HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-21 MinutesRegular meeting of the Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Find was held on November 21, 1946. •Present : G.T.Sanders Chairman, J.W.McGehee Secretary, Acting Fire Chief Henry George, ani' members Carl Tune, Ed Hinkle and Ernest Danner, Absent: Member Frank Hinkle. The Chairman stated that Henry Walker had submitted a bid of $6,000.00 for the business house on North West Street, belonging to the Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund, and now occupied by Sandford & son Machine Shop, being the North 50 feet of Lot 1, Block 6A County Court Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Acting Fire Chief Henry George made a mo- tion that this bid be accepted, and that the ohair- man and Secretary of the Trustees of the Firemen's Pension fund be authorized to Sign the Deed, this motion was seconded by member Carl Tune, and on roll call by the 6Acretary, received the unanimous vote of all members present. Carl Tune made a motion that the Chairman instruct the City Attorney to make a deed and have the abstract brought up to date, and send notice to Ralph Sandford to vacate the building by January 1st, 19470 this motion was seconded by Ed Hinkle, and was passed unanimously. There being no further business, Carl TAne moved to adjourn, seconded by Ed Hinkle, which was pas ed unanimously, and the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned. Anprmved 4i ze Attest y• ha rman ecre ary The passing of this resolution, and copy of same belongs in the above minutes: Henry George introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption, this motion was seconded by Ed 114nkle, and was passed unanimously. 0 (Copy of Resolution on Page 34A) Resolution Page 35 Whereas, the Tr sees—oche Firemens' Pension Fund of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is the owner of certain real es- tate located in the City of Fayetteville, by virtue of a deed from Hal C.Douglass and Helen F.Douglass, his wife, which deed is recorded in Book 305 at page 508 of the Circuit Clerk and recorder's office, and . Whereas, at a meeting of the said trustees O. the Firemen' Pension FundofFayetteville, Arkansas, held on September 3, 1946,the minutes of which are recur ed at page 33 of the said organization, it was voted to sell the said real estate upon bid, and Whereas, the bid of Henry B.Walker, in the amount of $6,000.00 is the highest of the bids submitted, NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THS TRUSTEES OF THE FIREMENS' PENSION FUND OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS,IN OPEN MEETING. That the bid of said Henry E.Walker be accepted and that George T.Sanders, ex -officio chairman of the sai trustees, and J.w.McGehee,ex-officio secretary of the said Trustees, be authorized,and they are hereby directed to execute a warranty deed to the said HenryB.Walker, to the folleing described property: Fifty feet of uniform width off the north side of the follwing described premises, to -wit: beginning at a point on the west line of West Street in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, which.is due east of a point which is forty rods south of the northwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Sixteen in Township Sixteen north of Range Thirty West, and running thence north to the south line of Lafayette Avenue, thence west One hundred and seventy four (174) feet to the east line of the Right-of-way of the St.Louis and San Francisco Railway, thence souheasterly with the east line of said Right-of-way to R point due west of the beginning point, thence to th9 beginnJAg point• BE IT FURTHE RESOLVED,that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting of the trustee of the Firemens Pension Fund of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Passed and approved this 21st day of November, 1946. Chairman Trustees of Firemens 'Pension Fund of Fayettevdlle, Arkana� Attest kcr!earro�