HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-07-03 Minutes• • • MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND SIGN APPEALS A regular meeting of the Board of Adjustments and Sign Appeals was held on July 3,1995 at 3:45 p.m. in the City Administration Building, Room 111, 113 W. Mountain St., Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Michael Andrews, Gerald Boyd, Bob Nickle, Marion Orton, Thad Hanna, and Craig Rivaldo. OTHERS PRESENT: Alett Little, Elaine Cattaneo, and others. No minutes were distributed for approval. VARIANCE 95-18 - BILL MANNKE 121 S. SCHOOL The first item on the agenda was a request for a variance of front setbacks including a variance of 18 feet along Rock Street to permit construction of a carriage house and garage and a variance of 12.5 feet along Rock Street for the current structure and a 4.4 feet variance along School Street. Staff recommended approval of the School Street variance to bring the current structure into conformance so renovations may continue. Staff recommended approval of the Rock Street variances subject to construction of the structures as shown and initiated within one year of the date of approval. Discussion ensued regarding construction plans and parking requirements. Mr. Boyd expressed concem regarding the size of the carriage house. Discussion ensued regarding whether or not the lot size was sufficient for both structures and Ms. Little stated the total building footprint was 3150 square feet and the lot contained 8100 square feet. Mr. Nickle commented the project was an in -fill development which City Council encourages. Discussion ensued. MOTION Mr. Boyd made a motion to grant the School Street variance. Ms. Orton seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed with a unanimous vote of 7-0-0. MOTION Mr. Boyd made a motion to approve the variances on Rock Street. Mr. Andrews seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed with a unanimous vote of 7-0-0. MOTION Mr. Andrews made a motion to limit the construction to the submitted drawings and initiation of construction with one year. Upon roll call, the motion passed with a unanimous vote of 7-0-0. • • Board of Adjustments and Sign Appeals July 3, 1995 Page 2 VARIANCE 95-19 - SHEP AKIN 1129 FIELDSTONE The next item on the agenda was a request for a 1.5 feet variance of the front setback to make legal a roof overhand on an existing structure. Staff recommended approval of the requested variance on the basis that the only valid excuse for incorrectly siting building was due to pulling measurements fro the wrong pins as was the subject case. Ms. Little stated the structure had a 2.5 overhang and was offset by 1.5 feet which made a noticeable difference in that the house was closer to the street. Mr. Akins made a statements regarding the pin locations. Discussion ensued regarding curving the curb, lot line adjustment, and tree preservation. MOTION Mr. Nickle made a motion to approve the variance. Mr. Boyd seconded. Upon roll call, the motion passed with a vote of 5-1-1. Mr. Andrews voted against the motion and Mr. Rivaldo abstained. • • Board of Adjustments and Sign Appeals July 3, 1995 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS VARIANCE 95-17 - GEORGANNE MORNEY 2009 ORA DRIVE Mr. Eric Robins represented Ms. Momey and he stated that instead of measuring from the overhang the measurement had been taken from the wall along the front. Ms. Little suggested pitching the roof from east to west. Discussion ensued regarding various options. MOTION Mr. Rivaldo made a motion to approve the variance to add an additional 1 feet on the front. Mr. Nickle seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed with a unanimous vote of 7-0-0. • • • Board of Adjustments and Sign Appeals July 3, 1995 Page 4 OTHER BUSINESS Ms. Little initiated discussion regarding setbacks and the history of same and she stated they provided light and air, allowed for street widening, and allowed turnaround room for emergency vehicles under roof overhangs. Ms. Little requested a standard be set to deal with small errors administratively. Discussion ensued. Mr. Nickle suggested a larger fee and pointed out that small errors in setbacks allow builders to pour less concrete. Mr. Boyd stated the errors were not always caught at the time of construction and expenses were potentially passed on to second or third buyers. Ms. Little inquired as to inspection's role in the process of setback enforcement. Discussion ensued. Mr. Rivaldo suggested that staff have authority to grant variance up to 5 feet. Mr. Hanna suggested staff have the authority to grant variance up to 2 feet and suggested a $100 fee for granting of same. Discussion ensued and Mr. Boyd and Mr. Andrews objected to the suggestions. Mr. Nickle stated there was consensus the fee should be adjusted.