HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-11-20 Minutes• MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held Monday, November 20, 1985 at 4:00 P.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Larry Tompkins, Don Mills, Gerald Boyd and Jerry Allred MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Becker and Robert Waldren The meeting was called to order by substitute Chair, Larry Tompkins who proceeded to express regrets on behalf of the Board on the passing of the Boards' Chairman, Chester House. Tompkins said that House's expertise, his sense of humor and his fairness in decisions rendered under his guidance will be missed by the community and this Board. He expressed wishes that this Board will be able to continue the fine work begun by House. Mrs. Carlisle, Planning Director, agreed to forward the Board's letter of appreciation to Mrs. House, MINUTES There being no additions or corrections, the minutes of the October 21st meeting were approved as distributed upon a motion by Tompkins • and a second by Mills. The second item of consideration today was a request submitted by Allen McCartney to vary the side setbacks on a tandem lot located at 1638 W. Maple. The required setback for a tandem lot is 20' on all sides; McCartney requests a reduction of the east side easement to a distance of from 8' to 12'. McCartney stated that he built a house five years ago on a very crooked lot and, because he did not intend to build a garage or carport at that time, he did not give much thought to a possible location for same. He said the site for the house was chosen with respect for the sewer line and added that he decided recently a carport was necessary. McCartney said that, upon checking with many of his neighbors, there are no objections to his placing a carport within 8-12of the east property line. He indicated on diagrams (included in his file) that the entire area is very wooded, providing shelter as well as footage between houses. He noted that the planned carport will be lower that the roof line of the house and that it will be about 8 or 9 feet wide. McCartney passed around photos showing the steep slope of the lot • OW • Board of Adjustment November 20, 1985 Page 2 • and the numerous large trees, prohibiting a driveway from being cut at another location than that being planned on. He added that all of the lots in the area are very large and spaced a good distance away from each other. Jones, City Codes Technician, explained that a tandem lot does not allow the standard setbacks required by City code but must adhere, instead, to a 20' all around setback to provide a buffer zone from such a property and its neighbors. Tompkins said that, upon driving around the neighborhood, it appeared that none of the other lots in the area have garages or carports. McCartney replied that all of the homes do have either a carport or a garage with the exception of one. There being no one present in the audience to speak either for or against this appeal, Tompkins closed the Public Hearing and turned discussion over to the Board. Boyd stated that this case represented a perfect example of a hardship that will not have any harmful affect on anyone else. He added that it made sense for the carport to be located as planned by McCartney. I4DTION Mills agreed with Boyd and moved to grant the request. Allred seconded followed by comments from Tompkins. He expressed concern that the variance would apply to the entire length of the lot if granted. He suggested a restriction limiting the variance to the structure being planned which was accepted as an amendment to the motion by both Mills and Allred. The motion as amended passed 4-0-0. The third item of consideration was the election of a new Chairperson. MOTION After a brief review of the Board by-laws, Allred moved to table the election of a chairperson until the Board's next meeting at which time it was hoped all members would be present. Mills seconded and the motion passed 4-0-0. m • Board of Adjustment November 20, 1985 Page 3 The fourth item of consideration was a discussion of the appointment of a new member to this Board to fill the vacancy formed by the recent death of Chester House. . Tompkins noted that, in most legislative bodies, a member of the Planning Commission may serve on the Board of Adjustment- as well. Jones commented that, at the time she began work for the City, there was a person who served on both Boards which, in her opinion, seemed to work very well. Mills was in agreement with Tompkins and Jones suggested that a member of this Board might apply to serve on the Planning Commission. Allred expressed interest in said position. The following letter of request to the Planning Commission was entered into the record: "In an effort to enhance the joint cooperation and communication between the Members of the City Planning Commission and Members of the Board of Adjustment in their responsibility and function to guide and maintain the quality of the physical environment of the urban area, we ask that the Planning Commission join with us in requesting • the Board of Directors to make a dual appointment to serve simultaneously on the Board of Adjustment and on the Planning Commission. In the past, this arrangement has been useful to each of these bodies". There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M. upon a motion from Mills and a second from Allred. • ey