HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-10-25 - Agendas - FinalFAYETTEVILLE • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS FIRE PENSION AND RELIEF FUND AGENDA OCTOBER 25, 2001 A meeting of the Fire Pension and Relief Fund Board will be held on October 25, 2001 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 326 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain. 1. Approval of the minutes 2. Approval of the pension list 3. Investment report 4. Other business 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 521-7700 FAX 501 575-8257 • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FIRE PENSION AND RELIEF FUND BOARD SEPTEMBER 27, 2001 A meeting of the Fayetteville Fire Pension and Relief Fund Board was held on September 27, 2001 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 326 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. PRESENT: Ron Wood, Danny Farrar, Marion Doss, City Clerk Heather Woodruff, City Attorney Kit Williams, and Richard Yada. MINUTES Mr. Farrar moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Wood seconded.` The motion carried unanimously. PENSION LIST Mr. Farrar moved to approve the pension list. Mr. Wood seconded. The motion carried unanimously. INVESTMENT REPORT • Mr. Yada stated the market had been going down a little in August, but they were still staying within range. They were at $11,376,000 at the end of August. After $448,000 being sent back to the checking account. They knew markets were going to go up and down. They could see the performances the portfolio mangers had in 1997, 1998 and 1999. They had been struggling this year and last year. That was the growth manager. Their fixed income was the only thing that was up. It was up over 9.5%the others were down an average of 15-16%. Half of their assets were in income accounts. Half of it was up and the other half was down. They had planned it that way. The Private Portfolio Group at 2.2 million was down 14%. Mercury Group at 1.6 million was down 18%. Ashland at 2 million was down 17%. The Income Account at 5.4 million was up 9.5%. That was compared to Dow Jones, which was down 6%. The S&P Index was down 13.5%. Nasdq was down 26%. The S&P Index was a broader market performance. They look at the S&P being the guide, they were down 13%. Their stock guys were down 16%. They were under preforming in that group. The Feds had dropped interest rates. The economy was going to have to pick up. He did not expect the market to do anything. In their Fixed Income Account as interest rates dropped, their value would go up. INCREASE IN VOLUNTEER PAY Mr. Doss suggested since they were short a few members that they postpone this discussion. Mr. Wood asked if there was any way they could poll the people on the pension list. He had talked with a lot of volunteers who wanted their increase too. But he had also talked with a a lot of full - paid people that did not want to do that. • • Mr. Williams stated there was a possibility that there was going to be another millage rollback. He did not believe it would affect them, but there was some chance. He did not believe there would be a reduction, but he could not totally rule it out. Mr. Doss added there had also been concern that three or four full -paid people did not receive an increase. They may also want to look at those people sometime. Meeting adjoumed at 11:30 a.m. re' FAYETTEVILLE 'INE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS • KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: Fayetteville Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund Trustees FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE• October 17, 2001 RE: Skelton appeal Attached is a copy of Judge Smith's letter concerning the scheduling of the Skelton case. I will only file a Reply Brief if necessary • KIM M. SMITH CIRCUIT JUDGE October 16, 2001 STATE OF ARKANSAS FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT - SECOND D VISION WASHINGTON COUNTY COURTHOUSE P. O. BOX 1206 FAY61 1 LVILLE, AR 72702-1206 TELEPHONE: (501) 444-1552 FAX: (501) 444-1752 E-MAIL: ksmith@co.washington.ar.us Mr. James N. McCord Attorney at Law 11 N. West Avenue, Suite 202 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Mr. Kit Williams Fayetteville City Attomey 113 W. Mountain Street, Ste. 302 Fayetteville, AR 72701 KAREN S. MORROW OFFICIAL COURT REPORTER E-MAIL: kmorrow@co.washingtonar.us JOAN LESTER CASE COORDINATOR E-MAIL: jlester@co.washington.ar.us • RE: Kathy D. Skelton vs. Board of Trustees of Fayetteville Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, Washington County No. CIV 2001-544 Dear Attorneys: On October 16th, 2001, Mr. Williams and I tried to call Mr. McCord to discuss a briefing schedule in the above captioned case. Mr. McCord's answering machine indicated he was out for several weeks due to illness. Hopefully the illness is not severe enough to prevent Mr. McCord from preparing his bnef in this matter Due to his illness, I am going to establish a cut-off date for Mr. McCord's brief of November 9th, 2001. Mr Williams will then have until November 16th, 2001 to file a reply brief. After that date I intend to rule from the file. If Mr. McCord's illness will prevent him from preparing his brief in this matter, please call me and we will call Mr. Williams and discuss the matter. Sincerely, M. Smith C cult Judge xc; court file i h FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS •KIT WILLIAMS, CITY ATTORNEY DAVID WHITAKER, ASST. CITY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO: Fayetteville Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund Trustees FROM: Kit Williams, City Attorney DATE: October 2, 2001 RE: Request For Pension Benefits by Kathy D. Skelton Attached are the Stipulated Facts agreed to by and Jim McCord irepresenting Kathy D. Skelton and myself representing you. Also attached is my Brief presenting your side of this issue. Just as my initial memo to you, my Brief argues that only a spouse, as opposed to an ex-spouse, can receive pension benefits. Therefore, Roy Skelton's survivor pension benefits should be paid only to his eligible children I do want to call to your attention to subsection (f) in A.C.A. 24- 11-820. • 'If a retirant and, if any, his eligible beneficiary both die before they have received in annuity payments a total amount equal to the accumulated contributions, including any interest credits, standing to the retirant's credit in the system at the r time of his retirement, the difference between the accumulated contributions and the total amount of annuities received by them shall be paid to such person or persons as the retirant shall have nominated by written designation duly executed and filed with the board." I do not know whether your members accumulate contributions "standing to the retirant s credit in the system at the time of his retirement .... If contributions to Roy's credit have been accumulated, once the final payment is made to his last eligible child, you would need to examine the record to ensure that all accumulated contributions have been in fact paid to Roy or his eligible beneficiaries. If not, a payment of the difference (the amount remaining) would have to be made to Kathy Skelton pursuant to their Divorce Decree and Qualified Domestic Relations Order. • • • IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY KATHY D. SKELTON vs. No. CIV 2001 544 BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND BRIEF OF THE DEFENDANT BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN''S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND APPELLANT 0 -n n S0 m 1 � C% v y 0 APPELLE� c. ca 2-3 Na 0 2 c�D This case is presented to this Court by means of the Stipulated Facts filed for record on September 28, 2001. It is agreed that this Court has proper jurisdiction to decide this controversy. As the facts stipulate, Roy Allen Skelton was married to Kathy Diane Skelton during a portion of the time when he was employed as a firefighter for the City of Fayetteville. This marriage terminated in divorce granted by the Chancery Court of Washington County about September 9,1998 in case E 98-804. A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) was filed on or about October 14, 1998, in that case. The Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) filed in E 98-804 is admitted by stipulation for this Court's consideration. There are two very important sections within this Order. First, paragraph 6 states that • "Commencing with the retirement check payable for the month of October, 1998, and each month thereafter, so long as Roy A. Skelton might be entitled to receive said benefit, Kathy D. Skelton is entitled to receive 33.035 percent of Roy A. Skelton's regular retirement pay ...." (emphasis added) A.C.A. §24-11-820 gives the legal requirements for pension benefits after the death of the firefighter. Retirement pay obviously ceases upon the death of the firefighter, and A.C.A. §24-11-820 then determines who would then be eligible for survivor benefits. Since Roy A. Skelton's "regular retirement pay" ceased at his death, so also did Kathy D. Skelton's entitlement "to receive 33.035 percent of Roy A. Skelton's regular retirement pay .... " A second important part of the Chancellor's Order is the "IT IS FURTHER ORDERED" section on the top of page 3 of the QDRO. "IT IS FURTHER ORDERED this QDRO does not require the City of Fayetteville or the Fireman Relief and Pension Fund to provide any type or form of benefit to Roy A. Skelton or Kathy D. Skelton which is not otherwise provided pursuant to the retirement plan." The Fireman Relief and Pension Fund is governed by the State law that created it. This law is crystal clear concerning who can be a beneficiary when a retired firefighter dies. • • "Whenever ... any retired member shall die, leaving a spouse ... a monthly pension .. shall be paid for life to the spouse ... " A.0 A. §24-11-820(a)(1) (emphasis added). Since the marriage between Roy and Kathy Skelton ended in September, 1998, Roy Skelton did not have a spouse when he died in 2001. Therefore, she could not be a surviving spouse eligible to receive pension benefits pursuant to A.C.A. §24-11-820. The statute specifically contemplates there may be "no eligible spouse at the time of the member's death" and directs that if there is no eligible spouse "the total sums shall be paid to his children until they shall have reached nineteen (19) years of age ...." A.C.A. §24-11-820(b)(2)(A). "However, if a child enrolls in an institution of higher education after completing high school, the payments shall continue as long as the child is a full-time student, but in no instance beyond the child's twenty-third birthday." A.C.A. §24-11-820(b)(2)(B). The statute is carefully drawn to provide pension benefits only to an "eligible spouse" or the member's minor children. Marital status is thus vital when considering whether someone is eligible to receive a deceased firefighter's pension benefits. Indeed, if an eligible "spouse or child shall marry, then the person so marrying shall thereafter receive no further pension ...." A.C.A. §24- 11-820(b)(4). • Kathy Skelton was clearly not the spouse of Roy Skelton at the time of his death. A "spouse' is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as "One's husband or wife by lawful marriage; a married person." The divorce between the Skeltons terminated Kathy's status as a married person so she cannot now be termed a spouse. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (Fourth Edition 2000) defines "spouse" as "A marriage partner, a husband or wife." Merriam -Webster Collegiate Dictionary defines "spouse" as "married person". The Ultra lingua English Language Dictionary defines "spouse" as "A person's partner in marriage" and defines "ex-spouse" as "A person who was formerly a spouse." Thus under every common definition of "spouse", Kathy D. Skelton ceased from being the spouse of Roy A. Skelton when their divorce was granted in 1998. Kathy then became the "ex-spouse" of Roy and not entitled to pension benefits under A.C.A. §24-11-820. It is also very clear under old and unchallenged law that divorce makes spouses "strangers in law, third parties" McWilliams v. Kinney, 180 Ark. 836, 22 S.W. 2d 1003, 1004 (1930). 4 • • • "The dissolution of the bonds of matrimony creates a new relationship between the parties. Whereas they were husband and wife, with all the privileges, immunities, and burdens imposed by law because of this relationship, they are now strangers in law, third parties as it were, with no legal obligations each to the other except those preserved by decree or contract." Id. The Arkansas Supreme Court has strictly followed statutory schemes when determining whether someone was entitled to receive "widow's" benefits in a Worker's Compensation case. Although it was undisputed a woman was married to an employee who was killed on the job, the lack of evidence of her dependency on the employee resulted in a finding that she was not the employee's "widow" for purposes of that act. Spratlin v. Evans, 260 Ark. 49, 538 S.W. 2d 527 (1976). In Biddle v. Biddle, 206 Ark. 623,177 S.W. 2d 32, 36 (1914), the Arkansas Supreme Court quotes approvingly from 17 American Jurisprudence (Divorce): "On divorce the wife ceases to be a member of the family to the same extent as if she were dead ...." The Board of Trustees of the Fayetteville Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund owe a fiduciary duty to all current and future retirees and pensioners to faithfully follow the law concerning who is entitled to receive retirement or survivor pension benefits. Because Kathy D. Skelton divorced Roy Skelton in 1998 and thereafter was not his spouse, but his ex-spouse, the Board believes and ruled that after Roy Skelton s death in 2001, his monthly pension benefits must be paid to his two eligible children rather than being split between his ex-spouse and these eligible children. The Board prays that this Court affirm the Pension Board's decision to pay the pension benefits only to the children of Roy Skelton, rather than reducing the children's share by paying the majority of the benefits to plaintiff Kathy D. Skelton. BY: Respectfully submitted, WILLIAMS, ABA #76007 Fayetteville City Attorney Attorney for Board of Trustees of Fayetteville Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund 113 W. Mountain St., Ste. 302 Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone: (501) 575-8313 FAX: (501) 575-8315 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I, Kit Williams, do swear that I have sent by U.S. mail, postage prepaid, the following Brief of the Board of Trustees of Fayetteville Firemen's Relief and Pension Fund, to Honorable James N. McCord, Attorney at Law, 11 N. West Avenue, Suite 202, Fayetteville, AR 72701, on this the 2nd day of October, 2001 6 • • �PRnE11/yo �� `% LIBERTY MARKETING COMPANY - ....` ` `- • Serving Chambers, City & County Governments -' • +nit H.A. Fuller -Sutherland, CEO AHuhA Aa DISTRIBUTION AGREEMENT . 204 N. West Street Arlington, Texas 76011 (817) 860-3110 - Fax (817) 860.7113 (800) 954 -MAPS To establish the number of the new 2001 Washington County maps, we will be printing, to satisfy thc FREE DISTRIBUTION need for this publication, we would appreciate you completing this agreement and mailing it to us in the self addressed / stamped envelope provided or faxing this request back to us, our fax # is (800) 478-2543. These are the 3foot x 2foot maps that are red, white and blue and are printed on a 601b glossy paper. We would appreciate your cooperation in completing this agreement, most particularly the space dealing with the number of maps you normally give away over a 12 month period for each publication. This infortnation will help us establish the overall need for maps in the areas, however, more importantly;. it will help us plan for future publications. YES! We would like to receive a good supply of FREE LIBERTY MARKETING maps for our own distribution, AT NO COST OR CHARGE. We understand these maps will be shipped PRE -PAID by the United States Postal Service. This is in no way an endorsement, but we do agree to be one of the distribution points for our maps. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE W ino�.,ttr,58,A1 Physical Address ,797W_th?eo cr,� /C079/ Name & Title (PRINT CLEARLY PLEASE) FAX '113: 1-800-478-2543 P.O. BOX tt (IF APPLICABLE) City, State, Zip 5'73 e3a3 Area Code & Phone Number Normal Number of Maps Given = 500 Number of Maps Needed 30 FROM THE DESK OF CHARLENE HAIRSTON, PROJECT DIRECTOR Ed WH60:TI TIME LE 'daS £SPE 612 CTE : '0N3NOHd 38t0 H1103H 3WOH SOJHRH : WOdd ti 'ROUA AO P5 • 0: 47011, LIBERTY MARKETING COMPANY Serving. Chambers. City :& County. Governments H.A. Fuller -Sutherland; CEO. Facsimile Transmission FROM: 204 N. West Street Arlington. Texas.76011 (817) 860-3110 a Fax (817) 860-71t3 800) 954 -MAPS ATT1J:.' BUSINESS:PHONE: FAX NO.: iKQmPr Lj 01 V✓6DGI M'k 1 �Cp y � r0 7b qS HEATHER LANE SET-UP ASSISTANT DATE: %-2` ^ 0/ NUMBER OF PAGES: 2 I.800454-6277 FAX: 1-800-478-2543 E-MAIL: libcrtym@eumait.net PHONE: -5( 57c-- 1313 MESSAGE: Choice of Colors on Map are RED and BLUE on WHITE GLOSSY PAPER rm: (j !'Ct .Q. IS ALit .Chts- bu ✓1 G.cilrQt-vtunk- +tel- k- \ J ct*.t J k4 C . c Ak S. �1� u5c 4 eJ 4 b ayA -��a � bu ` -amu k'skP. `LS /1a �. COUNTY t STATE �1)� MAP NO. Id Wt360: T T T00Z 22 'daS £SVZ 6T£ PTZ : 'ON 3NOHd 3dt3D H11d3H 3WOH sroug8 WOW e STANDING LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL FUNDS This Agreement contains the terms and dions goveming the Merrill Lynch ling Letter of Authorization program. As used in this Agreement, 'I', 'me, and 'my mean each person who signs the Standing Letter of Authorization confirmation letter as an accountholder or as an authorized person on behalf of an entity's account. 'You' and 'your° mean Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated. Representations, Additional Terms, and Amendments I acknowledge that I have read this Agreement and the Standing Letter of Authorization Program Description and agree' to its terms and conditions. -1 also -- acknowledge that this Agreement must be signed by all persons who signed the agreements or documents required for the establishment of my/our Merrill Lynch account and agree that any additional terms and conditions contained in those documents shall apply to my/our participation In the Standing Letter of Authorization program as if they were fully set out in this Agreement I agree that you shall have the right to nd this agreement by modifying or nding any of its existing provisions or dding any new provision. Any such amendment shall be effective as of a date to be established by you, subject to applicable law. code Daae (Rev. S • Authorization I authorize you to effect transfers of funds and/or securities from my/our Merrill Lynch account in the manner specified in the Standing Letter of Authorization confirmation letter to which this Agreement relates, either 1) on a recurring basis in such amount or quantity and upon such schedule as I/we have instructed in such letter, or 2) upon my or another authorized person's telephone instruction, subject to any limitations as I/we may have specified in such letter. In the event that any erroneous transfers are made, I authorize you to initiate correcting entries in my/our account and to act on my/our behalf to attempt to correct such errors to such extent -as -maybe -possible,- provided -that any such correction is made in accordance with applicable laws, rules or regulations. I authorize any financial institution holding an account of mine/ours to which I have authorized transfers to be made to accept correcting instructions from you without responsibility for the correctness thereof. Indemnification and Limitation of Liability I agree to indemnify and hold you harmless from any loss, liability, cost, or expense for acting upon my/our instructions, whether written, verbal, or telephonic, except as limited by applicable law. In no event shall you be liable to me/us for any damages, whether consequential, direct, indirect or special, arising out of any failure to execute any transfer in a timely manner and in accordance with or another authorized person's instructions except direct damages resulting from your negligence or bad faith. You shall not be liable for any errors, delays or negligence of any funds transfer or communications systems, or any intermediary, agent bank or subagent bank that may be used in making transfers for my/our account, each of wh'ch shall be deemed to be my/our agent. Termination of the Standing Letter of Authorization This authorization is to remain in full force and effect until you receive notification -from -- me or any authorized person of its termination. Any termination will become effective as soon as you have had a reasonable amount of time to act on It. GOVERNING LAW I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE GOVERNED BY NEW YORK LAW. b co - CL CLL00 No co Ccc: - O O M H C4 0 0 • 00 CL 0.4 °° L 0.. w 0 Q - t O a wezt 00 1-10 N .y h M N 0' 00 00 00 0•' 0' O ,n b 01 0' 0▪ 4 a U 0 w 0 ° a 0 Y co, Mreee z a 01 V co ▪ M N M V) N M b o0 cre O 0 In 0 0 0 w N 00 00 V Income Account M 1/40Cc M 1/40 1/40 0' M '0 00 M V1 c-- r -- en et N N O 1/40 1/46 O r hco a coo o o a i in O O O+ ON M N rl 00 in cci N + 7 0; 00 00 M M len + N 01/4 M 00 N N N 00 + T 1/46 Cep 0< O N Vh O 7 W °< + O t/l CO 0: 00 + 00 MI co + + 00 M + 0 N en en o CO O + 00 N + —d Os— v) on a .aa en en en N N [- '9 O c t t G . O O O G ✓ U U * c A A* 111) W 00 C 1 Y Y ✓ U U L r U U U O O O 0 N en N N O O O 00 O O O 0" O O O C r 00 — - v V t r va se v) U z b 0 L 0 a * Income acco • • Merrill Lynch FAYETTEVILLE FIRE PENSION AND RELIEF FUND U/A DTD 6/18/86 INCOME ACCOUNT 113 W MOUNTAIN ST FAYETTEVILLE AR 72701 Dear Client Ref: Account 563-96345 Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. 9601 S. Meridian alewood-CNrans-+ K' ,t 7/0l �ll!/LKJei 1RECEIVE' `t`�� Gfrtimcy 'EP 19 2001 �c cee244,14:yes ' XTG DEF PI . &ite "at & aL ua t 44o, Atat "kid yXails We would like to make you aware of an optional feature of your account worth considering. A Standing Letter of Authorization for wire transfers allows you to request the wiring of funds to the same bank and .account destination with just a phone call to your Financial Advisor. You will no longer have to provide Merrill Lynch with a letter every time you need to wire funds to an enrolled receiving account. Enrollment is easy, simply confirm the information below, complete those Items whichare blank, have the appropriate persons sign, and return to Merrill Lynch in the enclosed stamped envelope. Contact your Financial Advisor or Service Associate if you have any questions. You authorize Merrill Lynch, upon further Instruction from you, to wire transfer to the following Federal Reserve member bank: BANK OF ARKANSAS The ABA number for this bank is 082901392. The funds are to be credited to: FAYETTEVILLE FIRE PENSION AND RELIEF FUND U/A DTD 6/18/86 INCOME ACCOUNT • The bank account number is 1063401 RECEIVED SEP 20 2001 CITY OF FAYEnEVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 09-20-01 A10:22 IN Please complete the following. section: What is the maximum arnount you would like this standing letter of authorization? S If you would like an expiration date for this Standing Letter of Authorization, please indicate the date. Please print the names of all individuals that may request wire transfers based upon this Standing Letter of Authorization. Sincerely, JAMES M. THORNTON DIRECTOR - CLIENT ACCOUNT SERVICES I acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the Standing Letter of Authorization Agreement, which is incorporated by references in this acknowledgement as if included here in its entirety. If I am signing as corporate officer, as a partner, or as a trustee or other fiduciary for this account, I represent and warrant to you, as applicable: (1) that I am duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the account; (2) that the governing documents of the corporation, partnership, trust or other fiduciary arrangement permit the transfers that are or will be instructed under this Agreement and/or that all necessary action has been taken under such governing documents to authorize the execution of this Agreement and the transfers that are or will be instructed under this agreement by the person who are herewith identified to you as authorized to give instructions on behalf of the account; (3) If a revocable trust, that the transfers that are or will be instructed under this Agreement represent valid partial or total revocations by me; and you may conclusively rely on these representations. By signing below, I acknowledge the accuracy of the information above. I agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, including the provisions regarding indemnification, all of which I understand and agree may be subject to change. This Standing Letter of s • • • • • • r OZ Merrill Lynch Authorization will remain in force until the expiration date indicated above or until I notify you requesting its cancellation. Signature Title Date Signature Title Date Please add as many signature lines as needed for all participants or other authorized persons to sign. For Corporations, the Principal Executive Officer and Secretary must sign. For partnerships all general partners must sign. For limited liability companies, all managers must sign If manager run, and all members must sign if member run. For trusts or other fiduciary arrangements, all trustees or other fiduciaries must sign. 2564487824 V31/00 • 00 m .� M V1 N N rl 01 a., 1 * —t P"Ye. ezel el "M O .r C r--7 O N O M' M re1O O G11/46 O�.+i'� NINI + + + 1 i t•e 0 i i . e 0 1001 fn l 40, N ON O 'n ‘,0 50 I,y • jj.r N 1 ;. M i .--i RO 00 oo 11: ere .Ni{+�4, tM!Ni—j+}M �i 1,+IOI 11� 1+i+• 4 1 •1 J 1 11 "0 tre a-, LO N h M 0R x.00 'nl N + N ire N N N N IT I% I 1 * * blO. en 1 S 1 3 A CT O Z CT O O en en en U N N 01 0 O O O A* 01) Oa 00 Q 0 0 U U O O . ' G G � y y O O O 00 O O O O\ O O O N N 1 _ 10 EA 69 A * Income ac ct U 7 0 ct 0 a