HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-10-12 - Minutes - ArchiveI� v V MIR`UTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS A special meeting of the Housing Authority of Fayetteville, Arkansas, was held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, October 12, 1966, in the Directors Room in the City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Members present: L. L. Baxter, Hal Douglas, J. W. Gould and J. E. Pomfret. Members absent: Ellis Shelton. Others present: J. A. Vizzier and City Manager Gerald Fox. The meeting was called to order by Chairman L. L. Baxter. The minutes of September 21, 1966, were approved as written and mailed to the members. Mr. J. A. Vizzier brought the members up to date on the urban renewal application. There was discussion, but no action was taken. The appointment of an acting executive director was considered. Acting Secretary J. A. Vizzier called to the attention of the Housing Authority that Article II, Section 4, paragraph 1 of the By -Laws adopted by the Authority states that the secretary shall be the executive director. He, therefore, being acting secretary is also acting executive director. A resolution authorizing the acting executive director and the chairman to execute financial and budgetary reports for the Housing Authority was read. On motion by Hal Douglas, seconded by J. W. Gould, the Housing Authority unanimously voted to adopt Resolution 11-66 to authorize the acting executive director and the chairman to execute financial budgetary reports. ..:.... ...... . RESOLUTION 11-66 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: That the Acting Executive Director J. A. Vizzier and Chairman L. L. Baxter be; and hereby are, authorized to execute financial and budgetary reports for and on behalf of the Housing Authority of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and that any report so executed shall constitute the lawful act of such Authority. October 12, 1966 Page 31 PASSED AND APPROVED on this day of OC���FIz. 1966. ATTEST: 72 J. A. VIZZIER, GRETARY APPROVED: ,x0MrA MEMO MUM a • W i� "r The program reservation for 200 public housing units has been approved by the Housing Assistance Administration. The Chairman reported in order for the Housing Authority to receive funds as soon as possible after the execution of a preliminary loan contract, the Authority needed to approve a request for an initial advance of funds in the amount of $5,250. J. E. Pomfret moved that the Chairman of the Housing Authority be,and hereby is,authorized to execute Form PHA 1991 and Form PHA 402 to request an approval of an initial advance of funds in the amount of $5,250. The motion was seconded by Hal Douglas and passed unanimously. The Housing Authority discussed making the necessary arrangements for the Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary -Acting Executive Director and architects to attend a conference in the Regional Office of Public Housing Administration to discuss site selection, preparation of a Development Program, accounting, legal requirements, etc., for public housing. There was discussion on employing an executive director. Because of the limited funds available under the public housing program, the Housing Authority felt it would be difficult to locate a qualified person to employ as executive director for public housing now and for urban renewal later. It was agreed before there was further consideration given to employing a director that the Housing Authority would wait until after the conference at the Fort Worth Regional Office of Public Housing Administration. Chairman Baxter reported that the Fayetteville Housing Authority had been put on the mailing list of FHA and VA to receive lists of properties available for low -rent housing. J. E. Pomfret moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Hal Douglas and passed unanimously. The Chairman adjourned the meeting. ATTEST: r A. 7 ,s J., A. VIZZIER, MCRETARY APPROVED: i r