HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-11-07 MinutesMeeting of the Board of Trustees of the Firemen's Pension Fund was held Monday, November the 7th, • I938, with the following present: Chairman A.D.McAllister, Secretary J.ki.MCGeheev and members, Clyde Vlalters, John Dunson and J.O.Ma Minutes of thelast meeting, held on Sept,12th, I938, were read and approved. The following bills were presented by the .Secretary: Cdty Clerk for recording Deed $I.50, Walter Shreves,for survey in locating the lot bought from Hal Douglass, $5.00, Fayee$tville Printing Cc for Two Warrant Books $4.85 Craveh.s& Cc , Premium for fire Insurance Policy for Three Years 87.09, motion by Clyde Walters, sec- onded by J.O.Mayes that the bills be allowed andXXA1 warrants for the same be drawn, was carried unani- mously. The application of Eugene Shar*, for Pension by virtue and reason of Act # 49I of the Acts of the 43rd General Assembly of the State of Arkansas, in the Year I92I, was read by the Secretary. After some discussion, Clyde Walters made a motion, that in view of an apparent discrepancy existing as to dates, as they appear in the petition of Eugene Sharp, and theH affidavits signed by Eugene Sharp supporting the petitions of S.MCook and Hugh E.Barnes for pension,that action on the petition be deferred, pending further investigation, J.O.Mayea seconded the motion, and on rmll call by the Secre- tary, the following vote resulted: Ayes; Walters, Dunson and Mayes. Nays; None. and the chairman KA declared the motion carried, as there were 3 ayes and no nays.. There being no further business, Clyde Walters moved to adjourn, seconded by John Dunson, which carrmed unanimously, and the chairman declared the meeting adjourned. Attest. Approved _ cre ary C an. 0