HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-07 MinutesA meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held Monday, October 7, 1985 at 3:45 P.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chester House, Don Mills, Jerry Allred, Robert Waldren, Gerald Boyd, Larry Tompkins and Dennis Becker MEMBERS ABSENT: None The meeting was called to order by Chairman House and the minutes of the August 30th meeting were considered. MINUTES Upon a motion from Tompkins and a second by Mills, the minutes were unanimously approved as distributed. :r 1 • The second item on the agenda was a request by Kathy Luther, of Youth With a Mission, to vary the land area and street frontage required (one acre and 100 ft.) to operate an office in an R-3 District, Gary Carnahan, representing Luther, explained that the office would be used for a counseling type service. He noted that the driveway on West Ave, is a mutual one for both this house and the one to the north which are owned by the same person. He said it is too congested to put in an additional drive and added that parking will take place in the back yard. Carnahan presented photos depicting views of the area from all directions. He said that the counseling service expected only one or two clients per day. He advised that the Planning Commission has approved an office use in this High Density Residential District but further explained that one acre of land and 100 feet of street frontage are required to operate an office in an R-3 District. Carnahan noted that most lots in this part of town are very small and there are no one acres parcels available which he felt was an undue hardship. He said that subject property has over 100 feet of frontage on Lafayette though the front of the house faces West. In answer to Waldren's question, Carnahan explained that the Luthers desire this area because it is a busy area and is close to the University as well as being low rent and compatible with neighborhood uses. is 70 • Board of Adjustment October 7, 1985 Page 2 Carnahan advised that Youth With a Mission counsels women with unwanted pregnancies and is funded by contributions. Tompkins inquired as to parking requirements and Jones replied that it is one per 300 sq.ft. of three spaces. Tompkins expressed concern that ingress/egress is on West rather than Lafayette. Carnahan said it would be no problem accessing from Lafayette but felt it was safer accessing from West and not adding any driveways. In answer to Allred's question, Carnahan explained that the Luthers have be a two year lease with intent to extend. He advised that there will be two staff members on the premises. The Public Hearing was closed and discussion returned to Board members. Becker said he would be in favor of granting a variance if it would revert with the expiration of the lease. Tompkins said he would be in favor if the property could be accessed from Lafayette. Waldren agreed with Becker as did Allred and Mills. Boyd said he felt access was more detrimental from Lafayette than West. NOTION • Waldren moved approval of the variance conditioned upon the applicants lease (when Youth With a Mission vacates, the property reverts to R-3 requirements). Becker seconded and the motion passed 5-2-0, Tompkins and Boyd voting "nay". The third item on the agenda was a request submitted by David Lewis on behalf of Pat Harris to vary the front setback from the required 25' to 15' 6" and the side setback from 8' to 5' for property located at 360 N. Arkansas Ave., zoned R-3, High Density Residential. Lewis explained that he would like to add bays onto the existing porch at this location. He said he is fixing the porch that was there and he exhibited photos of the porch, before construction, with an addition above it. He advised that the desired bays would extend into the setbacks. Lewis said he felt this property had a hardship in that this building is situated on a very tiny lot which does not allow for any outdoor living space. Tompkins noted that this property had been previously granted a 'variance based upon its historical preservation. Lewis explained that the • planned bays fit into the era of the house better that its previous design with the upper addition to the porch. Tompkins asked if it would be possible to remain within the setbacks if it were not for 71 Board of Adjustment October 7, 1985 • Page 3 aesthetics. Lewis replied that he thought the residents of the house would tend to gather in the front or side yards if the porch is left as small as it is. Tompkins expressed concern that the planned porch woulut in of the existing building linedon hePut sstreet activities In answeroto Tompkinstnext question, Lewis replied that the rear pavement area will be used for parking alone. Bob Kelly, adjacent property owner to the south, said he felt the design plan would definitely be more in keeping with the 1900's era than the previous design but added concerns, on behalf of his wife, regarding a porch full of people at close proximity to his property. Lewis explained to Mills that the depth of the porch would be about 8' without including the proposed bays. Allred asked about the possibility of installing screening or a privacy fence between this property and Kelly's. Lewis replied that it was a reasonable suggestion which presented no problem. Allred advised that there would be social gatherings in the front yard despite any decision of this Board and he recommended year around screening or privacy fence between the two lots to reduce some of the noise. Mills said she felt that Lewis could still have a front porch and remain within the setbacks. She added that the traffic and density • of the area required same. Tompkins agreed and noted that, if proportion and values were considered, adding a gazebo type roof would give the appearance of over -utilization of the narrow lot. Boyd said he felt that the developer may have created some of the hardship being presented and that he had the imagination to come up with an alternate plan not necessitating a waiver of the requirements. Becker said he felt the interpretation of hardship was ...something that other " people have that the applicant has been denied through some reason or other..." and not that a person lacks space that they would like to have. MOTION Becker moved to deny the request above and beyond a point further than the previously existing porch. Boyd seconded and to deny passed 7-the notion 0-O. Jones asked Lewis where the 25' setback would be and Lewis replied that there would be no porch because the setback reached the front of the house. Boyd asked if the existing porch could be remodeled and Jones replied that one a non -conforming structure is destroyed by more than 50%, • as in this case, the code says that it may not be replaced. 71 Board of Adjustment October 7, 1985 Page 4 IsWaldren expressed concern that the current ordinances do not address certain areas of town that represent a special, situation (in terms of preservation, small lots, etc.). Lewis was referred to the Historical District for possible solution to the problem of restoration. Mills noted that the Planning Commission might be approached with suggestions as they are in the process of re -considering setbacks. APPEAL 85-29 ROBRRT NICKLE - 1310 6 1312 OXFORD PLACE REQUEST TO VARY SETBACKS ON Ty[f crQvET ---- -- ravnlJ The fourth item on the agenda was a request submitted by and on Oxford to vary two front setbacks; on Masonic from 25' to 22' 6" Robert Nickle Place from 25' to 22' 6119 Property is located at 1310-12 Oxford Place and is in a Planned Unit Development with an R-1 Zoning classification. Nickle explained that the lot in question as well as the lot adjacent to it are five -sided with some good sized utility easements. He said the lots front on two non -adjacent streets and, after taking the front setbacks into consideration, these lots are a little difficult to work with. He said his plan is for a duplex that looks like a single- family home and can be accessed from either Oxford or Masonic. Nickle said it will difficult to put a garage on it because of the setbacks and easements and added that the addition of a garage would be more • desirable in this neighborhood. He said he could build a one -car garage and remain within the setbacks but didn't think it would look right. He said he could build the duplex with both entrances on either Masonic or Oxford but it would mean all of the cars parked in front which he didn't think would look good. In answer to Tompkins question, Jones replied that the Planning Commission had approved this PUD with the double -frontage lots. Tompkins asked if Masonic will be paved out to Highway 471 and Jones replied that it will be paved from 471 to the east property line of Mathias' Discount Store which will be located at the intersection of Masonic and 471 but not beyond that point unless the City or abutting property owners improve it. Allred advised that this Board only has jurisdiction over the required setbacks and none over how many units may be built. Waldren asked if Nickle has approached the City and the utility companies to see if the easements can be reduced and suggested that this was a possibility. Nickle noted that one property owner in this PUD built a garage that will not accomodate a full size car and the door always remained open. Jones advised that 10' between structures is required in a PUD and • that 5' is usually taken from each side of a property line. 13 • Board of Adjustment October 7, 1985 Page 5 Tompkins commented that if Nickle pursued the reduction of easements, he may not need a variance. Jim Veasey, property owner opposite Nickle's site, said that he is opposed to any change in the setback requirements and added that he did not want rental properties near his property. The Public Hearing was closed and discussion ensued between Board members. Becker said he felt the double frontage situation was unique and Nickle's request was reasonable but that setbacks should be met because of the R-1 District adding that he was opposed to granting the variance. Tompkins said he was inclined to disapprove the request and Boyd agreed with Becker and Tompkins. Allred said he had mixed feelings in that he didn't think the quality of life would be affected by the outcome of this Board but that Nickle could reduce the quality of construction to meet the setbacks and that he would rather see the structure built as a townhouse than a spec duplex. Mills said she would like Nickle to pursue the reduction of easements and if they could not be secured, he could return to this Board. • MOTION Waldren moved to table this appeal until Nickle has the opportunity to pursue the reduction of the easements. Allred seconded and the motion to table passed 5-2-0. Tompkins and Boyd voting "nay". The fifth item on the agenda was a request submitted by C. J. O'Donnell to vary the front yard setback from a required 25' to 17'. Property is located at 1973 Austin Drive and is zoned R-1, Low Density Residential. O'Donnell explained that he is in the process of enclosing his carport and wishes to add a two car garage adjacent to it. He said when he planned the garage, he thought he was within the setbacks and subsequently found that he was not. O'Donnell advised that there is a drainage path that runs mainly through the street but added that the hill behind the house is on a steep angle and absorbs a lot of the run-off. He said he felt that placing the garage at an angle, as shown in the application, would result in a minimum amount of ground being covered by the concrete driveway. He said he also felt that adding the garage straight on would create an "added on" look, detracting from the aesthetic • value of the house. O'Donnell advised that to add the garage in a straight line, he would have to cut down a very large, beautiful persimmon tree in his backyard. q Board of Adjustment • October 7, 1985 Page 6 Tompkins asked whether the drainage problem could be handled if the proposed garage were built in conformance with front yard setbacks and O'Donnell said he felt that the more water that is put under the concrete, the less would seep into the ground. Boyd asked if the existing drive will be taken up and O'Donnell replied that he hadn't planned on it. Waldren asked for the name of the owner of property at the end of the cul-de-sac and whether or not Winbaugh would ever be opened up at that location. Several members thought that it would. In answer to Tompkins' question, O'Donnell replied that there is a home on both Lot 4 and 5 adjacent to his property. Tompkins then suggested that the garage could be built without the angle. O'Donnell explained that the distance between the garage and the west property line is about 17'. He repeated that the drainage runs through his back yard. Becker said he felt that leaving the existing drive abutting the new studio was more detrimental to the looks of the property then whether or not there was an angle at the other end. He added that the water problem will exist either way and suggested removing the existing • driveway and adding landscaping to add improve the aesthetics. Discussion ensued regarding the Persimmon tree and Tompkins noted that trees often die when their roots are paved over. House suggested that a survey may be needed to determine the exact property lines for planning the placement of the garage and Allred commented that the aesthetic value of the structure will depend on the carpenter regardless of whether it conforms with setbacks. Marilyn Johnson, a neighbor residing at 1916 Austin Drive, said she had no problem with O'Donnell's request for variance and advised that O'Donnell has visited with all the neighbors explaining his plan. Chairman House closed the Public Hearing returning discussion to Board members. Boyd said he felt there was no real hardship of the nature of which this Board is called upon to solve. He advised that the garage could be straightened out and meet the setback guidelines. Tompkins said he felt the property could be used as it is and he was inclined to disapprove the request. Becker agreed, adding that when the exact location of the tree is determined there could is a possibility of a jog taking place, reducing the requested variance. Waldren agreed with Becker expressing his concern regarding the roof -line even if it includes a jog, although he said he would be in favor of • granting a much smaller variance than that requested. �5 • • Board of Adjustment October 7, 1985 Page 7 Allred agreed with Becker noting that he felt it would be more aesthetic to maintain the existing 90 degree angle of the house. Mills agreed that the garage should be squared off and meet the setbacks. Mills moved to deny this appeal. Seconded by Tompkins, the motion to deny passed 7-0-0. The sixth item on the agenda was a request submitted by Don Nelms of Nelms Honda to vary the front setback from the required 50' with parking allowed between the building and street or 25' without parking and the addition of 10% landscaping between building and street to 41' with parking between building and street. Dennis Moore, representing Nelms, stated that subject structure was built before this area was annexed into the City and that it is now non -conforming because it does not meet setbacks. He said that Nelms is trying to move the building somewhat away from the Highway and extend the fascia all the way around so that it appears that the building was built all at one time rather than being added on to. Moore advised that the architect's report shows the building constructed with bar -joist beams running east 6 west with a natural division occurring where the column splits at the 25' mark and to make alterations in this area the entire 25' showroom must be removed. He said the plan includes the reconstruction of two small wings on either side, maintaining the same building line all the way around the building which necessitates the request for a 9variance from setback requirements. Allred asked if there will be any green space between the building and the street and Moore replied that the existing driveway needs to be maintained because of poor access to the rear of the building. He added that only new cars will parked in front of the building. Tompkins confirmed that the green space shown is in the right-of-way and inquired whether there are any other non -conforming buildings in this area. Moore clarified that the hardship involved is in the manner in which the building is constructed because the only division point is as presented in the application. Tompkins asked if Moore had considered a second story and Moore replied that it was not a viable alternative. • Waldren said he thought this proposal was an improvement to the situation and added that he had no problem with granting the variance which will make the structure less non -conforming than it currently is. ILL • Board of Adjustment October 7, 1985 Page 8 Allred noted that an alternative would be for Nelms to relocate in Springdale with a loss of revenue to Fayetteville. He added that he thought this plan would be more aesthetically pleasing if it had included some green space. MOTION Waldren made a motion to approve the request for variance. Allred seconded, followed by discussion. Tompkins expressed his feeling that landscaping was a very important item as the City is attempting to improve College Avenue with this property being a part of that effort. He also advised that this variance, if granted, would run with the land and the rest of the building could be added on to out as far as the point approved today. Tompkins added that he understood the topographical hardship (the west portion of the property drops down about 30' and is unaccessible although he felt that the property could be used as is. Waldren noted that if a topographical hardship did not exist, the building would probably have been built further back from the highway than it is. • Boyd said he felt that gaining a 20' improvement over the existing situation was sufficient enough to grant the variance. The question was called and the motion to approve the request failed to passed 3-3-1, Allred, Waldren and Boyd voting in favor of, Tompkins, House and Mills voting against and Becker abstaining, MOTION Waldren made a substitute motion that the variance be granted only for the "wings" proposed in the building plan and will not affect the entire length of the lot. Allred seconded and the motion as stated passed 6-0-1, Becker abstaining, There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 upon a motion from Waldren and a second from Mills. 11 1�