HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-11-16 - Minutes - Archive10 Page 32 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS A regular meeting of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas, was held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, November 16, 1966, in the Directors Room in the City Administration Building; Fayetteville, Arkansas. Members present: L. L. Baxter, Ellis Shelton, J. W. Gould and Hal Douglas. Members absent: J. E. Pomfret. Others present: J. A. Vizzier; Warren Segraves and Ernest Jacks. The meeting was called to order by Chairman L. L. Baxter. The minutes of October 12, 1966, were approved as written and mailed to the members. The trip to the regional office of the Public Housing Administration in Fort Worth was discussed. J. A. Vizzier was asked to make the necessary arrangements to set up a meeting Tuesday, November 22 with the regional office. To expedite the preparation for The conference in Fort Worth, Ellis Shelton moved that the Chairman L. L. Baxter be, and hereby is, authorized to execute the Preliminary Loan Contract. The motion was seconded by Hal Douglas and passed unanimously. The contract with the architects was discussed. J. A. Vizzier suggested no action be taken until after the meeting in Fort Worth. There was no action taken. The architects, Warren Segraves and Ernest Jacks, were present to discuss sites for the public housing units. Both architects remarked that a few sites they inspected would be very desirable sites. Warren Segraves said they had looked at sites all over town. He pointed out the housing should be located in areas close to shopping, schools, parks, etc. After a number of sites were discussed, the Housing Authority asked the architects to give further consideration to the following: 1. The area south of Center Street to Huntsville Road on the east side of Willow Avenue. 2. The area east of South School Avenue between Rock Street and South Street. 3. The area west of the Fairgrounds and north of Highway 62 West. • 4. The area north of Walker Park. 5. The North Gregg Avenue area. • On motion by J. W. Gould, seconded by Ellis Shelton, the Housing Authority members voted unanimously to retain for $100 per month beginning October 1, 1966, Mr. Hugh Kincaid as attorney for the Hous- ing Authority, and that he be retained as attorney until notified otherwise. • 10 Hal Douglas moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by E-ILs Shelton. The motion .::-:. unanimously. The Chairman declared the meeting ATTEST: l 4 Jar A. VIZZIE , SE Y J�. n C11 � I(: APPROVED: