HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-15 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:30 o'clock a.m., on Wednesday, January 15, 1975, in the office of the Authority, #1 North School Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Gould, Chairman, called the meeting to order. On roll call the following members were present: Commissioners: Gould, Morgan, Underwood Commissioners Absent: Clinton Others Present: R. L. Dugan, Bromo Wilson, Delbert Allen, Hugh Kincaid, Pat Donat There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: The Minutes of the December 18, 1974, Regular Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The Minutes of the December 24, 1974, Special Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The Minutes of the January 10, 1975, Special Meeting were approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The December Financial Statement was approved by motion of Mr. Underwood, seconded by Mr. Morgan, and carried unanimously. The question of amending Urban Programming Corporation's contract on the Square was raised. It was tentatively agreed that after Mr. Dugan secured the partially finished plans and specifications that the Board would authorize payment to UPC of $2,673.67 over and above the existing contract. (Copy of letter from UPC attached.) The Board asked Mr. Dugan to get in touch with Mr. 0. J. Snow to set up a meeting with the Board and Mr. Snow preparatory to getting a reuse appraisal on the Old Post Office building. The Board then asked Mr. Dugan to meet with the Hi -Rise tenants to select two members to serve on the grievance committee. The Nominating Committee is still seeking nominees for the Board and two names for the grievance committee. If a' grievance should come before the committee before then, two members of the Board will serve on the committee. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: C" \(/, lel, ECRETARY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS ,CHAIRMAN • URBAN PROGRAMMING CORPORATION OF AMERICA • • 1921 SO. BRENTWOOD BLVD. • ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63144 • 314-968-2530 January 7, 1975 Mr. Robert L. Dugan Executive Director Fayettevil:‘ Housing Authority /11 North School Drive Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Bob: We are in receipt of your letter of December 31, 1974, pertaining to the matter of the square and related streets. I am sure you understand that today's construction eo.,ts are higher than they were a year or two ago. The construction industry in general has been experiencing a cost escalation of 15% to 1R7 ptr year, and we are in the midst of a race -horse economy. We are of the very firm opinion that the cost estimates we gave were realistic at the tir.e they were prepared. We would be willing to submit these to any reputable estimator for verification .. to what an accurate estimate would be is of that time. The longer the .:cit to construct something (an'iliing), the higher the cost will be at tnc time of construction. You are undnabteuly aware of this. Our contract tee for engineering services 1s oust., .n the estimated 'current" c nstruction cost. A figure of a few years ago will not hold up today au.t today's figure will not be realistic next ter. You will recall that throughout the design phase of the square, WE were given •imerous "sten" and "start" directives because of local io•ires t change plans that you and your Board had previously approved. luese delays lust money due to inflation. 1 cannot fully understand your position that the 85X 'ompletion figure is arbitrary. What specific data did you base this on? l:e have the plans and specifications here and based on our experience in similar jobs else- where made chic estimate. Again, we would be willing to have any competent party review our level of wmpletion to verify if is is this figure or higher. We would stake our reputation that this i •ul:1 be confirmed at 85% - or even higher. Bob, we would rather not open this matter to a long debate and hassle that would certainly involve each of our lawyers and perhaps ultimately a lawsuit. This would not be in the best interexts of the program in Fayetteville. • • • • ''r, Robert L. Dugan 118,4,e Januar'- 197', -:e•tt moot nen :n your letter you would approve tie . ,sed on the old itti:ace fur the square and the most current t i>;ure :.t the add11ivatal streets. To prevent this matter from get1.n4 ooh. -,sand and he. tem ing more complicated than it really is, we will arc ept ., ur los it irn. We have worked with the program in Fayetteville since its in o;tion and are pleased with the relationship we have developed with the many •uderful people in 'avetteville. Until the matter of the pc otficr bt ing placed on the National Register, the program was rapidly a^'::ng t,' t i' pint where ;millions .,f dollars of private construction appeared to be ee.•iuent. This was what ',.e program was originally intended to do. :a want see this momentum roeaino(i. Although we reel we were right in our original staterent to lou, •:e have revised it and have attached it hereto. This revised stateaent -would be interpreted as nur willingness to cooperate with you in re�t'.ving this Fred 1131 titn Pre :dent Fm : URBANPROGRAMMINGCORPORATION(41H2nfl Of AMERICA Planners E nq,neers Development ComoItems 1921 S Prem n quo Blvd _ a lours Vistouti 63144 TO: 314-968-2850 ra�ctlt•viiL ,trurinl, Authority •'1 :.ort1l Sc•1001 Drive Cavut.tevi l le, .1r'ransas 72701 ATTN: "r. Roht•rt L. Dugan, Executive Dir.. for INVOICE DATE: 1.,:. ,,r. , it DATE -75 DESCRIPTION CIIARr,ES In accordance with agreement dated March .17, 1972. Square - Old l',L ir:ul Block Street - Vaw 1,1 1?late East St re•t - "rt•. It,tim.:le Center Stret1 Vstia,arc Signai 12at i nl •11.4Lr.0 It $452,064.00 34,341.00 44,307.00 16,951.00 322_000._00 5579,663.00 Cu.^ , $384 nig 4 37,illn,, CREDITS our 1e BALANCE PAY LAST AMOUNT IN THIS CDL;;: 1' lit 1'..'.t''. i.l'+) HU • • • URBAN PROGRAMMING CORPORATION (%TJLfftiff � of AMERICA 1921 SO. BRENTWOOD BLVD. • ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63144 • 14-961-2830 January 7, 1975 Mr. Robert L. Dugan Executive Director Favettevi::, Housing Authority 'fl North School Drive Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Bob: We are in receipt of your letter of December 31, 1474, pertaining to the matter of the square and related streets. I am sure you understand that today's construction eests are higher than they were a year er two ago. The construction industry in general has been experiencing a cost escalation of 1S% to pit- year, and we are in the midst of a race -horse economy. We are of t:;e v.iry firm opinion that the cost estimates we gave were realistic at the ti they were prepared. We would be willing to submit these to any reputable e-timator for verification to what an accurate estimate would be of that time. The longer the ,.ait to construct something (anything), Lhe higher the cost will be at the time of construction. You ArP ::ndt'.;hteu;' aware of this. Our contract : ee for engineering services ',current" c c + 'n the estimated nstruction cost. A figure of ftv years up today a:i.' today's figure will not be realistic nc-•xt ago v t a r . will not hold You will recall that throughout the design phase of the square, wt .:ere given c*rerous "sten" and "start" directives because- or local 'ie-- i res t i•hange 'clans that you and your Board had previously approved. i hese delays ost money due to inflation. T cannot fully understand your position that the 85/ completion figure is arbitrary. What specific data did you base thi on? "e have the plans and specifications here and based on our experience- in similar jobs else- where made this estimate. Again, we would be willing tc have any competent party review uqr level :f Lumpletion to verify if i : is this figure or higher. We would Make our reputation that this i 'i 1 :l be confirmed at 857 - or even higher. Bob, we would rather not open this matter to 9 inng debate and Hassle that would certainly involve each of our lawyers awl 1'erhaps ultimately a lawsuit. This would not be in the best intere-t'- of the program in Fayetteville. • i<obert L. Dugan lar 2 nient :1t 1 u your letter you would approve t e - t he old e� t it gate for the square and the most cllrre ' .add i t i `nal streets. To prevent this matter f ruts get. .e 'nliny, more complicated than it really is, we v i ' ' • the • '.:e Lave worked witli the program in Fayetteville s :Ilct• i t:, ir, v; t iun an,• pleased `.Ji ti the relationship we have developed with the ;fluty1�,r.r1 :'c'c} ;c in *etteville. Until the matter of the p I !fire bring plactc: cl the National Register, the program was rapidly :: .ug t i ;' _pint Alert : i t l inr. .'t dollars of private construction appeared -as w}+:►! me program was originally intended to do. n'Or•l( !'1t 1;1" he : ;lc nt . 'I' i want ' ' sot: t.h i thong we. Leel we were right in our original state. GILL Ll ., t..:.:. revised it and have attached it hereto. This revised statement mould in: t rpreted ; - our willingness to cooperate with you in re'- 'i ving this [l. c•rt'; \ . 7 URBAN PROGRAMMING CORPORATION OF AMERICA TO: PL.—firs firs f r q3.-oe,s Devetoament Consultants 1`);:l f iPr'•:, .:J firv'1 S. lows VristOuri (,3144 314-96-2850 LouHng Authority ::urtll ScHo;tl :)rive Ar1'.lnsas 72701 ATTN: "r. Ro't rt L. Dugan, Executive Dirt' ter DATE: DATE 9C S C R I PT I ON • • INVOICE BALANCE CHARGES CRE F) I rS PAY LAST AMOUNT ISN THIS COL:. In acl rrdance with .lreement datraJ `larch 17, 1972. .Are ')1c1 ' $452,064.00 Hock tick_ Street - 34,341.00 t., r ':t im.ir c• 44,307.00 Fstiwate 16,911.00 m t e 32,_000._00 S579,663.00 Clrtt r' ; r t S384,. 1t� 37,t• 1 t r �.t. ) ;i,St.). / i, > 89 r � 71. "38'2.45