HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-06-05 MinutesPage 4 "'he regular meeting of the Firerle^v^ r,. Board was held on June 5, 19 Present: chairman Powell Me Rhea, �„cr.;Lax,y u. McGehee, 'Dire Chief Purl Skeltoh, and memhr Doyle M=ison, Ellis Poore and Bill Mori Frank Brown. Vinutes of the regular meeting of r'.qy 1st, were re, and approved. The a" -plication of Mrs. Jess a;alters for a widower pension from the Firements Pension Board was rei which was in the following form: To: Firemen's Pension Board, City of Fayettevii. Arkansas. ientlemen: I wish to make application for a widoc. pension from the Firemen's --Pension Board. ":y husband, Jess ':'Alters, served on the Cit;, Fire Department as a full-£ime fireman for more the • twenty years. For the past few years he has receive monthly pension of $50.00 a month. I urgently need and respectfIlly request 'eat I be allowed one-half his monthly pension iaounting to $25.00 a month.• I make this request because this money '.. needed for my support. I sm physically unable ept any employment. `tesepeatfully submitted. 7:;rs Jess VJaltei . . ^hief Skelton made a motion that the request be approved and Mrs 'Halters be allowed a pension of 02 per month, effective June 1st, 19503 this motion wt.. seconded by Ellis Poore, and was passed unanimously. ^hief Skelton made a motion that I.Irs Jess Vlalte, be paid the sum of ;y50.00 for the month of May, motion was seconded by Doyle i.:orrison, which was ed unanimously. ')hief Skelton made a :-otion that the • checks for June be authorized, this mots onded bey Ellis Poore, and was passed unai l.,o". ^Here being no further business, IMIT T'o moved to adjourn, seconded by Ellis P passed unanimously,and the chairman :. meeting ad'ourned.