HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-10-20 Minutes• MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS A special meeting of the Board of Adjustments was held on October 20, 1999 at 3:45 p.m. in Room 219 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas ITEM CONSIDERED BA99-24: Marshalltown Tools, pp642 MEMBERS PRESENT Michael Andrews Thad Hanna Bob Nickle Larry Perkins STAFF PRESENT • Tim Conklin Janet Johns • ACTION TAKEN Approved MEMBERS ABSENT Gerald Boyd Marion Orton Michael Green STAFF ABSENT • • • Board of Adjustment Minutes October 20, 1999 Page 2 BA99-24: VARIANCE MARSHALLTOWN TOOLS, PP642 This item was submitted by Robert O'Connell of Marshalltown Tools for property located at 2200 Industrial Drive. The property is zoned I-2, General Industrial and contains approximately 15.34 acres. The requirement is for a 25 foot building setback. The request is for a 10 foot setback which is a 15 foot variance. Paul Pinneo was present on behalf of the request. Staff Recommendation Staff recommended approval subject to the following condition: 1. The cooling unit must be constructed within one year or the variance will become void. Board Discussion Perkins: The special session of the Board of Adjustment is now in session. For October 20, the item to be considered today is appeal #BA99-24 and this is submitted by Marshalltown Tools for a setback variance. Does staff have input on this? Conklin: I would like to thank the members of the Board of Adjustment for allowing us to have this special meeting today. Marshalltown Tools did approach the City requesting to install a cooler on the south side of their building. When we looked at their plans, we realized there was a 25 foot setback. The property is zoned I-2, Heavy Industrial. If you refer to page 1.6 in your agenda, we have a site plan showing the south building wall. We also discovered the existing building encroaches approximately 5 feet into the 25 foot setback. I have not been able to determine how that building was built 5 feet into the setback. At this time, staff recommends approving the variance. This adjoins the abandoned railroad right of way to the south. The applicant has requested to install a cooling unit in order to have a certain type of machinery in the building that requires it to be kept cool. The machinery is going to be located in the southeast corner of the building. I talked to the applicant and we looked at the possibility of locating the equipment on the east side of the building. However, Marshalltown Tools has future plans to expand to the east. They need to have this cooler in a permanent location on the south side of the building. As staff, we recommended that they request a variance. It is proposed to be located approximately 3 feet from the building. It is 7 feet wide and is on a stand. The applicant did bring with him the elevations of what the equipment will look like. It will be approximately 16 feet tall. Staff does recommend approval on both the existing building and the encroachment of the cooling tower. Board of Adjustment Minutes October 20, 1999 Page 3 Nickle: Will this interfere with the potential for redevelopment of the railroad right of way? Conklin: We still have a 100 foot railroad right of way to the south. They will be 10 feet from the actual right of way so this should not interfere at all. Perkins: There is talk about reopening that spur? Conklin: That is correct. The City has requested that the railroad provide service to the south industrial park. Perkins: We're considering both the cooler appeal and adjustment of the south wall of the building Conklin: That is correct. The current building encroaches 5 feet into the setback. Staff feels like we should grant the variance for the existing building and at the same time grant the variance for the construction of the cooling tower. Nickle: Do we need 2 separate motion on that? Conklin: 1 motion is fine as long as you describe it to cover both items. That would be acceptable. Perkins: Mr. Pinneo, do you have any input in addition to the staff background9 Pinneo: I have the drawing for you to review. Andrews: How far does that building come out? Pinneo: About 8 feet. MOTION Andrews: I'll move that we grant the variance for the existing building and construction of the cooler. Hanna: Second. Roll Call Upon roll call, the motion passed with a unanimous vote of 4-0-0. kllan/aa M. ANDREWS m m G. BOYD A,esarr EX N i T. HANNA aiD B. NICKLE ZND y MORTON A ,r ACSC I K. PERKINS \I