HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-17 MinutesMINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND THE BOARD OF SIGN APPEALS A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, May 17, 1993, at 3:45 p.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. Members Present: Marion Orton, Gerald Boyd, Larry Perkins, Bob Blackston, and Thad Hanna Members Absent: Lonnie Meadows Others Present: Tim Conklin, Murphy Hartshorn, Madelyn Harris, Doug Mariten, and Richard Wilson PROTOCOL Mr. Larry Perkins called the meeting to order. He explained the format of the meeting. APPEAL NO. SA93-4 - REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SIGN ORDINANCE DR. FLOYD HARRIS - 2001 GREEN ACRES ROAD The first item to be heard was a request that had been tabled at the last meeting for a variance from the Sign Ordinance presented by Madelyn Harris for property located on 2001 Green Acres Road. The property is zoned R-0, Residential -Office. Mr. Conklin reminded the Board the free standing sign in question had already been constructed and installed on the site. He stated the applicant had been advised to bring the sign into compliance with the sign regulations with a reduction of 4 square feet of sign area or to apply for a variance from the Board. He noted the applicant had already moved the sign further back on the site to meet the setback requirement. Mr. Conklin explained the staff had reviewed the placement of the sign and determined that the sign was aesthetically pleasing, and that its height was preferable to a pole sign. He stated the site visibility triangle at the street intersection was not impaired. He recommended approval of the requested variance and felt the sign should not be required to be reduced in area. Mr. Boyd asked if Section (B)(7) of the Sign Ordinance, which stated "No other signs shall be permitted on the property unless, due to practical difficulties, the Board of Sign Appeals grants a variance," applied to this variance request. Ms. Harris stated there had been no discussion of the joint identification wall sign. Mr. Wilson stated the joint identification wall sign did not apply to the referenced section of the ordinance. /S 7 Board of Adjustments • May 17, 1993 Page 2 • • Mr. Boyd questioned how Section (B)(7) was interpreted. Mr. Hanna stated professional signs were exempted. Mr. Blackston explained Section (B)(7) did not apply in this matter. He stated he was in favor of granting the variance. He noted the attractiveness of the sign and stated the street visibility was not hindered. MOTION Mr. Blackston moved to grant the requested variance. Mr. Hanna seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. 178 Board of Adjustments May 17, 1993 Page 3 APPEAL NO. SA93-7 - REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FROM SIGN ORDINANCE DOUG MARITEN - 3251 NORTH COLLEGE "GOLDIE'S PATIO GRILL RESTAURANT" The next item was a request for a variance presented by Doug Mariten for property located at 3251 North College. The property is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial. Mr. Conklin explained the requested variance was to allow a 72 square foot sign 25' high and 25' from the front property line, where, Section 158.47 (C)(3)(A) only allowed a 30 square sign with a maximum height of 22.5'. He stated the applicant had proposed an addition that would extend the front of the building 15 feet towards the street. He noted this action would require relocation of the sign. Mr. Conklin recommended the Board deny the variance request. He stated other commercial businesses along North College had met the sign requirements for free standing signs. He further stated the business could consider another location for their proposed expansion to eliminate the need for relocating their freestanding sign. He noted the applicant had the option to relocate the sign to an area where it was permitted or increase the height of the sign to 30' to provide greater visibility or use a wall sign. Mr. Mariten stated he would be unable to relocate the sign in a permitted area on either side of the building because the height of the building would make the sign visible only from one direction. He noted the sign aesthetics and pointed out that if the sign had to be moved the contour of the roof pinch with the sign would not be appealing. He stated he wanted what was simplest and what would be the least cost. Mr. Boyd questioned if the sign could be considered a wall sign and also questioned if the original sign was conforming. There was discussion regarding the original conformity of the sign. The decision was made that the sign was conforming at the time of the original sign permit. Mr. Blackston suggested removing the marques in order to reduce the square footage of the existing sign. Mr. Hanna stated Mr. Mariten would then only need a one foot variance. Mr. Mariten agreed to remove the marques in order to closer conform to sign requirements. !s9 Board of Adjustments • May 17, 1993 Page 4 • MOTION Mr. Hanna moved to grant the one foot variance request. Mr. Blackston seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. MINUTES The minutes of May 3, 1993 meeting of the Board of Adjustment were approved as distributed. NEW BUSINESS It was decided that the Board would start preliminary discussion of Sign Ordinance revisions at the next meeting and the decision was made that the Board would be the Sign Ordinance Revision Committee. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. iGo