HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-09-20 - Minutes - ArchiveC7 •— MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS September 20, 1967 A regular meeting of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas, was held at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, September 20, 1967,in the Director's Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville. Members Present: L.L.Baxter Ellis '.Shelton Hal Dpuglas J.W.Gould Members Absent: Others Present: ;None Ora Belle Rollow Hugh Kincaid Gerald Fox James A.Vizzier Minutes of the August 16th meeting were read and approved upon motion of Mr. Douglas, seconded. Motion carried. The financial report was distributed,reviewed and approved by motion of Mr. Gould, seconded by Mr. Douglas.Motion carried. .,The follow ing Resolution was introduced by the Chairman, read in full by Mr. Kincaid: RESOLUTION # 7 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION•OF A SOCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AND THE ARKANSAS STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM. After discussion, Mr. Shelton moved that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Douglas and the following vote was recorded: AYES: BAXTER, DOUGLAS, SHELTON, GOULD, NAYES: NONE The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the resolution adopted. 0 The following Resolution was introduced by the Chairman,read • in full by Mr. Kincaid and considered: RESOLUTION # 8 RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING METHODS OF ADMINISTRATION OF LOW -RENT HOUSING UNDER TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. After discussion Mr. Shelton moved that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Gould and the following vote was recorded: AYES: BAXTER, SHELTON,GOULD,DOUGLAS NAYES: NONE The following Resolution was introduced by the Chairman; RESOLUTION # 9 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PROPOSAL FOR APPRAISALS BY JAMES R. SULLIVAN BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: • Section 1. The Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to accept the proposal of Mr. Sullivan as appraiser in the name of, and the Secretary is hereby directed to seal and attest the same with the seal of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville Arkansas. Mr. Gould moved that the resolution be adopted, seconded by Mr. Shelton and the vote recorded: AYES: BAXTER,GOULD,SHELTON,DOUGLAS NAYES: NONE The Chairman declared the resolution adopted. The following Resolution was introduced by the Chairman,read in full by Mr. Kincaidand discussed: RESOLUTION # 10 APPROVAL OF CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH RELOCATION PAYMENTS WILL BE MADE.Motion by Mr. Shelton that the resolution be adopted,seconded by Mr. Gould and the following vote was • recorded: AYES: BAXTER, SHELTON, GPULD, DOUGLAS NAYES: NONE The chairman declared the resolution adopted. The following resolution was introduced by the ehairman: 0 • The vacancy on the Board of Commissioners was discussed. After a motion by Mr. Shelton, seconded by Mr_Dpuglas that Mr. Carl Whilock be approved and invited to become a member of the Board the following vote was recorded: AYES: BAXTER, SHELTONp GOULD, DOUGLAS NAPES: NONE The Chairman declared the motion carried. The Chairman as ked Mr. Kincai d to prepare a resolution expressing grief at the death of Mr.J.E.Pomfret and appreciation for his service to the Housing Authority.A copy to be sent to the family. Mrs. Rollow asked permission to attend a conference of Housing Officials in Dallas/Fr.Worth on Sept 24-27 to participate in a planning session for theCommunity Services Committee of that organization. • Mr. Shelton moved that this be allowed, seconded by Mr. Gould. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by the Chairman. bl P) -P7 ATTEST: ` APPROVED: ORA BELLE ROLLOW,SECRETARY L.L.BAXTER, CHAIRMAN. 0 I RESOLUTION # 11 0 • "'A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PROCUREMENT POLICY TO ESTABLISH INTERNAL CONTROLS ON PURCHASES AND CONTRACTS WHEREAS, the Housi ng Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas hereby determines that there is a need for a pro- curement pplicy to assure prudent purchasing, monetary savings, gged public relations, and avoidance of allegations of favortism. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE.* ARKANSAS: Section 1: The statement of policy and procedure is hereby approvedand annexed hereto as Exhibit "A". Secti on 2: This resolution shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND APPROVED this.�2(.Z7day of Lt-4� 1967 ATTEST: APPROVED: • ORA BELLE ROLLOW,SECRETARY L.L.BAXTER, CHAIRMAN The followiyng Resolution was introduced by the Chairman: RESOLUTION # 12 RESOLUTION ADOPTING A POLICY FOR CAPITALIZATION OF PROPERTY FOR FINANCIAL CONTROL PURPOSES, BE IT RESOLVED BY. THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Policy for Capitalization of Property.;, for financial control purposes is hereby approved. Section 2. This resolution shall become effective immediately. ATTEST: APPROVED: ORA BELLE ROLLOW, SECRETARY L.Bf3XTER, HAIRMAN • U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HUD -53037A Budget Bureau No. 63-R1155 July 1967 Approval Expires 12-31-68 SUPPLEMENT 1 TO FORM HUD -53037 (FORMERLY PHA -3037, JANUARY 1965) Following is a statement of the Local Authority's plan for selection of applicants and assignment of dwelling units, in sufficient detail to in- dicate consistency of the plan with HUD requirements in paragraph Id of Exhibit 2 to Low -Rent Housing Manual Section 102, 11 (Insofar as provisions of the Local Authority's adopted admission regulations are relied upon in this statement, a copy may be attached, ) The foregoing statement was duly adopted by resolution of the board of commissioners of the Local Authority, a certified copy of which is attached, Dated: September 20, 1967 HousingAuthority of the City of Fayetteville_ Arkansas (Name of Local Authority) By: _ ra NOTE: If more space is needed for the statement, an additional page should be attached, 220285-P HUD -Wash., D. C. 0 0 —L RESOLUTION N0, 7 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A SOCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAY- ETTEVILLE AND THE ARKANSAS STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Agreement between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and the Arkansas State Employees Retirement System, is hereby approved. SECTION 2. The Chairman is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Agreement in the name of, and the Secretary is hereby directed to attest the Agreement and affix the seal of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. SECTION 3. The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, will be liable for the matching contributions due on wage credits for our employees. SECTION 4. The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby authorizes the Executive Director of the Arkansas State Employees Retirement System to administer the provisions of the Amended Social Security Law to the employees of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, effective retro- active to August 1, 1967, SECTION 5. The Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby designates the Executive Director of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, to be responsible for the filing of quarterly reports and remittances with the Arkan- sas State Employees Retirement System. All remittances are to be made payable to the Arkansas State Treasurer. Passed this 20 day of Sept. 1967, APPROVED: a AdafrrrF lia ATTEST: k. to bfflC4T—.2-S) OF THE MUTING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE* ARKANSAS HELD ON THE CI0 DAY OF September 19 67 F On the 20th ,day o$eptember atl0t00 o'clock A. m., the Hoard of Cumissioners of the Huusing Autitoctty of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in) Regular Session. The meeting vas called to order and on roll call the following members of the body vere present: MESSRS. BMTER.SHELTON,DOUGLAS,AND GOULD (Commissioner Pomphret deceased) ABSENT. *TONR Also present were Tampa A V17.7iPr1 Fttigh Kincaid. and Gerald Fox. and Ora Be al�o I The o ere t the following Waiver and Consent be spread upon the Minutes: WAIVER OF NOTICE OF AND CONSENT TO SPECIAL MEETING We, he dersigned, do hereby accept notice of this Spe unmeeting,' waiving%nand all irregularities in the service o notice and do hereby t and agree that the place at 19 , for the To transact , shall m., on tye/ other business that may at their regular meeting day of I , before the meeting There being a quorum present, the following,business was transacted: The following Resolution vas introduced by Mr. Kincaid, Attorney read in full and considered: Resolution # 8 - Ra.solu'tion esta'>lishing r.•e 4hods of administration of log: -rani RESOLUTION` ESTABLISHING METHODS OF ADMINISTRATION OF LOW -RENT HOUSING UNDER TI TIE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 RESOLUTION N0. 9 ' ' MOLUTION ESTABLISHING 10THODS OF ADMINISTRATION OF LOW. -RENT HOUSING UNDER TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 1- F WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary to establish methods of administration of the Housing Authority's low rent housing projects receiving Federal financial assistance under the United States Housing Act,of 1937, as emended, in order to fulfill the Housing Authority's responsibilities pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ,THE BOARD OF CO*1ISSIONERS OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF.ay� AS FOLLOWS:, The following methods of. administration) a copy of which will be conspicuously posted in'all Authority facilitieswhich are open to the public, are hereby adopted for use by theitM.ot "I Housing Authority pursuant to Title VI of the Civil R ghts Act of 9 1. This Authority does not discriminate on the grounds of race, color, creed, or national origin in any phase of its operation: Further; there shall be no intimidatory or retaliatory action by this Authority or its staff against any applicant or tenant because of participation in civil rights activities or for.having asserted any of his rights under the Civil Rights Act, and' the regulations and requirements pursuant thereto. 2. Applications for housing *sill be accepted between the hours of g and p_y. , the following days: at the following ad6ress(es): 21 9. College #Fayet ev e. Ai an 9 3. Such location(s) of facilities for filing of applications for tenancy and such circumstances for acceptance of applications will afford the applicant the greatest opportunity of his rights under the tenant, selection. and assignment plan adopted by the Local Authority. Applications filed shall be dated, time -stamped, and (when applications are accepted at more than one office) referred to a central tenant selection and assignment office. 4. Each applicant shall be assigned his appropriate place- on a community -wide basis in sequence based upon date and time his application is received,. suitable type or size of unit, and factors affecting preference or priority established by the Local Authority's regulations, which are not inconsistent with. the objectives of Title VI of the Civil Rights Adt of 1,064 and the -.1-•-Department of Housing and Urban Development regulations and requirements pursuant thereto. Offers shall be made first in locations having the most vacancies. Suitable vacancies arising at a given time at any location shall be offered to the eligible applicant first in sequence at such time. 5, Our plan for the selection of tenants and their assignment to dwelling' units is as follows: (Delete the plan your Authority does not wish to adopt): PLAN B (1) If there is a suitable vacant unit in more than one location, the applicant shall be offered the unit at the location that contains the largest number of vacancies. I£ the applicant rejects the first vacancy offered, he shall be offered a suitable unit at the location containing the next highest number of vacancies. If the applicant rejects three such offers, he shall be placed at the bottom of the eligible list. The Local Authority shall make all such offers in sequence and there must be a rejection of a prior offer before the a--ry)licant may be offered another location. • ' 2 (2) If there are only two locations at which suitable vacancies exist, the applicant shall be offered a unit at that loca- tion first ;:here the most vacancies exist. If the applicant rejects the first vacancy offered, he shall be offered the second and, if he rejects the second, his name shall be moved to the bottom of the eligible list. The Local Authority shall offer all such locations in sequence and there must be a rejection of a prior offer before the applicant may be offered another location. (3) If there is only one location at which suitable vacancies e;:ist, the applicant shall be offered a unit at that loca• tion and if he rejects such offer, he shall be given a second offer of a suitable vacancy as soon as one becomes available. If he rejects the second offer, he shall be moved to the bottom of the eligible applicant list. 6. Applicants may reject offers of vacancies without being moved from their place on the eligible applicant's list in case of hardship or handicap not related to considerations of race, color, or national origin, as follows: (Delete if your Authority does not Hush to adopt) A. If the applicant is willing to acce?t the unit offered but is unable to move at the time of the offer and presents clear evidences of his inability to move to the Local Authority's satisfaction, refusal of the offer shall not count as one of the number of allowable refusals permitted the applicant before _)lacing his name at the bottom of the eligible a_-plicant list. B. If an applicant presents to the satisfaction of the Local Authority clear evidence that acceptance of a given offer of a suitable vacancy dill result in undue hardship or handicap not related to considera tions of race, color, or national origin, such as inaccessibility to source of em�loyaent, children's day care center, and the like', refusal of such offer shall not be counted as one of the number of allowable refusals permitted an applicant before placinL his name at the bottom of the eligible list. 7. In scattered site developments the Local Authority shall make reasonable determinations of "locations" based on specific scatterization. Loca- tions, or groupings, for such scattered sites are defined as follows: NOT APPLICABLE SII. The Local Authority shall maintain a record of the vacancies offered, including location, date, and circumstances of each offer and each rejection or acceptance. 9. Reassignment or transfers to other dwelling units: (Following is an example of a plan an Authority may find suitable for inclusion as a part of its resolution. It may, of course, be modified to reflect local needs. A statement may also be included to indicate whether transfers ta:ce priority over applications.) Reassignments or transfers to other dwelling units will be made without retard to race, color, or national origin as follows: Tenants will not be transferred to a dwelling unit of equal size either within a project or between projects, except for alleviating hardships as determined by the Iucecutive Director or his designee. Transfers within projects shall be made to correct occupancy standards. Transfers between projects shall be made for families requiring large size units which do not exist within the project; i.e., tenant requires five bedroom unit and lives in Project A which has only one- to four-bedroom units. This tenant may, therefore, be considered for a transfer to a project containing five•- bedroo:u units. 10. This Authority will receive and process complaints from or on behalf of any person who believes himself to be subject to discrimination by this Authority or its staff, and will keep a record of each complaint, including the date of the complaint, by whom made, investigation and hearing (if any), and evaluation. The complainant will be furnished a written notice of action ta:.en. The filing of a complaint with this Authority will not prevent the subsequent filing of a complaint with the Housing Assistance Administration Regional Office. Posted in all project offices for public information and inspection is a copy of the Housing Assistance Administration Complaint Procedure, Form HUD -53053 (formerly Form PHA -3053), to include the address of the Housing Assistance Administration Regional Office. 11. This Authori-ty will -periodically review its practices to assure that they are in conformity with its obligations under the regulations and requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, 11. This Authority will ma1:e quarterly reports to 'the Regional Office, giving 'the number of complaints and all related data with regard to such complaints, or reporting to the Regional Office that there have . been no complaints (if a rplicable) for the quarter covered with regard to complaints about discrimination. 4. (Closing Minutes--IHA) 4 After discussion, Commissioner SHELTON moved that the Resolution be adopted as introduced and read. The motion was seconded by Commissioner DOUGLAS , and the following vote was recorded: NAYS: NONE �a The Chairman thereupon declared the motion carried and the Resolution adopted. There being no further business to come before the meeting, Commissioner GOULD moved that the meeting adjourn, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner DOUGLAS and carried by unanimous vote. The Chairman thereupon declared the meeting adjourned. rman i ORA BELLE ROLLOW Secretary C E R T I F I C A T E i i I, ORA BELLE ROLLOW , the duly appointed, quali'fied'and acting Secretary of the Housing Authority ofd CITY OE' FAYETTEVILLEt ARKANSAS do hereby certify that the attached Extract from the Minutes of the regular meeting of the Commissioners of said Authority, held on So�lGfibGi 20. 1967 , is a true and correct copy of the original Minutes of said meeting on file and of record insofar as said original minutes relate to the matters set forth in said attached Extract, and I do further certify that each Resolution appearing in said attached Extract is a true and correct copy of the same Resolution adopted at said meeting and on file and of record. IN,TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of said Authority this 20 th day of ieptember ' (SEAL) Y 3t I: _'.SMIOTEK69TSE WE.TZNEOF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS. HELD ON • THE 20 tbPAY OF September 19 67 On the 20th day of September at 10100 o'clock A, m., the Hoard of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas met in Regular Session. The meeting was called to order and on roll call the following members of the body were present: MESSRS. BAXTERa SHELTONs GOULDs DOUGLAS (VACANCY) ABSENT. NONE Also present were HUGH KINCAID,ORA BELLE ROLLOSP, JAMES VIZZIER.GERALD FOC The ordered that the following Waiver and Co)3tent be spread upon the Minutes: • OF NOTICE OF 0 We, the orders ned, do hereby accept notice of this tial meetings waiving any and a irregularities in the service f notice and do hereby consent and ag that the shall et at their regular meeting place at o'clock M. on th day of , 19 , for the following purposes• To transact anyi6ther business that may came before tk meeting. There being a quoruo present, the following business was transacted: \The following Resolution was introduced by Mr. KINCAID , read in full and considered: RESOLUTION, NO* 10 3 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH RELOCATION SPILL BE MADE • I.• PCS -32 (4/67) J `y RESOLUTION NO.10 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH RELOCATION PAYMENTS WILL BE MADE WHEREAS, the rules and regulations prescribed by the Federal Government ` pursuant to Title' require that the conditions under which the (101ousing,>., ,Ae,tfloZ].'.ty� of the T -City -of Fayettevdllenake Relocation Payments in connection with the (2) ARK 797-1 Low—Rent Housing Project contemplated by the appli- cation and the Schedule of Average -Annual Gross Rentals for Standard Housing in Locality to be used for determining the amounts of Relocation Adjustment'Payments to be made, in. connection with the (2)ARK 97-1,1Aw Rent Housing .Pr'ojact contemplated:by the Application,.the Fixed Relocation Payments Schedule bye formally approved by.the; Governing Body of the`.(1jlousing,Authority oP\the City of Fayetteville, Alkana — ..--\+ are as p geme to this meeting of the Governing Body of the HGAWSAu � i` y s Llle `�itY�gihj lffi i,= abonth%d 4! fwval a set, (L�f Favettev e, Ar ansae u., =1LY _ dd of conditions under, which the � of., Fayetteville, Arkansas ill make . Relocation.Payments, and a.Schedule.of Average Annual Gross Rentals for Standard + ,;Housing in Locality,dated e , 19 67, and a Fixed Relocation�9 Payments Schedule dated ` Sep er . 0 , 19 67 for the (2) AR_ R, 97r1y, LOw—Rent Housing Project contemplated by the application- and , Housing Authori, ty of the City WHEREAS, the conditions under which the (1)of Fayetteville, Arkansas wiLl•make,Relocation'Payments and the. Schedule of Average Annual Gross Rentals for Standard Housing in Locality and the Fixed Relocation Payments,Schedule were reviewed and,considered at the meeting: NOW THER E B IT RE OLVED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE (1). Housing Authority o he C ty:of Fayetteville, Arkansas: 1. That %of1AA4iiftfi6A!nranaae .VfrL%jrcfiPo8fng and Urban Development under which the (L)PaM,;tto..Jlle� YY will make Relocation Payments are hereby in all respects approved.. 2. That ;the Schedule of Average.Annual Gross Rentals for Standard Housing in Locality attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is hereby in all respects approved. 3. That the Fixed Relocation Payments Schedule attached hereto, as. Exhibit "B" is hereby in all respects approved. 4. That the MMCUTIVE DIRECTOR is hereby authorized and (Title. of Officer) , directed to approve all claims for Relocation Payments. (1) Insert name of City or sponsoring agency (2) Insert name of Project • N' (Closing Minutes --LRA) After discussion, Commissioner DOUGLAS. moved that the Resolution be adopted as introduced and read. .The motion was seconded by Commissioner '.SHELTON , and the following vote .was recorded: AYES: NAYS: The adopted* Chairman thereupon declared the lotion carried and the Resolution N iF A i1 IF • a There being no further business to come before the meeting, Commissioner SHELTON moved that the meeting adjourn, which motion was duly seconded by Commissioner DOUGLAS and carried by unanimous vote. The Chairman thereupon declared the meeting adjourned• C E R T I F I C A T E I, ORA HELLS R0LLOW , the duly appointed, qualified and acting Secretary of the Rousing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas do hereby certify that the attached Extract from the Minutes of the REGULAR meeting of the Commissioners of said Authority, held on Sentembnr 2n. 1967 , is a true and correct copy of the original Minutes of said meeting on file and of ti record insofar as said original minutes relate to the matters set forth in said attached Extract, and I do further certify that each Resolution apps aring-iin said attached Extract is a true and correct copy of the same Resolution adopted at said meeting and on file and of record* ' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the Seal of said Authority this 20 th day of September , 19�• Secretary a RESOLUTION NO.11. PROCUREMENT POLICY $ PROCEDURE �e JV All purchasing of property, materials and supplies for the Housing Authority for any use shall be done by. the Executive Director. Purchases exceeding Ten Dollars ($1.0.00) shall be made only by purchase order or contract.. No other. employee or supervisor shall buy anything for any purpose,._except in non -business hours emergencies which involve the safety or protection of the employees or the property ;of the Housing Authority. .2. Purchases and contracts for. equipment, materials, supplies, ;or services, .except. for personal services, shall be made in the, following manner: (a) Purchases in amounts not to. exceed $10.00 may be made from the Petty Cash Fund; and (b) Purchases and contracts, not.to. exceed'$150.00,. shall be made in the open market after such inquiry as may be necessary to insure that the price obtained is .the most advantageous to the Housing Authority; and (c) Purchases and contracts .from '$150.00..to $1,000.00.shall. be made after oral solicitation, by telephone, or in writing from at least three suppliers, .if so many be available in the locality; and a tabulation of quotations received shall be kept on file; and (d) Purchases and contracts in excess of $1,O,OO.00.shall be made only after advertisement in at .least one newspaper of general circulation a sufficient time in advance to allow, for the receipt of proposals and a tabulation of bids received shall be kept on file.fAzm. •v (e) A the di retion f the Execu ve Dir for letters may be rit en est 1ishin open a ount with oca. ms and urch e or rs shal e writ en at t en of eai)h month confirm g a deli eves. For purchases and contracts specified in "c" and "d" above, lack of compe- tition is permissible only when an emergency. exists which permits no delay because of the possibility of injury or death, or destruction of property, or when only one source of supply is available and the official making the purchase or contract shall so certify. If a contract award or purchase is made without competition, .a.statement justifying the lack of competition shall be made to the Executive Director. With respect to the purchases and contracts specified in "c" above, .the responsible official shall make a purchase, form, or award a contract to, the lowest responsible bidder as to price who* meets the requirements, .ex- cept that .the award may be made.to a responsible bidder other than the low bidder when such award will result in ultimate.economy by reason of lower operating and maintenance costs. If such is the case, an explanatory state- ment shall be made by the Executive Director. If a purchase or contract nvolving an amount in excess of $1,000.00 is to.be awarded to other than , the low bidder, prior to award a full report of the proposed action shall be made to the Board of Commissioners and its approval secured. All papers supporting the award and purchase shall be attached to the voucher. procurement Policy & Procedure; -.continued Page II 3. Although the Housing Authority prefers to. do.business locally when possible, purchases may be made under Housing Assistance Administration consolidated supply. contracts withoug solicitation of bids when these contracts are practical,. economical, o.ffer.trustwor.thy.brand name mer- chandise, ,and service and parts. can be.obtairml locally. Items of un- certain or unproven quality should not :be purchased from such consolidated supply. contracts. T e prove 'ons of his poli may b Chang d by .he Exe tive Dir ctor to eet:cur nt nee and co ditions risen\31 th' the usin Au o ity. Chan s may n t be ma e, hone r,'in e doam unts se . for h he *n without a.reso tion b the Bo dof Co isers: • 19 RESOLUTION NO. 12 POLICY FOR CAPITALIZATION OF PROPERTY FOR FINANCIAL CONTROL PURPOSES WHEREAS Local Authorities are required to establish a policy for the capitalization of property. for financial control purposes; and WHEREAS all property.purchased or constructed from funds borrowed or donated for the development of a project and all property donated for the. development of a project shall.be treated as capitalized property:for the purposes of establishiig the Property Ledger at .the End of the Initial Operating Period; and WHEREAS the cost of equipment.purchased;from operating receipts shall be recorded as expendable equipment chargeable to main- tenance expense or as unexpendable equipment :chargeable as a capital expenditure in accordance with the Local Authority's established policy,. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that all items of equipment which v cost more than $25.00 and have a useful life of more than one • year shall be considered "nonexpendable" and .be capitalized for budgetary and, financial control purposes, ,and that .the criteria for the capitalization of expenditures as Property. Betterments and/or. Additions shall .be in accord with HAA policy set. forth in the description of Account -.7540,.: Property. Betterments. and 'Additions in Section.A3.9 of the HAA Accounting Manual. 16