HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978-02-15 - Minutes - Archive• • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 12:00 noon, Wednesday, February 15, 1978, in the office of the Authority, #1 North School Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas. The meeting was postponed from 8:30 a.m. because of weather. Mr. Underwood, Chairman, called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following were present: Commissioners Present: Gould, Morgan, Underwood Commissioners Absent: Taylor, Endress Others Present: Chad Kumpe, Bromo Wilson, Pat Warford, Pat Donat, Hugh Kincaid, Brenda Blagg There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: Mr. Underwood asked for nominations for the position of chairman of the Board The current terms expired January 21, 1978. Mr. Gould nominated Mrs. Judy Endress for the position of Chairman, nomination seconded by Mr. Morgan and carried unanimously. Mr. Gould then nominated Mr. Taylor for the position of Vice -Chairman, nomination seconded by Mr. Morgan and carried unanimously. ' • The Minutes of the December 21, 1977 Regular Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. -The;..DecemerainaneialaStatement'swasRapprnved;byzmot•ion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Morgan, aril carried unanimously. The Minutes of the January 18, 1978 Regular Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The January Financial Statement was approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 279 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, ESTABLISHING FAIR MARKET VALUES FOR ACQUISITION OF LAND - PROJECT ARK. R-105 Mr. Kumpe explained that this resolution will setvalues for the acquisition of four parcels of land to be eventually sold to the City for the Continuing Education building site. Mr. Kumpe explained these parcels are now occupied as follows: 15-C, Beebe's Jewelry; 15-D, Webb Shoe Store; 15-E, Rochier's Jewelry; 15-F, Gardenhire Jewelry. Parcels designated as 15-A and 15-B will • • - 2 be purchased directly by the City. After these four parcels are acquired, present tenants relocated, and the land cleared, the City of Fayetteville will then purchase the property. • • Mr. Underwood asked the reason for the Housing Authority purchasing only the four parcels and the;City purchasing'directly the remaining two. Mr. Kumpe explained that/there is only'sufficient Urban Renewal funds to handle these four parcels. • Mr. Gould pointed out that he may have a conflict of interest regarding some of this property. Mr. Underwood pointed out that the Board has always previously established fair market values at the highest appraised value, and therefore, if the Board followed this pattern in this case, there should be no problem. After further discussion, Resolution No. 279 establiting:marketwaiues of the previously mentioned parcels at the highest appraised value, was approved by motion of Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Gould, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 280 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, ESTABLISHING FAIR MARKET VALUES FOR DISPOSITION OF LAND - PROJECT ARK. R-105 Mr. Kumpe explained that this parcel designated as C-9 includes all four of the acquired parcels listed in the previous resolution. This resolution will establish a fair market value of this land as it will be sold to the City forthe building site of a Continuing Education facility. After discussion, Resolution No. 280 establishing the fair market value of parcel C-9 at the appraised value, was approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 281 RESOLUTION APPROVING NEW INCOME ADMISSION LIMITS FOR LOW INCOME PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT ARK. 97-1 Mr. Kumpe explained that HUD has recommended these new income admission limits to the Fayetteville Housing Authority. After discsussion, Resolution No. 281 was approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The Board then went into executive session. After the meeting was opened again, Mr. Underwood stated that the following resolution had been approved: RESOLUTION NO. 282 RESOLUTION APPROVING SALARY INCREASES Mr. Underwood stated this resolution approves a 6% cost of living raise for six Housing Authority employees as designated by Mr. Kumpe. • • - 3 There was a discussion of the status of the parcel of land on the south side of the Square, disposition parcel C-5. Mr. Kumpe explained that this parcel has been advertised for sale for six months and has not yet been sold. He explained that possibly this is because of the condition of the surrounding buildings or too high a price. He stated that it is possible that this parcel will not attract a retail buyer until the Square develops and the Continuing Education Center and Hilton Hotel are finished. Mr. Underwood asked what would be the status of this property should Urban Renewal phase out before it is sold. Mr. Kumpe explained that the property would revert to the City and would be the City's responsibility to sell it. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. • THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS r - r j -144 _SECRE sRY RESOLUTION a 1 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, ESTABLISHING FAIR MARKET VALUES FOR ACQUISITION OF LAND - PROJECT ARK. R-105 WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas is prepared to acquire certain properties in conjunction with the Center Square Urban Renewal Project, Ark. R-105; and, 0, WHEREAS, the Authority has secured at least two independent appraisals on said properties now being considered; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: 1. The attached schedule of values are hereby adopted. 2. The Director is hereby authorized and instructed to prepare and submit said values to the Department of Housing and Urban Development by Proclaimer Certificate. 3. That the above action is subject to the HUD approval of the Amendatory Loan and Grant Application. PASSED AND ATTEST,:=, _se ce APPROVED THIS % 5 -212 -DAY OF 1978. THE OUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY 1 FAYETTEVIL AR S %/ / / CHAIRMAN • r • • SCHEDULE OF ACQUISITION PARCELS AND VALUES FOR RESOLUTION NO. a 79 • MARKET PARCEL SQ.FT. FIRST APPRAISAL (DATE) SECOND APPRAISAL (DATE) VALUE 15-C 1,578.92 24,300 11/4/76 27,000 2/1/77 07 7, o o o 15-D 1,977.5 21,650 11/14/76 20,500 5/15/77 ./1 b S o 15-E '.2,555.84 46,000 11/4/76 I. 45,000 5/15/77 Wo/ 0 0 0 15-F •i, 2646 35,000 11/4/76 41,000 2/1/77 9/1 o 0 0 • PROCLAIMER CERTIFICATE RELATIVE TO ESTABLISHMENT OF FAIR MARKET VALUE FOR PROPERTY TO BE ACQUIRED CENTER SQUARE PROJECT ARK. R-105 I, Chad Kumpe, the duly appointed, qualified, and Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, herein called the "Local Public Agency", hereby certify that I have been authorized by Resolution No. 4l77, duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Local Public Agency, to make the following certification and that the statements containedherein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief: Each parcel, Center Square Urban Renewal Area, Project No. Ark. R-105 listed in the attachment to this proclaimer certificate has been appraised by at least two qualified, independent, professional real estate appraisors and a written and signed copy of each such appraisal is contained in the Local Public Agency files. Each such appraisal has been reviewed by Chad Kumpe, a qualified Local Public Agency, real estate advisor on the Local Public Agency staff, and all corrections, revisions, or additions requested by such reviewer have been made by the original appraisor. The reviewer has prepared a written report which indicates that the appraisals are complete and consistent in the factual data contained therein, comply with existing statutory and administrative, and are acceptable for the determination of fair market value. Based upon such appraisals and the review thereof, the Local Public Agency has established the fair market value for each parcel listed herein and all documentation related to such determination is contained in the Local Public Agency files. The latest budget amount allowable for real estate acquisition including amounts available in contingencies as approved by HUD on June 6, 1977, is not exceeded by the sum of the following: a. Cost of property previously acquired. b. Acquisition prices previously approved by HUD for properties not acquired. c. Fair market value determinations previously made by the LPA for properties not acquired but included in prior proclaimer certificates. - d. Fair market value determinations for properties included in the proclaimer being filed. e. The acquisition prices ofthe remaining properties to be acquired as those prices were estimated for the purpose of the above mentioned budget amount allowable for real estate acquisition. • LISTING OF PARCELS TO BE ACQUIRED PARCEL NUMBER 15-C 15-D 15-E 15-F AREA IN SQUARE FEET 1,578.92 1,977.5 2,555.84 2,646 { Any false statement made knowingly herein may subject the signer to civil penalties under Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code, and if such statements are made willfully and knowingly, to conviction for a felony under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code. Date Chad Kumpe Executive Director The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas • • LISTING OF PARCELS AND APPRAISALS PERTAINING TO PROCLAIMER CERTIFICATE PROCEDURES CENTER SQUARE PROJECT, ARK. R-1.05 Fair Market Parcel No. Sq. Ft. 1st Appraisal (Date) 2nd Appraisal (Date) Value 15-C 1,578.92 24,300 11/4/76 27,000 2/1/77 427/ 000 I 15-D 1,977.5 21,650 11/14/76 20,500 5/15/77 a i, 4450 15-E 2,555.84 46,000 11/4/76 45,000 5/15/77 X160 0 0 0 15-F 2,646 35,000 11/4/76 41,000 2/1/77 41/, 0 0 0 • • • • 2 azorn- #TTEST y • RESOLUTION NO. c2 d O . A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, ESTABLISHING FAIR MARKET VALUES FOR DISPOSITION OF LAND - PROJECT ARK. R-105 WHEREAS, the Housing Authority proposes to make available for development certain lands in the aforementioned project; and, WHEREAS, one re -use appraisal has been made of said land; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, THAT: 1. The attached listing of parcels and values are hereby established and adopted. 2. The Director is hereby authorized and instructed to prepare and submit said values to the Department of Housing and Urban Development by proclaimer certificate. 3. The Authority shall obtain from the City of Fayetteville a cooperation agreement which commits the City to purchase parcel C-9, at the established price, and redevelop the said parcel into a Continuing Education Center for the University of Arkansas. 4. That the above action is subject to the HUD approval of the Amendatory Loan and Grant Application. r� PASSED AND APPROVED THIS / DAY OF /Sida/fAP y , 1978. • • THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY 0'' FAYETTEVILLE, "K .SAS 4000001 1, i i • -'SECRETARY. IRMAN i L=1 • • Parcel C-9 SCHEDULE OF DISPOSITION TRACTS AND VALUE FOR RESOLUTION NO. (2,0 Sq. Ft. First Appraisal Market Value 8,758.26 "34,900 34,900 anal PROCLAIMER CERTIFICATE RELATIVE TO ESTABLISHMENT OF FAIR REUSE VALUE I, Chad Kumpe, the duly appointed, qualified, and acting Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, herein called the "Local Public Agency", herebycertify that I have been authorized, by Resolution No. a,0, duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Local. Public Agency at a regular meeting on web./ FEBRd4R ✓ is /978 as set forth in the minute book on file at the Housing Authority, to make the following certification and that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief: 1. Each parcel in the Center Square Urban Renewal Area, Project No. Ark. R-105 listed in this proclaimer certificate has been appraised by one qualified, independent, professional real estate appraiser and a written and signed copy of each such appraisal is contained in the Local Public Agency files. 2. Each such appraisal has been reviewed by Chad Kumpe, a qualified local Public Agency staff appraiser and all corrections, revisions, or additions requested by such reviews have been made by the original appraisers. 3. The reviewer has prepared a written report which indicates that the appraisals are complete and consistent in the factual data contained herein, comply with existing statutory and administrative requirements for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and are acceptable for the determination of fair value. 4. Based upon such appraisals and the review thereof, the Local Public Agency has established the fair value, for the reuse indicated, of the parcels listed below within the Center Square Urban Renewal Area and all documentation related to such determination is contained and readily available in the Local Public Agency files. 5. The sum of the following is not less than the amount included for disposition proceeds in the latest approved financing plan as approved by HUD on June 6, 1977. a. Sales,proceeds from the sale of property previously conveyed. b. Fair reuse values previously approved by HUD for properties not conveyed. c. Fair reuse values conveyed but included previously established by the LPA for property not in prior proclaimer certificates. d. Fair reuse values established by the LPA for property included in the proclaimer being filed. e. The disposition prices of the remaining properties to be conveyed as those prices were estimated for the purpose of the above mentioned approved financing plan. • LISTING OF PARCEL TO BE SOLD PARCEL NUMBER C-9 AREA IN SQUARE FEET 8,748.26 USE Public Use Any false statement made knowingly herein may 'subject the signer to civil penalties under Section 231 of Title 31 of the United States Code, and, if such statements are made willfully and knowingly, to conviction for a felony under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code. • a// s/ice Date Chad kYimpe/6( Executive Director Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas • • tEt RESOLUTION NO. e n/ RESOLUTION APPROVING NEW INCOME ADMISSION LIMITS FOR LOW INCOME PUBLIC HOUSING PROJECT ARK. 97-1 WHEREAS the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas has found and hereby determines that there is a need for a change in income limits from the limits adopted by Resolution No. 251 in November 17, 1976; and, • WHEREAS the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 has provided for such change in the Federal Register, Volume 41, No. 194, dated October 5, 1976; and WHEREAS such change was recommended by Notice 78-5 (HUD) dated 1/17/78; and, NOWWRTHEREEORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following Schedule of Income Limits be adopted: NUMBER OF PERSONS LIMITS IN NET INCOME AFTER EXEMPTIONS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 or more 7,200 8,250 9,300 10,300 10,950 11,600 12,250 12,900 No change is being made in the definition of net family income or in the policies relating to exemptions and deductions. Further, the exemption policy shall be so administered as to preclude the admission of any family not of low income within the meaning of Federal or applicable state laws. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS / �j DAY OF ers ,r-rA ': TEST 3Gor,3.e , 1978. THE .OUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY F FAYETTEVI • • ''SAS L,4/ CIRMAN SECRETARY/"' . < J1-t`YL/l_(-- HUD •bf•ficc: 110niccion Limits for Lox -Income. Housinz f•:m. d by PITA or Lc r•ed by PHA from Priv-ate • •- Com.:.._ lnclud.i.u,t cola,ly(i.,:s): n amber Present Schedule of of Income Liaits .Percent 'ersons (AuprovedJ 4 -Person Ca) • Section 8 of Income Limits (Approved (:/) Cu) ,lay f: Adou C^_4 :lith O1. Sunportine4 Docer eni:tion co+ of Sec. 8 90'Uo f S_ E 4 -Person 4 -Person • Incoa•e Limit Incom_ is Col. 4 $_Q/�O 1 SCC 70.00 • ?000 6c/Co 2°7 Do 2 ., QCy��") C i 3 ( :80.00 /aO; /22....5(9. ��D & �7 li/. - _90.00• • /6 _jrZso 900 5 // 5 C 0 106.25 __L�..c /. `C 7_ 7 750 6 fi(2r) . 112.50 /� /,'� C� . _ 0 _ /% /7 ./ 11875 / 600 t 7// ,_C, o{'0 40--S- 9nO.125.00 /yS/✓•LiC!j//9DD .1 (j / 3 Notes: Continued Occupancy- Limits and the 20% Lowest Private Re 10rDetermination Eliminated. Any loca.'-S.ty in their respective coup r more g�^� `� /� may adopt income Lz:nits based on the above criteria. Round to ^ nearest $50. Examples: 5,024=5,000; 5,025=5,050; 5,074=5,050; ,075-5,100. In areas of extre!cely low radian fa.Jnily income, Eh.; can approve income lir:its, f person ca-ily which is 61 percent of the South (West fo!) r:i) Ccsus Region Hediicn Family 'come of $ or $ . ' for 4 -person family. In no event ;:ill the income limit for ven family :ice below or above that of a 4 -person family be feet ns.the resulof - I ,,,,y_• .,, ,7 rt.aced from that currently in "•7'1!):'1'L� li�rtnTn »'- "fl 4 .-w • • • a emanawowm • • • • • r • r •• • • :::I ;A: HUD 61fice: J j //j miasion Limits for Lo':; -Income Housing t.iail ,i Ilrcludi.u,: counly(i.,:n ): P4 Dice (1) ':tater of 'crsons Present Schedule of Income Limits (Approved]/- Cs) • • byPHA or Leased by PHA from Private C ;gar Section 8 Income Limits (Approved ) Cr) May Be Adopted Witao•1t Sunportinz Documentation CO % of Sec. 8 90'1io Sec. • 4 -Person 4 -Person • Inco.::: Limit Incomei'lr. Col. 4 $Q/60 eolc/4405 70.00 FOOD 6e/00 -.2a-7 Do Percent of 4. Person 2 _, 760 3 (o /Aro . 5 � •," C 0 6 . f6 00 ,- 90 10 r u.ore • .P ?CO • _90.00 100.00 Q 0 /g ZOO „z6-0 l// //SO( --1750 . ).05.25 L_Z,_ /J (7 _! 7/30 112.50 / 14300 118 75 / 600 • /D 9O/O 125.00 IV/ -3c/° / 7 , SCS.. 93 o0 L2 900 Notes: Continued Occupancy- Limits and the 20% Loacst.Private Re Determination Eliminated. Any loca.'.i.ty in their respective co._, may adopt income Limits based on the above criteria. Round to nearest $50.. Examples: 5,024=5,000; 5,025=5,050; 5,074=5,050; ,075-5,100. In areas of extremely low median faniiy income, lily, can approve income limits f -person ftcily which is 61 percent of the South (West for Ed) Cc.,sus Region Median Family :come of $ , or $ . . for 4 -person firiily In no event ..:ill the incor en lim_a for a.. 'ven family size below Or above that of a 4 -person family be reduced Pe l ed from that currently in 'feet as.the result of __ootrn ncoms yl.,lt hur•:ca:1t to UCD ;R,..<_ of 1974. oli ` b f rPf - In C. an 5 (Subiect to HUD A c ,' u Lion .i a�/ ; dated aeS/7 /If Admission limits f tA Executive Director-,__ 1 pproval) ember of zrsons 1 2 3 r 6 • 7 8 rorril • i Recommended by FUD for Adoption (Based on 80-90% of Sec. 8 or Census R^oion IIFI) $ ,200 was .300 • /e9) 200 0 9so • D Act of 1974 r-eouires thnt at 1.^e -t 20 a"Gn: t of ACC in- =11 dwelling units in.. any project nc`•� any fiscal year after August 22, 1974, b shelle o-cu?icd by very low-income :cl llej (50;• Of median income of arca for 4-perzon farm y--ea.n:1s:. n modified. ., di'_n family 1. 5 mo..ifi�c . i,.a 1 _ I 1nGo .:2 for Cpunty/Si:J:i 1s S Admission Lit:its (to be completed by PITA) Q‘/,() .. 9, 152 1J /0/ 5:2") /), //, ao0 J-4;3) 9jo( (10) • Very Lowly Income-- 1/47-50 ncome- 1/42s0 • 4650 Sam 5200 x.50 (: 0 0 '76E)0 P?t'37a 1 .i3 civ'an on the s to achieve p?lieajle sta ccndition that the definition or adr..issio:r Income shall ba c and maintain the low-income character of the project of Feeral` to law. J in the meaning Federal • App .ed by HUD: Name: current n'-: arad by EI.n. Date: • • rove A.: r .Cent:` t l.: r is a An -.r•,: l:. for karst re 7it1_. Date: - Colu:.-. • RESOLUTION NO. 282 RESOLUTION APPROVING SALARY INCREASES WHEREAS the approved budget for the coming year of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville allows for salary increases for certain personnel: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE that the salary increases listed below are approved, effective date January 1, 1978. PERSONNEL SALARY SCHEDULE * Name Position From To Chad Kumpe Brom Wilson Delbert Allen. Pat Warford -Coretta Edwards Lorene Lejeune Executive Director $20,500 $21,730 Assistant Executive Director 15,200 16,112 Rehabilitation Officer 11,350 12,031 Administrative Assistant 7,800 8,268 Tenant Supervisor 6;600 6,996 Relocation Officer 3.75/hr 3.98/hr * 6% Cost of Living Increase PASSED AND APPROVED THIS _ 15 DAY OF February , 1978. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS