HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-10-07 Minutes (2)• • MINUTES OF A JOINT BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING A special joint meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Directors and Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, October 7, 1991, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: Mayor Fred Vorsanger, Shell Spivey, Ann Henry, Mike Green, Gerald Boyd, Don Mills, Robert Davis, Larry Tompkins, Lonnie Meadows, and Marion Orton Bob Blackston, Dan Coody, Julie Nash, and Dennis Becker Scott Linebaugh, Jerry Kevin Crosson, LaGayle Langley Rose, John Merrell, McCarty, and Sharon Mr. Tompkins welcomed the Board of Directors and thanked them for meeting with the Board of Adjustment. He explained they had requested the meeting with the thought that it might be of interest to the Board of Directors to exchange ideas regarding the role of the Board of Adjustment. He further explained the Board looked basically at the entire concept -- they were interested in both the individual and the community. He stated they were quite interested in enforcement of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Boyd pointed out the Board rarely received feedback from the Directors, and when the Board heard lawsuits had been settled they did not know if it was because the Directors disagreed with their decisions. Mr. Green explained it was basically an open loop system with not much feedback. He expressed his belief the Directors needed to be able to communicate policy to the Board of Adjustmentwhich in turn needed to be able to communicate their reasons for denying variances to the Directors. Ms. Mills asked if it would assist the Directors to have a member of the Board of Adjustment at the Director's agenda meetings. Ms. Henry explained she was not sure that would solve the problem. She.further explained the Board of Adjustment had been set up to take the decisions out of the political arena. She explained that in settling a lawsuit the Board acted as the jury. She asked if there was anything the Directors could do to assist the Board of Adjustment. • Ms. Mills explained that there was no means of enforcement of zoning violations. When inspectors saw violations, the only thing eiv Board of Adjustments 1991 Page 2 they could do was issue a stop work order. She stated the fact that the inspectors had no clout had been a problem for years. Ms. Henry asked if the ordinance needed to be re -written, giving clout to the inspection department. Mr. Boyd suggested allowing the inspectors to issue tickets. Ms. Mills stated she often thought the Directors did not understand the reasoning of the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Spivey asked if they knew of any cities writing violations for zoning matters. Mr. Tompkins stated there were many cities in both Maryland and Connecticut issuing tickets. Mr. Rose explained that now a violation was a misdemeanor and that notification needed to be made to Terry Jones, City Prosecutor. He further explained that, when an applicant filed suit appealing the Board of Adjustment's decision, the Court ignored the Board's decision and substituted their judgment. He stated that, as an attorney, he had been taught that settlements were to be desired and was not an admission of wrong. Mr. Rose also explained that the Board of Adjustment'sy-laws were more stringent than the statute and any lawsuit would be based on the statute, not the by-laws. Ms. Henry pointed out that, when a settlement is reached rather than going to court, hopefully the cost is enough to prohibit the violator from violating the code again. Mr. Vorsanger stated he had reviewed city code 160.70 prior to attending the meeting to refresh his memory. He stated he believed the Board of Adjustment was doing a good job, that they were following code to the letter. He stated they might be doing too good of a job, that they appeared to be inflexible. He explained his decision regarding the Ryan case. He stated it was helpful to have someone from the Board of Adjustment present to answer questions regarding a case they were considering settling. Ms. Mills stated she still thought they needed to get back to ways to stop a violation before it got to the point of the applicant filing suit. She stated she believed the inspection division needed more clout. • Mr. Spivey stated he would appreciate a Board of Adjustment member being at the agenda meetings when there was discussion of setting Board of Adjustments 91 Page 3 a variance matter so they could answer any questions the Directors might have. Mr. Boyd stated if the criteria being used to decide cases was too tough to stand up in court, perhaps it should be changed; otherwise, they were wasting their time. Mr. Rose suggested that whenever he received a settlement offer on a variance matter he would call the chairman or his designee and contact John Merrell. Mr. Tompkins reminded the Board that they also ruled on interpretation of the zoning code. Mr. Rose stated that had not been a problem so far. He explained that all of the recent lawsuits was because the attorneys had figured out a lawsuit was a quick way to get the case to the Board of Directors. Mr. Green suggested the Board of Adjustment might be more flexible in the way they looked at the cases. Mr. Boyd stated the Board would appreciate a letter from Mr. Rose after a case had been settled setting forth the concerns Mr. Rose had in taking the case to court. He explained perhaps the Board could then make adjustments in other cases. Mr. Tompkins again thanked the Board of Directors for meeting with them and stated the Board of Adjustment would forward any of their ideas to the Board of Directors. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m. •