HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-05-17 - Minutes - Archive• MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY • OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:30 o'clock a.m., Wednesday, May 17, 1978, in the office of the Authority, #1 North School Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mrs. Endress, Chairman, called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following were present: Commissioners Present: Endress, Gould, Underwood Commissioners Absent: Taylor, Morgan Others Present: Chad Kumpe, Bromo Wilson; Pat Warford, Pat Donat, Donna Whitaker, Hugh Kincaid There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: The Minutes of the April 19, 1978 Regular Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Gould, and carried unanimously. The April Financial Statement was approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Underwood, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 284 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR A LOW -RENT HOUSING PROGRAM Mr. Kumpe explained that HUD has notified the Housing Authority of available funding for 54 units of low -rent public housing in this area. 38 units of conventional 1, 2, and 3 bedroom housing; and 16 elderly effeciency units. The Fayetteville Housing Authority, Springdale Housing Authority, Rogers, Bentonville, and Siloam Springs have all been notified of this available funding,and all may apply for these units. This housing will be "turn -key" housing, administered as regular low-income housing. If approved, the Housing Authority would invite proposals from private contractors to purchase land and buildthe units, with the Housing Authority owning and administering the program. There is also the possibility that existing housing could be purchased for this program. After discussion, Resolution No. 284 was approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Underwood, and carried unanimously. Mrs. Endress asked the Board for discussion of the HUD Coordinated Review and noted that a copy of the Housing Authority response letter was sent to each commissioner. Mr. Kumpe stated that he feels the worst problem brought to light in this review was the turn over of vacant apartments as discussed in the April Board Meeting. Since the review there have been five vacancies: four in the family units; and one in the Hi -Rise. Of these five vacancies, in :two instances there was a three day turnover period, and in three instances, the move -out and move -in was accomplished in one day. • • 2 Mrs. Endress stated that the response letter seemed good and the Housing Authority seems to be doing well to meet the Coordinated Review recommendations. Mrs. Endress stated that a resolution to this effect should be drawn up. RESOLUTION NO. 285 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, RECEIVING AND APPROVING LETTER OF RESPONSE TO COORDINATED REVIEW OF HUD Resolution No. 285 was approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Gould, and carried unanimously. Mrs. Endress asked the Board for discussion of the letter from Hodges, Vines, Fox, Castin & Associates that was mailed to the Commissioners. (Copy of this letter attached to minutes.) Mr. Kumpe stated that the Square is finished as far as the Housing Authority is concerned. Seems to be a parking turnover problem, but the Housing Authority cannot control this problem. The businesses and merchants on the Square have been notified of the results of the traffic study referred to in the letter. Mrs. Endress commented that this problem must be handled mainly by.the Square merchants, who should go to the City for help in controlling the parking problem. . .4 7 4 • 4. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Underwood, and carried unanimously. r h 7 r f r . sr 11.5r �_ 43 Gist, ATTEST::: %y 47r, `ti THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SECRETA'Y • RESOLUTION NO. 284 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR A LOW -RENT HOUSING PROGRAM WHEREAS, the United States Housing Act of 1937 provides that there shall be local determination of the need for low -rent housing to meet needs not being adequately met by private enterprise; and WHEREAS, under the provisions of the United States Housing Act of 1937, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is authorized to provide financial assistance to public housing agencies for low -rent housing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the Fayetteville Housing Authority hereby determines that within its area of operation there is a need for low -rent housing to meet needs not being adequately met by private enterprise. 2.. That the.Executive Director shill cause to be prepared and the Chairman shall signand send to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development an application for financial assistance for (1) 54 dwelling units of low -rent public housing to be provided by new construction, or by acquisition, or by acquisition and rehabilitation of existing housing. 3 '1n7'connection with the development and operation of any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance under the United States Housing Act of 1937, regardless of when such program or activity or any portion thereof was or is initially covered by any contract, the Fayetteville Housing Authority will comply with all requirements imposed by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Public Law 88-352, 78 Stat. 241; the regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development issued thereunder, 24 CFR, Subtitle A, Part 1; and the require- ments of said Department thereunder. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17 DAY OF May , 1978. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS .-Xne—%per CHAIRMAN SECRETAR • RESOLUTION NO. 285 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, RECEIVING AND APPROVING. LETTER OF RESPONSE TO COORDINATED REVIEW OF HUD • WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority has reviewed the Coordinated Review of the low-income housing program; and, WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority has also reviewed the response letter from the Executive Director concerning this review; and, WHEREAS, it appears that the staff of the Housing Authority is striving to meet the recommendations of this Coordinated Review; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, that the response letter to the Coordinated Review to be sent to the Little Rock Area HUD Office has been reviewed and approved. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17 DAY OF May , 1978. Attest -r at: • THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • .o, 5/i7/ve cueing cautkorit y of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 1 NORTH SCHOOL - ZIP 72701 TELEPHONE 8214650 URBAN RENEWAL OFFICE Phone 442-5326 May 10, 1978 Sterling Cockrill, Area Director Department of Housing and Urban Development Union National Bank, Suite 1490 N1 Union National Plaza Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 • Re: "Coordinated Review"March 20-23, 1978 Thank you for your recent review of the operation of the Fayetteville Housing Authority. We have taken note of the team's observations, suggestions and recommendations, and are responding with regard to action taken. I. Management, Staffing and Organization: The need for an additional maintenance man was observed. At the present time there is insufficient funds in the budget to hire an additional full-time person, but we have supplemented the maintenance staff with CETA employees. The CETA workers will be used until the next fiscal year when budget adjustments can be made in order to hire a permanent staff person. In conjunction with HUD notice NVACP 78-1, "New Initiatives in Tenant Employment," we will continue for the time being to employ tenants to do necessary apartment clean up and grounds police. Tenants will be responsible for the maintenance of the grounds immediately surrounding their apartment. Be assured it is theintention of the Fayetteville Housing Authority to hire an additional maintenance man when funds will permit. Personnel policies have been brought up to date and rewritten in , accordance with the adopted City policy and current HUD Handbook 7401.1. Waivers have been secured from the County and the School Board stating that the Payment in Lieu of Taxes are to be made to the City for use in operating the Community Centers. Copies of waivers have already been sent to the Area Office. The Housing Authority has requested the City increase its liability policy on the Community Centers to'$100,000/$300,000. • • • • Page Two We are currently making required changes manuals and policy will Job •descriptions by employees. keeping policies and procedures up to date by on a monthly basis. Handbooks, circulars, be maintained up to date and current. are being rewritten to reflect duties performed Hospitalization insurance has.been terminated on Anita Whillock. The procedure for rehabilitation and renting vacant units has been streamlined, with strong emphasis on prompt clean-up and fix -up. Units not vandalized will be re -rented in a maximum of 3 days, with every effort bent to a one or two day rental. In addition, a better.parts supply and additional maintenance training will aid in a quick renting of units partially vandalized or outof service due to major appliance failure. Both maintenance men have become more skillful at repairing heating units and gas ranges. II. Occupancy We have conspicuously posted the "Methods of Administration" and "Statement of Occupancy Policies." The Fayetteville Housing Authority will attempt to closely follow the adopted rent range. We will strive for a cross section of lower income families. Tenants will be housed in accordance with the date and time of application and rent range category they are in. The Housing Authority will keep track of the ranges on a weekly basis as the situation does not change often enough to keep'track on a daily basis. The Authority will house applicants in accordance with the time and date of application and rent range. We must, however, keep "Plan A" for tenant selection. "Plan B" with tenant choice would tend to quickly re -segregate our sites. The Authority has established a Master Record of Applications to list all applicants. Separate records are then prepared to list applicants by rent range and unit size. Tenants are transferred within the project when changes warrant, such as changes in family size. Tenant transfers between sites are not permitted. This type of transfer has proven in the past to be a step toward re -segregation of sites. All leases and applications for admission will be completely filled in. III. Maintenance The Fayetteville Housing Authority is currently making carbon copies of each work order. All work orders are consecutively numbered, each form is being filled out fully. - A comprehensive inspection program is in operation. This involves a move -in and move -out, as well as monthly inspections of all units. • • • • • Page Three Written reports are submitted to the Director on tenant housekeeping habits and possible tenant damages. Work orders are filled out and tenants charged for damages observed. Tenants have been evictedfor not complying with their lease. A list of tenant abuse charges is being prepared. It will be posted conspicuously on the bulletin board. A consolidated supply catalog is being kept. It will be used whenever a cost savings can be made. The PHA does enforce the lease provision requiring that no pets be kept by tenants. Two evictions have occurred this year because tenants continually violated this provision. The PHA does service all furnaces At the beginning df each heating season Filters are cleaned at least twice each winter. A written record of this activity will be kept in the future. The fire extinguisher in the maintenance room will be inspected annually. The PHA is establishing an index card inventory of capital equipment. A check of this inventory will be made annually. Each tenant is responsible for keeping their designated lawn area clean and free of rubbish. In the past tenants have been warned, and if they do not comply, the PHA has the trash kicked up with the tenant being charged the break-even cost. . 1 Damaged wood screens have,been removed. All inoperative will be towed off as in the past. Barricades have been erected to prohibit vehicular traffic on lawn area. The drainage problem at Willow improved by CETA workers. The PHA has begun a cycle painting program of interior and exterior painting. One fifth of all units will be repainted each year, finances ' permitting. , Heights and Lewis Plaza have been Monthly inspections are made for evidence of pests. When pests are found the PHA sprays regardless of tenant wishes. 1 The Board and Staff of the Fayetteville Housing Authority will monitor activities to insure the suggestions of the evaluation team are initiate A and waintained. Thank you again for this most helpful visit. r C Kumpe Executive Director CK:pw • • . :r • • • • • • • • • • • HODGES VINES FOX CASTIN & ASSOCIATES PLANNERS/ENGINEERS/MANAGEMENT/ ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY CONSULTANTS PO BOK 7611 3426 OLD CANTRELL ROAD LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS 72217 501 684-6006 May 4, 1978 Mr. Chad Kumpe Fayetteville Housing Authority #1 North School Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Chad: Our survey of parking on the Square which was conducted on Tuesday April 25th. revealed the following results: Seventeen automobiles were parked on the Square longer than five hours during the day. Another seventeen vehicles were parked on the Square for a duration of three to five hours each. This indicated that the free parking spaces on the Square are being .utilized by downtown employees to a substantial extent. We are not acheiving adequate turn over of parking spaces, and the traffic con- gestion that exists is a direct result of this situation. It is our recommendation that parking on the Square be limited to one hour, and that the parking regulations be monitored on a regular basis by some jurisdiction. Parking studies conducted in the past have indicated a need for ample short term parking on the Square. This parking should be high turnover, and should not be utilized by persons having extended business in the downtown area. Persons who need to be downtown longer than one hour should be encouraged to 'park in the public lots. These lots are currently being under utilized, and will continue, to be so until we correct the situation on the Square. It is our understanding that the City intends to enforce a two hour maximum parking period on the Square in the future. Such enforcement will certainly improve the situation; however, as the construction begins on the Continuing Education Center and the new bank, we believe that two hour minimum.time period will not be adequate • • 4 Mr. Chad Kumpe May 4, 1978 Page Two • Please let me know if we can be of additional assistance to you relative to parking and traffic problems. In general I was very pleased with the appearance of the Square last week, and I believe the community will benefit for many years from this project. It has been a real pleasure working with you and the other people in Fayetteville who helped assure realization of the project. Best regards, HODGES VINES FX CASTIN & ASSOCIATES Ie c omas L. Ho g s, AIP TLH/mlb cc: Mr. Don Grimes • • 4 t • • ��s