HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-06-24 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FAYETTEVILLE FIRE PENSION AND RELIEF FUND JUNE 24, 1999 A meeting of the Fayetteville Fire Pension and Relief Fund was held on June 24, 1999 at 11:00 a.m. in Room 326 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. PRESENT: Mayor Fred Hanna, Assistant Fire Chief Manon Doss, John Dill, Ron Wood, and City Clerk Heather Woodruff. MINUTES Mr. Dill moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Wood seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion carried unanimously PENSION LIST It was noted that Eddie Bachman and Ron Wood's retirement amounts were switched on the pension list Mr. Doss moved to approve the pension list as amended. Mr. Dill seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion carried unanimously. INVESTMENT REPORT _ Mr. Curtis Williams explained the investment report. He stated there was a growing sense in the investment community that they many be entering a phase where there would be a shift in interest rates not only in this county, but around the world. Historically, interest rates went up for twenty to thirty years then down for twenty or thirty years. Last summer they hit a thirty-year low in treasury bonds. Many believed interest rates were going to start back up. If interests rates were going to start long secular up trends, then what they were doing the fixed income account would not work They had been managing the account as an income and growth account for thirteen years. They could still manage for income, but there would be no growth because everything they purchased would be worth less for a long time. , With the long term security they should still be able to exceed the two percent above inflation. From an actuarial point of view it would not look good. monitory it would not affect their pensions. if they continued what they were doing the impact would be negative for the auctorial report, although it would not hurt the fund monitory. For the time the interest rates are rising they would not get any growth out of the fixed income portfolio. One alternative was to manage the portfolio for a rising interest rate environment. They would purchase six month maturities, CDs and treasuries. If rates rise they would go down, but because they had such a short life they did not down much. So the portfolio value would remain relatively stable Unfortunately they • would not be able to exceed the two percent inflation. Historically short term fixed income secunties did not exceed the rate of inflation by two percent. While their portfolio value would remain relatively constant, it would have a negative impact on the actuarial condition of the fund. He thought under either style of investment their benefits would not be affect, however, they would not receive any increases. The third alternative was to rethink their investment policies and guidelines. The guidelines had worked well for them. They had put together a very conservative and restrictive policy and guidelines so they would not have to much risk and bulk of the money would always be in fixed income, conservatively invested. A decision would have to be made to continue or to look at income from a different perspective. They would not be getting growth from fixed income, they were going to get growth from equities A nsmg inflation environment was not good for investments, but equities performed better in that environment than the fixed income did. Equity was a better hedge against inflation than fixed income. He thought they should have several meetings on the subject before they made any changes. OLD BUSINESS DROP ACCOUNTS. Mayor Hanna stated he had called a meeting with Marilyn Crammer, Jerry Rose, Don Bailey, and Kevin Crosson on the Drop Fund. They went over it thoroughly. When the Drop Plan was instituted it was understood at the time that it was not a qualified plan. An individual should get tax advise from their accountants. It was required law that if they changed from a non-qualified plan the city had to withhold twenty percent. What they had decided was when the take the money out there would be a 1099R form sent out. It would be marked liabilities unknown. All they needed to protect the city was a letter from the retirees accountant stating that the money was going into a qualified plan and that the Drop plan was a qualified plan. Marion Doss stated they had looked to the PRB for guidelines. They had replied they had been holding 20% out if they wrote the check to the individual. If they wrote it to the investment company they did not with hold the tax. Mayor Hanna added if the IRS challenged the decision they could state that it was not a qualified retirement plan. No one has ever receive a qualifying letter from the IRS on this Drop Plan. Mr. Doss added the entire pension plan did not have a letter of determination. Because the pension plan was older than the letter of determination from the IRS. The plan was covered by State Statute. Meeting adjourned at 11:40 a.m. • • • •