HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-30 - Agendas - Final• Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Meeting Agenda September 30, 2004 A meeting of the Fayetteville Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund will be held at 11:00 a.m. on September 30, 2004 in Room 326 of the City Administration Building 1. Approval of the Minutes: • August 26, 2004 2. Approval of the Pension List: • October 2004 Pension List 3: Longer Investments: • Report 4. Old Business: • • Benefit Increase Resolution • Kelly Skelton College Enrollment • Kim Skelton College Enrollment 5. New Business: • Procedure for Notification of the Death of a Pensioner • Budget Report for 07/31/2004 • • v E q) 0 1- c O 0 2 c O 0 2 • v 0 O n Mayor Coody 0 el 2 L a- a - 0 L r 0 a m d a t S N 0 c 9 0 0 re y CO c 0 0 F ✓ 0 ✓ c 0 0 tl) Marion Doss Danny Farrar Robert Johnson c CO 0 re Y 0 a Ronnie Wood Sondra Smith i m r H c O 0 2 T c O 0 2 0 v c 0 0 N 0 A 5 c A 2 el c c co G c 0 0 c rt 0 00 A a 0 0 re Sondra Smith Firemen's Pension Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Meeting Minutes August 26, 2004 A meeting of the Fayetteville Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund was held at 11:00 a.m. on August 26, 2004 in Room 326 of the City Administration Building. PRESENT: Marion Doss, Pete Reagan, Danny Farrar, Robert Johnson, Mayor Coody, Sondra Smith and Marsha Farthing ABSENT: Ronnie Wood Mayor Coody arrived at 11:15 am. Marion Doss called the meeting to order. Approval of the July 29, 2004 Minutes Pete Reagan moved to approve the July 29, 2004 minutes. Robert Johnson seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion carried 5-0. Mayor Coody and Ronnie Wood were absent. Approval of the September 2004 Pension List Pete Reagan moved to approve the September Pension List. Robert Johnson seconded the motion. Upon roH call the motion passed 4-0. Mayor Coody and Ronnie Wood were absent. Danny Farrar was absent during the vote. Longer Investments: Marion Doss: It is up 3.8%. New Business: 2004 Future Supplement Fund Distribution Sondra Smith: That is the amount that was included in the August Pension checks. • Marion Doss: Okay that's the same as last year correct, not the same amount but the same thing. Firemen's Pension Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 Pete Reagan: Right. Sondra Smith: 1 think they will receive that supplement through 2004 and then they may have to extend it again is that right Marsha? Marsha Farthing: I think so. Pete Reagan: That is the left over money in the insurance turn back fund. They are trying to keep that balance zero. 2003 Actuarial Valuation Pete Reagan: I haven't had time to compare it to last year. Marsha Farthing: It still shows that your fund is not fully funded using the type of actuary study that they use. Probably next year there will be a liability to book citywide for this fund if the trend continues as is. If you will look at Page 9 you will see the net pension obligation at the end of the year. That negative number meant that it was an asset that was good, but that negative number has been declining. 1 feel certain at the end of 2004 when they do this study it will show that you have a pension obligation at this point which will be a liability of the city. Marion Doss: Do you think that will be a time that the city will again recommend changing to LOPFI? Marsha Farthing: Possibly. Pete Reagan: What does it mean when we have to book the liability? Marsha Farthing: It just means it shows up on our financial statements and affects the city overall. It's really just on the top statement under the General Govemment type activities that section will show a liability for pension obligation. It will be whatever that amount tums out to be. Pete Reagan: Does it affect the bond rating? Marsha Farthing: It would if there was a big unfunded amount If you look at the trend, 1 assume it will be somewhere around $400,000 to $500,000 next year. It looks like you are declining your balance about $1 million per year. You have $400,000 there as an asset so it will probably be a $400,000 to $500,000 liability if the trend continues as is. I have forgotten when the actuary said you should look at it again, if it was three years down the road that we should look at it again. That will be a decision that the Finance Director Steve, the Mayor and you should discuss. • • • Firemen's Pension Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 • Pete Reagan: 1 think it was three years. Marsha Farthing: We are going to have to have an actuary report completed every year, this is usually done every other year, we can't do that anymore for my financial reporting purposes we are going to have to have that completed every year. I haven't quite figured out how we'll do that and I am not sure who will bear the cost of the study; That is something that we will have to discuss also. • Pete Reagan: Is this one of those mandates from the federal government on reporting that was changed. - Marsha Farthing: Yes, it is not really from the federal government but it is from the Accounting.. Standard Board and the new GASB 34 rules. Pete Reagan: On the bottom of Page 9 in the second set of columns, unfunded accrued liability under D, that is showing $9,208,000 in unfunded liability. Marsha Farthing: That number is not a number I use for any financial purposes. That looks really bad; they are saying you are only funding 53% of what you need. Marion Coody entered the meeting at 11:15 am. Pete Reagan. I am just realcurioushow they came up with that. We've caught these folks before not having the full information. It's not that they were making. mistakes they just didn't have all the information. They are showing from 2001 to 2003 an increase of $4,600,000 in unfunded liability. I don't see how that can be possible. I really don't. Marsha Farthing: Those were the years that we had really bad rates of return on your investments and then your value lost. It has turned around a little bit now. Pete Reagan: Sure I can understand that. Robert Johnson: But the number doesn't reflect it. Sondra Smith: Look at the numbers from 1999 to 2001. Pete Reagan: That's when we had the benefit increase and we knew that was going to happen. We didn't know it was going to go to $5 million. This is a closed end fund too. Marsha Farthing: You are contributing less and less as the actives pull out, so every year what you are contributing to this fund has dwindled down. Pete Reagan: The same for employees in the city. • Marsha Farthing: Eventually when everybody is retired there will be nobody contributing there will just be money coming out. You still have your tum back and your property tax. Firemen's Pension Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 Marion Doss: Which is a good thing as long as people are working like the DROP employees, they are paying into the fund plus the turn back is prorated on the number of employees. When we all leave the turn back will be going to LOPF] employees for active members, I'm not sure. Marsha Farthing: Yes it is. That's the other thing that hurts us. Marion Doss: It's too bad that turn back could not continue to be prorated into the fund based on the number of retires. Pete Reagan: It is. Marion Doss: But it is only on the ones that are active isn't it. Pete Reagan: Oh no. Marion Doss: It's not? So we'll still continue getting tum back funds? Mayor Coody: Marsha why don't you get with me to bring me up to speed on this because these numbers are huge. Who is going to have to make up the unfunded part? Marsha Farthing: That is when we talked about sending it to Little Rock and prorating. The city will ultimately be responsible for any unfunded liability. Marion Doss: To me that's what sounded good about going with LOPFI, but then we received that $400,000 last year for the fund since we didn't go to LOPFI. Marsha Farthing: The actuary actually advised us not to send it at this point. He said to wait a couple•ofmore years to maximize what we would get in the turn back. Mayor Coody: Right, is that working out as planned? Pete Reagan: I think it is now that we're back on the positive side on our investments. Marsha Farthing: Your investments have turned around. Mayor Coody: Yes, since we started using Longer. We should have done that years ago. You should have done that years ago. That has cost millions of dollars, wasting millions of dollars. Pete Reagan: The last three years were the worst. Marion Doss: We did well before that. n Mayor Coody: Well, I could have done well before that. • • • • • • • • Firemen's Pension Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 Marion Doss: Like I said we were getting a good return for quite a while. Mayor Coody: From 1997 to 1999 it went up about 10%, it should have done better than that in 1997 and 1999. Well what's done is done we just have to find a way to cover the losses. ]'ll be back in a minute. Skelton College Enrollment Sondra Smith: Kelly Skelton sent her pre -enrollment form again like she does every year She can't get her enrollment form until they see if any classes are dropped which will probably be in about two weeks. I called Kim Skelton and told her that I needed her enrollment form. I will send her a letter to remind her. Spector, Roseman & Kodroff Legal Representatives Sondra Smith: This is a firm that sent a letter stating that they can represent us in litigation if we ever need them to. Budget Report for 06/30/04 Marion Doss: That is our standard report that we get from the Accounting Department Danny Farrar arrived back at the meeting Benefit Increase Proposal Pete Reagan: I think it would be proper for you Danny to make the motion for a resolution since you suggested this. Sondra Smith: You might want to tell Danny about the actuarial report first. Pete Reagan: I'm not worried about the actuarial report. We've got lots of money, don't worry about it. Marion Doss: This is a letter -from the actuary people. Pete Reagan: It is $1,800 per year. Firemen's Pension Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 Sondra Smith: Yes, it is not that much. Marion Doss: The actuary states that it will not affect the plan significantly. Originally we thought we were raising them up like everyone else anyway and then we found out that we couldn't. We are going back to what we thought we were doing in the first place. Danny Farrar moved to draft a resolution to enact the benefit increase for the volunteer firefighter's widows that are currently not receiving the maximum $100.00 per month. Pete Reagan seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed 5-0. Ronnie Wood was absent. Mayor Coody was absent during the vote. Sondra Smith: We need to draft a resolution; does it need to go before the City Council? Marion Doss: No it doesn't have to go before the City Council. Pete Reagan: We need to send a copy of the resolution to PRB 1 Sondra Smith: I will get with our City Attorney on the resolution and try to have it at the next meetirig for you to sign. Pete Reagan: I don't think we need to sign it. Marion Doss: 1 think you can send it to them, they will send you a letter back stating it is okay to increase the amount. It can be effective on the day that we passed our resolution. Sondra Smith: So we will go back and give them back pay? Pete Reagan: It will be for September. Sondra Smith: Normally someone on the Board signs the resolution. Marion Doss: We will be glad to sign it. Pete Reagan moved to adjourn. Danny Farrar seconded the motion. The motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 11:25 pm. • • • • • • FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION October 2004 THE FLOWING ARE THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND FOR THE MO F SEPTEMBER. YOU ARE HEREBY INSTRUCTED TO ISSUE CHECKS TO THE PAY IN THE AMOUNTS SHOWN, AND FOR THE PURPOSE SO STATED. DATE OF EMP# RETIREMENT NAME 79 11/99 ARMSTRONG (DILL), PAMELA 177 4/04 BACHMAN, EDDIE 74 3/86 BAIRD, JULIA 2 3/75 BLACKARD, PAUL 63 5/72 BOLAIN, ANN 68 7/99 BONADUCE, MICHAEL 44 9/86 BOUDREY, BETTY MRS. 45 9/86 BOUDREY, HOWARD 49 7/88 BOUDREY, JACK 4 6167 CARL, FLOYD JR 5 5/72 CASELMAN, ARTHUR 57 5/90 CATE, ROY 6 4/68 CHRIS11E, ARNOLD 8 10/76 COUNTS, WAYNE 77 11/99 DILL,GARY JOHN 11 2/76 FARRAR,ALONZO 38 5/84 FRALEY, JOSEPH G. 170 5/03 FREEDLE, LARRY 92 03/02 GAGE,TOMMY 34 6/79 HARRIS, JAMES E. 70 11/99 HARRIS, MARY RUTH 93 06/02 JENKINS, JOHN 86 07/01 JOHNSON,ROBERT S 4/95 JORDAN, CHARLIE 5/88 JUDY, JAN 37 3/84 KING, ARNOLD D. 54 5/89 KING, ARVIL 12 3/60 LANE, HOPE MRS 13 10/67 LAYER, MERLIN 173 12/03 LEDBETTER, DENNIS 14 7/74 LEE, HAROLD 51 10/88 LEWIS, CHARLES 40 9/85 LOGUE, PAUL D. 50 9/88 MASON LARRY 39 4/85 MC ARTHUR, RONALD A. 35 2/82 MC CHRISTIAN, DWAYNE 15 4/77 MC WHORTER, CHARLES 29 8/81 MILLER, DONALD 73 2/00 MILLER,KENNETH 42 2/86 MOORE, JAMES H. 176. 4/04 MORRIS, DIXIE E. 16 4/64 MORRIS, WILLIAM H. (DECEASED) 62 10/68 MORRISON, ELIENE 48 7/88 MULLENS, DENNIS W. 46 5/88 OSBURN, TROY 81 02/01 PHILLIPS,LARRY 53 2189 POAGE LARRY 22 4/73 REED JOE . 30 3/81 SCHADER, EARVEL (DECEASED) 172 12/03 SCHADER, MADGE 41 9/85 SCHADER, TROY 83 03/01 SKELTON, KIMBERLY 66 8/98 SKELTON, PAULINE 2 03/01 SKELTON,KELLY 5/76 SPRINGSTON, CARL 0 03/02 STOUT, IMOGENE W. 165 12/02 TATE, RALPH 65 3/66 TUNE, BILLIE SUE 27 3/71 TUNE, MILDRED.MRS. 71 1/00 WARFORD,THOMAS REGULAR Year To Date MO BENEFIT REG BENEFIT 1,708.68 2,468.23 1,698.63 103.00 56.65 2,817.19 2,335.20 1,969.35 1,553.05 103.00 123.60 1,686.21 103.00 103.00 1,708.69 941 52 1,666.62 3 597 65 2,447.63 103.00 56.65 3,372.15 2,897.04 2,144.36 1,553.05 1,434.98 1,612.98 56.65 430.03 3,559.06 103.00 1,553.05 2,703.63 1,537.61 1,653.07 103.00 1,257.90 1,229.21 2,997.48 103.00 72.10 82.40 2,065.51 1,790.61 2,606.36 2,211.99 103.00 1,306.45 1,437.45 1,147.60 401.70 1,147.60 759.91 723.73 3,457.53 82.40 82.40 2,359.06 Future Suppl FED. TAX 15,378.12 312.00 12,341.15 312.00 15,287.67 312.00 927.00 62.40 648.90 62.40 25,354.71 312.00 21,016.80 312.00 17,724.15 312.00 13,977.45 312.00 927.00 62.40 1,112.40 62.40 15,175.89 312.00 927.00 62.40 927.00 62.40 15 378 21 312.00 8,473.68 312.00 14,999.58 312.00 32,378.85 312.00 22,028.67 312.00 927.00 62.40 648.90 62A0 30,349.35 312.00 26,073.36 312.00 19,299.24 312.00 13,977.45 312.00 12,914.82 312.00 14,516.82 312.00 648.90 62.40 3,870.27 312.00 32,031.54 312.00 927.00 62.40 13,977.45 312.00 24,332.67 312.00 13,838.49 312.00 14,877.63 312.00 927.00 62.40 11,321.10 312.00 11,062.89 312.00 26,977.32 312.00 927.00 62.40 432.60 62.40 355.35 880.65 62.40 18,589.59 312.00 16,115.49 312.00 23,457.24 312.00 19,907.91 312.00 927.00 62.40 11,758.05 12,937.05 312.00 10,328.40 156.00 3,615.30 312.00 10,328.40 156.00 6,839.19 312.00 6,513.57 312.00 31,117.77 312.00 880.65 62.40 880.65 62.40 21,231.54 312.00 300.00 479.27 350.00 475.38 300.00 287.68 100.00 200.00 500.00 226.00 700.00 500.00 200.00 265.00 130.00 575.00 75.00 325.00 137.61 150.00 150.00 125.00 325.00 200.00 300.00 57.00 125.00 125.00 70.00 300.00 300.00 ST. TAX 100.00 119.82 145.00 50.00 50.00 15.00 100.00 50.00 200.00 100.00 50.00 35.00 50.00 173.00 25.00 75.00 25.00 50.00 25.00 75.00 38.00 100.00 25.00 25.00 17.00 100.00 NET 1,308.68 1,869.14 1,203.63 103.00 56.65 2,341.81 1,985.20 1,969.35 1,215.37 103.00 123.60 1,686.21 103.00 103.00 1,608.69 941.52 1,451.62 2,997.65 2,171 63 103.00 56.65 2,472.15 2,297.04 2,144.36 1,303.05 1,134.98 1,432.98 56.65 430.03 2,811.06 103.00 1,453.05 2,303.63 1,375.00 1,453.07 103.00 1,107.90 1,079.21 2,597.48 103.00 72.10 0.00 82.40 2,065.51 1,552.61 2,606.36 1,811.99 103.00 0.00 1,306.45 1,380.45 997.60 251.70 1,147.60 672.91 723.73 305753 82.40 82.40 2,059.06 • DATE OF EMP# RETIREMENT 28 88 52 7/68 01/02 9/88 DROP DATE 04/01/00 07/01/00 01/01/01 03/01/03 03/01/03 03/01/03 04/01/03 05/01/04 NAME WATTS, DONALD WOOD,RONNIE D WRIGHT, RANDALL DROP EMPLOYEES NAPIER,LONNIE REAGAN PETE DOSS,MARION MAHAN, MARSHALL PIERCE, JOEY SHACKLEFORD, GLEN O'NEAL, TEDDY FARRAR, DANNY REGULAR Year To Date MO BENEFIT REG BENEFIT 412.00 2,900.50 1,594.25 84396.35 3,708.00 26,104.50 14,348.25 750,667.58 Future Supp/ FED. TAX ST. TAX NET 312.00 312.00 312.00 14164.80 412.00 800.00 200.00 1,90 200.00 25.00 1,36 . 111 9,352.94 2,042.82 73,000.59 NEW BENEFITS 3,316.32 3,332.75 5,068.25 3,843.23 3,437.82 3 437 82 3,884.43 3,916.83 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT THE ABOVE OBLIGATIONS ARE JUST AND CORRECT; THAT NO PART THEREOF HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY PAID; THAT THE PENSION PAYMENTS SO CHARGED ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND; THAT THE SERVICES OR SUPPLIES FURNISHED, AS THE CASE MAY BE, WERE ACTUALLY RENDERED OR FURNISHED; AND THAT THE CHARGES MADE THEREFORE DO NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW OR THE CUSTOMARY CHARGE FOR SIMILAR SERVICES OR SUPPLIES 312.00 312.00 312.00 312.00 312.00 312.00 312.00 SECRETARY CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF 2003. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 6810-9810-5335-00 6810-9810-5335-06 YTD Column Difference YTD 750,667.58 14,164.80 764,832.38 (0.00) • • Jti Office of the Registrar School Code: 001108 KIMBERLY L. SKELTON 807 W. BOWEN BLVD FAYETTEVILLE, AR 72703 UNIVERSITYgA.BKANSAS Ezwara Enrollment Verification This is to verify that KIMBERLY L SKELTON credit. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 146 Silas H. Hunt Hall Fayetteville, AR 72701 (479) 575-5451 is currently enrolled at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. was enrolled at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. has pre -registered at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville has no record of enrollment at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. Officially Withdrew enrollment at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville other: for the Fall 2004 term, extending from 08/23/04 - 12/15/04, for 15 semester hours This is full-time. Date: Monday, August 23, 2004 Seal Of ice of the Regis REGISTRAR ASSISTANT. This certification is valid only when signed by an authorized official of the Office of the Registrar and the certificate is embossed with the seal of the Registrar. • RECEIVED SEP '01 2004 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Sondra Smith - recap of conversations re: police & fire pension Page 1 • From: Denise Grizzle To: Sondra Smith Date: 9/9/04 3:47PM Subject: recap of conversations re: police & fire pension Sondra, I just want to recap our conversations from today regarding the pensions so that I can make sure my understanding is the same as yours and things flow smoothly going forward. 1. At the next pension board meetings you will bring up the fact that we need a standard procedure for being notified of a death among the pensioners, then you will let me know of the decision. 2. Upon death of a pensioner, your office will obtain a death certificate it feasible and if not feasible a copy of the obituary and the minutes will be sufficient documentation for the file. Copies of the documentation received will be forwarded to accounting by the City Clerk's office. 3. For police pension, a check for the funeral benefit will be written to the Estate of the deceased pensioner and will be mailed to the address that is on file in the accounting office. This check will be written as soon as accounting• is notified of a death. (If accounting leams of a death first, we will notify the City Clerk). Appropriate documentation will be placed in our file with a copy of the check request as soon as it is available. Accounting will fumish the City Clerk with a copy of the check request so that this may be added to the agenda for the next board meeting. 1 think this covers everything, but if I missed something please let me know. I will print this and your response to keep in my files for future reference. • Thanks a bunch!! Denise • CC: Sharon Ostrowski • NEU t IQ DfilEssireaS J.1 *Lot* Y 1 fl fl W 1. 1 fl L n fl 0 fl 4 e n L 0 1 TIME 940:53 BIIXET Rl30RMILE RFPORT DRIZZLE rnth Fid tate: 7/31/2[09 7t 4... 1Ib Y ee��yy(( -�:' 4 t. J'A w4t i .2i 3L2a���at Y3urw-` ` �` ]i1 e"Se'YF UST'. _ }�,tdrrshr.Maai_l 3k'43Sr ;11 I' al h+¢i u'2tAllffl.SG.'w'`�YT-0 HI1iK{, niSSS TI'"YEARS31T'iir3-'" 6 n I .I J r - 8001/1.x'+"'mWiQngtS li001�4' TRNt98CTl0IS tiptplTk3•YrDatelbetE�i' l3SEP`"-'R!B?7iiTES w.,.._. i_ .. h -w ....... ...... -..� _..rc.e.a...._.._.Sl.YSq .....-_-v..... 't-4.-dyF -67103-6610'-Fire-llmsim- ___-.-_______._.__. s -___._-.-.___.._.-_. _..____.._. _._-.. ____.....__.. 6 Divls an 0981 - Fire Pension Reverie 7 =� Y <:_ :3zs�e. Tk4,.. P' -s t. .".; .. t5 ""'°'.'t'<5'ra ' '.ii`.i: V147%. ., .^� 6 of . 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"Nivel/Dm .00 5304.99 Dr /dunce V3.7 00 q-AaOlt�EXpy 5331:09 DESd t; 5314'':01 Fla- Save 53I4:01;z�e ^rr33' Ol�ritR3 &124-- .i tr M3599' Rknsia 5335.01 IAtOP 06 .03 .00 03 .00 .00 CO ▪ CO OD., OD .00 916824_011. 7168.00 998282.00 40430V:0 -31M5.00 _ 35.00 .00 tn. 003 914 1W:WO 007.7i002 r3003-00 CIO jhl- 4,2 00 D0. . 00 .00 .00 581874.88 436407.12 91 537401.66 16516.76622 216828:98- 09 0 -142766IiIRi". Y;t 7 1nitoe03105:3tk' 101 Divislan TOTAIS . Li443I4.10 .lk/33:W • 655101.47 s/1567.9 -WI eaD913164 4epctf in4s-, e; • Neu Mild Syste2s 5.1 *LIVE* DATE 8/23/04 TIE 9:40:12 TUN SR FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ICCWYHATiD TRANSACTION LISTING21320 PAGE 218 'X812718 t z4Accoulr6HfB+5EP a ° 6 'LI 8'b'ek3Na� 9 10 11 12 14 t6 11 18 ls._'.rts-o+1.Ja.v.im.2a[ m 21 a z3 24 25 zi'.nc'•"w"'-r1''fiAtu.14.TOTAIFH 28 z9 3t S.. .1 J .' is Yfi a ...1 _.n. Y f.t':b T61:! 16tii,JT� - ', y �Y�1:7A J r Wei: "vl-._1VCDlirt .....I�It%•t22k-y-t.)�/t� J.[�tN�lrt /•D1`L. a. . 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Settle9mt }alp..Nd1%-.1.u;a4;4..!fi74DAt2i17'M. :*-..V:-677.. - -- G/L-ACCOUNT-NWQER:- --6910.9810.5311.09-- Rem/Betel 2 g;24(0UOa} M1.4 as Y 4 ...Sya:�hsw• BITAL-YEAR-TO-DATE..----- _-Settlel�ssts ----.P9_._.___. .00 .03 .00 X; 1t^ACC033A7rMA'RRnv10 98 - =1a - 0) 5314:00 1-TOTMi` 05314201: TOTAL. 0.5320.01 s JE 71• r'iN[H,7llTA12"fHR;Y a• xz^-flr praF sa. �4''?xPI45.1 .. ` Legal AL TEAR-3-A1TE: GOO. Fe laa3 seryics• � r FIST'.O SEri`'�"°a �4tw.wxt-> >'wz ;RD Biu Yi::i.Stm3 e k si'� >ti: v,-^�`' y� CVL AS.L'w!NSTIBE•R3 6830'98 :TS. ' •E.$ilii5 L5CaTra�`AFG� ' , „ PISCJH. tTFAR IO•DATE1 '•; ma Sesv .kx>;;. - .. -coo•.,.,.v.,.r�.1 �£1 _:... Ga... Ile$YDetAit G/L ACCOUNT RUBBER: 6510.98 Balli service charges FISCAL YEAR TO DATE: 12.50 7/31/2004 41946 „�{}; ' 4, JE /GA3 CM 'ai'hNT<'r�'Af'"e..$T Rec Bank Sery Chgs Ju104 35.135 48735 , Y�. 'Ct 9 'a'W 'S'w+ ff� �' A�1L�S'S'r L ata'2a TSi85 e00 48 Veh,.v:.r?`+al ^' .ui`v�z._ .; 1148.35 .'.P4-i.>JLxuen 0.974.00__ .__ -- -- Perim withdrawal_____- _- - FISCP.L.YIAR-TO_DATE:___; _ _.,00___.._ 1 TOTAL . . . . : Pan.9iittdr .00 . .00 .03 • __..-G/,.ACCCUNT-11111BER:-_-6810.98 Dese/Deta 0:53$:OJ iR HR HR HRME HR, tBH.44c$ Af.Eallit It `? s,661R 9B ` atti:.5kai.7/ogarap.z'4d3882. ,,,:. 4. E,Hig 1-Rs� .E'Amaa ksctr. Psisfm eelyetsa FISC%IrYEAR•elp•DATE. 49"7418 53 .,, •+ax2arw.1ws:+aa.i ' i` t :.' tiavalvradk.56 6.5 491.42'.88 •'a>fe nevi " ' nna"1"1 to 71,1 ailinstsi`''s'' o3i� s -07l.09/ 0).1 � 56:1 >;?�5 > ," 7997}978 53� 33 35 afi-- sz 38 4 4z u IR H JE HnatRsc_Iaymo11 JE 1Anen Rs'c lAeaai Rs'cPaycollliilar07/318i00,7. JE Hlmar;Rac Skean- c /'37,312/2064 c'Payroll`ChectcS-07 2c` 23 .7081.68 501%55147 R` '•- O7/31/2([4-.-1,698.63_-___._- __.___503,354.07____- Checks -07/31/21 D4 103.00 _-_ _ _ 503.457.07 Payroll Checks -07/31/20D4 56.85 -5634513 72 817:19'g.+ 506;330.91( ., oll•JTekse '//31/2004' 23335.20++ �,._ •. 666111 oll 0itIO. 7/311/,1Ob9- i1969.35� 3j.�,F 5t0;635.96'(Ac�1' •, -""' 403323" .--403923__HR___,7E-Bivai-Rsc-Payro1-laecks 403923 403933 t^ g3 vx.. T 0397.3 .4yarsie,;•.. 0 -44919zid Y4O3923 ; '' 403923"'iAHR""riftedi - HR„ HR BR HR d�e� 21111aHR H& -BR NR HR -H<Y PR§'c_Rayrr-511 ie JE Hima3 Rsrc JE HMO Rsrc CEO-krr-07/31/2004 X7. 591 21188.51. Payroll'Oiecks-07/3112904 `"103:00 "' 51=91:51 Payroll-CDecks07/31/2904- ----403923 403923 403971 --123.60----- --- _-512.415.11-_--. PayrollChecks-07/31/244 1.686.21 514.101.32 JE Hum Rsrc imam gsrc-P2yro1Vilecks,07/31/2W9 Hl i� %E lhmm B2c1Pa Sm:.iR -.TE.&mailtc-Payroll_ptecks-07/31RA04- .)F Hueal Rsc Payroll -Checks -07/31/2M 103.00 514.20132 2�- ,p; - 'a r ;..•s 4x3923�, 103:00 514,30732 c3oyeell�ietks-07/312200!2 516Ur l6 Di 4039 •>,i ' ` -. 403923rBR, ,„......;..p..15208169 �Y� o1 I,CMe ks-07/31,20O4 St:ail:52 . ' -.516;957:531ycd 4) 497 •'-.ik6r sl s. 55 t 213 -•' S4 CPayroi" x ili/d0'-- 31541:G5 2.447.63 ---- -403923_ 4u97.3 -_r-.___524.669.43_ layroli Qiecks-07/31,2009 103.00 - 524,77L.43 Payroll Checks -07/31/2004 $.65 5244.82908 493923 JE Hunan Rsc Hiesgi H1 8712 HIittril RST[ JE'T3sean-Eele‘Payrell-Checks-07/3172904 JE Harm Rsc �a�r,,,4rg4p,•,.rp _ HR, :HS:)Ti4;Z s A:NRW3EcHLI NE c 1yro . ••Checks07/31f200A.3 3 372 15 ✓irB•201s23„ �SPa ;0112173eale7b. taliN1` 33 24397504 a, 096 27-) i ax403933s . y'Ct'':"gg,1 _ . s'. t� 6.128 • c•u etPayeel4biecl�-07/31/L09'ls"l2 1441966 b^a�..�. �F , ':5324242938=21.21 1'ayf[3T1�CM -07/31/20.4 1 5553.05*' ,' �. - aqi '? `5T.'7W" gtssles'.T 1:434:98 "5361230:66' 403 3.--HR-JE-hman-Rst-Payroll-Checks-0r7/31/2034--1,6 HR •%.65 ST7.843.64_--- -- 4R3923 Payroll Checks -07/31/2904 56.65 531.900.29 403923 BR JE Hum Rsc rJE HlmartsrciPayrolirthe::k507/31,2904 ec5cd"Tiv>"la '��+ Payroll Mocks -07/31/20W 43003 96.330.32_-- . Ilk* .crF1;- ,. sr3559:06 , 1n 5414011 8 "� l' ryflivw`n(Y x.'� � ""e' Fv p-•.' c. vyyf_a a� "X. - .F .'FF'4 Y=Xs ZS'_u ' .: A Y.rt.:4 S. Fi• e Neu arid System 5.1 *LIVE* DATE 8/IDPo4 TILE 940:12 TPAN 109 .. IN1t61 rN •IyjXWL, V41 J'UY3714g1 li.':1Reuya,a ia:x.K1PtWA +"+"^�^ I+EDlI-,&v&mi,+)`.QikDlltstu-itxBRIU9L�69iBi.1:E 3 -rt.. OIiRf.�°6� 10 9610 53:5:'�15.r I' .. • .. slmle{ a. ' :FigGA6 YFA� -70..DBT� ;` 45/:47. Wt. SR3 y'''+'• ^2La, ,p2R?923 S rl - 1A -Tokir,, :k. - /.31f04 . •553e06°�'-S� °?SA�543i5$:43 - ° --401 JE-fnai lls`t Payroll are'ccks 07/312004 2.703:67SV,7%;06f s - - 40398. 64 JE flea Rsc entrc Payroll -O lel-07/31/20D4- 1,577.61- . - - -547.786:67- 6 403923 R4 JE Waal Est Payroll tholl k�/31/ 4 I.953.07 103.00 �•'�.74 ++ .RaJE 14'c'Pay801:11 86 a1/¢ 549.542.74 e k=1'Aycoli-frecks-07131 11291: 611 552;029 9 �- �,.`>< 40397 ,:2HR' `Rsc Paymil 99N1IM-07/312aN�2 997'Qk'.�', �!>� `!'�P d019a '1Payelillital6'�/3172lit4; W"Oo. r ,5;:;351-- l0 4TA923 H1R �e.`16Eai Rs"`Payniraletks-07/3u2034'�,'�72:10 '° 1202. t3 HR. JEBuar Rsc Payroll Checks -07/31/21704 - 63.40 555.284.83 it _JE.9.11131. RSs.J r J1 tecks-07(31/20-9 . _2.0X5.51 992.350.34_ - HR JE anal Rsc Payroll Checks -07/31/2601 c ` 559.19093tR1.7151-/R1.7*-07/3I/ll04�2.3E-L1ua,Ra$.PayrolL e918ii063110D42l11e•I3 �'1 - i ....7 c4Q1.3w.HR HHtioaPar'ys71 becks /31/11O9ak103 OD 5641062136 1. sST!,,,-HR S' tkm3x Ras o11 Ox`lr. •s 07731on'''.-;41217388T45 5�.t:51 K • .. 585;368375' 823: NR`iJEiluilii Rs'c at1 .s -x1/311.437:45 566:96620` 1'4X923 HR -JE Raaf Rat Payroll Checks -07/312004 1.I47.60 567.953.80 19 - - -. . .403973 PIR_ JEJilealiisrc.Payroll Otecks-07312001 _ _ _1.141.60. 569.101.40 403923 111/ JE Baal Esc Payroll Checks -07/31/2004 401.70 5,9.503 10 .-- 19 MII.. 'Er>P.RSEYM4v71,;`7Qi�IC1. -07131° u 703 9 m • •S24�O`�'W" 403923 HR �'M aY Bs4c fiaytoi3?Slik �"'0 13/3t`LOUIr i i ay� +,+.. 570;98r "`�- .. - 403923 RR! "JE'lkieeh RsTc'.Payr31l th4 -0773172004 r -- 82 O _ ..P1...: 1790-717;525167 403923 ` BR- JE1114.a JRgc`Payr-el rElitck'6-07Y31'1"a4• 82,'40 _ a' -574,809:67 403923 HR- JE JAN7an Rsc Payroll alecks -07/312004 2,333.06 576 968.13 .- 74 4923 116._ JE Jkman RSG Payroll (bxks-07/31/20g4__ .412.0.0_ - 577360.13 __. _ 40303923 112JE Anal ral Rsc Payroll Otecks 07/312001 2 900 50 '10398 1112,. !arra Etc Payroll Jlta ks-0'7/Jl lt; 1�'S99 500 290.63 FINANCIAL nARAGEnENT ACCNffiATED TRANSACTION LISTING ma 219 9.1320 DRIZZLE 23 27 m a '° S20Bl c-3 - RecftDROP;Ui' betc�st- a R€Nri3.TrH7P.Em`tE"Yest,OJ03, sasenetai nor . C./1. MUNI MEM__ - BAR' e1 _ FISCAL YEAR 10_-272 ,197.957.66_ 6869 1 7/262014 40432 JE JE 7138 60 Record DSP DT 111.47 1278 2019 12;213 2 2 �����.���r?t� 3 316.32 19].273.36 .til -Rogue gl+attl-'}e a7s 620799 2• JE 2713891 Re1ohl•DROP•F7g11'c 11424 z121rMolar 4 ° D4e'?$ �wJE.7138,9i1L�.,zRetom•DYDPe}$p iiul�i`��n-`'iZ51:d9:'3 n. � r JE Jwilarsomnisi i1a ;tens :096 42 -JE71313 SO R8"coraRCIP`Fkp 011%; '"376:61 2 543" 8•': JE-7138-50-...P.eco[+d-DOIPF?p ,Ll -04__ - _.. -3.843.21-. 207.39651- 404a. JE JE 7138 SO Record DROP E] ,III -07 246.15 700.50 66 40732 JE JE 7138 so Record DROP L 343782 2C8.a.0 48 F222:5= 3"937;12 116 ��.-211,730 881 . -"' d:222.5li' .'3a 2kt+Twra s 211;$132 - ,L. +. 215.83775 .15 21910E0598 3.916.83 - - -2"20.660.73 - . 261.12 220.761 85 8.0E6.15 228 0D 571.33 91.4 190 • ;930;94 245.83127 993:91 246.825:181 <711600 wd.609:18 - -S31.42 --------- -229.418.53-- 7.531.42 256.949.95 1.992,37 ..^58.892.32 1;5585:92 63781 2 62082 1 aje t' a �,ra� '1'7138"�mtiLWrd:D117Pyp� "6xwi;-s 2EJE.9.136�E93 I+.eoDld DROPrEsp JJI-.06 7T'�'• c2D84 Y:. .wmc;=,c.:1E' .1E.71.vsdaReodecrt �lkp,1iged 1 .. JE}7139t1& `DRDP'� ritoda�24i - 62019 1- .-40132--JE-.5-7138 ST1.-F,awrA-ROP--E71p ..1.11-r011 62069 2- _ - 404782 JE. 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