HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-10-30 MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION October 30,2006 A meeting of the Civil Service Commission was held on October 30 at 8:30am in Room 111 of the City Administration Building at 113 W Mountain St., Fayetteville, AR to finalize the changes to the Rules and Regulations of the Civil Service Commission. PRESENT: Commissioners Bittle, Adelman, Coppinger, Ferguson and Hart ABSENT: Commissioners Augustine and Brown The session was called to order by Commission Chairman Coppinger The Commission then entered into discussion regarding the proposed changes to the Rules and Regulations. Chairman Coppinger proposed that the Commission review the Human Resources requests in the order submitted. Commissioner Hart suggested that the Commission Review Section 2:07 as requested in the May 1 minutes by Commissioner Brown. After some discussion, no change to the rules or the guidance given by the Commission in May, 06 was recommended. Starting with the Changes submitted by Human Resources: Section 1:04a and 2:05b- proposal to set the passing score as validated and assessed by the testing services for each test. Michele Bechhold, HR Director stated that the reason for this recommended change was to make the rule consistent with that of the Police Department for both entry level and promotional exams. Commissioner Hart expressed that the City of Fayetteville tends to get the cream of the crop in applicants and the only reason she could see lowering the score would be if the City were unable to get the necessary applicants. Commissioner Bittle asked that if having a higher score than recommended by the testing service would leave the Commission open to a challenge by applicants. Kit Williams, City Attorney stated that was a possibility. If the City eliminated some applicants that would have been considered to have passed by the testing standards, we could open ourselves to a challenge. Michele Bechhold agreed that it was possible that the process could result in an adverse impact claim. Commissioner Adelman stated that using the recommended score would leave the commission in a more defensible position. Commissioner Bittle moved to approve the changes as presented. Commissioner Adelman Seconded. In favor — Commissioners Ferguson, Bittle, Adelman, Coppinger Opposed — Commissioner Hart Section 5:01 — HR recommendation to add statement regarding the list of disciplinary action items as shown: " the following list of items relating to failure in conduct is representative but not limited to those considered to be adequate grounds for disciplinary action:" Commissioner Hart made a motion to adopt and Commissioner Bittle seconded. The motion carried. Section 5:03 — HR recommendation to eliminate the distinctions between sections A and B and allow paragraph A to stand and apply to both departments. Michele Bechhold stated that this would increase consistency between departments. Commissioner Hart asked if it was important to keep the distinction between types of shifts in the statement. Chief Johnson stated that this was not an issue. He concurred with the requested change. Commissioner Coppinger stated if the language is adopted the Fire Department will be required to figure out how many shifts in the 30 day suspension. Chief Johnson stated that he concurred with the request and there would not be a problem. Commissioner Adelman made a motion to accept the amendment. Commissioner Ferguson seconded. The motion carried. The Commission then reviewed Police Chief Tabor's proposed changes. Section 2:02c — was recommended to be changed from 8 years continuous service to 10 years continuous service, since in order to meet other requirements, 10 years was the earliest possible promotion date. Commissioner Ferguson made a motion to accept the change, Commissioner Bittle seconded and the motion carried. Section 2:02d 2:02d was recommended by the Police Department to change 10 years to 12 years since that was the earliest promotion date possible. of Deputy Chief of Police. Commissioner Bittle made a motion to approve the change. Commissioner Adelman seconded and the motion carried. Section 2:02d — Police department requested that all sections of the rules that refer to the Deputy Police Chief are changed to the preferred title of Deputy Chief of Police. Commissioner Hart made a motion to change all reference throughout the Rules and Regulations to the preferred title of Deputy Chief of Police. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Ferguson and the motion carried. Section 2:02g- recommendation by the Police Department to change the look -back period to within 5 years immediately preceding the date of the promotional exam for purposes of this section. After some discussion, Commissioner Adleman made a motion to change Section 2:02g to read " A single or multiple disciplinary suspension(s) incurring a cumulative maximum of 30 working days or less with 5 years immediately preceding the date of the promotional exam shall constitute an unbroken period of service and shall not be deemed a break in service." Also included in the motion was a change in Section 2:01 h which will now read " A single or multiple disciplinary suspension(s) incurring a cumulative maximum of ten 24 hour shifts or less within 5 years immediately preceding the date of the promotional exam shall constitute and unbroken period of service and shall not be deemed a break in service". The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bittle and the motion carried. Section 2:03a — The Police Department recommended changing the phrase "written request)' to "written notice of intent' since there is no mechanism to deny an eligible employee the opportunity to take a promotional exam. Commissioner Bittle made a motion to accept the requested change and correct this both places within the paragraph. Commissioner Hart seconded and the motion carried. Section 2:05a — the Police department recommended change the rules to allow for the practice of Human Resources administering the departmental review via in -basket exam for the ranks of Captain and Deputy Chief. Commissioner Coppinger made a motion to insert the following sentence following the second sentence of paragraph (a). "For the ranks of Captain or Deputy Chief of Police, the departmental performance review may be administered by the Human Resources Division" Commissioner Bittle seconded and the motion carried. Section 3:04a- the Police Department recommended allowing any applicant regardless of their certification status be allowed to take the exam each time it is offered. After much discussion, Commissioner Adleman made a motion to table the request indefinitely. Commissioner Bittle seconded and the motion carried. Commissioner Adleman made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Ferguson seconded and the meeting was concluded.