HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-02-27 MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FIRE PENSION BOARD A meeting of the Fayetteville Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was held on Thursday, February 27, 1997, at 11:00 a.m., in room 326, of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. PRESENT: Pete Reagan, Marion Doss, Ron Wood, Darrell Judy, Howard Boudrey, and City Clerk/Treasurer Traci Paul ABSENT: Mayor Fred Hanna CALL TO ORDER Pete Reagan called the meeting to order. MINUTES Doss, seconded by Boudrey, moved to approve the minutes of the January 30, 1997 meeting. The motion passed unanimously. PENSION LIST Paul stated there are no changes on the March pension list. Accounting will send out regular checks on March 15 and supplemental checks to cover back pay to January 1, 1997 at the end of March. April pension checks will include the benefit increase. In answer to a question from Reagan, Paul stated both Marilyn Cramer and Richard Yada are on the list to receive minutes of Fire Pension Board meetings. Boudrey, seconded by Doss, moved to approve the March pension list. The motion passed unanimously. INVESTMENT REPORT Richard Yada, Merrill Lynch, distributed copies of the portfolio performance from December 31, 1996 to January 31, 1997. Yada stated there are not many changes from the year-end report. New Mexico is up a little. The decision to go with a growth manager with Keystone continues to pay off. At the end of 1996, Keystone was up almost 18%. So far this month, Keystone is up 5% as compared to New Mexico's 1%. Yada reviewed the figures in the performance report. 1 February 27, 1997 Yada stated as long as the market keeps going, the stock funds should continue to do well. Interest rates may go up to get the stock market down. The economy will continue to grow slow. If the economy slows, they can't raise interest rates. If the economy slows down, the bond portfolio should pick up. If the feds lower rates it will help both bonds and stocks. Yada explained he would need to review benefit increase on the portfolio. Yada mentioned the possibility of Andrew seminar. the effects of the latest Baldassarre giving another In answer to a question from Reagan regarding the foreign stock market, Yada stated the Dow is doing excellent. We have the Dow, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and Japan. The United Kingdom has been down but has started to move up. Hong Kong is up a little. Hong Kong will probably be the next big move. Japan is killing us. We are basically even because the Japan index has lost everything that Hong Kong, Japan and Dow have done. Japan is pretty close to the bottom and should start moving up. Reagan asked if the asset allocation needed to be changed due to the benefit increase. • Yada stated there will not be any major changes because of the increase. OLD BUSINESS Pension Affidavits Judy stated he spoke with Floyd Carl about his pension affidavit. He explained that he and Paul are taking care of the situation. In answer to a question from Reagan, Paul stated the only affidavit that is still out is Floyd Carl. Everyone else has turned theirs in. Roger and Marvie Lewis In answer to a question from Doss, Reagan explained that Roger Lewis asked him to visit with Jerry Rose. Reagan stated Jerry Rose has given his opinion of the situation through a letter that will be filed with the minutes. Rose suggested that Roger Lewis seek legal counsel and that the City continue to divide the amount paid. 2 • • February 27, 1997 Reagan explained that he visited with another attorney who stated it would take some time to review some court cases and make a determination. The case would have to go before Judge Butt for clarification. Reagan recommended that Roger Lewis' benefit increase be held until the situation has been resolved. Boudrey, seconded by Wood, made a motion to hold Roger Lewis' benefit increase until the Judge advises the Board on how to pay out the increase. The motion passed unanimously. Pension Review Board / Benefit Increase Reagan stated he attended a Pension Review Board meeting on February 13, 1997 in Little Rock. The benefit increase was adopted unanimously. A copy of the minutes of the meetingwill be forwarded to the Board. Pension Review Board / Insurance Turnback Delay Reagan stated he presented four letters to the Board asking that we receive our loss of interest earnings in the amount of $2,763.74 for the 89 day delay in receiving the insurance turnback check. The Pension Review Board did not feel the delay was 89 days. We received our check 89 days after the July 11 meeting but they say the checks actually went out August 14. Reagan asked Paul to research the date the City received the Police turnback check. Reagan stated they asked for an attorney general's opinion as to whose fault it was. Cathyrn Hinshaw wrote a synopsis of the problems that we had. In her synopsis she states that after the July 11 meeting she picked up the phone and called the insurance commissioner's office and told them to go ahead and release Fayetteville's funds. There is no paper trail to back that up. Now it is down to whether the insurance commissioner's office is going to pay the difference or whether PRB is. This issue may have to go through the State Claims Commission. Reagan stated he asked for a copy of the letter requesting the Attorney General's opinion but has not received it yet. 3 • NEW BUSINESS February 27, 1997 DROP Plan Discussion Reagan stated Accounting Manager Marilyn placed on the agenda for the next meeting. In answer to a question from Paul, Reagan questions regarding DROP interest. • Cramer has asked to be stated Marilyn has some Reagan stated the Board needs to take action on the people that are signed up on DROP now. Fifteen percent of their pay increases will need to go into DROP. They may need to sign a new form for the 650. We could probably make the changes and send it to them. They can initial the change and send the forms back. As far as the interest rate that they receive on the account it is my understanding that the actuary has to determine the rate of return as presented by the auditor. That should happen some time in June or July. Doss distributed a letter from Osborn, Carreiro & Associates, Inc. dated December 20, 1996. Doss stated no one was on the plan in 1995. He expressed his concern about the delay in sending the letter out. Reagan stated simple interest should be credited to individual DROP account balances of the member on an annual basis based upon an average annual balance computed on the date the member began participation. Said account shall earn interest at a rate of two percentage points below the regular return of investment of the portfolio of the fund but no less than the actuarial assumed interest rate as certified by the actuary for the fund. Reagan stated Marilyn needs some clarification on that and how it needs to be done. Yada asked if the Board had a letter from the actuary regarding what everything looks like after the increase. Board members explained that they did not have one. Reagan explained he only had a letter from Cathyrn Hinshaw. In answer to a question from Reagan, Doss stated he had a copy of a letter from Osborn, Carreiro & Associates, Inc. and a copy of a letter from Cathyrn Hinshaw dated December 10. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:35. 4