HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-01-16 - Minutes - ArchiveCOMMISSIONERS: • • • L. L. BAXTER HAL C. DOUGLAS J. W. GOULD ELLIS E. SHELTON CARL S. WHILI.00K MRS. ORA BELLE ROLLOW Executive Director g-Qouding cAutkority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 1 NORTH SCHOOL - 21P 72701 TELEPHONE 521.9550 January 11, 1974 URBAN RENEWAL OFFICE 226 N. Block Phone 442-5326 NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayettevil will hold its Regular Meeting on Wednesday, January 8:30 a.m., in the office of the Authority, #1 North Fayetteville, Arkansas. • AGENDA le, Arkansas, 16, 1974, at School Avenue, 1. Roll Call. 2. Approve Minutes of December Regular Meeting. 3. Approve Financial Report of December. 4. Discussion 5. Discussion 6. Demolition of Proclaimers Certificate. of Disposition Advertisement Discussion. 7. Other Related Business. and Bid Opening. • MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:30 o'clock a.m., on Wednesday, January 16, 1974, in the office of the Housing Authority, #1 North School Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Whillock, Chairman, called the meeting to order. On roll call the following members were present: Messrs: Commissioners: Morgan, Gould, Whillock Absent: Commissioner: Clinton Others: Robert Dugan; Bromo Wilson; David Faught; E arl Ervin, Jim Hicks, Don Pike, Katie W ashington from HUD in Little Rock; and Mrs. Johnson, League of Women Voters. • There being a quorum present, the following business was t ransacted. • The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 19, 1973 was approved by motion of Mr. Gould and seconded by Mr. Morgan and carried unanimously. The Financial Report for the month of December, 1973, was approved by motion of Mr. Gould and seconded by Mr. Morgan and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION # 139 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROCLAIMER PROCEDURE After discussion, Resolution # 139 was adopted by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Morgan. AYES: Gould, Morgan, Whillock NAYES: None Mr. Dugan submits various eliminations for acquisition; submits t hem to City Directors, and then to Hugh Kincaid to see the legality o f these changes. • - 2 H ave advertisements for disposition and bid opening on tract C-3. Bid opening will be February 11th at 10:00 a.m. The bid opening does not necessarily require a Board Meeting. W e would make up a summary of the opening and then have a board meeting immediately after the opening and consider the most desirable bid. D avid Faught reported that we have ten buildings to be demolished. They are parcels 9-C, 12-A, 21-A, 18-H, 17-A (3), 17-G, 17-H $ I. Mr. Whillock suggested that Mr. Faught and Mr. Dugan work with these people and decide on the best price. We should be in the position to advertise in early February. W e have received a letter from the Urban Planning Corporation. They would like to meet with us after January 22 on the plans. After discussion, the Board decided to have a special meeting on Tuesday, February 12th at 8:30 a.m. Mr. Whillock announced that it was the time to re-elect officers for the board. Mr. Gould made the motion and Mr. Morgan seconded, that Mr. Whillock continue being the chairman of the board. Motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Morgan made the motion, and seconded by Mr. Whillock, that Mr. Gould be elected ✓ ice-chairman, and was carried unanimously. D avid Faught reported that Mr. Kincaid had suggested that we make a rough contract with a photographer for his services on condemnation and demolations. This would be especially helpful in court proceedings. Someone that could take good professional and competent photographer is what the Board suggested. David asked that the board give him permission to get proposals on this. The Board agreed to this. Mr. Dugan reported for the next regular meeting there would be discussion on the revision of the personnel policy. Copiesof the policy will be sent to the commissioners before the meeting. Mr. Dugan introduced the team from HUD who are going over the Housing Authority records and are making suggestions to help the process of applications. He also stated there was a tenants meeting on Site B and the HUD team went with him to the meeting. The team also suggested that we adopt a new lease. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: tx 4) Ay APPROVED: CHAIRMAN RESOLUTION NO. 139 RESOLUTION ADOPTING PROCLAIMER PROCEDURE WHEREAS, the Local Public Agencies carrying out urban renewal projects are required by the Secretary of HUD to certify the existance of certain facts and to issue certain proclaimer; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by members of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville as follows: The following officials are authorized to prepare, execute, and submit the following proclaimer certificates to HUD on behalf of the Local Public Agency in accordance with the regulations, policies and requirements of the Secretary as shall be in effect from time to time: The Executive Director is authorized to prepare, execute and submit: Urban Renewal Plan changes proclaimer. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS //'DAY OF ATTEST: R S LR411 ate, 4 , 1976. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS CHAIRMAN