HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-11-29 - Agendas - FinalFIRE PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD NOVEMBER 29, 2001 AGENDA A meeting of the Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board will be held on November 29, 2001 at 11:00 a m in Room 326 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street. 1. Approval of the minutes 2. Approval of the Pension List a. Kelly Skelton's Benefits 3. Investment Report 4. Other Business • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD OCTOBER 25, 2001 A meeting of the Fayetteville Firemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board was held on October 25, 2001, in Room 326 of the City Administration Building located at 113 W. Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. PRESENT: Marion Doss, Pete Reagan, Danny Farrar, Robert Johnson, Ronnie Wood, Ted Webber, Kit Williams, and Heather Woodruff. MINUTES Mr. Wood moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Farrar seconded. The motion carried unanimously. PENSION LIST Mr. Williams stated Kelly Skelton would be turning nineteen in November. He has sent her a letter stating that if she was not in school full time then, her benefits would cease. Her money would then go to her younger sister. Mr. Reagan asked what the definition of a full time student was Mr. Williams stated he would guess that it would be twelve hours. But the statute did not say that. Mr. Webber stated the institution would determine the status. Mr. Reagan moved to approve the Pension List. Mr. Wood seconded. The motion earned unanimously. INVESTMENT REPORT Mr. Yada stated the report was as September 30, 2001. At their last meeting the total market was down about five percent. As of Tuesday afternoon, they were at eleven million forty-nine thousand. Fifty-one thousand had been sent back to the checking account. The Dow Jones was down 16.99%. The S&P 500 was down 20.42%. The Nasdaq was down 39%. The stock market has been challenging and will probably continue to do so. They would be up and down until the economy was going again. The Private Portfolio was down 19.36%. Mercury Group was down 25%. They had out performed the Dow Jones and the S&P 500. Ashland was down 22.36%. The Income Account was up 8.59%, half of their money was in this account. The Long Term Treasury was up 6%. High Grade Cooperate Bonds were up 9.21%. The Three Month Treasury was up 3.60%. The Income Account has out performed their index. Since January they have sent back to the checking account $462,000. They had been looking at the activity after September 11. There had been a lot of good activity. Leading up to September 11 the economy looked like it was beginning to stabilize. The economy has changed since the tragedy. The entertainment and airlines would not be doing well for a while. He thought the economy was going to continue this way through at least half of next year. • • • • Mr. Webber asked if they were investing in companies like Disney for the long term and did it make since to sell now. Mr. Yada stated if the fundamentals of the company were changing and there was something better that they could invest in, then he liked to see them do that. They knew Disney was • not going to be doing anything for a while. Even if there was a lose, sometimes they had to cut their loses and go on to something else. Every thing they bought was not going to go up. If they could get six out of ten they were doing well. In response to questions, Mr. Yada stated Ashland was a growth manager and they were continuing with their same investment philosophy. No growth manager was making money nght now. They were making money up until August of last year. Mercury was not giving them any performance since they had them. Mr. Reagan asked if he could foresee any changes in their policy over the next six to eight months. Mr. Yada replied no. He thought right now would be the wrong time to make any drastic changes. OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Williams stated the Council had approved their millage for next year. There was a question on whether or not they had to roll it back. He did not believe so. He thought it would remain at .4 mil for this year. Mr. Webber stated he had run across a report that use to be distributed on a quarterly basis. It was taken from the city's ledger. The format was a market bases which would be the same basis as what came on their statement, but it also added a cost basis which showed the activity of what they paid for it and what they sold it for. He would start distributing it to them. In response to questions regarding the Skelton case, Mr. Williams stated they had filed briefs and the judge thought he could decide it on the briefs. He would have the opportunity to do a reply brief if necessary. Mr. Reagan stated he believed Ms. Skelton thought Roy should have some money in the system after their kids benefits ended. Mr. Williams stated if that he did then she would get that money. Mr. Reagan stated he did not believe he would. What they put into the system would be drawn out the first two years. With a contribution of six percent of salary, they would draw out their contributions within two years Meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m. City of Fayetteville VERIFICATION OF ENROLLMENT NorthWest Arkansas Community College One College Drive Bentonville, AR 72712 (501) 636-9222 To Whom It May Concern: This is to verify that Name Social Security Number 441is enrolled at NorthWest Arltans s Community College, Bentonville was enrolled at NorthWest Arkansas Community College, Bentonville ❑ has early -registered at NorthWest Arkansas Community College, Bentonville for❑ the no cord enrollment extending fromat NotthWest Arkansas rm�l�ty�Coilege, Bentonvillet1 O GI for - semester hours credit. �V �I This is full-time half-time Office of the Registrar La& 2M- 9f ?or "Mica StP hens M S -SEAL •' o® g� Valid ohb Ifemhmeed with the official sal or the Registrar ()ec To: Thru: From: Date: RE: City of Fayetteville Fire Department 303 W Center St Fayetteville, AR 72701 Fire Pension Board Marion Doss, Assistant Fire Chief Ronnie Wood, Captain/B Shift ! s November 29, 2001 Retirement • Effective Monday, December 31, 2001 I will be retiring from the Fayetteville Fire Department. I will be taking the last few days, from Monday, December 10 until the 31' as vacation. • If you need anything further from me please do not hesitate to call me. S0'd 1H101 104 M 00 2 O'. 00 00 oo N 00 O 0 h Ih �� N O ‘0 .+ er- en VC 00 ▪ P QN h N 5,339,191 * 5,087,958 h m c O No N N oN O g00 0 N Ts, .Tn • 1 E5 un o m Ni It O 0 O 00 ti M NO ± + N Lel rn cc? N12% CD VI k0 01 N e+, er; eT 00 M + ++ I 00 Ch N ti N eT In 00 N 4- 1 oho M 1.14 h N ern N.. + t + 3 in d N >, a V E" > 0 0 Q G m Q Cg .v G d o orb P• a 0 U w r,AcoZ Ci ✓ h 'n N N e- 00 + + oo a ^ N + + + r- en ge. N o, + + + + 00 00 � O + + O O DN a O1-4 o MI -. en -1 e4 r4 O t 0 OJ U N CA A 0 ** OD 00 00 F G C UC .FG V U U • 0. G C O ✓ V N Orel N 4i O0 00 0 0 0' d h eel — N V. h b9 69 69 z t V O. T 24 * Income account: CA,1117 T.fM.i7-C?-Af1N • • • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY TO: Firemen's Relief & Pension Fund FROM: Kit Williams DATE: November 29, 2001 RE: Kelly Skelton - Benefits after high school LEGAL DEPARTMENT Kelly Skelton is now 19 years of age and has completed high school. The state law governing her pension benefits states: "However, if a child enrolls in an institution of higher education after completing high school, the payments shall continue as long as the child is a full-time student, but in no instance beyond the child's twenty-third birthday." A C A §24-11-820 (b) (2) (B) If Kelly provides this board adequate proof of her enrollment in college as a full-time student, I believe you can continue to pay her benefits as long as she remains a full-time student as that is commonly understood. This means Kelly cannot drop classes such that she would no longer be classified as "full-time." However, Kelly would NOT have to go to summer school for her benefits to continue as long as she was properly registered for the fall semester. Information Acknowledgement 2001-2002 Student Aid Report (SAR) OMB No. 1845-0008 Form Approved Exp. 12/31/2002 Federal 429-59-9896 Student Aid Programs SK -02 ORN: 0145 »o not use this form to make corrections. See your Financial A d Administrator 009116C202 KELLY S. SKELTON 260 LAPIS LN #7 FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 October 19, 2001 EFC: 01343 We have processed your application for federal student aid or the correction that you submitted electronically through your school or. on the Web. On _theaback_of_this_.;_� page"weprinted the information we received and a summary of the results of processing that information. We may have assumed certain information to calculate your eligibility for federal student aid. We printed any assumptions we made and the word "assumed" for the items on the back of the page. You can make corrections by going to www.fafsa.ed.gov and using your PIN or by contacting your Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) if: - the assumptions we made are not correct, - you need to make other corrections, or - we indicate below that more information is needed to determine your eligibility, Contact your FAA if: - we indicate below you are selected for verification, or • - we indicate below you must work with your FAA to resolve some eligibility issues. If all the information on this Student Aid Report is correct, you may be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant and other federal student aid in 2001-2002. Your FAA will determine whether you meet all other requirements to receive aid. The amount of aid will depend on the cost of attendance at your school, your enrollment status, Congressional budget restrictions, and other factors. Your application has been selected for review in a process called verification. You must submit to your school signed copies of certain financial documents. • 009116C202 429-59-9896 SK 02 • ;. This section contains information from your student aid application (shaded items display parents' information, if provided). to make corrections. see the financial aid administrator at your school. 1. LAST NAME SKELTON 2. FIRST SANE KELLY 3. MIDDLE INITIAL 5 4. PERMANENT STREET ADDRESS' 260 1API5 _N #7 5. CITY FAYETTEVIIIE 6. STATE ABBREVIATION AR 7. ZIP CODE - 72701 8. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 429-59-9896 9. DATE OF BIRTH OCTOBER 25 1982 10. PERMANENT HONE PHONE NUMBER (501) 562-2283 11. DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER 429599896 12. DRIVER'S LICENSE STATE. ABBREVIATION AR 13. CITIZENSHIP STATUS U.S. CHI 14. ALIEN REGISTRATION NUMBER 15, MARITAL STATUSUNMARRIED 66... PARENTIS) STALE OF 'LEGAL RESIDENCE 16. DATE OF MARITAL STATUS (BIANK) NOT ATTENDING 17. ENROLLMENT STATUS SUMMER TERM 2001 18. ENROLLMENT STATUS FALL SEM/QTR 2001 FULL TIME/NOT SURE 19. ENROLLMENT STATUS MINTER QTR 2001-2002 FULL TIME/NOT SURE 20. ENROLLMENT STATUS SPRING SEM/QTR 2002 FULL TIME/NOT SURE 21. ENROLLMENT STATUS SUMMER TERM 2002 FULL TIME/NOT SURE 22 FATHER'S EDUCATIONAL LEVEL HIGH SCHOOL 23. MOTHER'S EDUCATIONAL LEVEL HIGH SCHOOL -24. AR- _ - ..-- -- STATE -OF -LEGAL RESIDENCE:AB3REVIATION 25. LEGAL RESIDENT BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1996? YES 26. DATE YOU BECAME A LEGAL RESIDENT (BLANK) 27. ARE YOU MALE? NO 28. REGISTER YOU FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE? (BLANK) 29. TYPE OF DEGREE/CERTIFICATE ASSOC. TECHNICAL 30. GRADE LEVEL IN COLLEGE IN 2001-2002 1ST NEVER ATTENDED 31. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR GED? YES 32. FIRST BACHELOR'S DEGREE BY 7-1-2001? NO 33. INTERESTED IN STUDENT LOANS? VES 34. INTERESTED IN WORK-STUDY? NO 35. DRUG CONVICTION AFFECTING ELIGIBILITY? NO ALREADY COMPLETED 36. FILED 2000 IRS INCOME TAX RETURN 37. TYPE OF 2000 TAX FORM USED 1040A/EZ/TEL YES 38. ELIGIBLE TO FILE A 10404 OR 1040EZ? 39. ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME FROM IRS FORM $ 3 149 40. U.S. INCOME TAX PAID $ 0 41. EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED 00 42. STUDENT'S INCOME EARNED FROM WORK $ 3.149 43. SPOUSE'S INCOME EARNED FROM WORK $ 0 44. AMOUNT FROM FAFSA WORKSHEET A $ 0 45. AMOUNT FROM FAFSA WORKSHEET B $ 0 46. AMOUNT FROM FAFSA WORKSHEET C $ 0 47. NET WORTH OF CURRENT INVESTMENTS $ 0 48. NET WORTH OF BUSINESS/INVESTMENT FARMS $ 0 49. CASH, SAVINGS, AND CHECKING $ 56 50. HOW MANY MONTHS RECEIVE VA BENEFITS? 00 51. MONTHLY VA EDUCATION BENEFITS AMOUNT $ 0 STUDENT'S EMAIL ADDRESS: KSEXV1699QAOL.COM If you need 52. BORN BEFORE 1-1-1978? NO 53. HORNING ON MASTERS OR DOCTORATE? NO 54. ARE YOU MARRIED? NO 55. HAVE CHILDREN YOU SUPPORT? NO • 56. DEPENDENTS OTHER THAN CHILDREN/SPOUSE? NO 57. ORPHAN OR WARD OF COURT? NO 58. VETERAN OF U.S. ARMED FORCES? NO 59. ,PARENTIS) MARITAL. STATUS DIVORCED/SEPARATED 60., YOUR FATHER'S.. SOCIAL. SECURITY. NUMBER 000-00-0000 61. YOUR FATHER'S LAST NAME 62....YOUR.. MOTHER'S. SOCIAL SECURITYNUMBER ......431-06-2649 63...YOUR .MOTHER'S LAST NAME . SKELTON. ,..,. 64,.. NUMBER.. OF FAMILY.. MEMBERS. IN 2001-2002 03 ,,. 65. NUMBER IN COLLEGE. IN 2001-2002 ... 1 66... PARENTIS) STALE OF 'LEGAL RESIDENCE ..AR - --- ..67...LEGAL .RESIDENT . BEFORE Jimmy :. 1, ,19% ?.:YES .. . 68. .DATE.. PARENT(S) $ (CAME_ LEGAL.. RESIDENT ..(BLANK) '.. 65.. AGE.. OF. OLDER PARENT ... __.. 47 ...... .:. 70.. FAREMTLS) FILIO :2000:.1NCOME-:TAX RETINHM::-::ALREADY COMPLETED 71.TYPE OF 2000TliX1O104 USED 1040 72, ELIGIBLE TO FILE A 1O4DA OR 1040E1? YES 73,.ADJUSTED .GROSS ..WOK ..FRON IRS. FORM $ 21,895 74. U.S.. INCOME TAX ►410- $ 554 -,. 75. EXEMPTION CLAIMED 03 76. FATHER'S INCOME. EARNED.. FROM KIRK $ 77,. 66)T $ INCOME EARNED._FRON. WORK:.: $ 16,585 78... AMOUNT.. FROM . FAFSA. W0*SIR:E1 A .... :$1.954` .. _... 1 $ 3,0000 79, MOUNT FROM _FAFSA MORKSHEET 3 60.. AMOUNT_ FROM. FAFSA. $ORKSMEET C. --- $ 9 "..81... NET .IgBTH.OF. CURRENTINy£fTNENi3.. $ 5.500 :82..NET :.WITH OF:. BUSINESS/1NVESTNENT EARNS$ 0 83. AND CMECKING $ 6 84. NUMBER OF FAMILY MEMBERS IN 2001-2002 85. NUMBER IN COLLEGE IN 2001-2002 86. FIRST COLLEGE NAME I..,i 6 87. FIRST HOUSING PLANS WITH, PARENT(S) 88. SECOND COLLEGE NAME SECOND HOUSING. PLANS III89. 90. THIRD COLLEGE NAME 91. THIRD HOUSING PLANS 92. FOURTH COLLEGE NAME 93. FOURTH HOUSING PLANS 94. FIFTH COLLEGE NAME 95. FIFTH HOUSING PLANS 96. SIXTH COLLEGE NAME 97. SIXTH HOUSING PLANS 98. DATE COMPLETED :FR 06 2001 99. SIGNED BY BOTH 100. PREPARER'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER . - 101. PREPARER'S EIN 102. PREPARER'S SIGNATURE (BLANK) Record Type: Verification Flag: SAR C Flag: System Generated Application Receipt Date: Transaction Process Date: Transaction Receipt Date: Indicator: H Y 09/06/2001 10/19/2001 10/17/2001 _Processing. Results Expected Family Contribution: Primary Secondary Automatic Zero EFC Flag: Formula Type: Simplified Needs Test Flag: FAA Adjustment: 01343 Dependency Status Model: 13 01363 Dependency Override: Hold Code: P Subsequent Application Flag: Y Pell Eligible Flag: Y SSN Match Flag: INS Match Flag: INS Sec. Conf. Flag: NSLDS Match Flag: 4 • Selective Service Registration Flag: INS Verification #: NSLDS Results Flag: 1 VA Match Flag: Selective Service Match: SSA Citizenship Code: NSLDS Transaction Number: PRIS Match Flag: Reject Code(s): Comment Codes: 149 170 006 140 A 01 0 009116C202 429-59-9896 SK 02 Information Acknowledgement 2001-2002 Student Aid Report (SAR) Federal Student Aid Programs 429-59-9896 SK -02 MIN: 0145 OMB No. 1845-0008 Form Approved Exp. 12/31/2002 not use;; this fot 009116C202 KELLY S. SKELTON 260 LAPIS LN #7 FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 rtchgtrs dee �ptt� Pan�nciat Ai�i rldmintsttato€ s' October 19, 2001 EFC: 01343 We have processed your application for federal student aid or the correction that you submitted electronically through your school or on the Web._ On the back of this page we printed the information we received and a summary of the results of processing that information. 'We may have assumed certain information to calculate your eligibility for federal student aid. We printed any assumptions we made and the word "assumed" for the items on the back of the page. You can make corrections by going to www.fafsa.ed.gov and using your PIN or by contacting your Financial Aid Administrator (FAA) if: - the assumptions we made are not correct, - you need to make other corrections; or - we indicate below that more information is needed to determine your eligibility, Contact your FAA if: - we indicate below you are selected for verification, or • - we indicate below you must work with your FAA to resolve some eligibility issues. If all the information on this Student Aid Report is correct, you may be eligible to receive a Federal Pell Grant and other federal student aid in 2001-2002. Your FAA will determine whether you meet all other requirements to receive aid. The amount of aid will depend on the Lost of attendance at your school, your enrollment status, Congressional budget restrictions, and other factors. Your application ha been selected for review in a process called verification. You must submit to your school signed copies of certain financial documents. • b 009116C202 429-59-9896 SK 02 This section contains information from your student aid application (shaded items display parents' information, if provided). 11 •you need to make corrections. see the financial aid administrator at your school, 1. LAST NAME 2. FIRST NAME 5KELTDN KELLY 3. MIDDLE INITIAL S 4. PERMANENT STREET ADDRESS 260 LAPIS N 127 5. CITY 6. STATE ABBREVIATION FAYETTEVILI E AR 7. IIP CODE 8. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 9. DATE OF BIRTH 10. PERMANENT HOME PHONE NUMBER 11 DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER 72701 F29-59-9896 FSTOBiR-2S _1282 (591) 582-2283 12 13 14 DRIVER'S LICENSE STATE ABBREVIATIO CITIZENSHIP STATUS ALIEN REGISTRATION NUMBER _439592846 AIS U.S. CITIZEN 15. MARITAL STATUS 16. DAZE OF MARITAL STATUS UNMAARI EO ()HANK) 17. ENROLLMENT STATUS SUMMER TERM 2001 NOT ATTENDING 18. ENROLLMENT STATUS FALL SEM/QTR 2001 FULL TIME/NOT SURE 19. ENROLLMENT STATUS MINTER QTR 2001-2002 FULL TIME/NOT SURE 20. ENROLLMENT STATUS SPRING SEM/QTR 2002 FULL TIME/NOT SURE 21. ENROLLMENT STATUS SUMMER TERM 2002 FULL TIME/NOT SURE 22. FATHER'S EDUCATIONAL LEVEL HIGH SCHOOL 23. MOTHER'S EDUCATIONAL LEVEL 24. STATE OF LEGAL RESIDENCE ABBREVIATION 25. LEGAL RESIDENT BEFORE JANUARY 1, 1996? YES 26. DATE YOU BECAME A LEGAL RESIDENT (BLANK) 27. ARE YOU MALE? NO 28. REGISTER YOU FOR SELECTIVE SERVICE? (BLANK) 29. TYPE OF DEGREE/CERTIFICATE ASSOC. TECHNICAL 30. GRADE LEVEL IN COLLEGE IN 2001-2002 31. HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA OR GED? YES 32. FIRST BACHELOR'S DEGREE BY 7-1-2001? N0 33. INTERESTED IN STUDENT LOANS? YES 34. INTERESTED IN MORK-STUDY? NO 35. DRUG CONVICTION AFFECTING ELIGIBILITY? 36. FILED 2000 IRS INCOME TAX RETURN HIGH SCHOOL AR • 1ST NEVER ATTENDED _HO _ALREADY COMP1 FTEO 37. TYPE OF 2000 TAX FORM USED _1040A/EZ/TEL 38. ELIGIBLE TO FILE A 1040A OR 1040E2? YES 39. ADJUSTED GROSS INCOME FROM IRS FORM . $ 40. U.S. INCOME TAX PAID $ 41. EXEMPTIONS CLAIMED 42. STUDENT'S INCOME EARNED FROM HORK $ 3 4 43. SPOUSE'S INCOME EARNED FROM WORK $ 44. AMOUNT FROM FAFSA WORKSHEET A $ 45. AMOUNT FROM FAFSA WORKSHEET B $ 46. AMOUNT FROM FAFSA WORKSHEET C $ 47. NET WORTH OF CURRENT INVESTMENTS $ 48. NET NORTH OF BUSINESS/INVESTMENT FARMS $ 49. CASH, SAVINGS, AND CHECKING $ 5 50. HOW MANY MONTHS RECEIVE VA BENEFITS? 3149_ 00 00 52. BORN BEFORE 1-1-1978? 53. WORKING ON MASTERS OR DOCTORATE? 54. ARE YOU MARRIED? 55. HAVE CHILDREN YOU SUPPORT? j6. DEPENDENTS OTHER THAN CHILDREN/SPOUSE? 57. ORPHAN OR WARD OF COURT? 58. VETERAN OF U.S. ARMED FORCES? NO NO NO NO NO NO NO • 59. PARENT($) J/ARIIAL STATUS 6(1, YDUU:KATHEp'S 'SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER .000.:000000 6L :YOUR: FATHER'SLAST HARE --- - - 62,..YOOR:NOTHCA 4 suCIAL.SEL'URITYNUMBER 4 YOUR ROTHE S LAST NAME NUNRER T)F FANILY.NENBERS IN -2001-2002 431-06-2449 SKE 0 03 .. _. §.;;NUMBER IN COIJ:EG£ IR:2001-2002- 64.:PARENT(S) STATL-"tlF LEGAL.RESIAENCE AR' 67,..:LEGAL, RESIDENT A FORE..JANUARY 1 1996?: 611.:DATE:PARENITSL:BECAME:LEGAL.RESIDENT -YES"- - (BLANk)- AGE. OF :OLDER PARENT •. - 70.PARENI(S) FILW2000ANCONEAX RETURN::: 47 4LREADY:GON7LET£0 :S.. TYRE -.OF 3000: 14K- FOR 72.-i£LIGIALE TOJILE.A 10404-ORIA 40E3? 7.3,..AOJUSTED GROSS,:INCOME FRCN :IRS FORM 74. TLSii_.1NCOHE: IA1I8A1D • ?Si :EXEMPTiwNS:CIA1MEb $ ..T1YB99. 03 56. FATHER''S INCOME: EARNED FROM WORK 71, MOTHER'S INCOME EARNED FROM HORK -' $ : 1&,585' 78...AHOUNT FROM::AfSA.MORKSHEET•A.-. 1;:956' 74.;::ANOUNT ;F ON::FAE$A WORKSHEET::) $ 3 .58(L.AMOUNT-FROM4AFSA,WORkSHEET C -- b1• NIT,MORTH ,OE::.CURRENT .I HV€$TNENT$ $:. 306". 82.:. NETT HORTH;OF`SUSINESS/INVESEMENT :EARNS 83. CASNr-SAVJNGSI;ANDCLIECKFNG:+L-: 84. NUMBER OF FAMILY MEMBERS IN 2001-2002 85. NUMBER 1N COLLEGE IN 2001-2002 86. FIRST COLLEGE NAME 87. FIRST HOUSING PLANS 88. SECOND COLLEGE NAME 89. SECOND HOUSING PLANS 90. THIRD COLLEGE NAME 91. THIRD HOUSING PLANS NORTJ0I RDIAtlSAS�OHHUNI TY PARENT(S N1TH TIS) 92. FOURTH COLLEGE NAME 93. FOURTH HOUSING PLANS 94. FIFTH COLLEGE NAME 95. FIFTH HOUSING PLANS 96. SIXTH COLLEGE NAME 97. SIXTH HOUSING PLANS 98. DATE COMPLETED 99. SIGNED BY A 100. PREPARER'S SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 51. MONTHLY VA EDUCATION BENEFITS AMOUNT STUDENT'S EMAIL ADDRESS: KSEXY1699@AOL.COM 101. PREPARER'S EIN 102. PREPARER'S SIGNATURE SEPTEMBER 06 2001 BOTH �B1AtlKl_ BI ANK) (BLANK) Processing Results Record Type: H Expected Verification Flag: Y SAR C Flag: System Generated Indicator: Application Receipt Date: Transaction Process Date: Transaction Receipt Date: Family -Contribution: Primary Secondary Automatic Zero EFC Flag: Formula Type: 09/06/2001 Simplified Needs Test Flag: 10/19/2001 FAA Adjustment: 10/17/2001 01343 Dependency Status Model: D 01363 Dependency Override: Hold Code: P Subsequent Application Flag: Y Pell Eligible Flag: Y SSN Match Flag: INS Match Flag: INS Sec. Conf. Flag: NSLDS Match Flag: 4 1 Selective Service Registration Flag: INS Verification #: NSLDS Results Flag: VA Match Flag: Selective Service Match: SSA Cilizenship Cade: 3 NSLDS Transaction Number. PRIS Match Flag: Reject Codels): Comment Codes: 149 170 006 140 A 0)� 0 a 1 1 m Registration Procedures Registration Students will register for classes according to instructions and deadline dates contained in the sched- ule of classes published prior to the beginning of each semester. Registration is considered complete when the student has paid tuition and fees or when the Financial Aid Office or Business Office has officially authorized payment. Students with past due obligations to the col- lege may not register for classes until such obligations are resolved to the satisfaction of the college. The college reserves the right to deny registration to any individual who has violated the Student Code of Conduct and is currently suspended from the college or when the col- lege is unable to provide the services, courses or pro- grams needed to assist a student in meeting his/her edu- cational objectives. Counseling/Advising Counselors/advisors will work with you to identify your educational and career interests in order to create an educational plan. Counselors/advisors also will inform you about course prerequisites, the transferabili- ty of courses and the sequence in which courses should be taken. Once your educational plan has been devel- oped, you are ready to register. The exact time and day to register will be listed in the credit class schedule available each semester. Scheduling Classes You are responsible for scheduling your own class- es and for being aware of all schedule changes. The col- lege reserves the right to cancel, combine or change the time, day or location of any class without obligation. The college also reserves the right to change the instruc- tor and/or instructional methodology without obliga- tion. Student Course Load For fall or spring semester you are considered full- time if you are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours; those enrolling in 9 to 11 credit hours are considered three quarter time; those enrolling in 6 to 8 credit hours are considered half-time, and those enrolling in 1 to 5 cred- it hours arc considered less than half-time students. In the summer session, you are considered full-time if you are.enrolled in six or more credit hours; if you are enrolled in fewer than six credit hours, you are a half- time student. If you wish to enroll in more than 18 semester hours of credit for a fall or spring semester or more than 10 hours of credit in the summer you must, before enrolling, receive written permission from the Vice President of Learning. Early Registration Early registration is open to you if you are current- ly enrolled or have submitted an admission application to the Admissions Office by the deadline dates listed in the credit class schedule. During early registration, you may register by Web according to procedures listed in the credit class schedule. To facilitate registration by Web, you should make sure any transcripts from other schools containing prerequisites for courses at NWACC have been received and articulated. You should also take care of any holdson your record, such as financial or library obligations, prior to enrollment. Late Registration Late registration takes place during the first five working days of fall and spring semester classes and dur- ing the first two working days of the summer session. Specific dates and times are listed each semester in the credit class schedule. Registration for Late -Start Classes You may register for classes listed in the "Late -start Classes" section of the credit class schedule according to the procedures listed in the credit class schedule. 2001-2002 Welcome to NWACC 19 S0'd -1d1.01 co O� N 10 0011 .‘O n"JJIII y a� v� �^? v, �o �D en: O y V co M ��TTp 00 �' N `Q riN ' M h W eO•�I O T �i 1 t+ t•r r T r N h.101 O O O M O O m b b .•+ O oD v'• N O O h a en 00 N oho n n M •D Q. N M en m 0 Cam N Vt O R M N+ M t t+ ' } '+ N N - h N et (1 CU 4.4 il00 "� OO 0 sa # * N ►y M h b 0 n C rCrt T ? a rn N rn (� tri [� ��Nrr l0 O .r VS O1. ^ 00 N• N l' W ON O G en C• -C..) N t>D t+ N N O� n N N N T O O N W r0 N'al 'f' + + + + + .-.. R .en en en vpi C rel „.C.4)., N - el V *1•1 03 A4 C Q. N N 7 T 0 O T N. Inch00 CO R in ti N H O rr of CJ M 7 7 Atli I. y v Mi N 1-1 ol «+ } } +�++ + 3 os m 8co * _. 00 W o C C C 0 0 0 a cia s - v m M e°On v [� U 00 eti o e.Ci ..- is. ^rs V a C Y1 �' M M r b M .O. S .0. NI 41.1 411 �O 00 b y } t t +}+} t t G C C R•Cf ^” w m m w O O O co a, o O O a O N h N h Tel > visysv.a a 0 a0. VI v x n Z 0_ o b G V M0 cc _ r C: Q O O O. e� O el O O W L 0 0.. 00 = c a7 a° a °� e ai aa a - CO x ›% E' a� « o 0 o H a o o Cr .4• H O env Vn 5- 0 gt V °' LI AL 44 c dqn 2Q oa• go oQ a Q c1o30 ¢] `m o c �+ M ry+ M Q I+ ecu• n rn Fi Vl rCi rn 6 h Q in Z .5 x U Fi 2 S. Q # * rn .tn • I folio Group (12/1/98) Cb!CT TA017-F7 MW