HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-06-21 - Agendas - FinalFAYETTEVILLE • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK • • TO: Firemen's Pension Board Members FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer DATE: June 21, 19-96 SUBJECT: Firemen's Pension Board Meeting Tr The next Firemen's Pension Board meeting is Thursday, June 27, 1996, at 11:00 a.m., in room 326 of City Hall. Attached, please find a copy of the agenda for he upcoming meeting, the minutes from the May 30 meeting, and the ension list for July, 1996. Attachments 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 • AGENDA FIREMEN'S PENSION AND RELIEF BOARD June 27, 1996 11:00 a.m. City Hall Room 326 1. Approval of the minutes of May 30, 1996. 2. Approval of Pension List for July 1996. 3. Investment Report, Merrill Lynch 4. Old Business A. Proposed Benefit Increase B. DROP Application 5. New Business 6. Adjournment • MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE FIRE PENSION BOARD A meeting of the Fayetteville Firemen's Pension and Relief Board was held on Thursday, May 30, 1996, at 11:00 a.m., in room 326 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. PRESENT: Pete Reagan, Darrell Judy, Ron Wood, and City Clerk/Treasurer Traci Paul ABSENT: Mayor Fred Hanna, Marion Doss, Howard Boudrey CALL TO ORDER Pete Reagan called the meeting to order. NEW BUSINESS Investment Report Curtis Williams reported for Merrill Lynch, asking the Board to review the numbers in the report they had before them regarding what the accounts are doing and their performance in various indexes. The first international investment is in place. U.S. is up nicely; United Kingdom down a little bit; Japan is up nicely. We just established the second portfolio last week. It has not had a chance to do anything yet. A running tally will be kept on those, as requested. Williams responded to a question from Reagan regarding the cost of buying into these. There is a three-quarter percent sales charge front load on those; then they take another one-quarter percent over the year. That is why there is a down in United Kingdom. We did get the Hong Kong established as well this time, so we now have all four. The Hong Kong was closed the first time around. We'll catch that back up the next time around. Then we will have the four programs going and dollar -cost averaging into those and begin to level those on the anniversary next year. The idea is to take away from the strongest markets and give to the weakest markets in anticipation of catching the next big movement in a down market. Williams responded to a question from Reagan regarding the income account. These numbers are as of 4/30. By 5/24, they were up a little. It is coming back a little bit. Rates have moved down a little in the last week. Merrill Lynch's strategic analyst has his lowest allocation in stocks right now in the history of the firm. A corrective process will probably start soon. This is background behind our international diversification, get a little money out of our markets and get it where it will be sheltered from a down draft. • • May 30, 1996 Chuck Dumler reviewed the New Mexico Capital portion of the account, which he is responsible for. All the numbers presented are as of the end of April. We show a value of little over $4,162,000 at that point. Sixty-seven and a half percent of the account is in the stock market; almost twenty-eight percent is in U.S. treasury bonds; cash and equivalents is 3.8 percent, a money market fund; and accrued income, interest and dividends that have accrued but have not hit the account yet is added in. The total account performance as of the end of April is up 5.8. As of the 20th of May, it has jumped up to 9.2. At the end of April stocks were up 8.4 and is now almost 120. The bonds are exactly dead even. It has been a tough year in the bond market. We are happy to say we haven't lost any yet. The only reason this is the case is that we've got U.S. treasuries of short maturity, a very low-risk approach. We'll give up a little in a good bond market, but we won't lose in a difficult bond market. Our account is now up 105% since we started in January of 1990, doubled in about six years. That annualizes at 12.1% per year. The stocks have been where most of the gain has come from, 14.3% per year over this period. Thus far this year, we are running a little ahead of the market. Last year we lagged behind the market. We will lag behind in a bull market.We are stock -pickers that emphasize out -of -favor, cheap stocks. We are true believers in the need to find cheap stocks. To measure if a stock is cheap or not, we prefer a ratio of the price of the stock to its book value per share. The stock market today is selling at over four times the book value. Your portfolio today is one and a half times the book value. We are less than half as expensive as the stock market. The whole reason for this is it keeps us out of trouble. At this stage we have not changed our allocation much. We are maintaining our bond position. The maturities run from 1997 to 1999. Some stocks are up nicely, and there are a few disappointments. He ran through the list. We have a cheap portfolio. One that will protect you in the down side. The value of what NM Capital brings to the table in a program like this is protection in a bad market. So far, we've had nothing but good markets; but a strategy like this will look good in a bad market. If we wake up tomorrow and the market is down 10%, this portfolio will not be down 10%. We may not make money, but we would not lose money. Dumler stated he would be happy to meet with the board as often as they would like. • May 30, 1996 Curtis Williams stated a letter to New Mexico was needed authorizing them to make some funds available. The first two were done out of the income account, but the next one will have to come from them, so they need authorization. It is not critical but it would give them a quarter to do it. We don't want to wait until the day. It needs to be something like, "This is your authorization to make up to $575,000 available over the, next six months for international investment." Traci Paul agreed to send this to New Mexico with a copy to Chuck Dumler. MINUTES Reagan asked if there were any additions, deletions, corrections to the minutes of the April 25 meeting. none, he asked for a motion to approve the minutes. seconded by Judy, moved to approve the minutes. The passed unanimously. PENSION LIST Paul reported no changes in the pension list. or There being Wood, motion Judy, seconded by Wood, moved to approve the June pension list. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Proposed Resolution Increase Base Benefit to 65% Reagan stated each member should have a copy of a proposed resolution to increase benefits. City Attorney Jerry Rose has reviewed the resolution. Since all Board members are not present, we may want to discuss this resolution at the next meeting. This does not have the three or four volunteers that we were going to increase. He suggested tabling it until the next meeting so that the volunteers could be included. Wood, seconded by Judy, moved to table this until the June meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Nominations Paul reported she sent out memos requesting nominations to fill the retired position. We now have three nominees: Bill Morris, Carl Springston, and Darrell Judy. Paul stated she would send out a ballot with the checks on the 15th. May 30, 1996 Reagan stated he had sent a memo to all the active people on the plan and advised them of the active member opening and gave a deadline of Friday the 24th to submit names for the position. He stated no one had placed their name in nomination other than his, and so he was duly elected. Reagan stated there would be an election for the retiree position, as there are three nominees. Drop Rules & Regulations Paul reported that at the last meeting a change had been made in the DROP rules and regulations which the Mayor asked to be sent to City Attorney Jerry Rose for review. Rose reviewed it and okayed it. It changed deferred "compensation" plan to deferred "pension" plan. NEW BUSINESS Insurance Premium Funds Paul reported that $7,984.30 in Act 833 money was received. Mickey Jackson instructed her to give this check to Marilyn Cramer in the accounting department. He would sign and return the form. Reagan noted this was not pension money. It was sent to Paul as City Clerk. Act 833 money is to help pay for training, improvements, and equipment. DROP Application Paul reported she had received a DROP application, which she would send to accounting. It was from Robert Johnson. This will be voted on at the next meeting. Reagan requested that Johnson be asked to return and fill out another application with the dates in pen rather than pencil. Johnson would also need to look over the numbers given by accounting, to avoid mistakes. Pension Spreadsheet In reviewing the spreadsheet, Reagan stated there are 14 people who have received raises. Arnold King and Joe Fraley are the only two that got the last raise and the other twelve got the full $200. We had to change some monthly salaries at retirement because some of the salaries at retirement did not show their longevity check. We went ahead and brought theirs up and then we did the disability. What we are proposing on this is that you can see the difference in salaries. The ones with zeros will not get pay raises and those are the guys that received the $200. • May 30, 1996 Also, we need to put in the record the three pay raises given. The first one was September 1, 1983, $100 across the board for full paid and $10 for volunteers. April 1, 1984, we had a $50 increase for full paid. October 1, 1986, we had $50 across the board. Some of these guys have been drawing the increase for ten years. The twelve that got the original increase have been drawing the increase for almost fourteen years. The second page of the spreadsheet shows what the increases will cost the fund annually. Reagan stated the next meeting date would be June 28 at 11:00. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:50. • • • FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND JULY 1996 TRACI PAUL, TREASURER THE FOLLOWING ARE THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1996. YOU ARE HEREBY INSTRUCTED TO ISSUE CHECKS TO THE PAYEES, IN THE AMOUNTS SHOWN, AND FOR THE PURPOSE SO STATED. EMP# NAME 43 BAIRD, RICHARD H. 2 BLACKARD, PAUL 63 BOLAIN, ANN 44 BOUDREY, BETTY MRS. 45 BOUDREY, HOWARD 49 BOUDREY, JACK 4 CARL FLOYD JR 5 CASELMAN, ARTHUR 57 CATE, ROY 6 CHRISTIE, ARNOLD 66 COLE EVERETT MRS 8 COUNTS, WAYNE 61 DAVIS, BEULAH F. 10 DEARING, EMMA MRS. 11 FARRAR, ALONZO 38 FRALEY JOSEPH G. 33 HARRIS, BILL C. 34 HARRIS, JAMES E. 64 JORDAN, CHARLIE 47 JUDY, DARRELL 37 KING, ARNOLD D. 54 KING, ARVIL 12 LANE, HOPE MRS 13 LAYER, MERLIN 14 LEE, HAROLD 51 LEWIS, CHARLES 60 LEWIS, MARVIE 55 LEWIS, ROGER 40 LOGUE, PAUL D. 50 MASON, LARRY 39 MC ARTHUR, RONALD A.. 35 MC CHRISTIAN, DWAYNE 15 MC WHORTER, CHARLES 29 MILLER, DONALD 42 MOORE, JAMES H. 17 MORRIS, WILKIE MRS. 16 MORRIS, WILLIAM H. 62 MORRISON, ELIENE 48 MULLENS, DENNIS W. 58 OSBURN, EDWARD 46 OSBURN, TROY 53 POAGE, LARRY 20 POLLY, GRACE A. MRS. 22 REED, JOE 30 SCHADER, EARVEL 41 SCHADER, TROY 23 SKELTON, BURL L. 24 SKELTON, LEE 56 SKELTON, ROY 36 SPRINGSTON, CARL 25 STOUT, ORVILLE 27 TUNE, MILDRED MRS. GROSS FED.TAX 916.20 100.00 55.00 55.00 1,266.21 180.00 1,066.66 837 68 287 68 50.00 75.00 909.50 50.00 375.00 32.50 55.00 377.50 50.00 707.84 953.38 100.00 55.00 55.00 1,192.17 837.68 828.42 100.00 1,131.00 130.00 50.00 417.50 55.00 837.68 439.16 439.17 1,469.38 175.00 829.35 29.35 891.62 100.00 55.00 30.00 885.14 50.00 863.01 125.00 55.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 1,114.11 1,284.63 160.00 965.81 65.81 1,201.98 200.00 50.00 55.00 915.78 783.74 20.00 692.50 42.50 390.00 1,626.02 126.02 609.88 590.36 50.00 70.00 ST. TAX 50.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 NET 816.20 55.00 55.00 1,086.21 1,066.66 500.00 50.00 75.00 909.50 50.00 342.50 55.00 377 50 50.00 707.84 843.38 55.00 55.00 1,192.17 837 68 718.42 1,001.00 50.00 417.50 55.00 837 68 439.16 439.17 1,274.38 800.00 791.62 25.00 835.14 738.01 55.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 1,114.11 1,124.63 900.00 971.98 50,00 55.00 915.78 763.74 650.00 390.00 1,450.00 609 88 540.36 70.00 • • • 26 TUNE, BILLIE SUE 28 WATTS, DONALD 59 WATTS, WAYNE 52 WRIGHT, RANDALL 70.00 400.00 921.17 877 68 96.17 150.00 70.00 400.00 825.00 727.68 31,984.91 2,350.03 170.00 29,464.88 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT THE ABOVE OBLIGATIONS ARE JUST AND CORRECT; THAT NO PART THEREOF HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY PAID; THAT THE PENSION PAYMENTS SO CHARGED ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND; THAT THE SERVICES OR SUPPLIES FURNISHED, AS THE CASE MAY BE, WERE ACTUALLY RENDERED OR FURNISHED; AND THAT THE CHARGES MADE THEREFORE DO NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW OR THE CUSTOMARY CHARGE FOR SIMILAR SERVICES OR SUPPLIES. SECRETARY CHAIRMAN AND PRESIDENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) )SS SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS DAY OF , 1996. NOTARY PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: • FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND JULY 1996 TRACI PAUL TREASURER THE FOLLOWING ARE THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE FIREMEN'S RELIEF FUND FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1996. YOU ARE HEREBY INSTRUCTED TO ISSUE CHECKS TO THE PAYEES, IN THE AMOUNTS SHOWN, AND FOR THE PURPOSE SO STATED. EMP# NAME 43 BAIRD, RICHARD H. 2 BLACKARD, PAUL 63 BOLAIN, ANN 44 BOUDREY, BETTY MRS. 45 BOUDREY, HOWARD 49 BOUDREY, JACK 4 CARL, FLOYD JR 5 CASELMAN, ARTHUR 57 CATE, ROY 6 CHRISTIE, ARNOLD 8 COUNTS, WAYNE 61 DAVIS, BEULAH F. 10 DEARING, EMMA MRS. 11 FARRAR, ALONZO 38 FRALEY, JOSEPH G. 33 HARRIS, BILL C. 34 HARRIS, JAMES E. 64 JORDAN, CHARLIE 47 JUDY, DARRELL 37 KING, ARNOLD D. 54 KING, ARVIL 12 LANE, HOPE MRS 13 LAYER, MERLIN 14 LEE, HAROLD 51 LEWIS, CHARLES 60 LEWIS, MARVIE 55 LEWIS, ROGER 40 LOGUE, PAUL D. 50 MASON, LARRY 39 MC ARTHUR, RONALD A. 35 MC CHRISTIAN, DWAYNE 15 MC WHORTER, CHARLES 29 MILLER, DONALD 42 MOORE, JAMES H. 17 MORRIS, WILKIE MRS. 16 MORRIS, WILLIAM H. 62 MORRISON, ELIENE 48 MULLENS, DENNIS W. 58 OSBURN, EDWARD 46 OSBURN, TROY 53 POAGE, LARRY 20 POLLY, GRACE A. MRS. 22 REED, JOE 30 SCHADER, EARVEL 41 SCHADER, TROY 23 SKELTON, BURL L. 24 SKELTON, LEE 56 SKELTON, ROY 36 SPRINGSTON, CARL 25 STOUT, ORVILLE 27 TUNE, MILDRED MRS. 26 TUNE, BILLIE SUE GROSS FED. TAX 916.20 100 00 55.00 55.00 1,266.21 180 00 1,066.66 837.68 287.68 50.00 75.00 909.50 50.00 55.00 377.50 50.00 707.84 953 38 100.00 55.00 55.00 1,192.17 837.68 828.42 100.00 1,131.00 130.00 50.00 41750 55.00 837.68 439.16 439.17 1,469.38 175.00 829.35 29.35 891 62 100:00 55.00 30.00 885.14 50.00 863.01 125.00 55.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 1,114.11 1,284.63 160.00 965.81 65.81 1,201.98 200.00 50.00 55.00 915.78 783.74 20.00 692.50 42.50 390.00 1,626.02 126.02 609.88 590 36 50.00 70.00 70.00 ST. TAX 50.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 50.00 NET 816.20 55.00 55.00 1,086.21 1,066.66 500.00 50.00 75.00 909 50 50.00 55.00 377 50 50.00 707.84 843.38 55.00 55.00 1,192.17 837.68 718.42 1,001.00 50.00 41750 55.00 837.68 439.16 439.17 1,274.38 800.00 791.62 25.00 835.14 738.01 55.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 1,114.11 1,124.63 900.00 971.98 50.00 55.00 915.78 763.74 650.00 390.00 1,450.00 609.88 540.36 70.00 70.00 28 WATTS, DONALD 59 WATTS, WAYNE 52 WRIGHT, RANDALL 400.00 921.17 877 68 96.17 150.00 400.00 825.00 727 68 31,609.91 2,317.53 170.00 29,122.38 WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO SOLEMNLY SWEAR THAT THE ABOVE OBLIGATIONS ARE JUST AND CORRECT; THAT NO PART THEREOF HAS BEEN PREVIOUSLY PAID; THAT THE PENSION PAYMENTS SO CHARGED ARE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ACTIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FIREMEN'S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND; THAT THE SERVICES OR SUPPLIES FURNISHED, AS THE CASE MAY BE, WERE ACTUALLY RENDERED OR FURNISHED; AND THAT THE CHARGES MADE THEREFORE DO NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNT ALLOWED BY LAW OR THE CUSTOMARY CHARGE FOR SIMILAR SERVICES OR SUPPLIES. SECRnitti 1:2CQ� a� i TARY �J CHAIRMAN A ' PRES DENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ARKANSAS ) COUNTY OF WASHINGTON) )SS • SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFORE ME THIS q/JI DAY OF LE( /./ , 1996. !a --Lk II Ale -14i Y PUBLIC MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: .3-1-,2ooJ- FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer 11' DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City Clerk's Office by July 1, 1996. Please call me at 575-8323 if you have questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. O Darrell Judy O Bill Morris O Carl Springston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 5754323 I 11 FAYETTEVI LLE • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK • TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer TP DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and retum it to the City „PerWs ffieer , July ,1006. Please cc. -:re �t�5?5-8?23.:.f;,y,-o.,u_ ave questions.• Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYEI"1EVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. 0 Darrell Judy 0 Bill Morris Carl Springston S• ; ;� ' 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575.5323 MOP FAYETTEVILLE • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS RECEIVED CITY11 7 9996 y11 Y ylseLRK'S OFFICE RAC PAULCITY CLERK • TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer Tp DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May- 1, ay1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City Clerk'c.Off ce b - J» 1 1 1996. _Plesce call ren at 57c-837'2._:; ..,.1; have questions. Thank. You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD - Darrell Judy Bill Morris 0 Carl Springston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. 0 Darrell Judy g Bill Morris RECEIVE 0 Carl Springston Jl! "+ 9 7 1996 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 113 W)UNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. Darrell Judy O Bill Morris O Carl Springston 113 WI DUNTAIN 72701 501 5754323 • RECEIVED JUN 1 8 1996 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE • • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK • TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer TP DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City Clerk's -Office by July 1,w996 : Please Caai Tf ai j7C UJ2e =iB yvu..uaVc -_ questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD• , Darrell Judy O Bill Morris RECEIVED O Carl Springston JUN 1 8 1996 ITV CLERK'S OFFICE j 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 5754323 • �.r FAYETTEVILLE 1 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer TP DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Spnngston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year tern ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City Clerk's Office by July _1,_1996. Please call me at 575-8323 if you have questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. 0 Darrell Judy Bill Morris RJECEIVE JUIN 1 8 9996 0 Carl Springston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 5754323 1 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE • FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer TP DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May - 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City ---Clerk's.Offic-e by July�1 1996. Dia»co rollTr A of 075-83/3.;f,you hrie questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYE1"1EVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. Darrell Judy Bill Morris 0 Carl Springston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 5758323 ECE1VE JUN t 8 1996 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE iFAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer Tp DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May • 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City CIPrU!s t-.ffica h5, b,lf,1 _100(. Ohioan ,.o1Lmo n+ C'75-8323 if you have . questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. V Darrell Judy 0 Bill Morns 0 Carl Springston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 RECEIVE JUN 18 1996 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE • FAYETTEVILLE • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer TP DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City C1PrL'c OThce byJu13 1 1996. Please. call me at 575-8323 ifyyon;Jhave __ questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. O Darrell Judy k Bill Morris k ECEIVED O Carl Springston JIM1 9 1996 CITY CLEWS OFFICE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 5754323 • BALLOT • RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. O Darrell Judy OVBil1 Monis 0 Carl Springston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK • TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer TP DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City _ Clerk's,Office...by_July,01, 1996... Please call meat 575-8323,.jf•youu.have.. questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. Darrell Judy O Bill Morris O Carl Springston Cl"\ X41996 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 5754323 BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER -• VYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD - 0 Darrell Judy WAN Cel V Bill Morris 44, se O ��a 0 Carl Springston -51)�Q `�� Qn CDS 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 FAYETTEVILLE • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer Ti' DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and retum it to the City `^Y - _ •_fllerl'' /vlff]ra h . T..1 1 . 199 =Please, c.,42,11-rne .3t V1C.Q'�7Z. if you,h ve :�.._. �wjr ...�'.. s;- - -rte- - . 3., questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. O Darrell Judy O Bill Morris Carl Springston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-5323 FAYETTEVILLE • THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS - TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION TP I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City rifarvc Off;re by `"1i.-. 1. 1 QQA Plaice- call tt1P at c7S-Ri71 _f vrnl have: questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYBFIEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. 0 Darrell Judy 0 Bill Morris RECEIVED Carl Springston• 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 5754323 VON 2 1 1996 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE • FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK • TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer TP DATE: June 5, 1996 • SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City Cle.k's-Office=by Jul y 4;1996. -Please call me at 575-•8323ifyou,have questions. Thank You. BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - FAYETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. k Darrell Judy RECEi. 0 Bill Morris JUN 2 1 1996 0 Carl Spnngston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575.5323 CM CLERICS OFFICE • FAYETTEVI LLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS TRACI PAUL, CITY CLERK TO: Fire Pension Retirees FROM: Traci Paul, City Clerk/Treasurer TP DATE: June 5, 1996 SUBJECT: FIRE PENSION BOARD ELECTION I received three nominations to the retired position on the Firemen's Pension Board. The nominees are Darrell Judy, Bill Morris, and Carl Springston. The position, currently being held by Darrell Judy, has a two year term ending May 1, 1998. Please mark your choice on the ballot below and return it to the City Clerk's Office by J„1y.1,,1_996. Please call me at 575;8323„if yew have,,, questions. Thank You. BALLOT • `RETIkED MEMBEIC FAYETTEVILLEwFIREMEN'SzPENSION BOARD 0 Darrell Judy 0 Bill Morris RECEIVED i'Car1'Springston JUN 2 41996 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575.5323 BALLOT RETIRED MEMBER - 11YEITEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. Darrell Judy O Bill Morris Carl Springston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 575-8323 tete 02610 WS °FeGS GTr/ BALLOT 1. RETIRED MEMBER-•YETTEVILLE FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD. • ® Darrell Judy O Bill Morris O Carl Sprmgston 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 501 5754323