HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-01-15 Minutes:r :0 •I 11•�i I 0)414XQ OWN A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held on Monday January 15, 1990, at 3:45 p.m. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Mills, Dennis Becker, Larry Tompkins, Gerald Boyd and Robert Davis a+nu a Dee Wright PRESENT: Freeman Wood, John Merrell and Elaine Cattaneo The minutes of the regular meeting on December 18, 1989 were approved as distributed. APPEAL NO. BA90-1 - VARIANCE FROM BUILDING SETBACKS JOHN WATKINS - 669 CLIFFSIDE DRIVE The second item on the agenda was Appeal No. BA90-1 for a Variance from the Building Setback submitted by John Watkins and represented by Albert Skiles, Architect. The property is located at 669 Cliffside Drive and zoned R-1, Low • Density Residential. The request was to vary the building setback from the front property line by 8' (from the required 25' to 17'). Albert Skiles, Architect, stated that they are asking for an 8' variance on the front building setback from the proposed carport to the property line. He advised that their main concerns are to try to save several trees that are located right around the area of the proposed carport and to try to build on this lot with minimal disruption of the property. There are two houses on either side of this lot that are rather close to the property lines. There are some considerations of not disturbing the ground because of soil problems in the area which requires piers to be dug for all houses along this street. The neighbors have voiced concern about this proposed house and carport not being put too close to their house or too much excavation being done that would perhaps disrupt their foundations. This proposed configuration fulfilled the requirements of the clients and minimal disturbance of the lot with the loss of maybe one tree. The idea is to create a carport in front of the house in order to avoid constructing a long driveway back to the house. Moving this carport back would probably cause a loss of a great deal of the trees on the lots and there is also a particularly steep incline on the lot. He advised that they have gathered not only approval of their variance from the neighbors, but also actual recommendations from them encouraging the Board of Adjustment to consider this. Mr. Skiles noted that as he understands it according to the ordinance, they could put a carport at this location without a variance but they couldn't put a roof over it. However, none of the property owners around here would be happy with • an uncovered carport here. Visually, this carport will not appear to be right on the road because the road is 10' to 12' up above this. To preserve this design, their options are either to leave the driveway as is with no roof on the 0\ • Board of Adjustment January 15, 1990 Page 2 carport or to back the carport up another 8' which would require piers being dug and change the distance off the ground from about 2' as planned to about 6'. He advised that they have obtained letters in support of this from Frank Broyles who owns three lot across the road, Dr. Joe Henley who lives on one side, Dr. Donnie Holden who lives next door on the other side, Roy Stanley who lives down the street, Bill Outhouse who lives on Cliffside and Dan Ferritor who lives near here. They presented the letters to the Board for review. He further stated that Drs. Henley and Holden both have copies of the site plan showing the proposed development. He stated that they have taken great care to preserve the natural beauty of the site and they feel that their variance request would be in keeping with the intent and desires of the neighborhood. He presented photographs of the lot showing the trees and lay of the land along with the proposed location of the carport. John Watkins stated that he purchased the lot from Dr. Henley who is very concerned about what development is going to take place here. He added that they discussed their preliminary construction plans with Dr. Henley before they applied for a variance. • Albert Skiles stated that they weren't aware until today that there was going to be any objection to the variance as the staff report reflects. At that time, they collected the letters of support from the neighborhood to present to the Board. In answer to a question from Mr. Boyd, John Merrell stated that the staff hadn't received any opposition to this. Chairman Mills asked if there was anyone else in the audience that would like to speak in favor or in opposition to this appeal. There being no response, it was turned over to the Board members. In answer to a question from Mr. Tompkins, Mr. Skiles stated that they would potentially lose seven trees if they move the carport back 8'. Mr. Tompkins noted that when he drove by the site, most of the trees looked like they were kind of old and rotten. Mr. Watkins stated that one of the trees is rotten and will have to be taken out no matter what, but the others look pretty nice during the leafy season when they are trimmed. He added that the trees they would lose if they move the carport back would be among the nicest trees on the lot. In his opinion, any trees are better than no trees. Mr. Tompkins noted that the houses in the rest of the neighborhood are really built up with a lot of fill. He asked if the other houses have any problems. Mr. Watkins advised that the house next door has a foundation problem, although Dr. Henley's house doesn't because it was built on piers. Gene O'Neil, an engineer, worked with Dr. Henley and he is also working with them on this Isproposed development to try to eliminate any problems. Mr. Skiles stated that they haven't done the engineering yet, but they have been made aware that all the other houses along here have piers and the ones that don't have cracks. `12 • Board of Adjustment January 15, 1990 Page 3 Mr. Watkins noted that the farther they move the garage back, the more support difficulties they will have because of the slope of the lot. He advised that the lot isn't uniform and there are two sections where it is almost flat: the upper section where the carport is designed to go and the lower section where the house is designed to go with a slope in between. Therefore, the placement of the carport will make the difference in a 2' retaining wall and a 6' retaining wall. Mr. Tompkins clarified that they are satisfied that sitting the carport close, which appears to be totally out of character with the rest of the neighborhood, will not be detrimental to the aesthetic aspects of the neighborhood. Mr. Skiles answered, yes, although there are some houses in this neighborhood that are right near the road. He added that he doesn't see anything out of character with their design approach even though it will be different from the houses on either side. Mr. Tompkins stated that he thinks it is out of character to have the carport out front. Mr. Watkins advised that the people who live nearby obviously don't share any concern about the aesthetics since they are in agreement with the plan. He advised that he wanted to avoid having a basement because of the problems he has had with basements in the past hence this design. • In answer to a question from Mr. Boyd, Mr. Skiles stated that the carport would be open on at least two sides because of the drive through with the circle drive. Mr. Watkins noted that they would like this to be more -like a gazebo or a pavilion instead of the standard carport and it will be connected to the house with a covered walkway. Chairman Mills stated that if they move it back, it won't really bother the way it looks but will require considerable more excavation, piers, etc. Mr. Watkins advised that it would do three things: 1) cause them to lose the trees, 2) require a 6' retaining wall rather than a 2' one which would have an effect on the way the lot looks from the house and 3) require some structure changes and a lot more fill on the lot. Mr. Tompkins stated that he is quite interested in the soil problem. He doesn't understand the soil problem in the sense that it is going to be that detrimental to the garage. In answer to a question from Mr. Tompkins, Mr. Skiles stated that there have been problems with soil movement on the house next door which has caused a crack in the foundation wall of the garage. Freeman Wood, Inspections Superintendent, stated that he would be of the opinion that in this location there will be some soil movements and could be some cracks in the foundation without piers. Mr. Skiles stated that they plan to put in piers no matter what. Mr. Watkins noted that they want to avoid the high retaining wall. Mr. Becker asked who is writing the guarantee on the two trees that look like • they are less than a foot off the corner of the carport on the proposed site location. He advised that in his experience, getting that close to a tree with development could kill it. Mr. Watkins noted that his position is that he would 1I� • Board of Adjustment January 15, 1990 Page 4 rather take a chance of it surviving than knowing it is going to be cut down. Mr. Becker stated that he doesn't think this is a case of just dealing with 17' vs 25' because most of the houses through here are a lot farther back than the 25'. He noted that he thinks it would be better to move back the 8' and deal with the difference. He noted that he sees a lot of trees that won't be affected by moving the carport back. Mr. Watkins stated that with regard for the setbacks of the other homes, the 8' isn't going to make a lot of difference in terms of how it looks next to the other houses. The concern is the trees. Mr. Skiles advised that they are 12' below the street level where it is shown now and the roof line would be the same in relation to the street if the carport were moved back. Mr. Davis stated that with this driveway design, there will be a swimming pool in front when it rains. Mr. Tompkins stated that they could look into putting the carport in some of the other areas on the lot that don't indicate trees. Mr. Skiles noted that either • one of those cases would make for a lot more cement. There is a basic conflict here of a setback vs ending up with something not meeting the aesthetics. This design seemed to meet the requirements of the client as well as the concerns of the neighbors. Mr. Watkins noted that if the carport is put on the side of the lot, it would be closer to the neighbors houses. The closer we put it to the property line, the more the neighbors are concerned about the affect of this building on their foundations. The public hearing was closed. Mr. Becker stated that he thinks there are some topographical considerations and the better conditioned trees would be affected by relocating the carport. The fact that it is a downhill side lot has a lot to do with the visual appearance of the carport. Moving it back the 8' really becomes a moot point in the sense of satisfying the Code as opposed to saving the trees. He added that he would hope that this Board is flexible enough to understand the original intent of the ordinance of protecting the neighborhood, etc. There would not be any less visual appearance if it was moved back unless it was lined up with the other homes. He advised that he would go along with the design as an attempt to save those trees with as little disruption to the lot as possible. Mr. Tompkins stated that he concurs with Mr. Becker, but he sees other alternatives from the design point of view. He added that he feels that a hardship can't be justified and that he is opposed to the variance. Mr. Boyd stated that any way this can be developed so that there is a minimum • fill and cut is an advantage. He noted that he does see this as a hardship lot. Chairman Mills noted that she feels like all the lots out here are somewhat of \1A • Board of Adjustment January 15, 1990 Page 5 this nature. With some work, possibly the carport could be set back and the ground used. Trees that are lost could be replaced with new trees. She noted that with the other houses set so far back, even if they meet the setback this house will look a little out of sync. MOTION Mr. Boyd moved to approve the variance as submitted as a carport with the two ends open, seconded by Davis. The motion passed 3-1-0 with Boyd, Becker & Davis voting "yes" and Tompkins voting "no". 1'1 •I.. '1 11M: U' '1'G' 1' i � 1 C' �• The third item on the agenda was appeal #BA90-2 submitted by ERC Properties, Inc. and represented by Tom Parks for property located at 4053 Cambray Drive (Lot 22 of Brookhollow Subdivision). The request was to vary the front building setback from the required 25' to 21.8' with a deficiency of 3.2'. The property is zoned R-2, Medium Density Residential. • Tom Parks , Production Manager for ERC Properties, stated that it is very plain that the reason for this appeal was just simple error. He commented that the staff's recommendation as he sees it in the staff report is that the Board of Adjustment issue a letter in the City's name stating that at such point in time as they sell the house, enforcement will not be taken. Mr. Davis advised that the staff is recommending a letter, not the Board of Adjustment. Mr. Parks noted that they have an offer on the house and they certainly recognize that it is in violation of the setback requirements. He stated that if this variance is denied and the loan companies, abstract and title companies will not accept a letter as is suggested in the staff report, he is at a loss as to where they would go from here. Chairman Mills asked how the house was first sold to the people who live in it now. Mr. Parks stated that they have an accepted offer and the buyers have been approved on the basis of the balance of their application and in the process of the loan company processing their loan a final survey was done. This final survey was the point at which the encroachment was discovered. He noted that he was not aware that the people had moved into the house until he got in town this week. The Vice -President of Sales at ERC Properties has stated that the house was sold at what they had in it. At this point, if they are unable to close permanent financing on the house, he doesn't know where they will go from here. In answer to a question from Mr. Davis, Mr. Parks stated that he would have to surmise based on the reports that he has received that the people have been • living in the house two weeks at the maximum and he assumes that they are living there on a rental basis. He stated that ERC Properties is not financing the mortgage; their mortgage division was disbanded. He commented that it is his 11� • Board of Adjustment January 15, 1990 Page 6 understanding that this loan is with a loan company entirely unassociated with ERC Properties. John Merrell, Planning Management Director, stated that the staff has a copy of the survey that was done by Crafton, Tull & Associates dated December 27, 1989. This survey indicates that it was done for Thomas D. & Vicki A. Hill. Mr. Parks stated that the Hills are the people who are currently in the house. Chairman Mills stated that she is assuming that the footage of 21.8' is from the property line to the side of the house rather than the eave of the house. Mr. Parks stated that he believes that distance is from the property line to the eave of the house because the people at Crafton, Tull & Associates are very much aware of the City's requirements that the setback be from the property line to the eave of the structure. Chairman Mills noted that ordinarily the surveyors measure to the side of the structure rather than to the eave. Mr. Becker commented that unless the survey notes that the setback distance is from the property line to the eave, you have to assume that it is to the base of the house. Normal engineering practice is to note it on the survey if the measurement is anything other than the distance from the property line to the base of the house. • Mr. Parks stated that the superintendent who built this has been terminated and is no longer an employee of ERC Properties. He advisedthat when he looked through the records on this, he noted on the plans that what would have been a normal 12" overhang had been shortened. It appeared from dimensions on the plans that it was noted very early on that the house was going to a tight fit and maybe that overhang was shortened in an attempt to get in conformance. In answer to a question from Larry Tompkins, Mr. Parks stated that it is part of the bedroom that is encroaching. Mr. Parks advised that he is has taken some steps to prevent this kind of careless mistake in the future. He is now paying their engineers to go to the job sites twice: once to locate the corners prior to any grading or preparation and then a second time, after the size of the house is decided, to locate those corners again prior to digging the footings. This is to make sure that they are complying to City Code. Mr. Merrell noted that relative to the statement he made in the staff report regarding the best way to handle this, he had spoken with the former City Attorney on this some months ago related to another case. He advised that he wants to amend his staff recommendation such that he would recommend that the Board postpone their vote on this in order to allow time for him and the new City Attorney, Jerry Rose, to discuss this. Mr. Rose may have a different feeling on that. • Chairman Mills clarified that Mr. Merrell is recommending that this appeal be tabled until he can meet with the City Attorney on this. �16 • Board of Adjustment January 15, 1990 Page 7 MOTION Mr. Becker moved to table this request until the next meeting (first Monday in February), seconded by Davis. The motion passed 3-1-0 with Boyd, Becker & Davis voting "yes" and Tompkins voting "no". In answer to a question from Mr. Parks, Chairman Mills advised that a letter as an amendment to this survey stating whether the setback shown is from the property line to the side of the house or from the property line to the eave of the house would suffice. OTHER BUSINESS Item U1: Ethics Disclaimers Chairman Mills reminded all the members to turn in their required Ethics Disclaimers by the 31st of January to the City Clerk. Item #2: Clarification of Staff's Report Chairman Mills asked for clarification on the recommendation in the staff's isreport regarding appeal BA90-2. Mr. Merrell stated that he was implying that perhaps the staff could review "after the fact" --setback encroachments administratively. He noted that they did have one other situation last summer that was similar to this one. The former City Attorney felt that the staff had enough latitude to handle it administratively with a letter to the loan company. Mr. Merrell stated that he would feel more comfortable addressing the Board of Adjustment on this after he has spoken with Jerry Rose, the current City Attorney, to get his input. Mr. Tompkins stated that the Board of Adjustment is a discretionary administrative body not a judicial and it appears to him that when they get into this, it could be carried on quite a ways. Mr. Merrell advised that he has a lot of respect for the Board of Adjustment and he wants to do what they think is best. His main concern, no matter how these "after the fact" encroachments are handled, is that the message that is being sent to the builders isn't that it is o.k. to go out and build a house too close to the property line and expect relieve from this Board or the staff after the fact. Mr. Davis stated that if the staff had that opinion from Mr. McCord last summer, why did it not figure into the Charms Homes appeal by Wade Bishop. Mr. Merrell stated that his recollection is that this opinion from the City Attorney came after the Charm Homes appeal. Chairman Mills noted that they have always been extremely concerned about the errors that the builders make. • Freeman Wood, Inspections Superintendent, stated that the staff doesn't check the building setbacks; it is the owner's responsibility to make sure they comply. 111 • Board of Adjustment January 15, 1990 Page 8 Mr. Merrell stated that he will meet with Freeman Wood and the City Attorney to discuss the administrative policies on this. Item 03: Report on Design Review Practices Mr. Tompkins stated that there is a movement throughout the world looking at design review practices. There are established committees in various communities in Europe and England that will actually review the design of a house; the aesthetics and the appearance of all structures. He advised that there are now about 2,000 communities in the United States that have a Design Review Committee. He noted that he has some material on the things that were discussed at the meeting in New Orleans that he just attended. He stated that he sees this to be a rather significant movement; one which he thinks is going to continue to become more and more important in the United States in the next ten years. Item #4: Report on Planning Commission meetings Mr. Becker, who has been attending the Planning Commission meetings, gave a report on the last few meetings. • There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 p.m. • 01 PAGE SUBJECT DATE 125 BA89-2, Wade Bishop, 1537 Thornhill 2-20-89 128 BA89-1, First Assembly of God, 550 E. 1Sth 2-20-89 BA89-2, Wade Bishop, 1S37 Thornhill 4-3-89 .32 37 BA89-2 Rehearing, 1537 Thornhill 4-17-89 145 BA89-42 Karl Thiel $ John Lewis 7-3-89 150 BA89-6, Packaging Specialties, 1663 Armstrong 8-7-89 159 BA89-8, Don Ward, 201SO Huntsville Rd. 11-6-89 161 BA89-9, Dave Letsch, 313 IV. Dickson 11-6-89 165 BA89-9, Scott Lunsford, 513 N.,Washington 12-18-89 171 BA90-1, John Watkins, 669 Cliffside Dr. 1-15-90 175 BA90-2, ERC Properties, 4052 Cambray Dr. 1-15-90 179 BA90-2, ERC Properties, 4053 Cambray Dr. 2-5-90 182 BA90-3, Leslie Goodman, 2-19-90 183 Discussion of 2010 2-19-90 187 BA90-4, Clyde Iglinsky, 931 Shrewsbury 3-5-90 188 ERC Violation Discussion 3-5-90 190 Discussion of 2010 3-5-90 194 BA90-6, Mildred Gracian, 221 E. Lafayette. 4-2-90 197 BA90-8, Jeff Roberts, 2000 N. Crossover S-7-90 198 BA90-9, George Faucette, 3208 Wroxton S-7-90 201 BA90-7. Kern Jackson, 235 Baxter Lu. 5-21-90 206 BA90-7, Kern Jackson, 23S Baxter L`n. 6-4-90 208 BA90-10, Floyd Harris 6-4-90 211 BA90-11 Through BA90-14, BMP Development, Fiesta Park Ph. I 6-18-90 215 BA90-15, Patricia O'Leary, 3S2 Rollston 7-16-90 219 BA90-12- DENNIS CAUDLE - 4559 WEDINGTON 8-20-90 212 BA90-18- GEORGR'S MAGESTIC LOUNGE - S19 WEST DICKSON ST. 10-1-90 BA90-20- DAVID KERWIN - 1000 SOUTH COLLEGE AVE. 10-15-90 �24 27 BA90-21- Katherine Gay - 324 Sutton ST. 11-19-90 228 BA90-22 -JOE PAUL -668 GRAY AVE. 11-19-90 230 BA90-23- DENNIS HARPER - 164S SOUTH SCHOOL AVE. 11-19-90 233 BA90-25- DAVE $ JUDY STEVENS - S OF CATO SPS, W OF 71 BYPASS 12-3-90 238 BA90-26- RICHARD PAKMER - 818 POLLARD AVE. 1-7-91 241 BA90-27- GEORGE FAUCETTE - W OF GREGG AVE, S OF DOUGLAS ST. 1-7-91 242 INFORMAL PRESENTATION BY RICHARD SHEWMAKER ABOUTPOLK BUILLDING 1-7-91. ON DICKSON ST. • i 1 7 m � b 2 A m �I C_