HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-15 Minutes• A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, July 15, 1985 at 3:45 P.M. in Room 111 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain Street, MEMBERS PRESENT: Chester House, Don Mills, Robert Waldren, Dennis Becker, Jerry Allred and Gerald Boyd MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry Tompkins The meeting was called to order by Chairman House and the minutes of the meeting of July 1st were considered. MINUTES The minutes were approved unanimously upon a motion by Mills and a second by Allred. APPEAL 85-19 GSC COMPANY (FIESTA SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER) 2999 THROUGH 3041 N. COLLEGE - PARKING VARIANCE The second item on the agenda was Appeal 85-19 submitted by GSC Company (Fiesta Square Shopping Center) for property located at 2999, 30075 • 30213 3027 and 3041 N. College and zoned C-29 Thoroughfare Commercial. Requested is 1352 parking spaces, 1454 spaces are required. Fred Stuckey, representative of GSC, stated that the company wishes to finish out the Wal-Mart North shopping center. He advised that two out -parcels along the Highway have been completed and he outlined the shops and businesses that will occupy space in the remainder of the shopping center. He advised that the theatre requires a separate calculation of one parking space for each four seats. Stuckey noted that this development is what is called a community type -center (strip development in excess of 200,000 s.f. He said that there is a concept called shared parking throughout the country which involves businesses using the same parking without conflict as they occupy the parking at different times of the day. Stuckey advised that the small shops proposed in the development will close before the theatre opens. Stuckey said he has spoken to Regional Planning Consultant Larry Wood regarding a shared parking study Wood is currently conducting. He said he put Wood in touch with others who have just completed similar studies and added that Wood is now prepared to present an ordinance which takes the shared parking concept into consideration. He said that Wood has advised that it will take as much as 90 days before the ordinance will be of any help and the GSC Company needs to begin • 63 doBoard of Adjustment July 15, 1985 Page 2 work now. He also stated that, if the ordinance is passed, he will be short only 13 spaces. Stuckey said he has his the proposal reviewed by the planners from the theatre and the small shops involved and everyone agrees that the parking will be sufficient. In answer to Boyd's question, Stuckey replied that the development is under common control whereby a reciprocol easement has been recorded putting the control under one entity prohibiting the increase of coverage and the elimination of any parking without consent. Waldren asked if the future out -parcel was considered in this request and Stuckey replied that it will have to provide its own parking. Jones noted that two of the completed out -parcels are above their minimum parking requirements and have been included in the total counts. Mills clarified that the small shops will close at 6 or 7 P.M. with one or two staying open later. Stuckey said he thought shared parking concept has filtered down as good land use planning and noted that it has become obvious that parking lots are being built bigger than could ever be used just to fulfill • code requirements. He said codes regarding this issue are being addressed and re -written around the country. House inquired as to compact car spaces and handicap parking spaces and discussion ensued regarding the misuse of handicap spaces. Becker said he thought more planters are shown on the drawing than are required which could have been used as additional parking. Stuckey replied that, although he could have gained some parking, he felt that the planters were necessary to avoid parking stackups. Chairman House opened the hearing to the public and John Ragland, 3160 Malinda, expressed his concern that lights from vehicles would disturb residents adjacent on the north and west. He said he would like to see the existing privacy fence on the west boundary of Wal-Mart be extended from this property's northwest property line eastwards to reduce noise and light. Wade Bishop, 435 Village, said that he endorsed the comments made by Ragland. Stuckey said the grade falls off very badly in the area the fence was being requested although he agreed to install a fence if it would not be too expensive. Discussion was returned to the Board and Allred said he thought shared parking was a very progressive and innovative measure and added that • it was redundant to use parking as it currently stands. He said he was receptive to a fence for some length along the north boundary. Sq Board of Adjustment July 15, 1985 Page 3 Mills asked if the figures in the shared parking table are based on a nation-wide study and standards for this type of situation. Jones • replied that the Urban Land Institute has published a book on shared parking but said she was not sure where the plan was being used. Mills said she liked the concept but felt unfamiliar with the figures presented. She added that she liked both the idea of shared parking and the privacy fence. Waldren advised that this Board has addressed this problem many times in the past and said that he would like to see the undesignated sites in this project stand on their own. He also expressed doubt that this Board could impose a fence requirement. Stuckey volunteered the fence as he said he wished to continue to be a good neighbor. MOTION Waldren moved to approve the request with the stipulation that the future out -parcels will stand on their on as far as parking requirements. Mills seconded and the motion to approve the variance passed 6-0-0. APPEAL 85-20 OZARK FLOOR COMPANY 928 N. COLLEGE - PARKING VARIANCE The third item on the agenda was Appeal 85-20 submitted by James January of Ozark Floor Company for property located at 928 N. College and iszoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and R-0, Residential -Office. Requested is a parking variance based on computation of detached warehouse space for a total of 35 spaces. Based on sales 6 warehouse, requirement is one per 300 s.f, for a total of 49, January explained the present locations of the buildings on his property including a mobile home on the northeast corner, a small building on the west side (College Avenue) occupied by Doss and Price Office Supply Company and another small house on the northwest corner of the property. He said that the office supply firm has been using the small house for storage and have indicated that they need more room for storage as well as a larger retail space. January said he would like to enlarge the building so as to keep Doss 6 Price as a tenant and he presented architectural drawings showing the proposed new buildings and the tractor trailer dock space. He said if the proposed buildings are constructed, he will remove the non -conforming Doss 6 Price building as well as the old frame house and the mobile home situated on the northeast portion. He advised that he wishes to secure a parking variance before continuing with any plans and he presented a three-dimensional model for Board members to examine. January stated that there is a blacktop drive on the south with about a six foot drop that runs between his property and that of his brother, the drive itself being located on his brother's property. • L5 • Board of Adjustment July 15, 1985 Page 4 January stated that a benefit to be gained from the new plan would be that a blind spot will be eliminated allowing more visibility for Ozark Floor. Jones advised that warehousing and wholesaling in a C-2 District requires Planning Commission approval but added that she is considering this as accessory storage. She noted that several additional items will be required for this project: 1. Unless waived by the Board of Directors, an additional 5 ft. of right-of-way on Baxter must be dedicated; 2. The driveway on Baxter must be 40 ft. from the intersection (unless driveway safety zone is waived by the Planning Commission); 3. Setbacks from Baxter (new r/w) to the building must be either 50 ft. or may be reduced to 25 ft. with no parking and 10% of the area between the building & street covered in plants. 4. The area of the proposed parking on the east side (R-0 District) must be screened with a view -obscuring fence or view -obscuring vegetation. If the Planning Commission waives this requirement, 10% of that property line (both east & south) must be landscaped. • 5. The parking in the R-0 must be set back from the r/w a distance of 25 ft. with 10% of the area between building and street in plants or set back 15 ft, with 20% of that same area in plants. In answer to Allred's question, January replied that Doss & Price currently use Ozark Floor Covering parking spaces. Waldren expressed concern that the warehouse building will not be detached. He said he felt no building permit should be issued except for warehousing purposes. He added that he had no problem otherwise. Boyd, too, said he had no problems with this issue. Mills said she would have no problem if the items listed by Jones were complied with. Allred said he was impressed that the City would be getting rid of two non -conforming buildings, House agreed. House opened the public hearing to the audience and Mrs. Harold Shreve, 204 E. Cleburn, inquired whether the drive on the south side would be for customer use. She advised that the drive is dangerous with a large drop-off. Mills noted that heavy loads would not use this drive and added that when she toured this site, she chose to exit on the south side where the ground is level and went around the building. • Becker suggested January consider this safety standpoint and January said he thought a guard rail might work. He said he would dig a foundation and build the wall up about three feet high. Jones added that wheel curbs are required to contain the vehicles within 5 ft. of the r/w. 5r Board of Adjustment • July 15, 1985 Page 5 Mrs. Shreve said that she was worried that a car might come over the wall and into the yard on Cleburn Street. Mills suggested posting the drive "one-way" and Allred said he didn't think the proposed new buildings would increase the traffic. January said he thought from 15 to 20 cars per day was common. January noted that the Shreves had expressed concern regarding the amount of run-off that might possibly end up in their yard and stated that he would address that problem. He added that he would screen the loading dock from both streets. Jones advised that screening at the driveways must be between 18 and 30 inches. NOTION Becker made a motion to approve the variance as requested. Mills seconded and the motion to approve the variance passed 6-0-0. Jones advised that this case will not go to the Planning Commission unless January requests a waiver of the screening or driveway safety requirements. • There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:45 P.M. • 54