HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-08-07 Minutes0 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTMEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held on Monday August 7, 1989, at 3:45 p.m. in Room Ill of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Mills, Dennis Becker, Larry Tompkins, Gerald Boyd, Dee Wright, and Robert Davis :r.9.W64:;,Mazy 6A 'JfrZss The minutes of the regular meeting on July 3, 1989 will be approved at the next regular meeting. BA89-6 - PACKAGING SPECIALTIES - Request to Vary Building Setback Chester Dean & Jay Berryman - 1663 Armstrong Avenue The only item on the agenda was a setback variance submitted by Jay Berryman on behalf of Packaging Specialties located at 1663 Armstrong Avenue and zoned I-2, General Industrial. • Mr. Berryman stated that he is the General Manager of .Packaging Specialties. The city has a sewer easement adjacent to the property and two years ago they installed a new sewer line and missed their easement. This was discovered while trying to build a new addition to the property. Since they were short on property within the current building guidelines, they have asked for an adjustment to be able to build on the back part of the property. This will encroach on the 25 foot setback shown on the drawings. He would like to be able to use the property. Dennis Becker stated that he would be abstaining. Gerald Boyd asked where the sewer easement is located. Mr. Berryman stated that it runs across the property and they have lost 14 to 15 feet that they can't build on which takes about 3,000 square feet away. He added that they were not able to build adjacent to the easement and had to discontinue building and redo the whole construction program. Larry Tompkins asked why was a 7' sewer required. Mr. Berryman explained that 7 feet is needed to get construction into it. Mr. Boyd asked what was on top of the posts on the south side and Mr. Berryman explained that it was where Swepco is bringing new power in but it is not involved in this appeal. Mr. Tompkins asked if drainage creates a problem. Mr. Berryman said it would not because all the shed will be taken to the front of the building. Is Mr. Davis stated that this variance in no way infringes on either the oil distributor or the construction company or causes them any hardship. l0 • Board of Adjustment August 7, 1989 Page 2 Mr. Boyd asked if anything explosive was involved. Mr. Berryman explained that Packaging Specialties has plastic film and prints logos for wrapping commercial products. This process is flammable, but not explosive. Freeman Wood sitting in for John Merrell stated that in order for this to be built according to building code regulations and depending on whether the shed will be a wooden structure or all metal, a Type 5 construction would have to have a two-hour rated wall to protect the property on the other side. A Type 4 has to have a one hour rated wall. One hour rated is 5/8 fireguard sheetrock. Mr. Tompkins asked if the expansion of the industry will impact the parking. Mr. Berryman said there is space for 64 or 68 parking spaces which is beyond the requirements for parking. Mr. Tompkins asked if Mr. Berryman had looked for any alternatives of building within the 25 foot setback. Mr. Berryman said that SWEPCO is bringing more power in an area that limited them. They also have a lot of expensive air -handling equipment. The front section is the office and this area is dedicated to any office expansion. Bulk storage tanks, dumpsters, and parking limit expansion • areas. Chairman Mills asked if the addition would be separated by metal walls. Mr. Berryman said that most of the addition would open up into the plant, but they would have to compartmentalize within the fire code restrictions. The interior petitions may change. MOTION Mr. Davis moved to grant this variance, seconded by Boyd and followed by discussion. Mr. Tompkins stated that the landscaping, parking, etc. add to the intent of the industrial park and there is enough space that with some adjustments in design the encroachment of 25 feet would not be needed. Dee Wright stated this is partially the City's fault. The motion passed 3-1-1 with Boyd, Wright and Davis voting "yes", Tompkins voting "no" and Becker "abstaining". OTHER BUSINESS: ITEM #1: Regarding the letter to the Board of Directors that was sent to each member for review, Chairman Mills stated that the Mayor will be at the next scheduled meeting. Mr. Davis had some changes and Mr.Tompkins had some suggestions. • Chairman Mills requested that a couple of the members work on the letter so that it could be mailed. Mr. Tompkins suggested that the first sentence read that "the Board of Adjustment serves the community as a discretionary administrative '51 • Board of Adjustment August 7, 1989 Page 3 body or quasi judiciary body" instead of a judiciary body. He added as a quasi judiciary body, they are ruling on building land and structure permits rather than a request. It is a permit to vary an exception from the zoning ordinance. Chairman Mills stated that she is concerned with the adherence to zoning ordinances and hearing the exceptions to it. She added that this Board is not dealing with land use - only with buildings. Mr. Tompkins and Mr. Davis agreed to write this letter to be sent to each City Director. Chairman Mills advised that the City Directors are going to attend the next meeting to discuss the concern for the settlement out of court on the Wade Bishop item. Chairman Mills announced a meeting from 3:00-6:00 in Room 326 on August 8, 1989 set up to look at the Unified Development Plan with Al Raby, Planning Consultant. The Board elected Don Mills as chairman for another term. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. • �52