HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-06-21 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY is OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, met in regular session at 10:00 o'clock A.M., on Wednesday, June 21, 1972, in the office of the Housing Authority, #1 North School Ave- nue, Fayetteville, Arkansas. On roll call the following members were present: Messrs: Whillock,Shelton, Gould, Douglas and Baxter Absent: None Others present: Ora Belle Rollow, Hugh Kincaid, David Faught and Donald Grimes There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted. The minutes of April 19, 1972, Regular Meeting (as corrected) were approved by motion of Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Baxter and carried unanimously. The minutes of the Special Meeting of May 3, 1972, were approved by motion of Mr. Shelton, seconded by Mr. Gould and carried unanimously. The financial reports for April and May were approved by Mr. • Gould, seconded by Mr. Douglas and carried unanimously. Mr. Kincaid presented letters he had received from persons re- presenting the Southern Memorial Association regarding the damage to the rock fence surrounding the National Cemetery. After discussion the Chairman requested that Mr. Kincaid assist the Executive Director in preparing a reply to these letters and stating that the Housing Authority had no authority to con- struct a fence or otherwise repair damage which had occurred during the period of construction. This would be a matter to be taken up with the Contractor, Kelly -Nelson Construction Company, P. 0. Box 1678, Little Rock, Arkansas. The Chairman presented Resolution #93 hereby attached for consideration. RESOLUTION #93 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS FOR ABSTRACT SERVICES Mr. Faught remarked that the contract was not ready for execution whereby the Chairman declared that action on this matter would be delayed until a future meeting. . The Chairman presented Resolution #94 hereby attached for consideration. - 2 - • RESOLUTION ADOPTING SCHEDULES OF AVERAGES PRICES OF COMPARABLE SALES AND RENTAL HOUSING IN LOCALITY After discussion Mr. Douglas moved that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Gould and the vote recorded: AYES: Whillock, Shelton, Gould, Douglas, and Baxter NAYS: None The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted unanimously. The Chairman presented Resolution #95 hereby attached for considera- tion. RESOLUTION #95 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONAL SCHEDULE After discussion Mr. Gould moved that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Baxter and the vote recorded: AYES: Whillock, Shelton, Gould, Douglas, and Baxter NAYS: None • The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Res- olution adopted unanimously. At this point the Board went into Executive Session to discuss the application on Delbert Allen for Rehabilitation Officer. After a brief interval the Board of Commissioners resumed its open meeting. It was decided that action on this application would be tabled for further discussion after contact had been made with Mr. Hilton Lewis, Executive Director of the Urban Renewal in Springdale, Arkansas. The Board then received a group headed by Mr. John Cunningham, owners of a building in the Urban Renewal area scheduled for acquisition. These property owners were concerned about the acquisition prices offered to them. After a lengthy discussion the Board of Commissioners informed the group that prices given for property in the Urban Renewal area were controlled by appraisals by two qualified appraisers. Although the group was not satisfied with the results of the meeting with the Commissioners they were obliged to accept this decision. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: •Ao CHAIRMAN ATTEST: 1 1 I 1 1 SECRETARY ,a RESOLUTION N0, 93 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS FOR ABSTRACT SERVICES WHEREAS, the Housing Authority desires to engage the professional services of an abstracting firm in conjunction with the acquisition and disposition of real property in the Center Square Urban Renewal Project; and WHEREAS, the Authority has received proposals for the provision of said services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: The contract(s) attached hereto are hereby approved. Section 2: The Chairman is hereby authorized to execute said contracts. Passed and approved this ATTEST: ecretary day of , 1972.. APPROVED: N• ri LJ RESOLUTION N0, 94 RESOLUTION ADOPTING SCHEDULES OF AVERAGE PRICES OF COMPARABLE SALES AND RENTAL HOUSING IN LOCALITY WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment has requested the adoption of the aforementioned schedules; and WHEREAS, copies of said schedules are attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1: The schedules attached hereto are hereby adopted. Section 2: Payments are hereby authorized in accordance with said schedules. Passed and approved this �,,,-I ,,4 day of 1972. ATTEST: Secretary APPROVED: RELOCATION HANDBOOK • � 1371.1 CHAFCER 6 AFN:E:DTX !„ APF�RlDIY. 10. GUIDEFORM SCHEDULE OF AVERAGE PRICES OF COMPARABLE SALES HOUSING IN LOCALITY SCHEDULE OF AVERAGE PRICES OF COMPARABLE Average Price ((c)'(d))-2 (e) Fa,;etteville, Arkansas SALES HOUSING IN LOCALITY 12, 600 AGENCY IM Medium unit ECI Urban Renewal I ARK R-105 INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare original and 2 copies for HUD if the schedule is proposed for only one agency. Prepare an additional copy for each additional agency. Attach a statement explaining in detail how the amounts shown on the schedule were derived. The amounts shall reflect the ranee in sales ori^es of various size units as determined either by the total number of bedrooms con- tained in each emit or the total square footage. Thc: prices rust be based on available sales housing in the locality. Where appropriate, the schedule prices should reflect the cost of the dwelling and the cost of the lot size normally required for a unit. In localities where a n1D- approved schedule is being used and an agency proposes to adopt that schedule, only Block C need be completed. A. SCHEDULE • • 7771 Size of Unit (a) Total Square Footage (b) Price Range Average Price ((c)'(d))-2 (e) From (c) To (d) 2 BallmS or less Sm Small unit 700 jl, 600 12, 600 12,100 Medium unit 800 13.000 14,OJO. 13,500 Large unit 900 14,200. 15s200 1 +0700 3 Bedrooms Small unit 10.0 15, 5JO 16, 500 16 000 Medium unit 1100 17,000 17,600 17a300 Large unit 1200 18,100 19,109 18,6jo Bedrooms Small unit 1 V0 1 '+JO 20 iJO19-900 Medium unit Large unit 1500 22 000L M ^ Bedrooms or more Small unit 1600 239300 24, Jo 23,800 Medium unit 1700 2 !, )00 25t7OO Large unit 1800 2 00 26 O 26-400 [form continued on next page Page 1 • 4k TION HANDB00% 1j71.1 MAKER 6 APPENDIX APFiNDIX 14. GUIDEFORM SCHEDULE OF AVERAGE PRICES OF Go?!PARADLE RENTAL HOUSING IN LOCALITY SCHEDULE OF AVERAGE PRICES OF COMPARABLE RENTAL HOUSING IN LOCALITY Housing Author�ty Ark. R-105 INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare original and 2 copies for HUD if the schedule is proposed for only one agency. Prepare an additional copy for each additional agency. Attach a statement explaining in detail how the amounts shown on the schedule were derived. The amounts shall reflect the range in rental prices of various size units as determined either by the total number of bedrooms con- tained in each unit or the total equare footage. The prices must be based on available rental housing in the locality. In determining the monthly rental prices, include utility expenses, except the cost of telephone services. In the case of furnished units, the schedule shall be adjusted accordingly. In localities where a HUD -approved schedule is being used and an agency proposes to adopt that schedule, only Block C need be completed. A. SCHEDULE form contin te:l cn next page] 7/71 Page 1 otal quare Price a Average Price ((c)+(d));2 Prom To Size of -Unit Footag (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) 1 Bedroom or less Small unit Medium unit 8 125 0 Large unit Bedrooms Small unit Medium unit 0 Large unit 7 Bedrooms Small unit Medium unit Large unit I Bedrooms Small unit Medium unit Large unit Bedroom: or more Small unit Medium ,mit 250 320 28 Large unit form contin te:l cn next page] 7/71 Page 1 9 • E APPENDIX 114. GUIDEFORM SCHEDULE OF AVEME PRICES OFCOMPARABLE RENTAL HOUSING IN LOCALITY 11 1 Housing Authority Ark. R-105 INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare original and 2 copies for HUD if the Schedule is proposed for only one agency. Prepare an additional copy for each additional agency Attach a statement explaining in detail hos the amounts ShOMM on the schedule were derived. The amamts shall reflect the range in rental prices of various size unite as determined either by the total number of bedrooms con- tained in each unit or the total square footage. The prices must be based on available rental housing in the locality. In determining the monthly rental priceel Saelude utility expelleeM except the coat of telephone services. In the case of furnished unite, the schedule shall adjusted accordingly, In localities where a HND -approved Schedule is being used and an agency proposes to adopt that schedule, only Block C need be completed. A. SCHEDULE (form r ntin wl on next page) 7/71 Page 1 To care ce a verage ice ((c)+(d));2 To Size of Unit Footage (d) (e) (a) (b) (c) 1 Bedroom or less Small unit Medium unit 8 Large unit Bedrooms Small unit Medium unit Large unit 3 Bedrooms Small unit Medium unit Large unit 1 fk'drooms Small unit Mediu.,• unit Large unit Bedroons or more Small unit Medium unit 250 20 Large unit (form r ntin wl on next page) 7/71 Page 1 i RELOCATION HANDBCOK / 1371.1 CHAPTER 6 AFPF:DiS . APFEBDIX 10. GUIDEFORM SCHEDULE OF AVERAGE PRICES OF COMPARABLE SALES HOUSING IH LOCALITY SCHEDULE OF AVERAGE PRICES OF COMPARABLE SALES HOUSING IN LOCALITY lle. Arkansas Urban Renewal I ARK Rr105 INSTRUCTIONS: Prepare original and 2 copies for HUD if the schedule is proposed for only one agency. Prepare an additional copy for each additional agency. Attach a statement explaininz in detail howthe amounts shorn on the schedule were derived. The amounts shall reflect the range in sales prices of various size units as determined either by the total number of bedrooms con- tained in each unit or the total square footage. The prices must be based on available sales heusing in the locality. Where appropriate, the schedule prices should reflect the cost of the dwelling and the cost of the lot size normally required for a unit. In localities !+here a HUD - approved schedule is being used and an agency proposes to adopt that schedule, only Block C need be completed. A. SCHEDULE rf -ontir.m•.i n neat pale 7/71 :'age 1 Total uare Price Ran a Average ice ((c)r(d))v2 Size of Unit Footage rem (c) o (d) (e) la) (b) 2 Helroons or less 700 $1,600 12.600 4121100 irall uni' 8Jo 139000 l4,0J0 139500 Mcdiur unit Large unit 1 901 149200 l5v200 1,.-700 =~ °'= 10 �0 15, 5Jo 16, 500 16 000 nit 4na:1^ unl• 1100 171000 179 U00 1 00 1200 1891JO 1 10) 13 0 1 tJ0 z 4JJ 900 ni )'o ii'.: 'Ln:' _ .rge s'.• 15JJ 2 2 OJO 2 LO Bcirnoas or '-ore 1600 23x300 24, JO 23,800 Small unit. 1/JO 2; 1 /00 25o700 1°�0 25,900 26,900 rf -ontir.m•.i n neat pale 7/71 :'age 1 rt � .* RESOLUTION NO. 95 • RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONAL SCHEDULE WHEREAS, on the 21st day of April, 1971, a schedule of administrative staff positions was established; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to revise said schedule. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, Section 1: The attached schedule of positions and salary ranges are hereby adopted. Section 2: This schedule shall be retroactive to January ,+ 1, 1972. Passed and Approved this 21st day of June , 1972• a ,. , O '40" a Secretary 0 Chairman SCHEDULE OF ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS AND SALARY COMPARABILITY POSITION SALARY RANGE COMPARABLE POSITION SALARY Executive $122000-$16,500 Supt. of Schools $18,000 Director Assistant Director $103000-$133500 Asst. Supt. of $13,750 Controller Rehabilitation Officers Relocation Officer Administrative Assistant Tenant Supervisor Secretary Clerk -Steno Clerk -Cashier $9,000-$12,500 $73200-$10,000 $71200-$9,600 $4,800=$6,000 $41200-$53600 $31900-$4,450 $3,600-$4,100 $3,600-$4,100 Personnel City Controller Inspection Superintendent P.E. Coordinator Accountant Superintendent's Secretaby City Manager's Secretary' Personnel Secretary Accountant Secretary $12,500 $11,500 $10,200 $9,000 $4,450 $4,100 $4,100