HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-05-08 - Minutes - Archive0 0 q* MINUTES OF THE =ING OF THE HOUSIGG AUTHORITY of the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS , HELD ON THE 8thDAY OF MAY , 1968, On the 8th day of May, 1968 at 10 o'clock a, ra,, the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met ';gin The meeting was called to order and on roll call the follol-dnj members of the body were present: vIESSRS. Whillock T_, Shelton _ Gould Absei2t were Aessrs.� Baxter Douglas Also present were Hugh Kincaid - Ora Belli Rollow ,Gerald Fox The Chairman ordered that the follovring Waiver and Consent be spread upon the iQinutes: 9493 ui-1ITE?; OI' NOTICE OF ADM CO7SENT TO SPECIAL AajETITNG We, the undersigned, do hereby accept notice of this Special meeting, waiving any and a'_1 '_rregulurx*:.ti.es in the service of notice and do hereby consent, and agree timet the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , shall meet a- their regular meeting Place at 10:00 o`cloca::am,, on the 8th day of May 196% for the ol'_cwirg :;urposes: To consider and vote on a Resolution approving the Hillcrest Junior School site for :location of housing for the elderly. To trcnsact' a -,v other business that may come before the meeting, There be ng a quorum present, the Tom' iS� The fo1._ov'ne- Resolution was introduced by fair. Kincaid read in full and considered: to After di.scussior., Cor., iise oxer Gould i:lowa . chat ch A$eSol7.11?.cm be adopt@d. as i:]iiroCiucc'. and read. The 1<'.o'Gion was s-conP'ed J;' Ca l ssic:ie.r Shelton and: the follo=ring vote bias 'racorded: X!E;'S: Whitlock Shelton Gould, , :" Y>>' • NONE T1 - T Chainrm:: declared the motion carried and th:: adopt,ad. ThZre bB=.n(j no fur'Lher business to .r:ori5 --f=e the 1i 8' 1.i7�; ccrmllssirti-r Could niovad, that ihC 1 ectin'v' adjourn, whish motion -aas du17. zcond d. Com:u-ssia, r Shelton and carried, o- uneni;aous vote. Thi Chair-dail theraroon decla_ _d�t'h �maetinG adjour ,-, i. Cu Ii�[;yr,,i1 n 0 RESOLUTION NO. 20 I A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SITE FOR HOUSING FOR ELDERLY WHEREAS, on March 5, 1968 the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville did select a preferred site for construction of housing for elderly as the Maplewood Addition lying between the streets of Rebecca and Davidson and directly behind Safeway Store located on College Avenue, subject to financial feasibility and other considerations, and WHEREAS, after further exploration it has been determined by the Board of Commissioners of theAuthority that this site would be difficult to acquire at a fair market price and, furthermore, would encounter opposition from the surrounding neighborhood, and WHEREAS, on March 5, 1968 the Board of Commissioners also selected an alternate site being an area bounded by School -Center -West and Meadow Streets - known as the "old Hillcrest Junion High School", and WHEREAS, this site is located within easy reach of center town facilities and activities and is considered financially feasible, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1. That the "Old Hillcrest Junion High School" site be selected for construction for housing for elderly in lieu of the Maplewood Addition between Rebecca and Davidson Streets, SECTION 2. That this PASSED this _4? 6 ATTEST: resolution shall become effective immediately. day of May, 1968. APPROVED: C &". e,,. a CARL WHILLOCK, CHAIRMAN