HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-16 Minutes• MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, December 16, 1985 at 3:30 P.M. in Room 327 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Tompkins, Don Mills, Robert Waldren, Dennis Becker, Gerald Boyd and Jerry Allred MEMBERS ABSENT: None The meeting was called to order by acting Chairman Tompkins and the minutes of the November 20, 1985 meeting were discussed. fT11@cl5 Tompkins moved the minutes be approved as distributed. Seconded by Mills, the motion passed unanimously. ELECTION OF NEW CHAIRMAN Tompkins announced the floor open to nominations for Chairman and • Mills proceeded to nominate Larry Tompkins and Waldren nominated Don Mills. Tompkins said he felt Mills would make an excellent Chairperson. Waldren pointed out her long-term service on this Board. Nominations ceased upon a motion by Allred and a second by Becker. The Board elected senior member, Don Mills, as Chairperson, noting the difficulty in making this decision as they felt both candidates were extremely well qualified and capable. The Board also noted their respect for both Tompkins and Mills. Chairman Mills announced the procedure to be followed by this Board in addressing the requests before it, noting that each person would have an opportunity to speak. PUBLIC HEARING - APPEAL 85-34 MIKE HOPKINS - 742 NORTH STREET The first item of consideration was a Public Hearing on Appeal 85-34 submitted by Mike Hopkins. The request is to vary the required 25' setback from street right-of-way to 10' from street r/w on property located at 742 North Street. L� u • Board of Adjustment December 16, 1985 Page 2 Hopkins explained that he wished to withdraw his request and submit an alternative plan. The Board agreed to have a preliminary look at Hopkins' alternative and to table his appeal until final plans have been submitted through the Planning Office. Hopkins advised that his alternative amounted to relocating the gasoline pump island back 10' from its present location and adding a canopy that would extend to a point within 15' of the North Street r/w. He further explained that he would be reducing parking spaces to four in front of his convenience store allowing an efficient flow of traffic for the gas pumps. Jones commented that a sidewalk is required on both sides of North Street. NOTION Waldren moved to table this request until the petitioner re -submits an alternative plan. Allred seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Punic HEARING - APPEAL 85-35 DAVID N. GREER - 231 E. DAVIDSON • The second item of consideration was a Public Hearing on Appeal 85-35 submitted by David M. Greer. Requested is a setback variance on the side property line from 5' to 18" for property located at 231 E. Davidson. Greer stated that he would like to put an open carport on the east side of his property as it would be more convenient to his house. He explained that he had slipped on the ice in the recent storm which made him more aware of how much he needed the carport. Greer noted that, although his is a crowded lot, the carport will be out of sight and added that the neighbors have no objections. Tompkins asked if Greer had considered any other locations for the carport, such as adjacent to the existing garage at the rear of the lot. Greer pointed out that this would be result in a small, difficult to maneuver space. In answer to Mills" question, Greer replied that it would require a very sharp turn to get a car to a shelter behind the house. Larry Poage, City Fire Marshall, advised that he had a problem with exposure. He said there is a two story house about 20' from the proposed carport location and two garages within three feet of each other. Poage advised if a fire came out of a window, it would come under the canopy and mushroom over to the next house. He suggested the alternative of a carport closer to the street rather than the design • labeled "preferred location" in Greer's petition. 0 • Board of Adjustment December 16, 1985 Page 3 Jones, City Codes Technician, cited regulations of Ordinance #3181 passed October 1, 1985 which state that a carport may extend into the yard setbacks if (a) it is set back at least 10' from the street r/w; (b) set back at least 5' from side property lines; (c) set back at least 10' from the rear property line; (d) the area below the roof is open on the sides; and, (e) it does not materially obstruct vision. Mills closed the Public Hearing and turned to Board discussion. Tompkins stated that he, also, had a problem with the safety involved with this request. He said he understood the problem but felt there was space in the back of the house to shelter two cars. Greer pointed out that his garage is wooden and the next door neighbors' garage is concrete block. Becker stated that safety was a prime consideration and suggested Greer address an alternative. He added that, as presented, he would vote against the appeal. Waldren voiced agreement with Tompkins and added that, if the alternative of sheltering two cars in the rear of the house were acceptable, it would eliminate a non -conforming structure (the present garage). • He said he would vote against the appeal as it is. MOTION Tompkins moved to deny this petition. to deny passed 6-0-0. MOTION Seconded by Becker, the motion Waldren moved adjournment. Becker seconded, followed by discussion. The Board, as a whole, voiced their disappointment in the lack of support expressed by the Planning Commission in having a joint member. Jones explained some of the sentiments voiced by Commission members. Becker said he felt there need not be a separation of "Public Hearing" and "private discussion" during meetings of the Board of Adjustment. After some discussion of this issue, Mills suggested announcing the Public Hearing segment and then closing it and turning to Board discussion without excluding the petitioner from said discussion. This thought was approved of by other Board members and Allred added that he would like to know the legal technicality of formally closing a Public Hearing. There being no further discussion, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. • 02 •