HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-09-19 - Minutes - Archive• MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session at 8:30 o'clock A.M., on Wednesday, September 19, 1973, in the office of the Housing Authority, #1 North School Avenue, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Mr. Whillock, Chairman called the meeting to order. On roll call,the following members were present: Messrs: Commissioners Whillock, Shelton and Clinton Absent: Commissioners Gould and Morgan Others Present: Mr. Robert Dugan, Mr. Bromo Wilson, Mr. David Faught, Hugh Kincaid and Pat Donat. There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted. Mr. Dugan introduced the new Commissioner, Mr. Roy Clinton who will replace Mr. L.L. Baxter who recently resigned. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 15, 1973 was approved by motion of Mr. Shelton and seconded by Mr. Clinton and was carried unanimously. The Financial Report for the month of August was approved by motion of Mr. Shelton and seconded by Mr. Clinton and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION # 135 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING TO CHARGE OFF DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS Mr. Dugan reported that the large amounts owed by tenants who had left was due to the fact that there was difficulity in moving families out and most of the accounts were during the months January thru March of this year. AYES: Whillock, Shelton, Clinton NAYES: None • -2- After discussion Mr. Shelton made a motion that the resolution be passed and was seconded by Mr. Clinton and carried unanimously. RESOLUTION # 136 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING CONTRACT WITH GROUTING SERVICES, INC. Mr. Dugan reported that the sewer pipe on Spring Street would have to be cleaned out and then the camera would be run through the pipe before blasting and then after blasting. This will be approximately 1600 feet at 50 cents per linear foot`s and is not to exceed $1700. Mr. Shelton made the motion that Resolution #136 be passed and was seconded by Mr. Clinton and carrted unanimously. Ayes: Whillock, Clinton, Shelton Nayes: None Mr. Dugan also stated that the High Rise is now completely full and there are seven vacancies on the two family projects. Mr. Faught and Mr. Dugan reported on their trip to St. Louis a couple of weeks ago to review the plans for the mall. THere was some question about the archway from the First National Bank building to Lewis Brothers store, on wether or not it would be blocking the fire lanes. Mr. Dugan is to get with the Fire Chief and discuss this problem. David Faught reported that the Paddack property on the square it to be condemed. Also, Mr. Brown of Brown's Feed Store has been given 90 days to move. The deadline is December.lOth. Mr. Faught showed plans of the square for the mall and there was a dis- cussion. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: • ATTEST: CRETARY CHAIRMAN 1 411 RESOLUTION NO. 135 • • A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas authorizing the charge off of delinquent rent of certain former tenants in t he ARK. 97-1 Project for period January 1, 1973 to September 30, 1973. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Accounting Handbook RHM 7510.0, Chapter 3, Section 13, certain past due accounts o f former tenants who are no longer occupying a dwelling unit in the ARK. 97-1 Low Rent Housing Project are considered uncollectable and all means of collections have been exhausted, and there is no reasonable prospect of collection of such delinquent rents and that the probable cost of further efforts t o collect said rents would not be warranted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, THAT: ATTEST: 1. The rents in the amounts designated, due from the former tenants listed on the attached sheet are hereby authorized to be charged off. Passed and approved this (C) day of (24441 SECRETARY .0A APPROVED: ,1973. • ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. PRIOR APT. NO. NAME AMOUNT 9-B James Starr $ .73.65 9-D Joyce Garrett 29.63 11-D Sharry Phillips 1.23 11-D Lonnie Whiteley 71.70 12-A Judy Rommel ..25.84 15-B . Frances Taylor .25.20 19-A Benny Gabbard 19.54 20-A John Lawson 6.99 21-A Roy Richardson . 29.74 • 22-C Bud Magee . 34.09 22-C Karen Kerr 20.58 22-D Paul Stufflebeam .16 24-D Linda Johnson 3.49 25-B Larry Simmons 211.83 25-C Charles Neal 173.53 25-D David Richardson . 205.25 26-A Bertha Daniels 114.88 27-C Sylvia Blackburn 20.66 29-A Rodney Carr 105.69 TOTAL $1,173.68 • • • RESOLUTION NO. 136 AUTHORIZING CONTRACT WITH GROUTING SERVICES INC. WHEREAS, in Project ARK. R-105 it has become necessary to use explosives for the removal of rock; WHEREAS, it is necessary to ascertain the condition of an eight inch sanitary sewer line on Spring Street prior to blasting, and; WHEREAS, it is also necessary to determine the con- dition of the same sewer after blasting; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas enters into a contract with Grouting Services, Inc. not to exceed $1700 to inspect an eight inch sanitary sewer line by way of in- spection with a television camera. Passed and approved this 19 day of ATTEST: APPROVED: 24,1 SECRETAR 1973. eaS, • • • RESOLUTION #134 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO MAKE'CERTIFICATION OF OF REVIEW APPRAISER'S DETERMINATION OF JUST COMPENSATION WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued, under date of 1/23/73, a HUD Handbook, designated 1320.1 and dealing with Real Estate Acquisition for certain HUD -financed projects such as the Center Square Urban Renewal Project No. ARK. R-105, and WHEREAS, paragraph 22 of said Handbook designates the procedure by whu which a local Public Agency makes a determination of Just Compensation in that it either accepts the Review Appraiser's report and valuation, or else it submits the matter to HUD for determination in the event the LPA does not agree with the Review Appraiser's determination; and, WHEREAS, the procedure called for in paragraph 22 requires the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, to designate an authorized official to make a certification , based on the Review Appraiser's report, which shall include among other things: 1. Establishes just compensation (fair market value) for each property; 2. Identifies each property by name of owner, parcel number or other identification; 3. Delimits the property and the interest to be acquired therein, 4. Certifies that the work of the appraisers and the Review Appraiser with respect to each property has been performed in a competent manner in accordance with applicabel State law, the Act, and Department of Housing and Urban Development policies and requirements: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Fayetteville Housing Authority hereby designate its Executive • • • Director as its authorized official to make a certification of the Review Appraiser's Determination of Just Compensation as prov4ded in paragraph 22, HUD Handbook, 1320.1, Real Estate Acquisition. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 15th DAY OF ATTEST: August 1973. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SECRETARY CHAIRMAN