HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-10-07 MinutesP.,GE 15* i:eetirr of the Board of Trustees,�irer^en's :-telief • and Pension Fund,held October tthe 7th, 1929. Present, Payor T.S.Tribble,Ch.3irman,City Clerk J.C. Massie, Secretary, Clyde %Jolters, Oscar Mayes and Frank Portis members. The minutes of the meeting of I.'ay 4th,1929 were read and approved. The Chairman announce -l. that the purpose of the meeting was to consider the application of Jess walters,retired member of the Fire Department of Fayetteville,Arkansas for pension under the terms of .ict 491,Acts of .Irkansas.approved Larch 26th, 1921. In support of the claim of the said Jess 'slters that he had served as a member of the Fayetteville Fire Departr.ent for a Period exceeding twenty (20) years the following affidavits were presented,and on motion, filed and spread of re- cord;- :FFII \VIT A,;l TO S^RVICE IN ^�!E FAY7=VILLE FIRE 7F,PA*M*I?T. State of .irkansas [ county of "ashington.] I,I'.O.Gully,first being duly sworn, upon my oath state; That I am personally acquainted with Jess '::alters,who lives in the City o` Fayetteville,tlf+k*mRgt County of ''ashington and State of :lrkansas;that I have known the said Jesse `:alters for 25 vears. I further state that I per- sonally Irnow that the said Jesse `°alters has been regularly in the service of the Fayetteville Fire Department since :�pril,1906,and continuously so iron that date until the present date with the exception of about two years. `itness my hand ind seal this 7th day of October,1929. F.O.Gully subscribed and scorn to before me this 7th day of Geo.A.Hurst,"otary Pub" fon expires Dee.21st,1932. P •.:^ 168 r._aID NIT TOS "VTCB I"; "JT" . �,Yr ^77 VI!.LF FI!Cp State of Arkansas County of '!ashington I,C.A.Mulholland,first being duly s•worn,upon my oath state; That I am personally acquainted with Jesse ''alters,who lives in the City of Fayetteville,County of 'ashington and tate of Arkansas;that I have known the said Jesse '.'--Alters for 30 years. I further state that I personally know that the said Jesse "alters has been regularly in the service of the Fayetteville Fire Department since .Ipril, 1906,and continuously so from that date until the present date with the exception of the period of about t:•ao years, itness my hand e.nd seal this 7th day of October,1929. C.A. Lulholland. Subscribed :and v-.orn to before me this 7th day of October,1929, 0 (Seal) Geo Hurst.Notary i Py commission expires the 21st day of Dec. 1932. iFFIDWIT 'LS TO SERVICE IN TEE i',Y?TTEVI7�LE FI"T DvP A RT1 T.`1T . State of \rkansas X County of ''•ashingtonj I, C. S.Duggana,first being duly sworn,upon my oath state; That I am personally acquaihted with Jesse "alters who lives in the City of Fayetteville,County of '.:rashington and State of !Irkansan&that I have known the said Jesse 'alters for 30 years. I further state that I personally know that the said Jesse ?.'alters has been regularly in the service of the Fayetteville Fire Deoartnent since '.pril,1906,and continuously from that date until the present Ifite. '.'itness my hand and seal 49 this 7th day of October,1929. C.S.Duggans. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th lay of October,1929 Geo.:\, Burst, Notary Public. (seal) b:y commisi6on expires Dec 21st,1932. P.LGr 17/ • It further appearing from the City records that the said Jesse ''alters has been continuously in the service of the Fayetteville Fire Department for five y*4kVt consecutive years immediately preceeding this present date of October,192.9, Oscar mayes moved that the said Jesse ''alters be retired on a pension of Fifty ('50) ?)ollars per month,said sum being one-half the salary attached to the position held by the said Jesse 19.1alters at the time of his retirement. And that the Secreta'yy of. the Board of Trustees,Firemen's relief and Pension Fund of the City of Fayette- ville,Arkansas be,and he is hereby directed to issue a voucher on the 8th day of November,1929 and thereafter,monthly,payable to the said Jesse "alters. This motion was seconded by Clyde alters and received the unanimous vote of the members of the Board,and was declared passed by th( Chairman. On motioh,the Secretary ;ran directed to notify Jesse "falters of the action of the Board. . No further business appearing, the Board adjourned,on motion duly passed. Approved; Chairman Attest'ti1LdL.L Se reta ry. ID