HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-07 - Agendas FAYETTEVILLE THE(Tare OF FAITTIEVII Let tMANSIA 125 a ,salesman St. recall,al,Or F751 belphoalta arm sli MS AGENDCAL FOR A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I dreamy SoPCctnbcr7,2rFL345pr, Room 326, CityAdimardearmoultudding The farflamil items "Ill be considered: A gial m,I of Minu�from the(AVIC/N004 meet Ing. AnspArramess- 1. W)A"1206 (SQ�S,44� Stibini�edbyJUHN & IMARTHANNESQUIRFS�pr�eCat locaWdn922N PARK AVENRUE, the propeart is wancral RSF4, Strait F FAMILY-4 1AUTRACRE and contairs approxcriatelyU 29 act,, TIverequestis for a ficalt setback OLCO (, 1 mirmuQ) Plur... 91KANNL MOR(iAN 2. BOAR41207SCUITRYLEAMY, 445) Serrated Cy GARY LEAIFP for proccarty located at 722 IT VANDEVEELFFEE Tile proplarry is Word RSF-4, SINGLY FAMILY-4 UNTS/ACRE. Let request is for a 5 C]dC Setback 0 3' Andres) Parepmv Coat AARON CUR re Pal ZZYTCF Ml 3. BOA 04-1209(SPARNE, 484): Submitted at DWIGH I CALLAWAY to,prospaly located at 225 N FAST AVENUE Lee parterre is Camed R 0 RESTEN I LAL OFFICE JF1"Yea 11 in a Tfinat sefted:(a 23'armiturces)Card a 13 ads Albert;(a 2 varmustal to Vic Court of th"'nuct pnorawk, falplA 0,111 Wll,I IAM SPAINI Pro,... DAWNWARRICK 4. BOA 04-1209 (LOTAXY,522) Subrutted by MIKIL COLLEY for prCPCUy based at 5 S PULL,AITEPECTINE. The proEK a ,,mdRMF4ReCPJLTlFA3k1[LY 40UCHUNIACREarldcamom ,pi..mablyli.40aces Therequestsbrarodwai... 1,Cc rem setback N allow for the devalopmen,J 6 tmv, ficlows lead Capital cracking. Plannack SUZANNE MORGAN All urCA,JUA,,,w'UPCar"C b'F',J sts,pab,hrartur, 4... 411"lawc,d plate 11,roard t,was, Us plusNaC, I'�kllllll)l)fuTllw��impai�ama�allabIctOr�EIPUbILC h...rm,r2l.......tW,r,4,ud A,AdC,,,Fmw6m uTewposcan areanArcPaSC Call 57cOl O"ER OF BOA,]lBD OF"AdSTMENT MEETING A. Introduction of agenda item—Chairman & formulation of Struff frapial C, Presentation of request—Applicant D, Public Command E. Response by Appliesart/Questions; At pywas cr with Board F, Action of the Board of Adjustment (Discussion &Vote) NOTE TO adFasHIERS OF TOJE, AUDIENCE If you wita, to address the Board of Adjustment on an agenda item raise yew And when due Champarm asks for public comment. He will do this after he has Oven Board members the opportunity to speak and before a find vote is taken. Public comment will only be permitted during Us part of the spacing for each item. Once the Chaffirmin recognizes you, go to the podium at the find of the mom and give Firm mica and address. Address your comments to the Chairman, who is the spreading officer. He will direct them to the appropriate appointed officeil, stafl teacher or others for cesmanw. Pleare keep your comments Hell (a the point, and relevant to the agenda item being wasuldem so that everyone has a chance to space Please. as; a matter of coursesy. refrain from applauding or booing any speakers or actions of the Board at Adjustment. 2004 Board of Adjustment atlembera Sherrie Alt Michael Andrews (Chaincurn) Michael Green Robert Kohler impares Konzalnumma Bob Nickle dominate Olzewsli FAYETTEVILLE BOA Meeting of September 07, 2004 I HECITY OF FAM I EVILLE,ARKANSAv 125 W, Ins"Im,at Fayetteville,Alt 72701 Feleph .. (479)575-8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO. Fayetteville posted of Adjustment FROM Sminuat Morgamm Associate Porover IARIJI Dawn T. Wamck, AICT, Zoning & Development Administrator DATE,� September 01, 2004 BOA 01-1206 (SQUIRE,S, 445F Submitted by JOHN Ags MARTHANNT, SQU[RFS for property located at 922 N PARK AVFWlM. The postpone is zoned RSF-4, SINGLE FAMILY 4 FISH SIACRE And cartabling approximately 0.29 Avoid, The request is for a front setback of 24' (a I- variardeL Planner: SUZiiNNE MORGAN RICOMMENDATION- Staff recommends denial of the requested front setback variance based on firandimassuaterl bearcim ACTION; 0 Approved Dambild Date! se� I BACKGROUND: Prophorlydescrowean The sulareet property D located at 922 Park Avenue, which north of PruspertiltrectandWilsonPilik Currently a 1,410 square foot single-family home (exploiting Fee demand haterracm) is located on the property, which is Lot 3, Block 6 of the A.L. firchat's revised plot of tire Fire Park Addition. I th, lot consists of approximately 11,900 8F. which humplied win the mountain allowablic lot area in the RSF-4 zoning district for a sought firmily home (8,000 NU, It also had callignate footage onto Park Avenue. The existing residential structuri contents to all current seeing regulation, Fre afterclued survey of the property shosers a 30' front building setback. 'HieRSF4zoning district reembers; a 25' front setback And is thet setback enforced by the City Thranarcred ishormsphardence from the applicant refdrs tothe 30' Notback and a 6' srunince with the addition of doepasurch. Men has informed (lie appivicaut ofthe setback monaural based on the witiong districtandthemaetacreirmforta5 porch could be permitted 'Heirpolicamothensilboirelto confine tire variance process with the whanco for a I' vaurrinve Rvo,"99 otovrog it Ida eqv,�l c, September 07,2004 Brad of Adjusurm BOA 04 1206 polurco Page LI Ile attached survey or the posoperty, shows a 30 front banding setback. The RSF-4 seeing district requires a 25' front setback and is life setback showed by the City� The attached correspondence ficent the applicarit refers to the 30' setheake and a 6' variance with the addition of theisurch. Staff has inferred the applicam ofthe setback vuluousureent based on the searring district and Print a extension for a 5' porch could be possissed, The applicant has desined to continue the variance to costs with The request her a F varrainse Proarsoal Ile appirvat proposes to add a 117 square foot pomb to the front ofthe structure The front ofthe structure is currently located approximately 30' Peru she existing Master Sfosent PEnrighUoJ "w, A 6 foot addition to the hour of the structure would result if a I foot enemac�cntof�c25fot)t.�otbuk, �s�qu�i� avadance Request nerequell is for afroartscaback estimate or 1% resulting firw24-fin setback along the West propicrite, lisv� Ordinance Fraguirson t aRgile cal Front etback tweet) 25 using s) SURIPOINDING LAND USE AND ZONING fcand use I scould Single famsEsesuid R&F-4, Res omle=2Y74 ani discre ,on, 'ingle doinflynaid RSF-4, Res smadle�f�iI4 rancorous [bast inglic fiardYw) RS-F--4, Res son le Lose , 4 thdodaure West Single Lands residence PST 4 Res, saingle tinnily, 4 unit sure GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Residential FINDINGS: § 156.02 MINING REGULATIONS. Certain vAriances of ths,zoning rugulanxis may be applied for as follows A. General RegulationgdApplication, A variance shadl not be Regard unless had onto ad application demonstrates: 1. Special Conditions. net special cancer and circumstances exist which are factories it) the land, structure, or building involved and watch rise not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the soure charter Finding: The subject and surrounding properties adjoin a 601 right of way and residues a 25' front building setback by zoning ordinance. Nospecial conditions or circumstances exist which am peculiar to the land or structure that am not applicable to surrounding properties and buildings in the same district. K Rox,11209 I PO4 car.",is 07 04s0,1 04 1206�q...ad. September 07,2004 mardiffsodyistment Weit"1206piqui...) Page 1.2 2. %privationiffRights. regulations; would deprive the applicant of Tights commonly enjoyed by other properties in The some district under The terms of The zoning regulations. Finding: Literal i strap retention a f in n ing regulations a ould Term it a 5' ad Union to me front of die domain re in color to hard on as a sitting area and preavi do protection for the residence. The zoning Mutations will not deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other surrounding properties that have small porchi or overharrigs. 3. Resulting Actions. I hat the special candidates and dircurnatences do not result firom the actions of The applicant, Finding: The request for a varimuse is a result of the applicant's proposal to add a pooch to flue front of the existing structure. 4. No Spatial Parivileges. That pending the variance requested will not employ on the applicant any special privilege fast is denied by Zonin, Clarriaters 160-165, to other landise sometimes, or buildings in The source district, Finding: Finding the requested vermonces; "I confer special privileges to flue applicant that are denied by Zoning and would rialuirse a variance request from other properfiess within the same district. 15. Nonconforming Uses. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, of buildings in (lie surce didente, and no permitted or tionseandarming use of leads, structures, or buildings in other distreps shall be considered Four& lor the issuance of a vaticroce, Finding: No fronconformilies were considered as a basis of the firectings shated in this staff ropeort. 156.02 C. Consideration by the Board of Adjustment, 1. Bulk and Areen Applications for varecrains of bulk and man requirements shall be considered by and may be approved by The Board of Ack Turmoil, 2. Public Hearing A public leading shall be held, Finding: A public hearing is soluddluded for Tuesday, September 07,2004. 3. Findings. I lie Board of Abuttiment shall make The following fitchigs: K Oldiveef 04 1206 ncd�,)Is� Semester,07,2004 11111al If inboard BOA 04-1206(Star...) Page 13 a, Minimum Variance. not the reasons; set food in the applizationjussfify the growing of The variance, and that die variance is fre minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land building, or structure. (L) Harmony with General Purpose. The Board of Adjustment slash knows ranks a firring tat the granting of me variance ofill be in honorary o Rh the general purpose and intent of Zoning, Chapaids 160-165, Add call not ba rommus to die neighborhood, or itatervase detemerstal to the public welfians. Finding: The proposed front setback variance 6 the minimam variance necessary to accommodate the proposed porch addition W due existing structure. Granting a variance for a front setback reduction will grant special juddlegliss; to this property not commonly enjoyed by the surrounding properties. G.) Records set forth in the application justify loading the variance, art dri( the pimance is the muniummor variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the lared, holding, or strucarre. Finding: Reasons get fords in the application do not justify granting the requested variance. The applicant may add 5' onto the structure in order to provide a proalb. b. Coralitions kind Safeguards. Ingraminganervagoince, the Boardol Adjustment may proscribe appropriate cassilitions and safeguards in conformity wit the Zoaringrogulations� Findmg: Staff recommends denial of the request" I' N unsure to the front setback. C. No Variance Allowed. Under no circumstances anall the Board ofAdjustrusent grappot a variance to allow a use not permissible undar Zoning fir the district involved, or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the mind of the zoning regulations in said dishiaL Finding: N/A fccepora?04VIOA Reposes Ox Also 04,12es(ie.o,j d� September 07,2004 Bond of Adjustment BOA 04-1206(Squires) Page 1.4 161.07 District IV4F-4, Residential Single-Family —Four Units Per Acre (A) Pupxe The RSP 4 Residential DIsout is desuared to tormit and c...... a,the development of 11, dclaly d1ailh,,] Tweltuags at suitable constituents, an,weR as to protect dishrag development offirose typos (B) Us', �1) Permatedusos. I unit a I Oftwide uses by nght I Unit 8 1 Single-family dwelling (2) 'o,3 miz W'dt"'I us, ,,,a 2ma,ases so W'dt"'I Us,P',,i fma,,,", i Units i UUMMI and mmau0nal ucjw� I units I IWO lease d,earts, UJIILZ� I .....no u,,t36 I hals,5 (C) loses Is T�amly �Mhvelwll 71 da,e I.... 4,,1 7 11 less (D) BIk egidanoo, early ouy non, 4welph 5 a 5 ,un ovaimunt,rd, "I --�oo a Lot , ......an a ODD an ft 12000, ft p.r I ....q at q ft Id"I"t a q, CIE) Sorbackeqwmos, grant ss, R,,, 25". I I I sun (F) yscshs� None (0) S,odmaq area. On say lot the=,,empurd by a buildings shall not....A 40%of dre read area of Inch ]It K Usoasabry4daaa Rslssoosar-ax�4001 N Joey(Swo.os)doc September 07,2004 Board of Adjustment BOA 0�1 206(Squires) Page 1.5 August 16, 2004 John and Marthanne Squires 922 North Park Avenue Fayetteville Arkansas 72701 Chair, Board of Adjustments City of Fayetteville, Arkansas 125 west Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 DearChairpersom Please accept this letter as a formal request for a knot setback variance on ourproperty at 922 North Park Arcane, Fayetteville, Arkamas. If granted this variance will allow us tu construct an open front porch on ourhome. We believe this addition will make our home more archhecturully compatible with the majority of the homes in am neighborhood which have porches. The proposed addition will also add value to our home without negatively impacting the health, safety, view, or value of am neighbors' property. The following addresses the four criteria required by ordinance. a. This residential property laws on a 60' right-of-way with a 25' street width and a 30' front building setbact- The existing dis tance hour the strect curb to the fiont of the house is 47' while the typical distance in most neighborhoods is 3Y. b. Typical residential right-of-way is 50' with 25' building setback, Literal interpretation of this ordinance will deprive the applicant of the right to a covered front parch---sometbing commonly enjoyed by the vast majority of homes in the dixtricL c. This request is for a covered open Patch Only. No safety, light� or air concerns am changed. The existence of the non-typical 60' right-of-way and 30' setback are not result of action on am pact. �pternber 07,2004 B ..d of Adpastment BOA 04-1206(�vios) Pop 1.6 d. Granting of this variance does not confer special privileges (covered front porch) that is denied by this ordinance to other property owners in the Wilson Park neighborhood. We believe that the proposed front porch is architecturally compatible and adds wine to ourproperty and the neighborhood. Construction of sidewalks and bike trails in our neighborhood and throughout the city make our community more neighbOr-firiendlY. So do front porches. The board's consideration of one request is appreciated. ES* cerel Y John and Marthanne Squires Septembl,#7,2004 Board of AdrIstment BOA 04 1206(Sq,i...) Page 1.7 Checkffitlg�m#3. (fornplem seriaenclescrip6son of drs request(what is proposed by the applicant) to includes Building size fir sqwm feen; excisting and proposed. Tm exuding house is 1410 scunare feet of heated floor space excluding baseramrs. The preposed opm from march addition scould add an additional 117�qcam fear of unheased space. Number of off-smet pariging spaces to be provided/ munber required Not applicable. Written description of requeAL We am repossung a setbackaurianot in order re construct an oneen (no vA) firent pinch by extending the existing front dornO an additional six feet to provide a ponch most supported [sycolunnes as doover on the atrached plootograph. The porch will be 19.5 feet aide by 6 feet deep. We luclieve the addition of the hour numb will ranks our house more neighbor frendly and provide a better formation latnAt n public and prianse space—especially when sts mining. SE E Af7fskal[E,D: BE FORE � kFTE R PHOTOGRAPH/DRANW[NG. Smumber 07,2004 Board of Adjustment BOA 04-1206(Skiviven Pap IB 0 Septembe,07,2004 oard of Adjustm,,t A 04-1206(Sq,imq) Page 1.9 AK BLEW and ASSOCIATES Surveyors FRANK W. MEW. JR., RAL.S. Fir WEST fw__� 17Q' Fir 34o" seen d.. PFZA :74�? Ann le " a que J4 0 "a F_ us 0 4P 61940, Or N SCALE _1 I P 4 1 - 30 og soo a E, enter amoude �Fip Surveyed f,r� John Martha Squires Date: September 11 , 1992 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot UumbeTed Three (3) 1, Black Sir (6) in A.L. Treat's revised plat of City Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville, as designated on the recor- ded plat th,reof. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that I have this day ad, , complete survey of the above described property, as shown on this plat of survey. The property lines rod 1.0r,er monuments, to the bes, of my knowledge and belief, are errect- ly established. All lecroachmetto, if any, are as shoon on this plat, to the best Of my knowledge. 0, this the llth day of September, 1992. September(17,2004 Board of Adjustment BOA OJh1206(Squires) Page 1.11 BOA04-1206 cla"Oplom, SQUIRES z, osildruisil, Bid orl :ii : a I I ffiw � jp J PROP if — - - —R RI 0i T mb mini L I All Iff—M _W�j M RS RS� F � LAI ownrew as...�I,m —LWTCFSF�� Igilill BOA04 1206 Froyeffaville SepternbO07,2004 Board ofAdinam"t 0 75 150 ore 450 soo BOA O�1206(Squires) FIM Page 1.12 BOA04-1206 One Milevissys, SQUIRES + &f LLIAlo iW Fi— J.. ir, qT1 %:v gi Ffli cl Ins % LI jjj� me �s sold "I'li in �nnv —=J r 4 evi in vs, LI F� ',IN I r ftell w 17— f I F 4— F 4 rn— r 4 �o I i 'A I— LLL r1i n, 0"1 Legend subject PI sall,o"t Fill Himuery milignonnevi g sonion,"Inv e,as innon, ....l, I .�D.nnedsi 141 'Sisgniden no olval c no 'i........ September 0,2004 Boa ad of Ant USA ill So W06 1 0,2 03 DA BOA 04-1206(Squires) Miles Page L13 I FAYETTEVILLE BOA Meeting of September 07, 2004 PAC11YOr FAYFJ I UmLEARKANSAS 125 W M...rWc SL FaiAulffll,Ali Tp(H Tvwh... (479)fesucil PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Fayetteville Board of Adjustment FROM Supecarm Murgan, Associate Plowman THRU Dorm T. Warmish, AICP, Zoning&Development Adminisimen D AT E: September 01, 2004 BOA 04-1207 (CURTISPLEA11Y, 415): Submitted by GABE LEANCY for property located at 722FIVANDEVENITR, nepai�ayiszo�dRSF4, SMGIFF�MY -4 �lS�ACRE, The request is for a 5' side setback (a Teammate), Propers Owner: AARON CURTIS Plarater: SUZANNE MORGAN RECOAMTENDATION: Scott recommends approval of the requested side setback vanance as described in the stoof report with the following wouslitionds): 1. All applicable building permits shall be obtained to begin construction of the proposed addition. 2. No expansion or reconstruction of Me existing structure,without Board of Adjustment approval, shall occur within restuirsed setbacks as established by zoning, wMi Me exception of that noted herein. vi to- to- e a MAN,. sAENT ACTApSz 0 All '004 BACKGROUND- Property description the subject poesposE, is located at 722 North Vaddeventer Avenue, which north of Prospect Street and Wilson Park. Currently a 1,900 square foot single-firmily home Rrr�'W O�041ai4 1,ahy)&v September 07,2004 Board of Adjustment BOA 04-1207 nemnolvaloy) Nge 2.1 in the 1950s is located on the property, which is I ot 23, Block 3 of file Wilson Adults Addition. The lot consists' ofaistriedrunkly 9,760 SP, which complies whit the functional allowable lot area in But RSF-4 coming district for a single family home (8,000 SIT. It allo� �eqiiate �n�geoiituVandevenwrAveniie. Ile existing structure exists as a nonconforming structure bastriscisfaY ennorsommentrat oftherreadocrin side seelmokosquircereart ofs'. Surrounding properties contain parimardy single family homes, most m7which arn, situalted on lots isfaccurprouldrusizearnsituation. Primbrood The applicant proposes to add 1,038 square feet tothe met riffle existing home es an extension of the existing nonconforming structure,and located in the nordarm sidir sentleack. the colossal of the cover iminecied nonconforming residence is greater dian 25%, of the existing square firoterge of dic structure, thus requiring a continues. Request, I hc�"near is bor a side setback reactor of 3 loss, insuffing in a 5-mort setback alling the north property line to bring the structure into conformity with the barred approval of a Nwillarst by the Board of Adjustment laid accornmakno a prepared addition to the rest of the existing single firmily home, Future development on file subject property work be required to consfinor to derelictions sas hated hereim Ordinance Ressairesimant A unficant's Re net Side—Sebnk 5' (a Mee) IP =I �] SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING Land Use belong North I Saighl firmy,residence RSP-4, Rbs; H _e Scroll Rome family residence F-4, fsscs� sin Is Larval 4 frailreacro Be JiSF,, Rus. smile ficamily, 4 bacteria R S �td SF 4.Res. single family, 4 unit to _::::�iestrencrL GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Residential FINDINGS- § 156.02 ZONING REGULATIONS. Camara r arances of tile ending regulations may be applied for es follow a A. General RegulationvelApplicinfilan A entrance shall not Im granted unless and until all application derronstrater 1. Special Conditions. That special conditions and circumstances exist winch arre residues to the laud, coastal or building into]red mod which are not applicable to other lands. structural; or buildings in the same district X a'0aWVA so 1207esr&'Lcrls'� 5omtember 07,2004 Room] of Adjustment Ersk 04 120 om"iminefln) Page 2.2 Finding: That the existing stractare was constructed so& chat Me home encroaches three feet into the building setback creating a special condition for Me structure involved. 2. Befell of Rights. regulations would dribarive pre applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in pipe same district trader the terms of the raturing negualations. Finding; Liberal interpretation of somfing regulations would not permit the proposed addition to the existing struicturs, nor would it allow the existing home to be bat as it is simated today. An addition to the structure as an extension of a single partly home is allowed by right in the subject zoning district. 3. Resulting Actions. That (lie recall conditions add do not result firma the derives if the applicial Finding: The single family Imme was built in Me 1950s, prior to adoption of isoming regulations. The current property owners have owned the property since February of 2003. Conditions of the existing micripiclument of Me setback to not result from theactions of the applicant The applicant is proposing an addition to the structure within the required 8 fisat setback. 4. No Special Privileges. That grading One varricance riduested will not cup fir on this applicant my special hinvilege that is denied by Zoning, Clembee 160-165, to other leads, structures, or buildings in the same district. Finding: Granting the requested entrances will not confer special privileges. The use of this foraperty for a single family dwelling is permitted by right in the RSF- 4 zoning district. 5. Nonconforming Baca. No nonconforming are olneighboring Foods. strupparp, or buildings in thesence denuder, and no permitted or knorivarionrung use of larep, structures, or buildings in tolor districas shad be considered grounds for the ismource of a varnansc. Fiudmg� No mounionformifies were considered as a basis of the findings stated in this staff report. 156.02 C. Consideration by the Bumul of Adjuidoppeart. J. Bulk and Area. Applications for variances of bulk and area requirements shall be considered by and may be approved by the Board of Adjustment X,Vw,,IIsx04W4 lonimUssrei 0ARM asfrW jjtouo,,sys&x September 07,2004 Boom arAdiotment BOA"1207(Corrections) Page 2.3 2. Public Hearing, A public hearing shall be beld. Finding: A public hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, September 07,2004. 3. Findings. Ile Board of Adjustmentsball make the finhoving linbiqU m Minimum Variance. That the reasons set bato in the applourionjussfify me gramingoffluesonasm, andbutflovearromm is der nommurn variance that will ulake possible dne reasonable use office land, building, or stramanx. (1.) Harmony with General Purpose neBoaTdorAdju�tmeii( �hallfuWi�r�ea finding that the graming offfic variance will be in hamonywith the general Torpedo and intent of2gaing, Chaparm 160-165, and wiff not be injurious us fire neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public we]lam Finding; The proposed side setback variance is the musimum variance necessary to accommodate the existing structure, as well as the expansion to the rear of the house. (uniform a summer,for a front setback reduction would be in keeping with the overall character and harmony of the Wilson Park neighborhood and in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the zoning ordinance. The variance will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to Blue public welfare. A five foot setback will provide suitable separation baw rest the existing structure Brad the adjacent lot. Furthermore, an extension of the existing%Ali of the structure will not result in additional encroachment to development north of this property. (2.) persons set both in the application justify granting the variance, and that the varimme is the nummum variance that will norm possible the reasonable use of rise ould, building, or Finding: Reasons set forth in the application to justify granting the requested variance include due existing state of a nonconforming structure and the proposed addition to the structure will not change its existing appearance or width. b. Conditions and Safeguards. In gurnma my variance, the Bmud of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate mixtures soul safiegunds in conformity with fire zoning regulations. Findings Staff has recommended conditions for this request which am stated on page one of this report. C. NoVarianceMlowed. Under no circummarcess shall der Board offioijaptiment goal a variance to allow a use not permissible under Zonfin in the district K ks�laeY,07-0490,4 044w7(CrIla lmh�)ev Septcanour 07,2004 Board of Adprommt BOA 04-1207(CmdosIcam) Page 2A I involved, or my use expressly or by implication lasshibinal by the term of the sinning tvguations in said dismict, Finding: N/A K �p�&109 07 MBOA O�1207 inaftZzavy)d1i Neptembe,07, 2004 Immduf Adjustment BOA 04 12M (CmrHsfL,,k,) Page 2.5 161.07 District RSF-4, Residential Single-Family—Four Units Per Aere (A) Fv,�&e The RITA Residenfial District h, designed to permit arm emosamse the of low crmhy departed dw,11mg,a summle ... mmourts, Me well as to protect existing c%whopmentofthesetypes (B) Uic� ll) Pffmatedurn (2) C,,,dl.... U r2 Was UA4 C'It"al red I I Units I I�bmv dMIMUS M ��,,IIIPIIIII Tactics try s`Qm ' �±d �e� nrc7s En 0 1 �C, ; raresperave Mr�, (D) Belk ,d ... .mlaeo,vt C mily ing 'nmb ='so onre a per I d too r n owe CE) ;-de Rooft, ft 2 trip IJmht Non, (G) B,,U,,g ... CS,a,,y Imthearea ocomierlbyall hmedisms Deflicot comeedmOTtofthe[,[,] ao,,of such lot A scpwl�OeDce Osposs 0�120x r.,I,T,.hjs cor September 07, 2004 Boa,J ofAdjustment BOA W-12ar (Cmusdophy) Page 2.6 At ;7),z )v Wdek, J., Tkc drf'v< ��l 'to fk 4�_ 4 /03L?' 0) t L�-Slc t � Wl I Va Septeinbe,ir,2004 BDard of Adilltment BOA 04-12V(Cv�WLeh�) �gc 2.7 Dear Chairman, The, special conditions and circumstacres that exist with the house at 722 Vandeventei Sri are as follows; The side, cutbacks for this district are 8 it on both sides . The existing hou�e overhangs are 5 it from the proporty line on the north side. We are requegi-iDg to carry the sedition back with the existing roof line which will still be 5 ft from the property line. This special condition would enable the structure to posintain its original look and struuturo� By granting this variance the applicant would not be given any special privilege that would be denied to anyone else in this district . Thank you for your consideration, Reprogentatise Gabe Leahy September 0,2004 Iman[OfAdjushmalt BOA 04-1207 (Curfisleaby) Page 2.8 Sepaftmlacr 07,2004 Ron d oF ' jg� BOA 04-12V(C,�s��ahv) Page 2.9 BOA04-1207 chme Up Idea, CURTIS/LEAHY SpWaN "I 14 , PIP I RI I r IM IS RaI jr L 0, a — Af 44* /Il aggatta Mae,, RSI R I SI 10 �g RI IT I M 2 38 OMMI ,.1NO,,llDI IIIIIIIIPdnlIAolI — �aMAy al,I MMr,aa, 11,,, allrIallool al.r .Val raa,�Ilol,l.... September 07, 2004 Fayetteville Board of Adjustm,,t f Il N.,4 B( A Ol&1207(CurBeLcalky) 0 75 ve $00 450 BOA04-1207 One Mile View CURTISJILEAHY —1 ' I all. L i" IF e- 91 "P4 F7-Lj� Jr, 70-i-:04T J- I Re L L 11 IF j VI r I J L 4 Jill J, T FF OveNle, sl Panel gm��IM7 MundoD Dail P,..... le" C Inly road 1%.Cal.r September 07,2004 Ill cie .."'Jew Board of Adi"nMent 0 01 02 0.4 OB 0.8 OA 04-12K(C�urftaLe,by) Wes Page 2.11 I FAYETTEVILLE 130A Meeting of September 7, 2004 mCuY(h � sY1z1JEv1LL1z ARKANSAS 12SM, stouftnasc Fwcvcfl,ARyc0a T,I,ph,,,,(479)rot 8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE 10: Fayetteville Board of Adjustment FROM Davit T, Warrick, AlCP, Zoning At Development Administrator DATE: Sciatoidra-2, 2004 BOA 04-1208 (SPARSE,484): Submitted by DWIGHT CALLAWAY for property located at 225 N EAS F AGEN Up. The property is zoned R-Of RESIDENTIAL OFFICE The i equpst is for a Tfivest wticalk (a 23' sariancid and a 13 side setback (a Tvarcaddsi) to the souni of the cobjectypropurry RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of due requested 23' front setback variance as shown on the attached site plan. Staff has determined that the requested side setback iv not required, The adjacemproperry 49 aimed R-0, Residential Office, therefore the lesser setback of l0ris aptitude. The R-O alknoice is prinurrill,a non-residential difterict and this interpretation has been applied consistently to other similar locations. BACKGROUND' Property devcrquon The subject porporty is located at 225 N. East Ave. no site is just south of Dicker) Street aid one block west of Collage Ave. The structure on this property was once residential but has been curveded tar re as a proifessiond office. there are approximately 1.893 s1 located on the main Door of the building. A basement provides a arvall storage area and berace For utility equipment Have is a partner idivevers,along die north property line which accesses M o rueste parking spaces at the war o I the building. Adjacent property contains a parking lot (to the noodo, St. Paul s Episcopal Clients to the cast (across Eaut Aex) a sandar Is olessional office it) the south md on office building to did west Didisamedicticlsockinthedicaustown nice with a variety of difficaunt adds and building lyine, Progroval The applicant proposes to nauseate me build an indidon onto the terstrig drvcdurcc� I he addition will net ciarsuch required setbacks I turbot than the existing creature, in bad, the fieAtinnt will reouni the same, By mordifying the rof of the building, additional usuble place will be prossibel in the attic area The proposed 1,050 s1. addition will increase the usable area within the building by approximately 55%. Request The applicant wituests; approval ofa hurt setback variance which will allow the exicanag so uQdure as is ell as the proposed! addition to be considered corripliant with setback X Acwh rMedif NPIM169 OV cl�04 on ri.,dir Sepacinther7,21004 Boord of Adinsoulat BOA 04-1208(Spaine) Page3.1 requiromms, theigby protecting me surname should it be �ulwtuhblly damaged and red to he rebatilt Ordinance R quirement A licant's Requesit::::�j "'B"' From setback (Well =30 c �7 (231 �alio a) SURIDOUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING Use Zoning For C-3� Ciantral Commercial rush rro� I ffici: R Residential Office Z mal 0 R f::: Fact Ch�Mb a 0, Residential Office West fifir'. ac M Control Commercial GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Histin is Commercial FUNMINGS: § 156.02 ZONING REGULATIONS. Certain s adiani of the zoning egulations may be applied for as follows A� Central Reguladom/Application, A variance slash act be granted unless and urbil an atimication dmnoustmtez� I Special Conditions, nut spatial onallims and circumstances exist whichato pentiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which no list applicsili to other lards, structures or builai no me same district, Finding; This structure was built prior In the adoption of current zoning regulations. Access is provided as w ellas space between buildings and between the structure and the public right-of-way. This structure is similar in cluareacter, size and location to oders on the striet. 2. Deprivationofflighn. That litional inuaturection of the provisions of the zoning regulations would &prive [lie applinuit of rights commonly cammad by other names ties in the same district uni me (Ann of the young regailations. Finding; Liberal Interpretation of the provisions of date zoning regulations would not permit the applicant to rebuild this structure an lts current loation if it were substantially damaged or destroyed. 3. RemItingActions. that the spcitual cambrom mad circumstances do not wsult from the callous orthe applicant. K Juniss IM41BOA Roeel,W�07 Ma,u 04 1208 otw��&. September 7,2004 Board ofaum,fimout BOA 04 1208(Spain,) Page 3.2