HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-03 MinutesAINUTES OF THE :1:'1 1' ADJUSTMENT M A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, November 3, 1986 at 3:45 p.m. in Room Ill of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Don Mills, Larry Tompkins, Robert Waldren, Jerry Allred, Gerald Boyd and Dennis Moore �. $xd&xk MEMBERS ABSENT: NONE OTHERS PRESENT: Sylvia Swartz, Sandra Carlisle and Tessi Franzmeier The meeting was called to order and the minutes of the October 20, 1986 meeting were considered. MINUTES The minutes were unanimously approved as distributed upon a motion by Tompkins and a second by Allred. APPEAL 86-22 - VARIANCE ON SETBACK REQUIREMENT SYLVIA SWARTZ - 818 SANG (SANG AVE. SENIOR CENTER) The only item of consideration was a request submitted by the Sang • Avenue Senior Center and represented by Sylvia Swartz for a variance from the setback requirements. Requesting 18' from the front setback from the required 25'. The property is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential District. Ms. Swartz stated she was a volunteer at the Sang Street Senior Center and their problem was that they have 2 rooms, 1 room was where they served their meals and the other was a crafts room. She said in the craft room there was a pool table for the men and the problem was when the men played pool the women could not have crafts because they could not hear the instructions. She said what they wanted to do was add an extension to the west of the building which would be toward Sang Street, Ms. Swartz said the other real problem was if someone got ill the only place for them to lie down was in the smoking room which was a serious problem for them. Carlisle added the Senior Center would also need a variance from adding to a non -conforming structure. She said it was granfathered in so the setbacks do not meet the 100' setback requirement for air conditioned buildings. Carlisle said the floor plan that was included in the agenda was for the original building which has since been altered. Ms. Swartz said they had taken some of the partitians out of the existing • isBoard of Adjustment November 3, 1986 Page 2 plan to make larger rooms. Carlisle said the center had considered adding on to the south but that would take some of their needed parking out. Boyd asked if there had been any objections to this variance and Carlisle replied "no". Ms. Swartz said they had talked with the neighbors and none of them had any objections to the addition. Carlisle said they would be able to save all the parking which was more than what was required. Tompkins asked if the Senior Center was in the R-1 District by right and Carlisle replied "no" it was a conditional use under use unit 4. Ms. Swartz said they furnish meals to Prairie Grove, Lincoln, Springdale and Fayetteville. She said the meals were provided for the elderly and they have a dietician who prepares well balanced meals. • Tompkins said they could not approve a non -conforming use and that the Board of Adjustment did not deal in land use. Carlisle then said they would have to appeal to the Planning Commission for that variance. Tompkins asked what the distance was from the ROW and Carlisle said it would be 18' between the ROW and the overhang as opposed to the 25' for the corner that code requires. Becker asked if that would give them 2 sub -standard parking spaces on the west side and Ms. Swartz said the 2 parking spaces would be north of the extension. Allred asked if this would go to the Planning Commission first for a conditional use for the non-conformance. Carlisle explained the conditional use would not change anything it would just add to the structure. Carlisle said this approval could be contingent upon the Planning Commissions approval of the conditional use. Tompkins asked if they had considered building up and Carlisle explain stairs would not be good for the elderly and it would increase the cost. Tompkins asked what the major street plan was for Sang Avenue and Carlisle said it was a collector with 60' of ROW. • Tompkins asked what the growth rate had been for the Senior Center. Elizabeth Duke said they were carrying out about 35-40 meals when w S • Board of Adjustment November 3, 1986 Page 3 they started now they were carrying out 90 meals per day. Tompkins said that would be approximately 100% increase in 4 years. Allred asked what did they see as their projected growth as to in another 4 or 5 years would they outgrow the addition. Ms. Swart said they felt like this would be adequate. Mills asked how many people did they have attending the Center and Ms. Swartz said it would average about 40 people per day. Mills asked when they first started how many people came to the Center and Ms. Swartz replied about 25 people per day. Tompkins asked if they anticipated anymore buses, at present they have 4. Ms. Swart said it would depend on if they had money to spend on more buses. Tompkins asked if off-street parking was adequate for them. Ms. Swartz said the off-street parking was not. 100% adequate. She said sometimes they have to park on Berry Street and they had their mail box relocated • and there was room now for 3 or 4 cars. The public hearing was closed and discussion returned to the Board. Tompkins said there was some vacant land to the north of the Center and had they considered purchasing it and Ms. Swartz said that property was not on the market. Tompkins wanted to congradulate the Center on what they had done and it was important to the community and important to the aged but however he had a problem, it was not the intent of the ordinance to continue in terms of quality of the neighborhood, the traffic generated in the area and the Center would continue to grow as he saw it. He felt it would be a very short time until they were faced with the same problem again. He said it appeared the function that they were doing needed to be in more than one location. Tompkins said to do that many functions was to much and the intensity was to great and he had a problem with the extension. Ms. Swartz felt it would be good to have another Center in some other location of Fayetteville but where would they get the money to accomplish that. She said the money came from CD block grant funds for the existing Center and those funds were no longer available. In answer to a question from Waldren, Becker thought if they were • going to do anything the best way would be as they indicated with their plan. 1YO • Board of Adjustment November 3, 1986 Page 4 Becker said there was no question as to the variance that it would bend the rules that the Board of Ajustment went by. He said however in this case the sight line and visibily of traffic would not be cutting down on sight distance. In answer to a question from Mills, Becker said it had been a long time since he looked at the plan and thought they needed some separa- tion and this would be the next logical step opposed to looking for another building and as they said they have no money for a new building. Becker said the good that generated from the Center more than off -sets any bad. Mills said the problem was they had grown so much and probably would continue to grow. Waldren said the growth bothered him also and was not against granting the variance. He said his problem was what happens in the next 3 or 4 years. Mills said the meals had increased from 45 to 95 a day and the number of people had increased from 25 to 40 a day. • Waldren said they could make a stipulation in the motion that no more variance would be granted after this addition. Tompkins said it was the functions that bothered him. What if they eliminated the pool hall and some other things and just go with the basics of serving food in the kitchen. Ms. Swartz said 3/4 of the people that come to eat also want to have the activities also. Carlisle said one of the provisions of their lease was that they provide activities as well as meals. NOTION Becker moved to accept the variance as submitted contingent upon the approval from the Planning Commission and recommended that additional variances not be granted for an increase of square footage to the Sang Senior Center. Moore seconded and the motion to approve passed 5-1-0, Tompkins voting "nay" There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. • (to