HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-01-04 Minutes140 Y.I:LY amI:i:y A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held on. Monday, January 4, 1988 at 3:45 p.m. in Room Ill of the City Administration Building, 113'West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas, MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Mills, Robert Waldren, Jerry Allred, Dennis Becker and Larry Tompkins MEMBERS ABSENT: Gerald Boyd OTHERS PRESENT: William Bassett, George Faucette Jr., Dayton Steelman and Tessi Franzmeier The minutes of the November 2, 1987 meeting and the December 7, 1987 meeting„were approved as distributed APPEAL NO. 87-27 - VARIANCE IN THE SETBACK REQUIREMENT WILLIAM BASSETT - NORTH OF ROCK AND WEST OF WASHINGPON The first item of consideration was a request for a variance in the required setbacks submitted by Mr. William Bassett and represented by George Faucette Jr., for property located north of Rock and west of Washington. Request was to vary the required setback on the north from 25' to 6' and on the west from the required 25' to 0'. Property zoned R-0, Residential Office with an intended use of a Parking Lot. George Faucette stated the property in question was being used for parking on a non pay basis for a period of time shortly after the Federal Building was constructed. He noted a lot of the construction rubble from the Federal Building went to the property in question. Mr. Faucette advised someone had recently contracted to have parking in the area in question. He said in order to satisfy the City's requirement on the parking lot was that they could not back out into the street and generally speaking the lot could only have one ingress/egress point. Mr. Faucette noted the narrowness of the site had created the problem which was now before the Board of Adjustment members. Larry Tompkins said he was interested in the safety of the parking lot such as the soil mechanics. He said the lot seemed very close to some playground equipment and residential area to the east and asked if the lot was stable.'; Mr. Bassett replied "yes" the lot was stable and there had not been a rock or bolder fall in years and years and years. Tompkins asked what the Master Street Plan called for on County Ave. and Clerk Franzmeier replied the Master Street plan showed County Ave. to be a local street at a 50' ROW. Mr. Faucette added that the property had been recently rezoned and the street issue had not come up or anything about taking additional street ROW. Mr. Bassett added that County Ave. �D • Board of Adjustment January 4, 1988 Page 2 did not even go to within 7' of the property line. Mr. Bassett said when he started filling he had to fill in a ditch from the edge of the blacktop over to his property line so that it would be passable. Tompkins felt the additional ROW was important because of the new jail and whatever else goes in that area. Tompkins asked if the Master Street plan had been thrown out. Mr. Bassett noted that the City had planned to go behind the jail clear on over to Rock Street then down to Washington. Mr. Facuette noted that County Ave. could. not be widened to the west because the American legion building was there and the jail. Tompkins asked if there were any plans to widen County Ave. and Franzmeier noted that the Master Street Plan indicated a 50' ROW, but in actuality the plat showed a 20' ROW in existence. Allred asked if the parking lot would have a hard surface and Mr. Faucette replied hard surfacing was part of the City's requirement. Faucette noted any lot that contained more than 6 spaces had to be hard surfaced. Allred asked what type of provisions had been made for the drainage problem after the hard surfacing was completed. Mr. Bassett advised at the present time the drainage drained into the street system. Mr. Faucette also noted that the City had control over the drainage as well. Allred asked if the parking lot had been engineered. Mr. Faucette asked as to what and allred said for the parking lot and drainage problem. Mr. Bassett said the drainage was obvious and all someone had to do was walk down there and look to see where the water was going and felt • a survey or engineer was not necessary. Mr. Faucette advised the surfacing, drainage and engineering had to meet the City's specs and that the City Engineer had to give his approval on the parking lot. Mills asked what the Bill of Assurance covered as to what Mr. Bassett would do other than the drainage. Mr. Bassett advised the Bill of Assurance covered the stabilization of the bank. He added that he spoke with the State and they recommended planting lob lollar pines, which he had already ordered and paid for. Mr. Bassett said the State also suggested the pines not be planted until the end of February. Mr. Bassett also noted all drainage would go down the south property line. Tompkins asked what the relationship was for requirements between a parking lot in a residential area in terms of lighting. Mr. Bassett replied the lot would not be lit and would be used in the day light hours only. Mills felt the concern of the people who lived around the proposed parking lot was the drainage situation. Mr. Bassett said the drainage situation would be taken care of under Mr. Don Bunns' area as the City Engineer. Mills said her understanding was that the sewer system did not handle the problem that well. Mr. Bassett said the problem with the one neighbor who was so avid with anger was mad because the water came from College Avenue, down Court Street, across Mr. Goffs parking lot and into his basement. • Tompkins said once this Board got into parking they were into land use planning. He said when they start that they were talking about the provision of parking for this commercial area along College Avenue. He said they need parking for • Board of Adjustment January 4, 1988 Page 3 commerce along College Avenue from the County Court house and the land that was between that extension and the existing businesses. Mr. Bassett said there would be no reason for commerce along County Avenue because the terrain would be murder. Allred felt the proposed parking lot would be the only logical use for that property especially with the new detention facility and the additional need for more parking. Tompkins asked for his information only, if anyone asked or raised the question as to vacating or closing County Avenue. Mr. Faucette said that had not been mentioned at the Board of Directors meeting or the Planning Commission meeting. Chairman Mills closed the public hearing and returned discussion to the Board of Adjustment members. Waldren asked the Clerk if all neighbors had been notified and Franzmeier replied all adjoining property owners had been notified. i.UIYOR • Allred moved to grant the variance as requested. . 5�U GI . 1/ 6. Waldren moved to grant the variance for parking only and at any time the property was put to any other use the variance would revert back to the required setbacks, seconded by Tompkins. The motion to grant the variance as stated passed 4-0-0. Tompkins felt the use would be a legitimate use considering the intent of the zoning ordinance. He had not seen a downtown plan for downtown and wanted to go on record to see a plan for downtown which would ultimately help the Board of Adjusment make more and more decisions as the area becomes more and more developed. He said the City needed to have a parking plan downtown and to have some policies that would relate the intended use of parking in the future. APPEAL NO. 87-28 - VARIANCE IN THE REQUIRED SETBACK DAYTON STEELMAN - 329 OAKWOOD The second item of consideration was a request submitted by Dayton Steelman to vary the required setbacks from the required 8' on the south to 2' and the required 8' on the west to 2'. Property zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Mr. Dayton Steelman advised he would like to construct a new garage on his property. He said when the property was originally purchased by Dr. McAlister he moved the house to the rear of the lot and towards the southern end of the lot he • put a carport that was nonfunctional. Mr. Dayton was proposing to build a 2 car garage as shown on the plan at the southwest corner of the lot. He said the turn �g�— • Board of Adjustment January 4, 1988 Page 4 in from Oakwood on the north side of the property was a shared driveway that was wider than the alley. Mr. Steelman noted years ago Dr. McAlister and Dr. Mitchell who established the property in 1953 poured an asphalt drive from Oakwood back to the rear of their property. Allred asked if any other alternatives had been looked at for the proposed garage. Mr. Steelman said the only other alternative was to move the proposed garage around on the south side along the south border. He said in doing that he would have to asphalt back further into the City owned property. Allred asked if a driveway off Hillcrest could be an alternative and Mr. Steelman said that would be impossible in that the house was sitting on the very topographical point of the mountain which sloped in every direction and was very steepily downward. Mr. Steelman also noted there was a swimming pool between the carport and Hillcrest. In answer to a question from Waldren, Mr. Steelman said as a second step which would require a building permit was to enclose the old carport and make that into a childrens playroom. Waldren asked Mr. Steelman if he was trying to say because of the slope of the land and particularly on the south side of the garage that he would have to build • the foundation up and bring in fill and Mr. Steelman advised that was correct. Tompkins asked what the total coverage would be on the land with the enclosing of the carport for a playpen which would be an extention of the residential unit. Mr. Steelman said he did not have those figures at this time. Allred asked if .excavation could be done on the north side where the proposed garage would be and fill on the south side for a level spot. Mr. Steelman said according to Jay Berryman who was an Architect said the plan that he presented to the Board of Adjustment was about the best plan that could be done. Tompkins asked what the status was on the alley. Mr. Steelman said as he understood the alley had been closed by Dr. McAlister and Dr. Mitchell in the late 1950's. He said at that time Dr. McAlister and Dr. Mitchell had poured the shared driveway all the way back to the end of their property. Allred asked if the adjoining property owners had been notified on this appeal and Franzmeier replied "yes" the adjoining property owners had been notified by mail. Mill asked if that was an alley or an easement through there. Franzmeier advised that it was a platted alley and that she would have to research to find where it had been closed or vacated. Becker asked Mr. Steelman if he had spoke with the building department about this • particular location for the proposed garage. Mr. Steelman replied "no". Becker felt there may be some ordinance problems with the proposed layout. He said it was a detached structure that came within 3' from the property line and that r3 • Board of Adjustment January 4, 1988 Page 5 could be a safety problem with the fire department and the other was it was probably to close to the main house. Mills said if the alley had been closed an additional 5' would have been deeded to each of the property owners. Mr. Steelman said he had never saw the additional 5' written in his legal documents. Mr. Steelman asked if the alley was closed who would have a document. Franzmeier said if the alley hadlbeen closed or vacated the City Clerk should have an ordinance on file closing the alley. Waldren felt there were several problems that needed to be addressed before a decision could be made by the Board of Adjustment. He said one would be the proof of the additional 5' from the alley and the other was the problem on the south side of the proposed garage. Waldren said he would have a real problem with the requested 2' on the south side of the proposed garage. NOTION Waldren moved to table this appeal for further information from the petitioner, seconded by Becker. The motion to table passed 4-0-0. • There being no further business the meeting adjourned at about 5:35 p.m. • M SITRJECT DATE 11 R.J. Kitchens - 2421 Robin Rd. (Appeal 87-1) setback variance 01-19-87 5> Letter Recommending required surveys for builders 01-19-87 77 Andrew Bradt - 517 Rebecca (Appeal 87-2) setback variance 02-02-87 10 Stephen L. Davis - 756 N. Washington (Appeal 87-3) setback variance 03-02-87 15 Mike Walker - 3186 Katherine (Appeal 87-5) setback variance 04-06-87 17 Greg House Lots 1 & 2, Block 8, Mountain view addition 06-20-87 25 Arlis Wages - 1039 E. Huntsville Rd. (Appeal 87-4) Bulk/area setbacks 05-04-87 28 Daniel Koopman - 2140 Jonquil Rd. (Appeal 87-7) setback variance 05-04-87 31 Appeal 87-8, setback variance, immanuel baptist chirch 201 S. Duncan 05-18-87 35 Appeal 87-7, setback variance, daniel koopman, 2140 Jonquil Road 06-01-87 40 Appeal 87-9, setback variance, jim lindsey, 1628 cambridge 06-01-87 41 Appeal 87-10, setback variance, packaging specialties, 1663 Armstrong 06-15-87 43 Appeal 87-12, appeal to the zoning adminstrators decision, Harold Jones 07-06-87 47 Appeal 87-131 setback variance, logan and daphna chandle 2501 Countryway 07-06-87 49 Appeal 87-14, setback variance, Masood Khan, Mosque 08-03-87 55 Appeal 87-15, variance in setback, jim lindsey, paradise valley 08-17-87 58 Appeal 87-16, variance in setbacks, raymond jones, Fariland Addition 09-21-87 60 Appeal 87-17, vairance in setback, Jacob & carol Phillips 1114 Valley view 09-21-87 61 Appeal 87-19, setback variance, bulk and area, elton duncan 2400 salem rd. 09-21-87 63 Appeal 87-20, setback variance, james & Peggy Bell 1534 Terry 09-21-87 64 Appeal 87-21, wanda blevins, 16 S. West 09-21-87 64 Appeal 87-22, Bul$ and Area, John & Martha Taylor 09-21-87 67 Appeal 87-17, setback variance,jacob & Carol Phillips, 1114 Valley View 09-21-87 69 Appeal 87-23, setback variance, ken edwards 1138 N. Vandeventer 10-05-67 70 Appeal 87-21, setback variance, wanda blevins, 16 S. West. 10-05-87 73 Appeal 87-24, setback Variance, City Hospital - 221 S. School 11-2-87 ,.76 Appeal 87-25, appealing zoning administrators decision, gregg house 11-2-87 y78 Appeal 87-26, variance in setback, Delno & Carol Allie 2071 Austin Dr. 12-7-87 80 Appeal 87-27, variance in the setback, William Bassett-N of Rock/W of Wash.1-4-88 82 Appeal 87-28, variance in setback, Dayton Steelman, 329 Oakwood 1-18-88 85 Appeal 87-28, variance in setback, Dayton Steelman, 3290 Oakwood 01-18-88 88 Appeal 88-1, variance in setback, Bryan McBryde, Mock & Lafayette 02-15-88 91 Appeal No. 88-2, variance in setback, Gilford Heckathorn, Lot 11, Parkers03-21-88 Plat of Valley View 94 Appeal No. 88-4 Variance in the Setbacks Herbert A. Lewis, Jr., 327 N. 06-06-88 Washington 98 Appeal 88-5, Varience in the setback requirement, Alfred E. Einert, 908 N Vandeventer 06-20-88 101 Appeal 88-61 Setback Varience, Graham Shannon, Jr., 868 E Skyline Dr. 08-01-88 103 Appeal 88-71 16 S West Avenue, Wanda Belvins - Setback Varience 09-19-88 104 Appeal 88-8, Setback varience, Dr. Larry,& Deborah Tuttle, 4 Ranch Dr. 09-19-88 107 Appeal 88-71 16 S West Avenue, Wanda Belvins, Setback Varience 10-03-88 108 Appeal 88-81 Setback Varience, Dr. Larry & Deborah Tuttle, 4 Ranch Dr. 10-03-88 110 Appeal 88-9, Setback Varience, 305 N. Washington, Roger E. & Jessie S. Koeppe. 10-17-88 112 Appeal 88-10, Variance of Bulk & Area Requirements, 1609 Carolyn Dr. Rita J. Dillard 12-05-88 120 Appeal 88-12, 'Setback Varience, Joe & Mary --Ann Henrickson, 234 Oklahoma Way 12-19-88 �l Appeal 88-11, Setback Varience, Kelly Hill, 2396 N College 12-19-88 PAGE SUBJECT DATE 125 BA89-2, Wade Bishop, 1S37 Thornhill 2-20-89 128 BA89-1, First Assembly of God, 550 E. 15th 2-20-89 BA89-2, Wade Bishop, 1537 Thornhill 4-3-89 .32 37 BA89-2 Rehearing, 1537 Thornhill 4-17-89 145 BA89-4, Karl Thiel $ John Lewis 7-3-89 ISO BA89-6, Packaging Specialties, 1663 Armstrong 8-7-89 159 BA89-8, Don Ward, 20150 Huntsville Rd. 11-6-89 161 BA89-9, Dave Letsch, 313 IV. Dickson 11-6-89 165 BA89-9, Scott Lunsford, S13 N..Washington 12-18-89 171 BA90-1, John Watkins, 669 Cliffside Dr. 1-1S-90 175 BA90-2, ERC Properties, 40S2 Cambray Dr. 1-lS-90 179 BA90-2, ERC Properties, 4053 Cambray Dr. 2-5-90 182 BA90-3, Leslie Goodman, 2-19-90 183 Discussion of 2010 2-19-90 187 BA90-4, Clyde Iglinsky, 931 Shrewsbury 3-5-90 188 ERC Violation Discussion 3-5-90 190 Discussion of 2010 3-5-90 194 BA90-6, Mildred Gracian, 221 E. Lafayette 4-2-90 197 BA90-8, Jeff Roberts, 2000 N. Crossover 5-7-90 198 BA90-9, George Faucette, 3208 Wroxton 5-7-90 201 BA90-7. Kern Jackson, 23S Baxter Lu. S-21-90 206 BA90-7, Kern Jackson, 235 Baxter Lh. 6-4-90 208 BA90-10, Floyd Harris 6-4-90 211 BA90-11 Through BA90-14, BMP Development, Fiesta Park Ph. I 6-18-90 21S BA90-15, Patricia O'Leary, 352 Rollston 7-16-90 219 BA90-12- DENNIS CAUDLE - 4559 WEDINGTON 8-20-90 212 BA90-18- GEORGR'S MAGESTIC LOUNGE - 519 WEST DICKSON ST. 10-1-90 BA90-20- DAVID KERWIN - 1000 SOUTH COLLEGE AVE. 10-15-90 �24 27 BA90-21- Katherine Gay - 324 Sutton ST. 11-19-90 228 BA90-22 -JOE PAUL -668 GRAY AVE. 11-19-90 230 BA90-23- DENNIS HARPER - 1645 SOUTH SCHOOL AVE. 11-19-90 233 BA90-25- DAVE $ JUDY STEVENS - S OF CATO SPS, W OF 71 BYPASS 12-3-90 238 BA90-26- RICHARD PAKMER - 818 POLLARD AVE. 1-7-91 241 BA90-27- GEORGE FAUCETTE - W OF GREGG AVE, S OF DOUGLAS ST. 1-7-91 242 INFORMAL PRESENTATION BY RICHARD SHEWMAKER ABOUTPOLK 13UILLDING 1-7-91. ON DICKSON ST. 0 :T"\' I I ' 4 1 0 1? :1I r1 DATE APPLICANT NATURE OF VARIANCE 01-19-87 R.J. Kitchens 02-02-87 Andrew Bradt 03-02-87 Stephen L. Davis 04-06-87 Mike Walker 04-20-87 Greg House 05-04-87 Arlis Wages 05-04-87 Daniel Koopman 05-18-87 Immanuel Baptist 06-01-87 Daniel Koopman 06-01-87 Jim Lindsey 06-15-87 Pkging Specialties 06-15-87 Gary Thompson 07-06-87 Ronnie Teague 07-06-87 Logan Chandler 08-03-87 Haynes & Assoc. 08-17-87 Lindsey Const. 09-21-87 Raymond O.W. Jones 09-21-87 Jacob Phillips 09-21-87 Elton Duncan 09-21-87 James & Peggy Bell 09-21-87 Wanda Blevins 09-21-87 J.B. Taylor 10-05-87 Kenneth L. Edwards 10-05-87 Wanda Blevins 11-02-87 City Hospital 11-02-87 Greg House 12-07-87 Delno Allie 01-04-88 William Bassett C1-04-88 Dayton Steelman 01-18-88 Dayton Steelman 02-15-88 C. Bryan McBr-/de 03-21-88 Gilford Heckathorn 06-06-88 H..A. Lewis 06-20-88 Alfred E. Einert front & side setbacks setback rear setback side setback appeal of Planning Admin- istrator's Interpretation bulk/area requiresments & setbacks rear setback front setback rear setback setback setback appeal of Zoning Admin- istrator's decision setbacks setbacks setbacks setbacks setbacks bulk/area Requirements & setbacks setbacks setbacks bulk/area requirements & parking requirements setbacks setbacks setbacks appeal of Zoning Admin- istrator's decision setbacks setbacks setbacks 2 setbacks setbacks setbacks setbacks setbacks BOARD ACTION Denied 3-0-1 Denied 4-0-1 Approved 3-2-0 Approved 4-1-0 Denied 4-1-0 Approved 4-0-0 Tabled 4-0-0 Denied 4-0-0 Denied 3-1-0 *Prop. Own. Ass. Approved 5-1-0 *Prop. Own. Ass. Denied 5-0-0 Approved 5-0-0 Approved 4-1-0, Denied 2-3-0 Approved 3-1-0 Denied 4-0-0 APPEAL TO COURT Denied 4-0-0 Denied 4-0-0 Tabled 4-0-0 Approved 3-1-0 to Plan. Comm. Approved 3-0-0 Denied 1-2-0 Approved 3-2-0 Denied 4-1-0 Approved 5-0-0 Approved 4-0-0 Tabled 1 Approved/l Denied 3-1-0 Denied 4-0-1 Denied 4-0-0 Denied 2-3-0 Nonconforming/ variance not necessary * Not enforceable by City, the Bd of Adj. suggested Property Owner's Ass. ILL .� 1 ..: LZ �.ILL .f m �1 L 2 Y' ILL % G , 1 �• Sl D B r i .1 i1 A �E CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS October 6, 1988 Robert H. Davis 2503 Sweetbriar Drive Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703 Dear Mr. Davis: SUZANNE McWETMY, CITY CLERK -. Last month you applied for appointment to the Board of Adjustment. The City Board made an appointment to this group at their October 4th meeting and I am pleased to inform you that you were selected. You will fill an unexpired term ending April 1, 1990. Congratulations! • cc: Don Mills, Chairman Board of Adjustment John Merrell Planning Director • Sincerely, RI&tSuzanne McWethy City Clerk 113 WEST MOUNTAIN 72701 S01575-R520 AP P L = CAT = ON FORM For Appointments to City Boards, Commissions, and Committees • * * * Please Print Or Type All Answers * * * IE: Robert H. Davis / Betty married, please give spouse's first name here)5 ADDRESS: 2503 Sweetbriar Drive Residence Street Address Fayetteville, AR 72703 City Zip Code Same Mailing Address City Zip Code TELEPHONE NUMBER: Home 442-2833 Business ....... OCCUPATION/ EMPLOYER NAME: Retired Board of Adjustment rculation: 94 Terminate: Appointed: Term Expires: Replaced: REFERENCE: James Couoer Name 2506 Sweetbriar Dr. Address Fayetteville, AR 72703 Phone PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE HERE why you would like to be considered for appointment to this committee, and what particular qualifications you feel you have: I am deeply interested in local government administration and the general condition of the area. I have had 22 years of executive level assignments with the Arabian American Oil Co. x c . nc u . 1. Manpower & Organization Analysis 2. Methods, Oreanization and budgeton ro 3. Manager of Industrial and Employee Relations for Lebanon, Syria and Western Saudi Ara=a RETURN THIS APPLICATION to Suzanne McWethy in the City Clerk's Office (113 West untain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701) by NO LATER THAN o you have any questions, call 575-8323. TO BE ELIGIBLE TO SERVE ON A COMMITTEE YOU MUST BE A REGISTERED VOTER RESIDING IN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,