAS WHEREAS, the Annual Fall Meeting of Arkansas Chapter, NAHRO, will be held in Pine Bluff, October 24-26, 1979; and, WHEREAS, there will be programs including discussions concerning Public Housing, Community Development, Section 8 Housing, and Arkansas Chapter business; and, WHEREAS, members of the staff of the Little Rock Area Office of HUD will take part in panel discussions to answer questions and discuss problems; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, that travel expenses for personnel designated by the Executive Director be paid to this meeting in accordance with the Agency's travel policy. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th DAY OF September , 1979. ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • RESOLUTION NO. 316 RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT RENTS A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas authorizing the charge off of delinquent rents of certain former tenants in the ARK 97-1 Project for period of October 1, 1978 to September 30, 1979. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Accounting Handbook RHM 7510.0, Chapter 3, Section 13, certain past due accounts in the ARK 97-1 Low Rent Housing Project are considered uncollectable and all means of collections have been exhausted, and there is no resonable prospect of collection of such delinquent rents and that the probable cost of further efforts to collect said rents would not be warranted; NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, THAT: The rents in the amounts designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheet are hereby authorized to be charged off. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th DAY OF September , 1979. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ATTEST: • • • • • DILINQUENT RENT CHARGE OFF 10/1/78-9/30/79 APT. NO. NAME 2-C Lynn McClelland 5-A Carol Harrison 5-B Lesley Overholser 4 A clan—Elk ns AMOUNT 10-A Sandra Braga 11-D Sandra Bertelle 22-A 22-0 25-A 29-A 29-D 30-A 26-A 30-A Jeff Thompson Susan Bowers Janice Huddelston Patricia Yielding Judith White Yvonne Blackburn Jean Moss Lisa Buchanan 11.57 124.33 67.12 32-84- 108.70 iy/3 166.70 14.70 85.13 141.99 181.16 15.26 426.62 182:52 204.56 • 1,763.20 • • RESOLUTION NO. 317 RESOLUTION TO WAIVE TIME LIMIT OF ACCEPTING A DEVELOPERS PROPOSAL ON ARK 97-2 TURNKEY HOUSING PROJECT WHEREAS, the Fayetteville Housing Authority did advertise for proposals for the design and development of a low rent housing project under the turnkey development method and such advertisement did state that proposals would be accepted until 2:00 p.m. on the llth day of September and that any proposals received after that time would be returned to the developer unopened and, WHEREAS, on September llth, 1979 at 1:00 p.m. a phone call was received from Pete Sisson Co. in Memphis Tenn. stating that they had a development packet to submit and that their courier was at the Memphis Airport and the Skyways Airline flight scheduled to depart at 11:00 a.m. had been delayed by mechanical failure and that the courier was in process of chartering a plane to come to Fayetteville and the courier did deliver the packet to Housing Authority Office at 4:00 p.m. September llth; and, WHEREAS, there would be no substantial advantage or benefit to Pete Sisson Co. not enjoyed by other developers because of the delay of the arrival of said proposal: • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS of the • Fayetteville Housing Authority that the time limit of accepting proposals on ARK 97-2 Turnkey Housing Project be waived so as to accept said proposal for evaluation with other developers' proposals. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 19th DAY OF September • • THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS , 1979. • • •