HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-30 Minutes• A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held on Friday, August 30, 1985 at 3:45 in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas, MEMBERS PRESENT: Chester House, Robert Waldren, Larry Tompkins, Don Mills, Jerry Allred and Gerald Boyd MEMBERS ABSENT: Dennis Becker The meeting was called to order by Chairman House and the minutes of the August 20th meeting were considered. MINOTES There being no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved unanimously as distributed upon a motion by Tompkins and a second by Mills. APPEAL 85-23 JOHN LEONARD WARWICK AT OAr BAILEY — SETBACK VARIANCE The second item on the agenda was a request to vary building setbacks submitted by John Leonard for property located at the southwest corner • of Warwick Drive and Oak Bailey Road. Leonard said he was requesting relief from the setback requirement from a City street, He said although Warwick is a dirt road, it is a City street and there is not enough room to build his house in a north/south direction as he would like to do. He said the 30' road easement in addition to a 10' street and utility easement are all on his property. Leonard said he did not know that the entire street easement was on his property. House asked Jones for clarification and she replied that there was an ordinance passed 1968 accepting 30 r/w dedication from the Cartons and the Boyds. She was unsure if the deed was ever recorded. She continued that, when two lot splits were approved by the Planning Commission in 1980, an additional 10' r/w for street and utility purposes was dedicated (immediately adjacent on the south of the 30' r/w) in order to meet the Master Street Plan requirement. Jones noted that Leonard's description reads across both the 30' and 10' easements. She said that, if the deed from the Cartons and the Boyds had been filed, the 30' should not have been reflected in Leonard's description. • M • Board of Adjustment August 30, 1985 Page 2 Leonard confirmed that the easement is in his description and noted that an attempt was made to find out whether it had been recorded. He said that, originally, the abstract company told him they could find no listing of the recording, but later said they had found it. Leonard explained that Warwick Drive is used by two families, as a private drive. He also advised that there are two houses on the north side of Warwick whose drives exit onto Warwick, although it had been his understanding that those drives were to face Katherine. He said he was seeking relief from the 25' setback requirement on Warwick because after including the setback on the south side of the lot, he would be left with a 33' lot. Leonard said he would landscape the north part of his lot (along Warwick) and would leave as many trees as is possible. Allred said he understood that the covenants of the subdivision to the north restricted its residents from drives exiting onto Warwick. Waldren asked when the property was purchased and Leonard replied that when he bought the property in July, he knew it was on Warwick but was unaware that Warwick was a public street and was unaware of the 25' building setback. Waldren pointed out that the ordinance is refers to a quit claim deed for street r/w. In answer to Tompkins question, Jones replied that Warwick is classified as a local street. She said that the street plan does not show any proposed streets planned for accessing the area west of this location. Jones explained the lot split as consisting of a parcel 170' east/west by 266' north/south but she thought the 266 included the 30' r/w. Tompkins said he thought there appeared to be possible access points from the north of this area. Tompkins asked if Leonard had made any attempt to close Warwick and Leonard replied that he has approached the Board of Directors with this request and the Board referred him to this Board. Mills asked for clarification on the issue of drives not being allowed onto Warwick for Huntingdon residents and Jones advised that there is a notation on the plat that should have been applied when the permits for subject houses were issued but were not. She explained that the reason that no drives were to be allowed onto Warwick was because the developer of Huntingdon, Milby Pickel, did not wish to dedicate the additional 10of r/w or to make any improvements to it. Tompkins asked if Warwick could be re -dedicated to an alley status and Jones replied that Leonard would still need approval from the Planning Commission as a house must have frontage on an improved public • street, or approved as a tandem lot by the Planning Commission. Board of Adjustment • August 30, 1985 Page 3 Waldren inquired into the petitioner of the lot splits executed in 1980 and Jones replied that it was Helen Edmiston. Tompkins asked if there were utilities in the 10' easement and House replied that there are gas and water lines. Waldren said he thought the electric service was probably on the north side of Warwick. Tompkins inquired as to ownership of the lots adjacent to the south and Leonard noted that the lot immediately adjacent on the south is vacant and there is an existing house on the lot adjacent to that. Mills confirmed with Jones that the lot split was not executed as it was approved but was made 5' smaller. The possibility of replatting the three lots was discussed and Jones said she believed the lot furthest to the south had been sold. Allred asked if the party who has sold this lot to Leonard could be made to give up a portion of the adjacent lot to bring it into conformance. This possibility was discussed and it was determined that it would probably take a lawsuit to secure additional footage. Tompkins asked if Leonard has considered building a long narrow house • and Leonard replied that it would greatly detract form the value of the property, as would facing the house on Oak Bailey instead of Warwick. Waldren said he thought that Warwick would never be developed as a street and Mills disagreed, noting that it would probably develop along with the area to the west. Waldren asked if Leonard has been back to discuss this matter with the seller of the property and Leonard said that he had and had been told that it would work out satisfactorily to build the house he wishes on the lot in question. Allred asked if Leonard could exchange this lot for another owned by the same party and Leonard replied that he could, but that this was the lot that he wanted, especially because of the trees. Leonard said he walked all the way back along Warwick and had trouble visualizing where it could possibly go to as it didn't seem like there was much area to be developed in that direction. Allred noted that there were many prime acres in that area that would someday be developed, probably in the next ten years. Boyd asked if the r/w would be 50' if the street were developed to current standards and Jones replied that that would be minimum. In answer to his next question, Jones advised that 31' of the r/w is • used for street purposes with the remainder for utilities and sidewalk. Boyd noted that, if Warwick were developed, Leonard's house would be sitting right on the r/w. • Board of Adjustment August 30, 1985 Page 4 Tompkins asked Leonard if he was advised of these encumbrances when he purchased the property and Leonard replied that he was not. Boyd asked if it were the setbacks Leonard was not advised of, or the physical location of Warwick. Leonard said there stakes but that he did not know it was a public street although he acknowledged that the dirt street was not within the stakes. Boyd asked if there were a street sign and Leonard said that there was. Waldren inquired into referring this to the Planning Commission for change in status from street to alley and Jones replied that it would be unlikely as it has been used as a street for more than seven years prohibiting it from being vacated. Mills said she felt that this is one of those issues that has no solution. Tompkins agreed, with the exception of gaining additional footage from the lot to the south. Mills pointed out that this would leave the lot in the middle with a 55' frontage. Mills said her feeling was that Warwick would eventually be used as access to the lots to the west and that, although the problems that exist now are not of Leonard's doing, she not not think a variance would be of help. She said that people who are developing and working • with land should be aware of what the problems are. Allred said he thought that this Board was being asked to solve a problem for the seller of the property who should have been responsible for making Leonard aware of the various restrictions when the property was sold. Mills agreed. MOTION Waldren moved that this appeal be tabled until Leonard is able to secure a legal opinion on his rights and at that time, reconsider. The motion died for lack of a second. MOTION Mills moved to deny the appeal, citing legal recourse as appropriate action; seconded by Tompkins, the motion to deny passed 6-0-0. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. • l.�q