HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-03-10 - Minutes - ArchiveMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY • OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS A Special Meeting of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, was held on March 10, 1972, at 11:30 A.M., in the office of the Housing Authority, 226 North Block Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. The meeting was called to order and upon roll call the following members were present: Messrs: Whillock, Douglas, Gould, Baxter and Shelton Absent: None Also Present: David Faught, Hugh Kincaid, Ora Belle Rollow. The Chairman ordered that the following Waiver and Consent be spread upon the Minutes: WAIVER OF NOTICE OF AND CONSENT TO SPECIAL MEETING We, the undersigned, do hereby accept notice of this SPECIAL Meeting, waiving any and all irregularities in the service of notice and do hereby consent and agree that the Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas shall meet in the office of the Housing Authority, 226 North Block Street, on • the 10th day of March, 1972, for :the following purposes. 1. Resolution approving the Adoption of A Contract For Engineering Services With Urban Programming Corporation. 2. Resolution establishing the Fair Market Value For Parcel 27-A (Existing Federal Building Owned by Downtown Fayetteville Association. s/ Carl S. Whillock J. W. Gould s/ L. L. Baxter Ellis E. Shelton /s/ Hal C. Douglas There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted: is • Mr. Faught presented the following resolution to the Commissioners for approval: RESOLUTION NO. '% SSI RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH URBAN PROGRAMMING CORPORATION. Mr. Douglas moved that the Resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Gould and the vote recorded: AYES: Shelton, Whillock, Douglas, Gould and Baxter NAYS: None The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and was adopted unanimously. Mr. Faught advised that a resolution establishing a fair market value for Parcel 27-A was not appropriate at this time inasmuch as the first appraiser had not reviewed the appraises at this time. Chairman Whillock advised that the Board of Commissioners were invited to a luncheon meeting with the Downtown Fayetteville Association to discuss future developments of the downtown area. • There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: APPROVED: 0 4 RESOLUTION N0. 8.7 RESOLUTION APPROVING A CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES WITH URBAN PROGRAMMING CORPORATION. WHEREAS, the Housing Authority Of The City of Fayetteville, Arkansas and the United States Of America have entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Contract dated February 11, 1972, and; WHEREAS, the Housing Authority desires to obtain professional services for the engineering of proposed site improvements and; WHEREAS, Urban Programming Corporation has submitted a proposal to the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville to provide such services. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS: (1) That the attached contract for engineering services is hereby approved and adopted. (2) That the Chairman of the Housing Authority is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract. PASSED AND APPROVED, this �/OL day of February, 1972. ATTEST: At I1 Secretary APPROVED: �1Z� ef Chairman • ENGINEERING CONTRACT FOR PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENTS CONSISTING OF Pedestrian Mall Streets, Alleys F, Sidewalks Street Trees Storm Sewers Traffic Signalization Electrical Relocation Utility Adjustments IN THE CENTER SQUARE URBAN RENEWAL AREA, ARK, R-105 PART I - AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into as of the day of 19 , by and between the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, State of Arkansas, .(hereinafter referred to as the "Local Public Agency"), and Urban Programming Corporation of Arkansas, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Arkansas, (hereinafter referred • to as the "Contractor"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency has, under date of February 11, 1972, entered into a Loan and Capital Grant Con- tract with the United States of America, providing for financial aid to the Local Public Agency under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended to date; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such Contract, the Local Public Agency is undertaking certain activities necessary for the execution of a project, situated in the Project Area described below; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Agency desires to engage the.. Contractor to render certain technical advice and assistance in connection with such undertakings of the Local Public Agency; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES The Contractor shall perform all the necessary services provided under this Proposal in connection with and respecting the following Project Area: Center Square Urban Renewal Project, Ark, R-105 and shall do, perform and carry out in a satisfactory and proper manner, as determined by the Local Public Agency, the following: A. General Scope of Services The Contractor will make preliminary studies, consult with interested officials; including the Department of Housing and Urban Development; City of Fayetteville officials; local interested groups and advisory committees; obtain and collect basic data; prepare designs, plans, specifications and cost estimates; provide construction services; and otherwise assist the Local Public Agency with the Planning and construction of the Item I Site Improvements as listed below: ILW4:�'a 'N — — ,.s:`.::..b. _- * :±.F.Ci1`iaieid.Yf35i /%/`Tafr .+,.coCs 'Y 8 ,_.. ;-..mss '• Page 2 All Item I Project Improvements as shown in the Project Improvements Report, "Part I Loan and Grant Application" Center Square Urban Renewal Area, Ark. R-105. The general categories of services to be provided by the Contractor for the proposed site improvements are as follows: Design and Consulting Services Preliminary Design Plans, Outline Specifications and Estimates Contract Plans, Specifications and Estimates Construction Services Additional or Special Services Resident Engineering Services for the Pedestrian Mall B. Design and Consulting Services 1. Preliminary Design Plan, Outline Specifications and Estimates. a. The contractor will perform the necessary field • surveys to obtain the topographic data required for the preparation of the design. Such surveys shall include control profiles, and dimensions and locations of existing and proposed streets, sidewalks, malls, sewers, culverts, ditches, utility locations, other public improvements and other information as required, including ties to existing property lines and right of ways. b. The Contractor will consult the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Local Public Agency, City of Fayetteville Officials, local utility companies, and others in order to insure that the subsequent designs are satisfactory and not in conflict with existing installations and are coordinated with proposed future improvements to exterior City streets and drainage systems. c. The Contractor will consult the local public utility companies to coordinate the proposed site improvements with their participation in the relocation or reconstruction of their in- stallations in the Project Area. d. The Contractor will assist the LPA in organizing various groups that are deemed necessary by the LPA for purposes of inviting their participation in establishing design goals and objectives for site improvements. The Contractor will consult with these groups and the LPA with respect to design of site improvements and explore various alternative concepts and plans for these site improvements as might be necessary. The Contractor shall work with these.organized groups for.the purpose of inviting their.participation in de- sign'decisions and shall be responsible for attending meetings as might be required with these groups in order to obtain their views and to inform them of technical matters of enginee- ring and design as they relate to site improve- ments covered by this Contract. Page 3 e. Utilizing all information collected and made available by consultation with inter- ested Officials, the Contractor will pre- pare preliminary designs, outline speci- fications, preliminary plans and cost es- timates for submission to the Local Public Agency and others as required for review of the plans. The plans will be developed sufficiently to permit the reviewer to analyze and comment on the plan and profiles, typical sections, typical elevations, details and other pertinent information relating to the basic design and layout of the proposed facilities. 2. Contract Plans, Specifications and Estimates a. The Contractor will prepare complete and de- tailed final contract plans and specifications based upon the approved preliminary plans and outline specifications. The detailed final plans shall include plans, profiles, typical sections and such other items as may be nece • ssary, b. The Contractor will assist the Local Public Agency in obtaining approval of final agree- ments and permits with the City of Fayette- ville, Arkansas Health Department and such other public agencies as may be necessary. C, The Contractor will prepare a final detailed estimate of the cost of construction of the proposed site improvements, based upon final contract plans and specifications. d. Thirty days in advance of advertising for bids for construction, the Contractor will forward to the Local Public Agency three sets of do- cuments which shall consist of: 1. General Conditions, all parts 2. Special Conditions, all parts 3. Drawings, as listed in Schedule of Drawings 4. Technical Specifications 5, Final Estimates of Costs e. The Contractor will prepare Twenty (20) sets . of the contract documents and plans required for advertising and receiving bids for'con- struction. 3. Construction Services a. The Contractor will assist the Local Public Agency in advertising for and analyzing bids, in the selection of a qualified contractor(s) for con- struction of the improvements. b. The Contractor will be available for general consultation and interpretation of the plans and specifications during construction. C. The Contractor will visit the job site and ob- serve the progress of construction at intervals during the construction of the project. Such observation is not to be construed as resi- dent supervision of construction but as a gen- eral review of the work for conformance with the contract plans, Page 4 d, The Contractor will review and approve all shop and working drawings, e. The Contractor will advise the Local Public Agency concerning the results of laboratory tests of materials for compliance with the speci- fications, f, The Contractor shall provide a set of as -built reproducible drawings to the Local Public Agency. C. Additional or Special Services 1. Subsurface Investigations - The Contractor will engage a reputable boring contractor for the necessary subsurface investigation and will have said contractor obtain such subsurface in- formation and soil tests as required for the proper design of the improvements covered by this contract. 2; Modifications to Approved Plans - The Contractor will modify previously approved contract plans, • specifications and estimates when authorized in writing by the Local Public Agency, due to a change in design criteria initiated by the Agency. This provision shall not apply to changes made necessary by errors of the Contractor. 3, Legal Descriptions and Plats - The Contractor will prepare plats and legal descriptions for all easements and right of ways to be acquired for public improvements, with ties to existing property boundaries and right of way lines, de- tailing by separate plat and legal description for each property owner the area to be acquired from the property owner. D, Resident Engineering Services for the Pedestrian 1. The Contractor will furnish a Resident Engineer and will staff (as required) a job site field office furnished by others. 2, Said Resident Engineer will review the construction schedule prepared by the construction contractor(s) for compliance with the plans, specifications and contract, 3. Said Resident Engineer will arrange pre -construction conferences and schedule progress meetings and other job conferences as required. 4. Said Resident Engineer will serve as the Local Public Agency's representative in all dealings with the construction contractor(s). 5, Said Resident will obtain from the construction contractor(s) a list of proposed suppliers and subcontractors. 6, Said Resident Engineer will maintain at the field office orderly files of correspondence, reports of job conferences, shop drawings, reproductions of original contract documents, including all addenda, change orders and additional drawings issued subsequent to the award o.f the contract, progress reports and other related documents. ■ <. Page 5 7. Said Resident Engineer will maintain a set of drawings on which authorized changes are noted., 8. Said Resident Engineer will review the interim and final pay estimates of the construction contractor(s) and forward them with recommenda- tions to the Local Public Agency, noting parti- cularly their relation to the work completed and materials and equipment delivered at the site. 9. Said Resident Engineer will inspect and approve the work performed to ascertain its general compliance with the contract plans and specifi- cations. 10. Said Resident Engineer will inspect at the site, arrange for testing where necessary, and approve all construction materials. 11. Said Resident Engineer will review and prepare recommendations to the Local Public Agency concerning all properly filed claims of construc- tion contractor(s) for extra compensation. • 12. Said Resident Engineer will submit to the con- struction contractor(s), prior to semi-final and final inspections, a list of observed items requiring correction and verify that each corr- ection has been made. 13. Said Resident Engineer will conduct final in- spection(s) n- spections) in the company of the Local Public Agency's representatives, and make recommenda- tions to the Local Public Agency concerning final acceptance of the Project. II. INFORMATION FURNISHED BY LOCAL PUBLIC AGENCY The Local Public Agency shall furnish the following data and information to the Contractor: A11 available pertinent information that the Local Public Agency may have in its possession or to which it may have access. III. TIME OF PERFORMANCE The services of the Contractor shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as to assure their expeditious completion . in the light of the purposes of this Contract; but in any event, all of the services hereunder shall be completed within the number of consecutive calendar days shown below: A. The preliminary design plans, outline specifications and estimates in accordance with Section numbered I -B-1, shall be submitted to the Local Public Agency, the City, and such agencies as may be con- cerned, within one hundred twenty (120) days after the receipt of a written Notice to Proceed for each separate proposed contract. B. For each contract, plans, specifications and esti- mates, in accordance with Section numbered I -B-2, shall be submitted to the Local Public Agency, and the City and such other agencies as may be concerned within ninety (90) days after approval of preliminary plans. .. .h'_r. _ .•. xr .+::. �JZ.n �*+�.... _1 _ y """'"�--''w.. TM _-,' .�. r.4`�+`'s.c...�-4:�wa... rr.�.....ewsr..c� Page 6 SC. Construction services, in accordance with Section numbered I -B-3, shall be provided at such times as they may be required and in an expeditious fashion. D. Special or Additional Services, in accordance with Section numbered I -C, shall be provided at such times as they may be required and in an expeditious fashion. E. Resident Engineering Services, in accordance with Section numbered I -D, shall be provided during the construction of the pedestrian mall, commencing with the award of Contract to the Contractor and ending with the acceptance of the work by the Agency. IV COMPENSATION A. Design and Consulting Services The total compensation to be paid by the Local Public Agency to the Contractor as full remuneration for the performance of Design and Consulting Services as sti- pulated in Section numbered I -B, Design and Consulting • Services, shall be computed as a percentage of Total Improvements Cost as following: Total Estimated Improvements Cost Total Percentage Fee $889,880 8.3% The Total Improvements Cost shall be the total cost of the items which are listed as included in Section numbered I -A, excluding engineering fees, legal fees, land, administration costs and financing costs. All other costs and expenses (including the cost of labor and materials furnished by the Local Public Agency or the City for the Construction of the Im- provements listed herein and within the Scope of the Engineer's work) shall be included in the Total Improvements Cost. The estimated Total Improvements Cost shall be based on the Contractor's latest estimate of Improvements Cost for the applicable phase of the Improvements. The final total fee, as calculated in accordance with the above schedule, shall be based on the ultimate or the final cost of construction or, if construction is not started, shall be based on the Contractor's • last estimate of Improvements Cost, for the contract plans and specifications satisfactorily completed, as required hereunder, and as determined by the Local Public Agency. The total fee shall not exceed $73, 860. When and if such maximum cost has been incurred, no additional services shall be provided or expenses incurred therefor without an appropriate amendment. to the contract. B. Special or Additional Services 1. Subsurface Investigations - For services specified in Section numbered I -C-1, Subsurface Investiga- tions, the Local Public Agency swill reimburse the Contractor for the actual cost .of the subsurface investigations as performed by other contractors engaged by the Contractor, but mot to exceed the total amount of $4,000.00 _r:..riGi6arr's'u.�._..�i�..,.._.��...a�..�...r�uT.:..�. •.a 'aiw..u,�.....�,' ...�.,�_, '. 0 U Page 7 2. Modifications to Approved Plans - For services specified in Section numbered I -C-2, Modifications to Approved Plans, the Local Public Agency will reimburse the Contractor for his actual techni- cal salary costs of staff assigned to the work plus one -hundred (100) percent of such salary costs for overhead, payroll taxes costs, and other direct costs. The maximum cost of these services shall not exceed $2,000.00. 3. Legal Descriptions and Plats - For services specified in Section numbered I -C-3, Legal Descriptions and Descriptive Plats, The Local Public Agency will pay the Contractor $75 per lot, up to a maximum amount of $3,000.00. C. Resident Engineering Services for the Pedestrian Mall For services specified.in Section numbered I -D, the Contractor shall be paid monthly payments consisting of 2.0 times -engineering gross payroll including established fringe benefits, plus direct reimburse- ment of travel and living expenses, telephone charges, reproduction costs, supplies, and equipment rental. All of the above items, including payroll, shall be justified by adequate invoices. The maximum amount to be paid under this Section shall be $22,000. V. METHOD OF PAYMENT A. Payments shall be made to the Contractor in the following manner, in every case subject to receipt of a requisition for payment from the Contractor, specifying that he has performed the work under this Contract in conformance with the Contract and that he is entitled to receive the amount requisitioned under the terms of the Contract. B. Design and Consulting Services Thirty (30) percent of the total percentage fee when the services covered by Section numbered I -B -i, paragraphs a through c have been satisfactorily com- pleted, as required hereunder. Thirty (30) percent of the total percentage fee when the remainder of the services covered by Section I -B-1 are completed, resulting in preliminary plans, outline specifications and estimates being submitted to the Local Public Agency. Thirty (30) percent of the total percentage fee when the services covered by Section numbered I -B-2, Contract Plans, Specifications and Estimates have been satisfactorily completed as required hereunder. Ten. (10) percent of the total percentage fee when the services covered by Section numbered I -B-3, Construc- tion Services, have been satisfactorily comple'l:ed. C. Special or Additional Services The actual cost, not to exceed $4,000.00 for the subsurface investigation, when said services as covered under Section numbered I -C-1, have been satisfactorily completed, as required hereunder, and as determined by the Local Public Agency. C�M%:L®II4��l_...uG11L:u:'ayM _�.. vial _ 6�. ...... _�.-...u.!aa. �.:...�v.r.JJf....::�.. n�•�.4E �i...a.. ...r .�... .. _�.__�....�.. MOM The actual cost of technical salaries plus 100%, for modifications to Approved Plans when satis- factorily completed as determined by the Local Public Agency, Seventy -Five Dollars ($75.00) per lot for legal description and plat as they are submitted to the Local Public Agency, the total fee however, not to exceed $3,000.00 D. Resident En¢ineerin¢ Services for the Pedestrian Mall Monthly payments consisting of 2.0 times engineering gross payroll including established fringe benefits; plus direct reimbursement of travel and living ex- penses, telephone charges, reproduction costs, supplies and equipment rental. All of the above items, in- cluding payroll, shall be justified by adequate in- voices. The maximum amount to be paid under this Section shall be $22,000. E. It is expressly understood and agreed that in no event will the total compensation and reimbursement, if any, to be paid hereunder, exceed the maximum sum of $104,860: This amount is based on all sums being • expended for subsurface investigations, modifications to approved plans, and the total improvements costs covered by this agreement. VI TERMS AND CONDITIONS In the event that the Scope of Services is modified, changed or altered substantially by the Local Public Agency or other govern- mental agency either party of the contract may request that the Contract Compensation be renegotiated to the mutual satisfaction of both parties and subject to the concurrence of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, This Agreement is subject to and incorporates the provisions attached hereto as Part II - Terms and Conditions (Form H -62.1B, dated February, 1969), VII NON-FEDERAL LABOR STANDARDS Not Applicable VIII PREVAILING SALARIES Not less than the respective salaries prevailing in the lo- cality as determined pursuant to the attached "Determination of Prevailing Salaries of Technical Positions" shall be paid to persons in the respective occupations listed therein employed in the performance of work under this Contract. IX CERTIFICATIONS The Contractor shall furnish to the Local Public Agency with each statement submitted for services rendered, certifications as to ccclpliar.^..e with Section 8 of this Part when applicable, and a similar certification of his subcontractors with respect to employees in work under this Contract. Page 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Local Public Agency and the Con- tractor have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. ATTEST: ATTEST: • ff r HOUSING AUTHORITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS (Local Public Agency) Lon URBAN PROGRAMMING CORPORATION OF ARKANSAS (Contractor) .By