HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-09-15 - Minutes - Archive• MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:30 o'clock a.m., Wednesday, September 15, 1976, in the office of the Authority, #1 North School Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Gould, Chairman, called the meeting to order. Upon roll call, the following members were present: Commissioners: Gould, Clinton, Taylor, Underwood, Morgan Commissioners Absent: None Others Present: Chad Kumpe, Bromo Wilson, Delbert Allen, Pat Warford, Pat Donat, Louis Frye, Doris Miltin, Hugh Kincaid There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: • The Minutes of the August 18, 1976 Regular Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Clinton, seconded by Mr. Taylor, and carried unanimously. • The Minutes of the September 3, 1976 Special Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The August Financial Statement was approved by motion of Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Clinton, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 239 RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO C.C.A.C.-I.D.E.A. CONFERENCE FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR After discussion, Resolution No. 239 was approved by motion of Mr. Clinton, seconded by Mr. Taylor, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 240 RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO NAHRO ANNUAL FALL WORKSHOP FOR ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR After discussion, Resolution No. 240 was approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. • • • 2 RESOLUTION NO. 241 RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT RENTS Bromo Wilson explained that this a routine procedure before the end of the fiscal year to charge off all delinquent rents. After discussion, Resolution No. 241 was approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Taylor, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 242 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY REVISED BUDGET #1 TO HUD After explanation by Mr. Wilson, and discussion, Resolution No. 242 was approved by motion of Mr. Clinton, seconded by Mr. Underwood, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 243 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PROPOSAL OF THE AWARD TO THE LOW BIDDER SUBJECT TO HUD APPROVAL AND PROVISION FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT UPON HUD APPROVAL FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF INTERNAL PRESSURE VESSEL OF BOILER, HI -RISE BUILDING After discussion, Resolution No. 243 was approved by motion of Mr. Clinton, seconded by Mr. Underwood, and carried_unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 244 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PROPOSAL OF THE AWARD TO THE LOW BIDDER SUBJECT TO HUD APPROVAL AND PROVISION FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT UPON HUD APPROVAL FOR THE WATERPROOFING OF EAST AND WEST BRICK WALLS OF HI -RISE APARTMENTS, HILLCREST TOWERS, ARK. 97-1 After discussion, Resolution No. 244 was approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Clinton, and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION NO. 245 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT WITH HECKATHORN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR BREEZEWAY ENCLOSURE HILLCREST TOWERS, ARK. 97-1 Mr. Kumpe explained that this construction will be done with funds from the Community Development Agency. The Housing Authority Agency will act as the Contracting Agent for this construction. After discussion, Resolution No. 245 was approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. • • • 3 RESOLUTION NO. 246 RESOLUTION REJECTING ALL BIDS RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO COMMUNITY BUILDINGS (LEWIS PLAZA AND WILLOW HEIGHTS) ARK. 97-1 AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATES. Mr. Kumpe and Mr. Allen explained that all bids received for this construction were above the approved Modernization Program budget. This resolution formally rejects all bids received and authorizes the Housing Authority Director to seek deductive alternates. After discussion, Resolution No. 246 was approved by motion of Mr. Clinton, seconded by Mr. Underwood, and carried unanimously. Mr. Kumpe requested an Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. Following the Executive Session, the meeting was adjourned. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN ,S Ldratk • • • RESOLUTION NO. a 3 9 RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO C.C.A.C.-I.D.E.A. CONFERENCE FOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WHEREAS, the International Downtown Executives Association Conference will be in Chicago, Illinois, September 19-22, 1976; and, WHEREAS, this instruction to those downtown areas; and, conference is designed to provide intensive who are involved in the revitalization of WHEREAS, the conference will be very informative and helpful in the Fayetteville Urban Renewal project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, that travel expenses for the Executive Director be paid to this meeting in accordance with the agency's travel policy. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /5 DAY OF SEPY. , 1976. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN • • • RESOLUTION NO. -2190 RESOLUTION APPROVING TRAVEL TO NAHRO ANNUAL FALL WORKSHOP FOR ASSISTANT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WHEREAS the 1976 Annual Fall Workshop of the Arkansas Chapter of NAHRO will be held in Arkadelphia, Arkansas,.September 22-24, 1976; and, WHEREAS this meeting will include a program including discussions of housing problems, new housing regulations, and Arkansas Chapter business; and, WHEREAS this program will be informative and helpful in the Fayetteville housing program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, that travel expenses for the Assistant Executive Director be paid to this meeting in accordance with the agency's travel policy. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /5 DAY OF SEPT , 1976. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN • • • RESOLUTION NO. 2'-// RESOLUTION TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT RENTS A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas authorizing the charge off of delinquent rents of certain former tenants in the ARK. 97-1 Project for period of October 1, 1975 to September 30, 1976. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Accounting Handbook RHM 7510.0, Chapter 3, Section 13, certain past due accounts in the ARK. 97-1 Low Rent Housing Project are considered uncollectable and all means of collections have been exhausted, and there is no reasonable prospect of collection of such delinquent rents and that the probable cost of further efforts to collect said rents would not be warranted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, THAT: The rents in the amounts designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheet are hereby authorized to be charged off. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /5 DAY OF SEPT• THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN 1976. • • • ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. 0210 PREVIOUS APARTMENT NO. NAME AMOUNT 2-B Janis Nemec $ 43.24 4-B Royce Rogers 275.05 15-A Helen Elliott 36.05 15-B Virginia Dobbs 106.98 17-B Mike Gibson 99.96 17-B Scotty Rogers 211.68 20-C Barbara Cain 3.87 24-D Judy Mahone 25.68 25-D Sue Freeman 1.82 26-B Laverne Levy 17.33 27-A Roger Johnson 104.26 27-C Robert Wright 42.59 27-C Dianna Lawson 8.00 28-B Laura Shipman 2.16 29-C Gary Smith 31.44 2-A Bernadine Grogan 25.42 11-D Jerome Malveaux 105.73 TOTAL $1,141.26 we • • RESOLUTION NO. ‘P/01, RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY REVISED BUDGET #1 TO HUD RESOLVED, that the proposed expenditures referred in the Revised Budget #1 for the Fayetteville Housing Authority ending September 30, 1976, are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the Housing Authority for the purpose of serving low-income families; RESOLVED, that proposed expenditures are necessary in the efficient and economical operation of the housing for the purpose of serving low-income families, that the financial plan is reasonable in that it indicates a source of funding adequate to cover all proposed expenditures, that all proposed changes and expenditures will be consistent with provisions of law and the Annual Contributions Contract; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of the Fayetteville Housing Authority adopt the proposed budget as attached. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ATTEST: (1 15 DAY OF SEPT. , 1976. SECRETARY/ THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN • H„C -52564 Jer uary 1972 OMB No. 63-R0809 Form Approved • Pcge 1 of 2 U 5. DE PART ENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT LOo-RENT HOUSING PROGRAM OPERATING BUDGET Fo. Fis al 'leo, F^! n; NAME Jr 1. September 30 19 76 .-4 .. ^.A. XX. REVISION NO. 1 TN. PE OF ILD -ASSISTED PROJECT(S1 LHA-Owned Rental Housing LHA-LeasedHaus t ng•Section 23 or 10(c) LHP -ironed-Homeownership LHA-! eon •d - H..reownership LHA - Ccn. eyed Pro ort-AdminuNohon Contract HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE LOC 4 ti' .. N1 North School Avenue Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 FA'LE[ r NV NO. Or C. HUD A414 iI UC NEu.ONAL OFFICE: Little Rock, Arkansas Dallas, Texas LINE NO. 200 FW 1380 ARK. 97-1 NC. OF UNIT MONTHS OF A ).• ILA BIL IT Y: 2400 ACTUALS ESTiMATL;,i. h'EOUESTED BUDGET ESTIMATES LAST OR FISCAL YEAR 19 74 A C. TLA LS CURLENT BULOET YEAR 19 75 F.ST i.+4 TES r A MCUYT iI HUD MODIFICATIONS 1 FUM u M F r. -r,Ye Ire.' SI 0-4 PUM r1ontr e•s . ,. n .. f-;,.-e^rs Fa• 001 T., . . v.. 121 3 5) -r r AMOUNT (To Nonni 9.10 161 (7) 0^ a --fir Ora~ _ . u. 1. e n• •_ rc Reser Pe 1 1 __ _____r- 4. C• :i -.-r . E ,.. +.w. nSum of Linea 001. 002, & 0032 i 40•1 l5E.... nl great -[.en Amount cv 1 la .1 ', i -a men. Il anbo) II I - i r 0;0 r ..e 37.33 38.50 40.00 96,0001 2-0 c' a.. E • t, • •1 52 ' 1 54 2.10 5,07+0 4 030 F a ... ....• I Lt .. oar « b▪ •- `38. 85 40.04' 42.10 101,6-401_ CSO a ,,r , • .e . r v•a In.e.?mems .82 .80 1.60 30404, no (.p.% 1.07 .55 .75 11800 I' , - s .r. 6L EIPT' EXCLUDING HUD CONTRIB. 40.74 41 .39;' 44.4;.106,680 1 C Nil-, r I1 0 ;D • f, 11 • 2 1- 6.71 6.90 6.92 16,620:' .e^ses O'^e. Than Solones I 1.118 1.50' 2.30 5,520 •pense, - 7.89 8.40; 9.22 22,140 cc• C': anis d Oahe• Services nd 0.6er i cnscs n, ▪ •," C: =RA T ICN 1 16.11 17.50 23.05 55,320 16.11 17.-50., 23.05 55,320 r ' 7.70 - 7.41 1.47 2.13.. 3.67 6.99' nee and Operation Expenses 12.81+ 16.53' 2.95 7,080 3.65 8.,76o 13.60 32,640 20.20 48,4804 4.304 5.06" 5.61 13,460 Se vi- s E.penses inJ.. (1 ,.e, -..r i _ , -nn L•enef.l Loan !-...Lens ,I'. a[n L^•se, 1 ` 1 o.,e. Ctaeral E xpe^,es fu•nl General E,t,ens,s 1600 •.)T••. ROUTINE E>PENSES 48.07 54.65' 64.01 153,630 •� - 'Pt n"7,•L-oa-rrr--p-ze .titvwectnxr_ TPP Y 6-15° 28-:97- 6_153o 690 TOT A.:PERATINGEXPENSES 48.071 (0.8Q1 92,98,223 160 -- - - _ •09I •25' .l0 240 1 -+.30 5.06' 5.61 13,466 + 2.i0 1.50 1.53 3,670. 2.27 2.29 2.19 5,2601 2.19 2.501: 2.00 4,800 . 37T .87„ .21 500 -1.93; 7.16. 5.93 142230' 710 720 730 740 790 z 0 cc z z z z N014PCLttt$ EXPEND. tURES: Extraord nory Maintenance Replacement of Equipment Betterments and Additions Other Nonroutine Expenditures TOTAL NONROUTINE EXPENDITURES 1 4-1 . 09 .25- .19 240 MUD -52564 5-564 1: .4•44 1972 Page 2 of 2 E.5. rEFMR'VLN I Js Mt2JS1t43 AND URBAN OEVELOPMENT is^.-RENT I+Ot.SIN(, PROGRAM OPERATING BUDGET For -iso I ren. 1-^1 ,g September 30 19_76 H - N..l XxR! V SION NO. 1 C ON'NAC' ..n. NAME OF LOCA; A.l-HOR.TY' HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE LOCA LT. FW 1380 N1 N. School Avenue Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 ACTUALSESTMAIms, R. CUESTE5 BUDGET ESTIMATES LAST Oq hQgIE CT O. FISCAL ACT4/A, t. I SEAR CURREN,i ‘.HA ca-i.MATES ARK 4711 BUDGET TYPE GE 4-4-A55p-A55 • ' Pr.r'IEr' S YEAR . HA•Onnes.Rt.•. L. s I XX . HA -Loused -Homeownership 19 74 1y 75 I 4.•...•+T , F4.Leosed .e.• n 2, •L1'4.Gnnv<Ye.) Prole cr PUPA PLM °t.M 5,1A.J.ee..H,•.e..-•.- . i. Aonin.vmhon Con,ruc; L - .INE NO.1 HUD MODIFICATIONS s Ven•ettJ fol u 21 i31T 'SI —6 161 AMOUNT (ToN 510- 171 B1. 823 RiC ' If E. :- P •c, le_ As .errs )'h. Deduct m• Tclol CIhe; Espon t.rures (2.161 69; T;lA C -LR: N:ESPENTiTURFS 48,1-61_ 58.89P98.081 223,4001 et i US BEFGRE HUD CONTRIBU• c,5i T, '•. PF • )v'N isPFYAsiNG RESERVE: (7.42) (17.50) (48.63) (i 16,720 101 act . A. .. :or• tunas .eased Prosect) I 1 l - -._. __. 4- 4 -u - its IAL RE -LIP -S PCIt ',.EriC1T) BEFORE OTHER HUD CON• fa 1. - : N. AN. PR. +I`IOr. FOR OPERATING RESERvE. 940 9;C (7.42)(17.50)(48.63)(116,720 s M _ •5• -P415._•713145 • - _ _- 1 U.68+11.74.4 12.7Q; 30,696 Special Uti1ity_Subsidy 1.85 Target Project Program Subsidy `33.331, 1.67 4,000- , a: n•e• H,.) Cont•i;ut.ans 13.68;46.92 " 14.46: 34,696 " R., n.nl ;e.• a's Jef c ,; before Reserve 6.261 29.42 434_17) (82,024) Pie...- Ir ReSe•ve ; 6 26-29.42 ,(34.17) (82,024), Re. • _ +e51‘•1••3 CP Li, t• .re. JA•.EJ R;NI OPERATING RESERVES FOR A CONTRACT OR PROJECT Part 1 — Maximum Operating Reserve - End of Current Budget Year L HOUSING •e op10 =o'a-n 5 - Form !IUD -52564 for u 'onfracr - SE ION 2u OP :•.,C-_. t ne 6JG mn 5 —Form HUD -52564 Imo Pro,ccl . _«N'.,, C•. l C. -SED HOUSING • HOME0et1ERSHIP •-e 60r. =olumn 5- EOM, HUD -52564 for a "r a)er' • o' a 004 Column 5- Form FWD -52564 f -r c Pro 0 • ..n of L rs 03 and Cal -.. Part 11 — Provision for and Estimated or Arta•.' Operating Reserves at Year End 'e• .o . rc .1 ?•woos F isc.I leaf - Actual Pita. c.,n fa nese,.e .- Current B..dget Year - Estimated or Actual .o cl or•en• Budget Year - Estimated or Actual 09 o. t ,-t io- Reser.e -• Requested Budget Yeor- Estimated 10 I Re....r .n End of Reuusstad Budge: Year - Estimated LHA APPRO.'A.. Chad Kumpe, Executive Director (Sam. end Title; T 66,330 Regular $ 26,309 Rego -lar 111,164 - TPP 74,960 Regular 36,493 TPP 7 ,9 0 Regular (16,494) TPP 65,530 Regular 19,999 TPP 9, 30 AREA OFFICE APPROVAL (Name and Title) 9/15/76 (Date) (Srtnnrurel (Date) 1111 NARRATIVE IN SUPPORT OF REVISED BUDGET #1, DATE ENDING 9/30/76, FOR FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, ARK. 97-1 • • • INCREASE ORIGINAL . (DECREASE) PROPOSED REVISION RECEIPTS Line 10 Dwelling Rentals 100,800 (4,800) 96,000 20 Excess Utilities 3,600 1,440 5,040 50 Interest on Investments 1,920 1,920 3,840 60 Other Operating Receipts 1,320 480 1,800 (Revised to present receipts) Total Receipts 107,640 (960) 106,680 EXPENDITURES Line 120 Sundry Administration 5,420 100 5,520 (Increase due to inflation.) Line 320 Utilities 43,920 Water Increase 1,850 Electricity " 1,750 Gas " 7,650 Sewer " 150 I10 (Increase due to rate change and consumption.) 11,400 55,320 Line 410 Maintenance Labor 7,010 70 7,080 420 Maintenance Materials 5,100 3,660 8,760 430 Maintenance Contract Costs 25,560 7,080 32,640 (Increase due to following reasons:) 1. Major repair to old boiler until new boiler installed. 2. Major repair to incinerator. Repair had to be made from firm in Texas rather than local. 3. Major expenditures in connection with TPP program to accomplish deferred maintenance. 4. Inflation factors on all costs. Line 510 Insurance 3,040 630 3,670 (Increase due to under -estimates.) Line 520 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 6,020 (760) 5,260 (Decrease due to less receipts and increase of utilities.) Line 540 Employees Benefit Contributions 6,010 (1,210) 4,800 (Decrease due to over-estimates.) Line 610 Target Project Program 52,410 17,120 69,530 (Increase due to under -estimate of costs and increase activity on original time schedule.) Line 710 Extraordinary Maintenance 1,200 (960) 240 (Decrease due to some work scheduled under this item being accomplished by TPP.) Line 730 Betterments & Additions 13,450(13,450) - 0 (Line item to be funded through MOD funds - reworking old boiler.) Total Expenditures Having Revisions 169,140 Line 950 Target Project Program Subsidy (To reflect additional subsidy approved for TPP) - 0 - 23,680 192,820 4,000 4,000 • • '4 C -52564 ary 1972 • Form Approved OMB No. 63-R0809 Pag• 1 of 2 - - NAME u u FAie ArN; OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT :`h --RENT HOUSING PROGRAM OPERATING BUDGET September 30 19 76 XX NEVISION NO. 1 HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE (C4t. r. #I North School Avenue Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 NUI A•tf • PE OF -IUD-ASSISTED PROJECT(S): LHA-Owned Rental Housing LHA--Lensed Housing -Section 23 or 10(c) LHA -r. Mned-Homeov nershlp eosrd- `1 ,meo•.rership Lcnveyed Pro,e-_t-Adminlstratlon Contract ' LHA- TCC,• R.. k •JNAL. OFFICE: Little Rock, Arkansas Dallas, Texas Nf N. (540- 0•)(1 040-_0,(1 • '< - 710 720 730 740 790 ., '91 T • (. !ACTUALS LAST C;R 290 FISCAL ACT,;A;_5 I YEAR !CUF.kENT :BUDGET._ \-EAn '19 74 PUM 2 9 75 •,r ••t� i-: Prts FO• -e PAserve ••r •�'•='.Ir'•• o1 Lines ;101. 002, & 003) t?rco. -- . en A•r,ount i1men•s t'_cnt-o) t FW 1380 L1 L ARK. 97-1 ---1.71;-. OF UNIT MONTHS OF A: AWABILITY: 2400 .. FQU(STEG dUOGET ESTIMATES -tA EST 37.33. 38.50 40.00 1.52. 1 .54.• 2.10 ? 38.85 ' 40.04- 42 . ! a -- ,. ,trnents �r Le.G•s •V I,PT, EX LUCING HUD CONTRIB. 4-40.74' 41.39.. 44.44 .82 .8o 1.60 1.07 .55 .75 : e• sec Orher_Than Salaries L tpenses taATES +IHUO MODIFICATIONS AMCT '1 $!Oj', PUM 5) it (61 AMOUNT (ToNaare•t vo, (7) -1r Ij 96,000i 5,040 101,0+0 31_840 1,800 } __106, 680 6.71 6.90 6.92 16,620 1.18* 1.50 2.30 _ 5,520 T-7.89. 8.4o. 9.22 222140 • <r•. CRS r• r • _: ses ATION: ricer and Operation Expenses -- -- . • •' •_ ., • . 1" : :Cner.)l ue-cel <OuTINE : .- •s 16. 1 17.50 16- .11 , 17.50 23.05 23.05 7.70 7.41 2.15 1.47 2.13 3.65 3.6.7, 6.99. 13.60 12.84 16.53 20.20 -! 4.30_ 5.06 E • 1 4.30 r 2.10 1.50 1.53 ' 2.27 2.29 2.19 r 2.13_ 2.50 ' •37 .37 L.93. 7.16 wmrlr--r-.•-;-Owettrrn TPP IO;A;_ CPERATtNG EXPENSES iNONI?ut. '" EXPEI-n;TURES: Extroord nary Mointenonce Replocement o1 Equipment 55,320 55,320 7,080 8,760. 32,640 48,48o !3,460 13,460 3,67.0 5,260 • r • t 4- 2.'.I'0 4-,800 -- -- -- 500, 5.93 14,2307 48.07 54.65 64.01 _ 15630 i 6.15' 28.97 -69,53o 48. QZI 60.89:. 92,98 Z2 .,_-16Q .09 .25H .10 2404 ♦ . Betterments and Additions Other Nonroutine Expenditures TOTAL- NONROUTINE EXPENDITURES 9 r • t .25h • 14) ✓ 20 HUD -52564 4 • • • . .- „ ; ^;_c • . • '. )1 r1C,LSIN" AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT C- •, - .t 4 Page 2 of 2 -'! NT •,OI.SINC, PROGRAM OPERATING BUDGET , rSeptember_30 19 76 7 XX XXP`_ti 540N NO. 1 a +• • NE NC. FW 1380 ARK 9]-1 XX • F NAMMF Or LCCA'. A ..4, c. r HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILL LOCA,. 1 HA-Leused•Momeownership ,_0 a•Conve fe.+. Prosect Aon tnE st.ctenn rentr.ct ACTUALS LEST SMA LAST FISCAL_ IACT'j. `r EAR ICURRe.. • 1 YEAR 19 74 1y 75 PUM PLM N. School Avenue Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Cr to A s p2�1 . he :-'ed_c h, T ,. ^r. e. c.a ren { tares • • r, a .f • tf. ,aL G Th �. 'kr; £t,PEr+ !TURES ;ET ESTIMATES 1; HL,O MODIFICATIONS 1 AMOUNT •rf: _ PUM (ToNeerest$10 _ 9' 461 48A6 58.89 98.08. _221 400 BEFCRE HOD CONTRIBU- .'PF'..T'NG RESERVE: _e,;sed f ,ect) LIP": 'k . Er,CIT) BEFORE OTHER HUD CON. ION FOR OPERATING RESERvE. (7.42) (17.50) (48.63) (1 16, 720 .` R,6..110NS 1. 171 (7.1i2)_(17.50)_(48.63) (1 16,720) "4 -b -'v Special Utility Subsidy Target Project Program Subsidy ,e• 13.68' 11,74 12.79 30,696 Ir 1.85.1 33.33 1.67 4, 006 ' 0, l,:;:: cn•.':;ut,ons 13.68. 46.92 " 14.46 34,696- -.. - te' .re Reserve — 6.26 29.42 (34. 17,) 02,024) 6.26; 29_42 ,•(34._ 1 7) C82,9241 OPERATING RESERVES FOR A CONTRACT OR PROJECT Port I - Maximum Operating Reserve End of Current Budget Year HQ _'SING 5 - Fcr•n •t.;J-•`.c�� t- 5 - F orm HUD` r _ .41": •iJLSING • r'�r.t. , ;a r ' '„rrr,n S e (1.4 r • 1 ')3 3r,V Ca: crmm HUL: - 52564 L' J :ur'n S r _or f' hUD 5.'5.` ft . e Part 1: - Provision for and Es•1moted o: A�•:_' Operot{ng Reserves at Year End `e. — Actuoi .4 _sten* A .d2e' Year — Estimated at Actu-3l c en• a dse{ Year -- Estimated or Actuol C9 *0.:! �-: lo- Reser.e -- i• tauested Budget Year — Estimated 10 Reterwe •it F -d of Ree;vested Buciy^e• Ye^r -- Estimated LHA APPRC`v';. , Chad Kumpe, Executive Di rector AREA OFFICE APPROVAL i %erce and Title, S 66,330 Regular 'b 26,309 Reg GMT- i----TII,T84 TPP Regular 74,960 36,1193 TPP Regular 74,96o (16,494ij TPP Regula r TPP (Nemo and Title) S:Qneturej V-- (65,530) 19,999 9/15/76 (Date) (Date) P 1110 NARRATIVE IN SUPPORT OF REVISED BUDGET 711, DATE ENDING 9/30/76, FOR FAYETTEVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY, ARK. 97-1 • • • ORIGINAL INCREASE (DECREASE) PROPOSED REVISION RECEIPTS Line 10 Dwelling Rentals 100,800 (4,800) 96,000 20 Excess Utilities 3,600 1,440 5,040 50 Interest on Investments 1,920 1,920 3,840 60 Other Operating Receipts 1,320 48o 1,800 Revised to present receipts) Total Receipts 107,640 (960) 106,680 EXPENDITURES Line 120 Sundry Administration (Increase due to inflation.) Line 320 Utilities Water Increase Electricity " Gas Sewer 1,850 1 , 750 7,650 150 11,400 (Increase due to rate change and consumption.) 5,420 43,920 100 5,520 11,400 55,320 Line 410 Maintenance Labor 7,010 70 7,080 420 Maintenance Materials 5,100 3,660 8,760 430 Maintenance Contract Costs 25,560 7,080 32,640 (Increase due to following reasons:) 1. Major repair to old boi ler unti 1 new boi ler instd1 led. 2. Major repair to incinerator. Repair had to be m ide from firm in Texas rather than local. 3. Major expenditures in connection with TPP progrd.' to accomplish deferred maintenance. 4. Inflation factors on all costs. Line 510 Insurance ,Increase due to under -estimates.) Line 520 Payment in Lieu of Taxes (Decrease due to less receipts and increase of utilities.) Line 540 Employees Benefit Contributions (Decrease due to over-estimates.) Line 610 Target Project Program (Increase due to under -estimate of costs and increase activity on original time schedule.) Line 710 Extraordinary Maintenance (Decrease due to some work scheduled under this item being accomplished by TPP.) Line 730 Betterments & Additions (Line item to be funded through MOD funds reworking old boiler.) 3,040 6,020 6,010 52.,410 1,200 630 3,670 (760) 5,260 1 ,210) 4,800 1 7 , 120 69,530 (960) 240 13,450 (13,450) - 0 Total Expenditures Having Revisions 169,140 Line 950 Target Project Program Subsidy (To reflect additional subsidy approved for TPP) - 0 - 23,680 192,820 4,000 4,000 • • • RESOLUTION NO. a 95 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PROPOSAL OF THE AWARD TO THE LOW BIDDER SUBJECT TO HUD APPROVAL AND PROVISION FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT UPON HUD APPROVAL FOR THE REPLACEMENT OF INTERNAL PRESSURE VESSEL OF BOILER, HI -RISE BUILDING WHEREAS, there has been no disapproval of the project of the local governing body of the community or by referendum of the voters of the community; and, WHEREAS, the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville (herein called the "Housing Authority") have received sealed bids for Modernization of Project Ark. 97-1 which bids have been opened, tabulated, and found to be in proper form; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville: Section 1. Fayetteville Plumbing and Heating is the apparent responsible low bidder and the low bid is in the amount of $9,997.00. Section 2. The Housing Authority recommends to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereincalled "HUD") that approval be given for the award of the contract to the apparent responsible low bidder. Section 3. Upon receipt of the written concurrence of HUD in the award, (a) the Chairman is hereby authorized to notify the low bidder in writing of the award and set the date and time for execution of the contract, and (b) said Chairman is also directed and authorized to execute the contract and the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal on each contract and to forward it to HUD, together with such other documents relative to its approval, as may be required by HUD. Section 4. That the Executive Director is hereby appointed to serve as Contracting Officer for the construction of the Project for the Housing Authority. The Contracting Officer is also delegated the authority to execute any and all change orders, supplemental agreements (limited by the policies, rules, and procedures as set forth by HUD) affecting the main construction contract as approved in Section 3. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /5 DAY OF SEPT: ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN rsc 1 SECRETARY 1976. • RESOLUTION NO. .99 • • RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PROPOSAL OF THE AWARD TO THE LOW BIDDER SUBJECT TO HUD APPROVAL AND PROVISION FOR THE EXECUTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT UPON HUD APPROVAL FOR THE WATERPROOFING OF EAST AND WEST BRICK WALLS OF HI -RISE APARTMENTS, HILLCREST TOWERS, ARK. 97-1 WHEREAS, there has been no disapproval of the project of the local governing body of the community or by referendum of the voters of the community; and, WHEREAS, the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville (herein called the "Housing Authority") have received sealed bids for Modernization of Project Ark. 97-1 which bids have been opened, tabulated, and found to be in proper form; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville: Section 1. Oliver R. Simmons is the apparent responsible low bidder and the lav bid is in the amount of $2,261.00. Section 2. The Housing Authority recommends to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereincalled "HUD") that approval be given for the award of the Contract to the apparent responsible low bidder. Section 3. Upon receipt of the written concurrence of HUD in the award, (a) the Chairman is hereby authorized to notify the low bidder in writing of the award and set the date and time for execution of the contract, and (b) said Chairman is also directed and authorized to execute the contract and the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal on each contract and to forward it to HUD, together with such other documents relative to its approval, as may be required by HUD. Section 4. That the Executive Director is hereby appointed to serve as Contracting Officer for the construction of the Project for the Housing Authority. The Contracting Officer is also delegated the authority to execute any and all change orders, supplemental agreements (limited by the policies, rules, and procedures as set forth by HUD) affecting the main construction contract as approved in Section 3. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS / 6 DAY OF SE PT. , 1976. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • RESOLUTION NO. a `I 5 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRACT WITH HECKATHORN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR BREEZEWAY ENCLOSURE HILLCREST TOWERS, ARK. 97-1 WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville passed and approved on the 17th day of September, 1975, Resolution No. 200 approving the enclosure of breezeway in the Hi -Rise building; and, WHEREAS funds have been committed by the Community Development Agency of Fayetteville for this work; and, WHEREAS the Fayetteville Housing Authority has been appointed agent to carry out this work; and, WHEREAS, the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville have received sealed bids for the breezeway enclosure, which bids have been opened, tabulated, and found to be in proper form; and, • WHEREAS, the Architect has recommended the acceptance of the bid of Heckathorn Construction Company as the lowest and best bid. • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville: 1. Heckathorn Construction Company is the apparent responsible low bidder and the low bid is in the amount of $14,000.00. 2. (a) The Chairman is hereby authorized to notify the low bidder in writing of the award and set the date and time for execution of the contract, and (b) said Chairman is also directed and authorized to execute the contract and the Executive Director is hereby authorized and directed to impress and attest the official seal on each contract. 3. That the Executive Director is hereby appointed to serve as Contracting Officer for the construction of the Project for the Housing Authority. The Contracting Officer is also delegated the authority to execute any and all change orders, supplemental agreements (limited by the policies, rules, and procedures as set forth by HUD) affecting the main construction contract. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /5. DAY OF SEPT. , 1976. ATTEST: THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SECRETAR \ ! CHAIRMA 1 • • • RESOLUTION NO. iDN(o RESOLUTION REJECTING ALL BIDS RECEIVED IN CONNECTION WITH ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO COMMUNITY BUILDINGS (LEWIS PLAZA AND WILLOW HEIGHTS) ARK. 97-1 AND AUTHORIZATION TO SEEK DEDUCTIVE ALTERNATES WHEREAS, the Housing Authority of the City of did advertise and receive sealed bids on the 9th day 1976, for alterations and additions to the community Ark. 97-1; and, WHEREAS the bids were as follows: Jack Burge Construction Company Brennan Boyd Construction Company Heckathorn Construction Company WHEREAS, all the bids were above the approved Program budget; Fayetteville of September, buildings, $155,900 159,900 217,300 Modernization NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville: 1. That all bids be rejected. 2. That the Executive Director be authorized to seek deductive alternates and readvertise. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS /5 DAY OF SEPT. , 1976. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN("3"\C /an Okt