HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01-16 Minutes• HINUttS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND THE BOARD OF SIGN APPEALS A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment/Sign Appeals was held on Monday, January 16, 1995, at 3:45 p.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Perkins, Gerald Boyd, Marion Orton, and Robert Nickle MEMBERS ABSENT: Thad Hanna, Lonnie Meadows and Craig Rivaldo OTHERS PRESENT: Don Fitzgerald, Sharon Langley, and others PROTOCOL Mr. Perkins called the meeting to order and explained the format of the meeting.' APPEAL NO. SA95-01 - REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM THE SIGN ORDINANCE SPORTS PARA OF ARKANSAS - 3485 WEDINGTON DRIVE The first item was Sign Appeal No. SA95-01 submitted by Rick Collins on behalf of Sports Park of Arkansas for property located at 3485 Wedington Drive and zoned A-1, Agricultural. The request was for a variance from the Sign Ordinance. Mr. Don Fitzgerald advised the purpose of the request was to seek relief for the tenants of the Sports Park to be allowed advertisement for their businesses. He noted the staff had informed Mr. Collins a joint identification sign was only allowed in a C-2 zoning district. He added Mr. Collins then applied for a rezoning petition and was encouraged by the Planning Staff to attempt to obtain relief by going through the sign appeal process instead. He pointed out a sports park was allowed in the A-1 zoning district as a commercial/recreational large site, Unit 4 and Unit 20 as a Condition Use. Mr. Fitzgerald explained the Sports Park currently had a 16 square foot sign which would not accommodate advertisement for recent new tenants. He added Mr. Collins wanted to place a sign at the rear of the island in the entrance drive. Mr. Fitzgerald pointed out if the joint identification sign was granted, Mr. Collins was also requesting the sign be allowed to be placed 5 feet closer than the ordinance allowed even in a C-2 zoning district. He stated Mr. Collins had indicated to him that moving the sign would involve a tremendous expense because of the electrical lines to the sign and due to the fact that the area was paved. Mr. Fitzgerald reiterated that the 77 square foot sign would be allowed under C-2 zoning as a joint identification sign, but was not allowed by ordinance in the A-1 zoning. He added, in the event that the sign appeal was granted, Mr. Collins was requesting approval to locate the sign 5 feet closer to the street right-of- way than allowed by ordinance. In answer to a question from Mr. Boyd, Mr. Fitzgerald explained the existing sign would be removed if the variance was granted. In answer to a question from Ms. Orton, Mr. Fitzgerald advised a joint identification sign size was based upon 500 square feet divided into the leasable square feet of the building which, in this case, would allow for over 100 square feet of sign space. He added a variance would still be needed to reduce the sign setback from the street right-of-way. Ms. Orton contended the 5 -foot variance would not make much difference. Mr. Collins advised the back of the island was 82 feet from the street right-of- way. He pointed out that, if the sign pole was placed just inside the island, the sign would be sticking out 3 1/2.feet which would make the sign setback 78 1/2 feet. He stated the existing light pole in that location would be removed. Board of Adjustment/ • Board of Sign Appeals January 16, 1995 Page 2 • O.) He pointed out there were eleven huge oak trees at the front of the property which blocked the visibility of the sign. In answer to further questions, Mr. Fitzgerald advised the square footage allowed on the sign was based on the allowable display surface area. He noted the C-2 zoning district stated the display surface area of a joint identification sign could be increased to one square foot per 500 square feet of leasable building area. He reiterated the total of the leasable building area in this case divided by 500 would allow a much greater display surface area than 77 feet. He explained that calculation only applied under joint identification which was only allowed under the C-2 zoning district regulations. Mr. Collins explained he first applied for zoning in 1991 to be allowed a Pro Shop selling merchandise and a restaurant. He noted his application was for C-2 zoning and a Condition Use under Use Unit 4 or 20 to serve all of his needs. He pointed out he was not made aware he would have problems with putting up the sign in the A-1 zone. He added his future development would be an 18 -hole putting course. Mr. Nickel pointed out the City benefitted by having the property remain zoned A-1 with all the green space. He inquired as to whether they could put a limitation on the signage in the event the property were sold. Mr. Fitzgerald stated their was a potential that the sign could be made larger in the future based on the formula given as a joint identification sign if more rental space was developed. He advised the current ordinance would be addressing only 77 square feet and only the 5 -foot setback. Mr. Boyd stated if the request was granted, it would allow the Sports Park all the rights of an area identification sign with just the 77 square feet. He contended that would be much better than rezoning the property to C-2 because of the potential for a more intense development in the future. There was further discussion and a determination was made that approval of the variance should be tied to the owner or to the life of the current conditional use. Ms. Sharon Langley pointed out the restaurant at the location was an accessory to the conditional use also. MOTION Mr. Boyd made a motion to grant the variance as requested with the condition that the variance be limited to the life of the conditional use and accessory to the conditional use which were currently tied to the property. The motion was seconded by Mr. Nickle. The motion carried with a unanimous vote. MINUTES The Minutes of the regular Board of Adjustment/Sign Appeals meeting of December 1, 1994 were approved as written. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 410. AKIN, SHEP (VA95-19) 41 AMIRMOEZ, LALEH (BA96-16) 101 AMIRMOEZ, LALEH (BA96-16) 90 BASS, CLAY (BA 96-11) 82 BRAYN, JIM (BA95-4) 34 BRYAN, JIM (BA95-4) 17 BRYAN, ERIC AND ELIZABETH (BA96-9) 78 BRYAN, ERIC AND ELIZABETH (BA96-9) 77 CENTRAL UNITED METHODIST CHRUCH (BA95-9) 21 CENTRAL EMS -TONY HICKERSON (BA95-30) 67 CHURCH OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (BA96-25.00) 112 CRAIN, SHEA (SA95-3) 13 CRONIN, SUSAN (BA96-4) 72 DUNAWAY, DUB (BA96-23.00) 107 DUNN, JACK (BA96-24.00) 110 ELECTION OF OFFICERS 39 ENGLAND, C.F. (BA95-1) 3 ENGLAND, C.F. (BA95-1) 12 FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CENTER- JAMES MYSHKA (SA95-7) 62 FAMILY CHIROPRACTIC CENTER- JAMES MYSHKA (SA95-7) 60 FAULKENBERRY, MERLE (BA96-3) 71 • FOURNET, DAVID (BA95-2) 7 GALBRAITH, MIKE (BA95-14) 30 GALBRAITH, MIKE (BA95-14) 27 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY (BA96-14) 84 HAMPTON INN, NIRVAN, INC. (SA95-2) 8 HARRISON, REBECCA, ROB SHARP FOR (BA95-12) 23 HESS, JEREMY (BA95-13) 25 HICKS, CHARLES (BA96-8) 76 HOUSE, GREG (BA96-31.00) 146 HUFF, DAVID (BA96-19) 94 J & P UTILITIES- MIKE TOOLEY (BA96-10) 79 J&P UTILITIES (BA96-1) 69 JACKSON, ROBERT LEE (BA95-16) 32 JACKSON, ROBERT LEE (BA95-16) 36 JAMES, ROBERT (V95-22) 54 JORGENSEN, DAVID (BA95-8) 20 LA TOUR, JOHN (BA96-28.00) 118 LITTLE, GARY (BA95-5) 11 MANNKE, BILL (V95-18) 40 MARR, JOHN (SA95-4) 14 MARVIN, KEN (BA96-12) 81 MOURNEY, GEORGANNE (V95-17) 42 MOURNEY, GEORGANNE (V95-17) 37 NEUMANN, KARL AND MARTHA ANDERSON (BA 96-6) 74 NOCK, JOHN (BA 95-28) 65 OSBORN, CARL AND NORMA (BA95-11) 22 OSTNER, ALAN M. (BA95-6) 18 OUSTERHOUT, DON (BA95-3) 10 OXFORD, RANDLE AND MARY (BA95-26) 61 PENNINGTON, MIKE (BA95-29) 66 PRENGER, MARK (BA96-20) 96 RUNKSMEIER, LARRY (BA 96-7) 75 SHARP, ROB FOR REBECCA HARRISON (BA95-12) 23 SIMPSON, LARRY (BA95-15) 28 SKELTON, VEARL AND SANDRA (BA96-27.00) 116 SPORTS PARK OF ARKANSAS (SA95-01) 1 STEPHENS, SUZIE (SA96-1) 87 TERNES, ANN (BA95-7) 19 THOMAS, MIKE AND JULIE GABLE (BA95-23) 56 UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH (BA96-26.00) 114 VINES, MARY K. FOR ALMA MEAD (BA95-24) 58 VIRVAM, INC. D/B/A HAMPTON INN (SA95-2) 8 WALKER, RALPH (BA95-27) 64 WALKER CONSTRUCTION (BA 96-5) 73 WALKER CONSTRUCTION (BA 96-21) 102 WEWISKA, JAMES (BA96-15) 89 WHITHAM, JEFFERY (BA96-29.00) 140 WILBORN, AMY (SA95-6) 29 WOMMACK, RICHARD (BA96-30.00) 145 WOMMACK, RICHARD (BA96-30.00) 142 WOODS, RHONDA (BA96-2) 70 WORDEN, CHARLES (BA96-22) 105 • • • BYLAWS FAYETTEVILLE BOARD OF SIGN APPEALS Article I: AUTHORIZATION The Fayetteville Board of Sign Appeals is established by the Sign Ordinance of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, which is hereinafter referred to as "the Ordinance". Article II: PURPOSE OF THE BOARD OF SIGN APPEALS A. To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged there is error in any order, requirement or interpretation made in the enforcement of the Ordinance. B To hear and decide requests for variances from the literal provisions of the Ordinance under the circumstances and to the extent permitted by the Ordinance. Article III: MEMBERS The members of the Board of Sign Appeals, hereinafter referred to as "the Board", shall be the same as the members of the Board of Adjustment. Article IV: OFFICERS The officers of the Board shall be the same as the Board of Adjustment. Article V: MEETINGS A. The Board shall met at a regular interval to be established by the Chair after consultation with the members of the Board. In addition, the Board may meet on call of the Chair, or Temporary Chair when the Chair is absent from the City. B. Notice of such meetings shall be published in a local newspaper at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. C. Unless otherwise specified by the Chair, Board meetings shall be held at the Fayetteville City Administration Building at 3:45 p.m. or immediately after the meeting of the Board of Adjustment if it meets the same day. • • • Article VI: QUORUM AND VOTE A. A quorum for the transaction of business shall be four (4) members. Each Board member, including the Chair, is entitled to one vote. The granting of any appeal or variance by the Board shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the members of the full Board. B. Any member of the Board who shall have direct or indirect interest in any sign or in any decision relating to such sign, which shall be the subject matter of, or affected by, a decision of the Board, shall be disqualified from participating in the discussion, decision or proceedings of the Board in connection therewith. Article VII: CONDUCT OF MEETINGS A. All meetings are open to the public unless the Board is in executive session. No official business shall be transacted during executive session, except privileged matters relating to personnel as allowed by law. B. The Board or its members may, at any time, confer informally with staff members. No business shall be transacted during such informal meetings. C. Meetings shall be conducted informally. The Chair shall make all rulings and determinations regarding the admissibility of evidence, the scope of the inquiry, the order in which evidence, objections and arguments shall be heard, and other like matters, except that any member shall be privilege to make inquiries personally and to call for a vote on any ruling of the Chair with which she/he does not agree, whereupon the vote shall determine the effective ruling. It shall be the purpose of the Chair to expedite all hearings, confining them to the presentation of only essential matters in the interest of saving time, but entertaining the presentation of sufficient matter to do substantial justice to all concerned. Final or official action shall be taken only in regular or special session of the Board of Adjustment after the hearing. The rules contained in Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the meeting insofar as they are applicable and do not conflict with the bylaws. • • • D. Each meeting of the Board at which applications for variances or appeals of decisions of the Building Inspector are heard shall be divided into (1) a public hearing portion, and (2) a deliberation and decision portion. Any member who intends to abstain when the vote is taken shall make this fact known when the Chair announces the public hearing on a request and shall not participate in any aspect related to that request. During the public hearing portion, the applicant or appellant or his or her representative shall be given an opportunity to explain the written application or appeal previously filed, and any other person present at the meeting shall be allowed to comment for a reasonable period of time. Any member of the Board may question any person who has spoken during the public hearing. Applications and appeals shall be called for hearing in the order presented on the Board's agenda published by the Planning Administrator. After the public hearing has been held regarding all applications or appeals to be presented at the meeting, the public hearing portion of the meeting will be terminated, and the deliberation and decision portion will begin. The Board will deliberate and decide upon the applications and appeals in the order they were heard in the public hearing. The Chair may permit variations in the order of presentation, and may permit deliberation and decision of a particular application or appeal by the Board prior to public hearing of other applications or appeals, in the event the Chair deems it expedient or otherwise justified. Both the public hearing and the deliberation and decision portions shall be open to any person, and although comments from the applicant or appellant and others, not members of the Board, who may be present will generally not be permitted during the deliberation and decision portion, the Chair may make discretionary excepts to this rule. E. No application for a variance or appeal shall be deliberated or voted upon by the Board, unless the applicant is present in person or represented by a duly authorized agent or attorney and the application shall automatically be denied without consideration by the Board. F. Roberts Rules of Order will be followed for • • • parliamentary procedures. Article VIII COMMITTEES The Board of Adjustment may establish such standing, special, or advisory committees as deemed necessary. Members of such committees may be persons other than members of the Board of Adjustment, but a member of the Board shall be named Chair (either active or ex -officio) of such committee. Article IX DETERMINATIONS A. In granting any variance or appeal, the Board may attach conditions or it may grant a partial or "lesser" variance or appeal than that requested if the Board concludes that such would be more consistent with provisions of the Ordinance and/or having less impact on the surrounding property. B. The Board shall not permit as a variance any sign the erection of which is prohibited by § 158.35 through 158.45 of the Ordinance. The Board may grant a variance from the provisions of § 158.07(A) where strict enforcement of said section would be unreasonable. C Any variance granted by the Board shall automatically be revoked if the applicant does not comply with the terms of the variance within thirty (30) days from the granting thereof; and, the applicant shall be required to comply with the literal provisions of the Ordinance. Article X: REHEARING A rehearing shall be for the sole purpose of calling attention to a factual error, omission or oversight. A request for a rehearing must be in writing and must state the basis for requesting a rehearing. Article XI: WITHDRAWALS No application, which has been docketed for public hearing and advertised for such shall be withdrawn, except as follows: 1. Except for cause and with a written request, no case shall be withdrawn. • 2 When the hearing has already been advertised, the Board must authorize the withdrawal by motion in public hearing. If the motion for withdrawal is passed, that same case shall not be resubmitted for a period of one year. 3 No applicant shall be allowed to withdraw an application during the public hearing. Article XII: DEFERRALS No application, which has been docketed for hearing and advertised, shall be deferred, except as follows: 1. Except for cause or with a written request, no case shall be deferred. 2. If re -notification of property owners is required, the applicant shall bear the burden of that cost. 3. In no case shall more than two requests for deferral from an application be granted. 4. In the public hearing, the Board may for cause • defer an application on its own motion. • Article XIII: APPEAL FROM BOARD DECISIONS An applicant may appeal a decision of the Board to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville in accordance with the procedure set forth in the Ordinances. These rules adopted by the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment on this day of , 19 . Larry Tompkins, Chair • • • BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/SIGN APPEALS This board hears and acts on appeals for variances of zoning and sign ordinances There are seven members who serve five-year terms ending April 1. This board meets the first and third Monday of each month at 3:45. MEMBERS TERM Paul Wilhelms 1109 Heath Drive Fayetteville, AR 72701 H) 575-0459 W) 444-6074 Larry Perkins 2840 Strawberry Fayetteville, AR 72703 H) 443-0677 W) 444-9245 Thad Hanna 319 Ila Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 H) 442-8882 W) 443-5467 Gerald Boyd 2008 Cleveland Fayetteville, AR 72701 W) 521-5971 Michael Andrews 1657 Timberridge Ct. Fayetteville, AR 72703 H) 443-1461 W) 443-7500 Marion Orton 1641 Ha!sell Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72701 H) 442-8036 W) 444-3433 Robert Nickle 1 Robinswood Ln. Fayetteville, AR 72701 H) 521-4438 W) 521-0220 10 (U) 02-06-96 to 04-01-96 Replaced Rivaldo 03-17-92 to 04-01-97 First Term Replaced Becker 03-17-92 to 04-01-97 First Term Replaced Tompkins 05-02-95 to 04-01-00 Third Term (U) 5-02-95 to 04-01-96 Replaced Meadows 04-01-93 to 04-01-98 First Full Term 05-02-95 to 04-01-00 First Full Term • • • BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/BOARD OF SIGN APPEALS Name/Address Craig Rivaldo 2005 East Oak Drive Fayetteville, AR 72703 Larry Perkins 2840 Strawberry Fayetteville, AR 72703 Thad Hanna 319 Ila Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Gerald Boyd 2008 Cleveland Fayetteville, AR 72701 Michael Andrews c/o Insty Prints 1717 N. College St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Marion Orton 1641 Halsell Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Robert Ntckle • 1 Robinswood Lane Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone 443-0950 (H) 575-1000 (W) 443-0677 (H) 444-9245 (W) 442-8822 (H) 524-5117 (W) 4-96 4-97 4-97 521-5971 (W) 4-00 443-1461 (H) 443-7500 (W) 442-8036 (H) 444-3433 (W) 5214438 (H).:,• 521-0220 (W) 4-96 4-98 Term Expires • • • BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/BOARD OF SIGN APPEALS Name/Address Craig Rivaldo 2005 East Oak Drive Fayetteville, AR 72703 Larry Perkins 2840 Strawberry Fayetteville, AR 72703 Thad Hanna 319 Ila Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Gerald Boyd 2008 Cleveland Fayetteville, AR 72701 Michael Andrews c/o Insty Prints 1717 N. College St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Marion Orton 1641 Halsell Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Robert Nickle 1 Robinswood Lane Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone 443-0950 (H) 575-1000 (W) 443-0677 (1-1) 444-9245 (W) 442-8822 (H) 524-5117 (W) 4-96 4-97 4-97 521-5971 (W) 4-00 443-1461 (H) 443-7500 (W) 442-8036 (H) 444-3433 (W) 521-4438 (H) 521-0220 (W) 4-96 4-98 Term Expires • • • BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT/BOARD OF SIGN APPEALS Name/Address Craig Rivaldo 2005 East Oak Drive Fayetteville, AR 72703 Larry Perkins 2840 Strawberry Fayetteville, AR 72703 Thad Hanna 319 Ila Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Gerald Boyd 2008 Cleveland Fayetteville, AR 72701 Michael Andrews c/o Insty Prints 1717 N. College St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Marion Orton 1641 Halsell Rd. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Robert Nickle 1 Robinswood Lane Fayetteville, AR 72701 Phone 443-0950 (H) 575-1000 (W) 443-0677 (H) 444-9245 (W) 442-8822 (H) 524-5117 (W) 4-96 4-97 4-97 521-5971 (W) 4-00 443-1461 (H) 443-7500 (W) 442-8036 (H) 444-3433 (W) 521-4438 (H) 521-0220 (W) 4-96 4-98 Term Expires 1 1 J RMCT1ON PESYD a `ID F SECOND HAMNA Q HANKA AkicaRAE y y Go Y Y D HAMMA Y 0 0 Y NicrLE Y eu y og-R31.1 a A A E).1r ENALCO y a eccY e EDAM GE /3 orusrmarr5 7 Sciu /krn z VOTING LGG FOR ghh /95 MOTION NfirnE SECOND eCN ANs AST H"AmmA 8 g r rai\e„ N. Y M LCrLF F Y CET \I 9 0 a + 5 MOT_JN KIVALt SECOND I IC, �� 2 A y 3� Sa/D PcESEKIT y 'RUINA ' V l tLE P2LSEuf ' a pessEm Y 10101.1 .WALDO PKE58.1T Y PE2K.t NS RESENT VOTING LOG FOR < < /O(c) /95 • • i f MOTION kicr E- ti$ "t4 SECOND MALCO [7Q DeE:Ws Paa3FF 7 ASN 1 NI FOYD 5E3TT $ karn 'HANNA 111\11 Nicxws pec,5.r a 7 y a Feu FeESGUT N ( v I CiNsasi rr ( / OVA WO 1 1 MOTION 5\0 SECOND Mate I� ON 8 1—a 1 &ID 6 y -PIEC.1045 L. el Y MI('rly 1 ANO icL kit -NINA E c-tvALD07 , MOTION SECOND aN `( Y `( RANNA Y 7 Y -.ho Y Y Gm y 7 Y 7 maims Y NI Y y Aas- RECEIVED DEC 0 1 1995 CITY PLANNING DEPT. November 29, 1995 Ms. Alett Little Planning Director City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 RE: Resignation from Board of Adjustment Dear Ms. Little: Please accept this letter as notice to you and the City of Fayetteville that effective December 1, 1995, I will resign my position on the Board of Adjustment Committee. The resignation is due to the fact that I will be moving outside the city limits. I have considered it an honor to be able to help serve the City of Fayetteville in this capacity. If you need any further information from me, please let me know. Sincerejy, Craig A. Rivaldo