HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-10-05 MinutesMINUTES OF A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING A meeting of the Board of Adjustment was held at 3:45.P.M., Monday, October 5, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chester House, Don Mills, Dr. David Crittenden, Larry Smith. MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry Thompkins, Wayne Ball, Bob Waldren. OTHERS PRESENT: Kenneth. Koehn, Jon Schader, Cynthia Stewart, Bobbie Jones. The first item for consideration APPEAL NO. 81-14 was the Public Hearing on Appeal FAYETTEVILLE BIBLE CHURCH No. 81-14, Fayetteville Bible Church, 1022 SOUTH COLLEGE'.AVENUE for property at 1022 South College Avenue, on an application to vary setbacks. Kenneth Koehn was present to represent. He showed the Board various pictures of the site. He stated the Church is proposing to add an addition to the present structure which is being used, and will continue to be used1as a parsonage. The Church proposes a 26 ft. x 26 ft. addition. The present structure is 7 ft. from the property line. The addition will follow the same line as the existing structure, but the overhang will be a little closer than 7 ft. to the North property line. Koehn stated the church currently uses an exit driveway between this structure and the church. He stated the drive on the South side is hard to exit from as there is a large bush there on the neighborsproperty which makes visibility when exiting very bad. The Church would like to keep that exit clear and not construct the addition at that point. Crittenden asked if the neighbors on the lot to the North had been notified. Koehn stated the Church had tried to notify them. There is no one living there at this time. The woman who had been living there had become ill and was no longer residing there. He stated her children are living out of state:, The Church had tried to contact them as far as purchasing the lot to the North. If they had been able to purchase the lot to the North, they would not have requested the variance, but used the house on that lot for the parsonage. However, the children are not interested in selling the lot. Koehn stated the addition would be used for a kitchen and utility area, and two bedrooms. The Chairman asked if there was anyone appearing in the audience in opposition to the requested variance. There was no response. The next item for consideration APPEAL NO. 81-15 was the Appeal No. 81-15, Jon Schader, 130 EAST SPRING STREET 130 East Spring Street, on an application JON SCHADER to vary minimum lot width for a multi -family dwelling (4 units), and an application to vary parking requirements. Jon Schader was present to represent. He stated he was requesting the variance in order to maximize his existing space. He stated the structure he would like to improve is existing, it will be tied onto the main structure. The main structure Presently contains 3 units. • • Board of Adjustment Meeting October 5, 1981 Page 2 Schader stated the provision of parking would be almost impossible.in the front of the lot as there is an 8-10 ft. retaining wall and no drive into the lot. He stated most of the homes on the North side of East Spring Street have the same situation. The back of the lot ends at the church parking lot. Schader stated the structure he wishes to improve into another unit was moved onto the lot to be used as an out structure, but was never improved. He stated on both the East and West property lines as well as the front of the lot the property is bounded by retaining walls. Mills asked the possibility of opening up a drive in the rear of the lot. Schader stated that is a very hazardous area. The church parking lot is located there as well as a parking lot for a doctor's office, the alley is narrow and one way and it is very hazardous. Schader stated he has lived in this house for eight years. Mills asked Schader if he would open up the rear of the lot if the parking variance is denied. Schader stated he would consider it. Larry Smith asked if the house was originally constructed as a single family dwelling. Schader stated that is correct. However, it has been a multi -family structure for some years. Further, he stated most of the houses on Spring Street are multi -family and they contain at least 2 units, in most cases there are 3 or 4. House asked if there was anyone appearing in opposition to the request. There was no response. Mills asked how many people are living in the house. Schader stated he has a room mate, and there is one person per unit in the other two apartments. Schader stated parking on Spring Street is no problem, there is plenty of on street parking. The Chairman closed the public hearing on Appeal No. 81-15. The Chairman reopened Appeal APPEAL NO. 81-144 No. 81-14 to comments from the Board. Smith stated he did not see anything wrong with this request. Milts stated she liked seeing people working with what they have. Crittenden agreed. Mills moved the request be granted. Larry Smith seconded. The motion to approve passed (4-0). The Chairman reopened Appeal No. APPEAL NO: 81-15 81-15 to comments from the Board Don Mills stated she liked what Mr. Schader was trying -to do, but the requested variance for parking bothered her. Smith agreed. Mills said there is a possibility of 6 people parking on the street. Crittenden stated he had no objection to the variance in lot width. He felt the parking variance would be perpetuating a situation that is not optimum. He felt all the on street parking would be hazardous in itself. He did not feel the need for housing was such that the variance should be granted on the parking. However, Ltia 0 U •ui uti C 0 L1 Board of Adjustment Meeting October 5, 1981 Page 3 Crittenden felt if parking could be provided for the proposed additional structure, he would be inclined to go along with that. Larry Smith asked if the structure in question would be enlarged. Schader stated it would not. He simply wanted to install plumbing and heating and make it into a unit. Smith asked how far it is to the back property line from the proposed unit. Schader replied 90 ft. Bobbie Jones stated that part of the parking lot..that isusedby the Church may be located on a platted alley. Smith stated the way the square is developing, he would be against any more variances for on site parking. Crittenden moved the variance be granted for the lot width. He moved the variance for parking be denied and stipulated that if Mr, Schader wants to come back with a plan that will provide parking to the additional unit he should be allowed to do so without readvertising, or paying an additional fee. Don Mills seconded The motion passed (4-0). Upon a motion by Crittenden and a second by Mills, the minutes of the September 21, 1981 meeting of the Board of Adjustment were approved as mailed. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:50 P.M. 3'7