HomeMy WebLinkAbout1938-09-12 MinutesMeeting of the Board of Trustees of the ?Jireman's Pension Fund was held on Sept. 12th, I938. with the following present: Chairman, A.D.McAllister,secretary J.W.McOehee and members, Clyde 'halters. John Dunson and J.O.Mayes. Minutes of the last meeting as held on April 25th, I935 were read,and approved by a unanimous vote+of all members present. Motion made by Clyde Walters and seconded by J.O.Mayes, bhat in view of the fact, that the pres- ent balance kof about $2400.00) of the Pension Fund is drawing only 2 % interest, and that there is every J�Etrfor the funds to produce as much revenue as is possi- ble, that the funds be inverted in -Yhe property known as the "Old Parker Nursery Bldg`: on the S.W. corner of Lafayette and N.West Streets, which has a rental value of $30.00 per month, and can be bought , due to the slight damage caused by the new construe tion on Lafayette Street, for the sum of § 2500.00 On roll call by the Searetary, there were 3 Ayes. and no Nays. and the Chairman declared the motion carried Motion by Clyde �Iialters and seconded by J.O.Mayes that in view of the $ANY present bank balance being a little short of the purchase price of the building and to meet the pension payments, until such time as the April Pension funds receipts are obtained, that � 400.00 of the Fayetteville Building & Loan Stock be returned at Par. Upon the question being put before the meeting, the same carried unanimously, and the Chairman so declared* The Fire Chief, Clyde Walters, presented the applications of S.M.Cook and Hughe Barnes, retir- ed members of the Fayetteville Fire Department, for Pensioms under the terms of act 49I. Acts of Arkansas approved March 26, I92I. In support of their claims, they had each one filed a list of affidavits, with the City Clerk, establish - beyond any doubt that they had served as members of the Fayetteville Fire Department for a period, exceed ing Twenty years, it further appearing from the City records that the said S.M.Cook and Hughe Barnes have been continuouslyXX in the service of the Fayette- ville Fire Department for five consecutive years, • immediately preceeding thlAXdKXN the date of their retirement , August I72 I938, Clyde Walters made a motion that said S.M.Cook and Hughe Barnes be retired on a pension of Twenty Five ($25) per month, said sum being the minimum amount allowed under said act 49I of Acts of Arkansas, said Pensions to start from August I8, I938. Over Page 25. with first payments to be made on October I,I93 41 and on the r'irst day of each month thereafter, J,O,Mayes seconded the motion, and on roll call by the Secretary, the following vote resulted; Ayes: Walters, Mayes and Dunson. Nays: none and the Chairman declared the motion carried. The bill of the First National Bank for $3.0u for box rent for 2 years, to 7-29-I939 was pre- sented, and J.O.Mayea:made a motion that the bill be allowed, seconded by John Dunson, and on the vote bei#g taken, was passed unanimously. There being no further business, J.O.Mayes moved to adjourn, seconded by John Dunson, which carried unanimously, and the chairman declared the meeting adjourned. /. i V 0