HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-08-17 - Minutes - Archive• MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY • OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:30 o'clock a.m., Wednesday, August 17, 1977, in the office of the Authority, #1 North School, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Underwood, Chairman, called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following were present: Commissioners Present: Morgan, Endress, Underwood, Gould Commissioners Absent: Taylor Others Present: Chad Kumpe, Bromo Wilson, Delbert Allen, Pat Warford, Pat Donat, Donna Whitaker, Tom Hodges, Linda Welch, Ronald Bumpass, Elizabeth Reagen, Skip Holland, Wilbur Watson, Paul Lewis, John Lewis, Tom Holt,, Dale Clark, Channel 5 News There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: • The Minutes of the July 20, 1977 Regular Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. • • The July Financial Statement was approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mrs. Endress, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 269 RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO ARKANSAS CHAPTER NAHRO ANNUAL FALL WORKSHOP, SEPTEMBER 21-23, 1977, AT DEGRAY LODGE, ARKANSAS • Mr. Kumpe explained that this resolution will approve travel for himself, Mr. Bromo Wilson and Pat`Warford to the Annual Fall Workshop of NAHRO. After discussion, Resolution No. 269 was approved by motion of Mrs. Endress, seconded by Mr. Gould, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 270 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT PLAN After explanation by Mr. Wilson and Mr. Gould, Resolution No. 270 was approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mrs. Endress, and carried unanimously. • • • • • • - 2 Mr. Kumpe asked Mr. Tom Hodges to present the proposed change to the Center Square plans. Mr. Hodges stated that after meeting with the Park's Commission, City Administrators, and a group of downtown merchants it was decided that a change in the Center Square plans could be more pleasing to each of these groups involved in the downtown area. Mr. John Lewis of First National Bank, in meeting with the downtown merchants group, volunteered the services of his firm's architect, Mr. Tom Holt, to work with Mr. Hodges in planning this proposed change. Mr. John Lewis stated that in the meeting with the downtown merchants the main idea for considering this plan change was to determine the end result of the Square work and what the Square will look like in the years to come. Mr. Hodges stated that after meeting with Mr. Tom Polk, he feels they have come up with some plan changes which both agree are positive changes.which will not affect the contractor now working on the Square as far as underground utility work, etc. Mr. Hodges, showing an architect's rendering of his plan, pointed out that this plan change would be saving a few parking spaces and some money. The plan changes include replacing the ornamental lightsoon the outside perimeter of the Square with trees and moving the ornamental lighting, which would mean fewer lights, to the inside perimeter of the Old Post Office building. Mr. Hodges also pointed that it has been discussed that brick paving be used in the Square instead of washed aggregate. Hodges pointed out that this could cost from $25-40 thousand, depending upon where and how much paving is used, and that there are no urban renewal funds available for this. Mr. Tom Polk then discussed his concept of the proposed Square plan change. Mr. Polk stated that he feels trees would add to the Square being a focal point, and also a more simple approach to the landscaping of the Square. Mr. Polk also stated that he feels the brick paving would add to the warm feeling and basic theme of the Square. Mr. Polk feels that by eliminating the planters around the Square and substituting curb level planters that money could be saved which would be used toward brick pavers. - Mr. Hodges pointed out that if the plan is changed to eliminate the planters and change the curbs as Mr. Polk suggests, there would be engineering costs which would almost balance out the money saved by these eliminations. Mr. Hodges suggested proceeding with plan changes that can be agreed upon with changing the cost, and can go ahead with brick pavers if source of funds is found. Mr. Kumpe and Mrs.Skip Holland, chairman of the City Parks and Recreation Board, discussed the problem of continuing maintenance of the Square. Mr. Holland pointed out that it is a concern of City officials that there are no City funds available for maintenance of the plants and trees,etc. Mrs. Endress and Mrs. Welch pointed out that perhaps civic clubs and Square businessmen around the Square would support efforts to maintain the area. Mr. Paul Lewis stated that Downtown Fayetteville Unlimited, Inc., could possibly handle the maintenance of the trees. - • 3 Mr. Hodges pointed out that the Board will need to make a decision on what changes are to be made at this meeting so the engineering plans can be changed accordingly. Mr. Hodges also pointed out that if it was decided that brick paving should be included in the plan change and since paving is one of the final steps, can hold off on whether to use concrete or brick to see if funds will be available for the brick. After considerable discussion, Mr. Underwood asked the Board for a decision. Mrs. Endress made a motion tovapprove Mr. Tom Hodges' proposed plan change with the addition of rounding the southeast corner more than the plan shows. Motion was seconded by Mr. Gould and carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. TIE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE ,dITY OF FAYE 'E ILLS, '''KANSAS • • • ise • • • • RESOLUTION NO. 269 RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO ARKANSAS CHAPTER NAHRO ANNUAL FALL WORKSHOP, SEPTEMBER 21-23, 1977, AT DEGRAY LODGE, ARKANSAS WHEREAS, the Arkansas Chapter of NAHRO Annual Fall Workshop has been set for September 21-23, 1977, at DeGray Lodge, near Arkadelphia, Arkansas; and, WHEREAS, the agenda for this meeting will include programs and workshops concerning Section 8 and Regular Housing programs; and, WHEREAS this program will be very informative and helpful in the management of the Fayetteville Housing Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, that travel expenses for personnel designated by the Executive Director be paid to this meeting in accordance with the Agency's travel policy. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 17 DAY OF August ATTEST:` , 1977. THE HO INC:AUTHORITY OF THE CITY'd FAYE EVILLE, A 0011' • '"----ww-r`SECRETARY • • • RESOLUTION NO. 270 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AMENDMENT TO THE HOUSING AUTHORITY. OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE EMPLOYEE'S RETIREMENT PLAN RESOLVED, that the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville Employee's Retirement Plan be amended in the manner set out in the Amendment attached hereto and made a part of this resolution. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Executive Director of this Agency be authorized in its behalf to execute the amendment together with any and all other instruments of any kind or character and to take such further action as may be necessary to so amend said plan. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS a Y4�` q4.44 l' r /^ '�-- [moi A j, • ' E r . 'ATTEST: i r -a. r 17 DAY OF August , 1977. THE OUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVI AR S : , d, HAIRMAN • • • • • AMENDMENT TO THE • HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT PLAN WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville , desires in conformity with the resolution of its Commissioners to amend the trust agreement evidencing the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville Employees Retirement Plan to the extent and, in the manner hereinafter set out: NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises, the said Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville , acting herein through its Executive Director duly authorized and pursuant to the authority conferred upon him by the aforesaid resolution does hereby amend said plan in the following particulars: With regard to any limitation year ending after December 31, 1975, in no event shall a Participant's annual Past Service benefit exceed the -lesser of $80,475 of 100% of such Participant's highest average annual compensation for his high 3 consecutive years of service. 1 With respect to a Participant who will have less than 10 years of service with Employer, the above limitation shall be reduced by multiplying such limitation by a fraction the numerator of which is the number of years (or.parts thereof) of such Participant's service with Employer, and the denominator of which is 10. With respect to the Future Service contributions, the annual addition for a Participant in any limitation year ending after December 31, 1975, shall not exceed the lesser of (a) $26,825, adjusted for each year to take into account any cost -of -living increase adjustments provided for that year under Internal Revenue Service Regulations; or (b) 25% of the Participant's compensation for such calendar year. For this purpose, "annual addition" means the sum of (a),Employer contributions and (b) the lesser of (1) the amount of the Participant's contributions in excess of 6% of his compensation, or (2) one-half of the Participant's contri- butions. "Limitation Year" shall Employer, or if no such year. • mean the 12 -consecutive month -period adopted by period is adopted by -Employer, shall,mean the calendar With respect to any Participant, the sum of (1) the ratio of the Past Service benefit under this Plan to the maximum allowable defined benefit permitted under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate relating to defined benefit and defined contribution plans maintained by the • Page 2 same Employer , and (2) the ratio of the Future Service contributions under this plan to the maximum allowable contributions permitted under such regula- tions, shall not exceed 1.4. In the event that the sum of such ratios exceeds 1.4 during the limitation year, the Future Service contribution contemplated to be made hereunder by Employer shall be reduced so that the sum of such ratios will equal 1.4. The effective date of this amendment is August 17 . 19 77 4 EXECUTED by the Employer on this the 17 day of August 19 77 4.41 a � 1 ATTEST: cS e • 'li' . • • • SECRETARY 1� • HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE4ILLE, ARKANSAS EgLOYER ; j 4 j r!/ L'EXECUTIVE`DIRE OR CHAD KUMPE • • •