HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-11-16 MinutesA meeting of November 16, 1981 Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES OF A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING the Board of Adjustment was held at 3:45 P.M., Monday, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Chairman Chester House, Dennis Crittenden, Wayne Ball. Bob Waldren, Larry Thompkins. Becker, Don Mills, Dr. David Jeffrey G. Dowers, Gary Carson, Lex Smith, Alan Prather, Bobbie Jones, Cynthia Stewart. The first item for consideration was APPEAL NO. 81-16 the public hearing on the Appeal No. JEFFREY G. DOWERS 81-16, Mr. 6 Mrs. Jeffrey G. Dowers, 1614 EAST HUNTSVILLE ROAD 1614 East Huntsville, Road, applicationto vary setbacks. Gary Carson and Jeffrey Dowers were present to represent, Bobbie Jones reviewed the meeting of November 2, 1981 at which this appeal was heard by the Board of Adjustment. She stated there were actually two waivers requested; 1) a waiver from the requirement that only one principal structure be constructed per lot and 2) a waiver of the rear yard setback requirement in R-1, from 20 ft. to 10 ft. The Board of Adjustment unanimously approved the waiver of one principal structure per lot, and the motion to approve a waiver of the rear yard setback failed to pass (3-3). The Board of Adjustment unanimously approved a motion to rehear the appeal of the rear yard setback requirement so the appellant would have the benefit of more members present. Gary Carson addressed the Board in favor of the appeal He stated Mr'. Dowers has affidavits Trom surrounding property owners stating they have no problems with the construction of the proposed house 10 ft. from the rear property line. Also, Mr. Dowers has agreed to assure that if the property is ever sold, or if the shop building is ever rented or leased, it will be torn down and removed. Carson said the shop building is necessary at this time, as it is Mr. Dowers' only source of income, however, he plans to change vocations within a year and a half and at that time plans to remove the shop building from the property. The variance is being requested as Mr. Dowers does not wish to construct his home any closer than necessary to the shop building as it contains flammable substances. Also, the construction of the house any nearer to the shop building will make the rear portion adjacent to the shop building unusable in its present capacity. It is now being used to pull cars behind the shop. Dennis Becker asked if Mr. Dowers would be able to construct the house if the variance is denied. Mr. Carson replied he would not be able to use the rear portion of the shop building to getvehicles in and out. The Chairman asked if there was anyone else present in favor of the request. There being no response, the Chairman asked if there was anyone present appearing in opposition to the request. There being no opposition, the Chairman closed the public hearing on Appeal No. 81-16. Ha j 1 • • Board of Adjustment Meeting November 16, 1981 Page 2 The next item for consideration APPEAL NO. 81-18 was the public hearing on FAYETTEVILLE CITY HOSPITAL Appeal No. 81-18, Fayetteville City 221 SOUTH SCHOOL AVENUE Hospital, 221 South School Avenue, application for temporary waiver of parking requirements. Lex Smith and Alan Prather were present to represent. Alan Prather, Hospital Administrator addressed the Board. He stated the hospital is in a state of construction and is unable to meet the required number of 139 parking spaces for their public facility. He stated he would like to request a waiver of the number of required parking spaces until all phases of construction are complete. He stated at that time, the number of required spaces will be exceeded. Wayne Ball asked how many parking spaces are available now. Alan . Prather stated there were 133-134 parking spaces before construction began. At this time, there are 120 parking spaces, and arrangements have been made with Dr. DePalma for some staff to use his parking area across the street from the hospital. Prather stated the hospital has purchased additional properties from the Central Christian Church and that property will be graveled to provide temporary parking. . When construction is complete, the house on this property will be demolished and the whole area will be paved and striped. Don Mills asked how many temporary parking spaces will be provided by doing this, Prather stated about 15-20 spaces. Wayne Ball asked if the first phase of construction will add any parking spaces. Prather stated the parking spaces are presently being used by construction teams, when the phase is complete they will be free to be used, but no parking will be added with that phase. Prather stated the same thing will occur with the second phase of construction, they will loose about the same number of spaces. Mills asked if those spaces would be retrieved at the end of phase II Prather stated they would not. Dr. Crittenden asked how the appeal request was initiated. Bobbie Jones stated it is a requirement of the Office of City Planning that one parking space be provided per bed. However, the hospital must meet Federal and State requirements which require more than that. Prather stated at this time, the hospital contains 81 long term beds and 35 accute care beds With the addition of the North wing, 22 more long term beds will be provided. Becker asked what the maximum variance would be during the three phases of construction, Prather stated 10-12. Crittenden asked what the peak time for parking is. Prather said that the parking situation is tight when the shift changes in the afternoon from about 3:00 to 3:30. Don Mills asked how many parking spaces will be provided when construction is completed. Prather stated that where the City requires one parking space per bed, the guidelines followed by the hospital require one space for each long term bed and two spaces for each accute care bed. At the end of construction 176 parking spaces will be provided. Crittenden asked what the hospital would do if the variance is denied. Prather stated appeal. Crittenden asked if the hospital has funds to complete all three phases of construction. Prather replied yes. y3 • • • Board of Adjustment Meeting November 16, 1981 Page 3 Don Mills asked if the figures include on street parking. Prather said they do not, however, some of the staff uses the street to park on to make room for others. The Chairman asked if there were any further questions. There being no further questions, and no opposition, the Chairman closed the public hearing on Appeal No. 81-18. The Chairman reopened Appeal APPEAL NO. 81-16 No. 81-16 to comments from the Board. Dr. Crittenden stated he did not see any good reason for denying the variance and moved the variance be granted. Wayne Ball seconded. Dennis Becker stated he was opposed to granting the variance. He felt the construction of the house next to the rise of the hill would create run off problems that may allow water to get into the house. Also, he was against removing one nonconforming structure and replacing it with another nonconforming structure. Mills agreed with Becker. The motion to approve passed (3-2) with Wayne Ball, Chester House, and David Crittenden voting "Aye!' and Don Mills and Dennis Becker voting "Nay". House stated he felt most of the Board would APPEAL NO. 81-18 be in agreement on this request. Becker felt that the parking space requirement was stringent and that he was in favor of the request. Mills felt the hospital needed time to complete construction. She felt the parking provided during construction would probably be adequate. Mills moved the temporary waiver of required parking spaces be granted, until the completion of Phase III of construction. Becker seconded. Crittenden felt this request was quite a bit different from the waivers granted the First National Bank -and Hilton, where no accomodations were provided at all The motion to approve the temporary waiver of parking requirements passed (5-0). Crittenden moved the minutes MINUTES of the November 2, 1981 meeting of the Board of Adjustment be approved as mailed. Don Mills seconded. The motion passed (4-0-1) with Dennis Becker abstaining as he was not present. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:25, P.M.