HomeMy WebLinkAbout1952-08-04 MinutesPAGE 66 Regular meeting of the FiremenTs Pension Board was held on Monday, August 4th,1952. Present; Chairman Powell M.Rhea, Secretary J.W.McGehee, and Ynembers;Doirle Eiorrison, Bill Morris, Ellis Poor6 and Floyd Carl. Absent;Fire Chief Burl Skelton. Minutes of the regular'meeting of July 7th, were read and apprpved. The SecretarYpresented the bill of McRoy & M®Nair for loo sheets'of filler for the Minute book, amounting to $0.56, E11Ys Poore made a motion that the bill be allowed, seconded by Floyd Carl, which was passed unanimously. Bill Morris made a motion that the August Pbns'lon checks, amountinf to $207.50 b's authorized, this motion was seconded by Doyle P.Iorrison,which was passed unanimously. • There being no further business, Ellis Poore moved to adjourn, sedonded by Floyd Carl, which was passed unanimously,' -and the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned, to meet Se>Ma�J tember 8th Approved rman Attest ; 7 se6fretary 0