HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-10-02 Minutes-s MINUTES OF • REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE FIREMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension & Relief Fund of Fayetteville, Arkansas, was held in the Directors Room in the City Administration Building on Monday, October 2, 1967, at 4:45 P. M. CDST. Present: Fire Chief Burl Skelton, Secretary George J. Davis, and Board Members: Doyle Morrison, Charles McWhorter, and Clarence Tune. Absent: Chairman Mayor Don Trumbo, City Treasurer Albert J. Jones, and Board Member Bill Hari -is, In the absence of Mayor Don Trumbo, Fire Chief Burl Skelton acted as Chairman Pro Tem. The minutes of the regular meeting on Monday, August 7, 1967, were read and approved. The Secretary presented the authorization forms to pay both the August and September pensions. Mr. Tune moved that the disbursements be allowed. The motion was seconded by Mr. McWhorter and upon roll call the following vote was recorded, "Aye" Skelton, Morrison, McWhorter, and Tune. "Nay" None. There being Four "Ayes" and No "Nags", the Chairman Pro Tem declared the motion passed. The Secretary reported that the Pension Fund had a surplus of $10,000.00 in the Checking account which could be invested as the Board desired. After a brief discussion, Mr. Tune moved that the Secketary be and he is hereby • authorized to invest the sum of $5,000.00 with each of two Savings & Loan Companies in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, preferably the oldest Companies. I The motion was seconded by Mr. Skelton and upon roll call the following vote was recorded, "Aye" Skelton, Morrison, McWhorter, and Tune. "Nay" None. There being Four "Ayes" and No "Nays", the Chairman Pro Tery declared the motion passed. ( The money was invested with the First Federal and the Standard Federal S & L Companies of Ft. Smith, Arkansas, $5,OCO.OG with each Company) The Secretary reported that Mr. Hal Lane, a retired Voluntary Fireman, had deceased on September 29, 1967, and requested authority from the Board of Trustees to place his widow on the pension list. Mr. Skelton then moved that the Secretary be and he is hereby authorized and directed to place Mrs. Hal lane on the Pension List effective October 1, 1967, at the rate of $25.00 per month as has been done in the past for other Volunteer Firemen's widows. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morrison and upon roll call the following vote was recorded, "Aye" Skelton, Morrison, McWhorter, and Tune. "Nay" None. There being Four "Ayes" and No "Nays", the Chairman Pro Tem declared the motion passed. The Secretary reported that it was necessary to make application to the Board of Directors as to the amount of tax levy necessary for the Pension Fund for the ,year of 1967 to be paid in 1968. He reported that he had written the City Controller and requested one mill levy for 1967 or the same as 1966, with the consent of some of the Board Members, Mr. Skelton moved to approve the actions of the Secretary and that the letter be spread on and made a part of the minutes of this meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Tune and upon roll call the following vote was recorded, • "Aye" Skelton, Morrison, McWhorter, And Tune. "Nay" None. There being Four "Ayes" and No "Nays", the Chairman Pro Tem declared the motion passed. • Mr. Albert J. Jones City Controller Fayetteville, Arkansas • is COPY OF LETTER REQUESTING ONE MILL TAX LEVY Fayetteville, Arkansas September 21, 1967 Dear Sir: The Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension & Relief Fund of Fayetteville, Arkansas, has voted a continuation of the one mill tax levy for the ,year of 1967 as was done in the year of 1966, and request this be placed in the budget for the ,year of 1967. Respectfully subm4ted, George J. Davis Secretary The Secretary reported that Merlin Layer, Assistant Fire Chief, had made application for retirement from the Fire Department on Longevity Service, having served for 20 years of continuous service with the Fire Department of Fayetteville and had made application for pension at the same time. Under the provisions of Fayetteville City Ordinance No. 1516, an Ambulance Service Department was organized under the supervisiorl of the Fge Chief and Assistant Fire Chief, who are now being paid at the rate of $100.00 r 'month° or this supervision, A retired Fireman's pension pay is one-half of his base pay and since Mr. Layer was drawing a salary of $435.00 per month plus $100.00 per month for ambulance supervision, a long discussion was held relative to the amount of pension he could draw. The Board requested that the Secretary obtain an opinion from the Attorney General or City Attorney as to whether Mr. Layer was entitled to a pension on the extra $100.00 or not. Mr. Morrison moved to accept the application of Merlin Layer for pension and to authorize the Secretary to place his name on the pension list effective October 1, 1967, at the rate of $217,50 per month, with a proviso that should the Attorneys rule that he was entitled to a pension of $50.00 per month on the $100.00 ambulance supervision, that he would receive that amount plus the other or $267.50 per month retroactive to October 1, 1967. The motion was seconded by Mr. Tune and upon roll call the following vote was recorded, "Aye" Skelton, Morrison, McWhorter, and Tune. "Nay" None. There being Four "Ayes" and No "Nays", the Chairman Pro Tem declared the motion passed. There being no further business, Mr. Morrison moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. McWhorter and passed unanimously,whereupon the Chairman Pro Tem declared the meeting adjourned. ATTEST_; G'A�L GEORGE J DAV ,e -SECRETARY APPROVED: _y� y �j /% z FIRE CHIEF BURL SKELTON CHAIRMAN PRO TEM