HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-07-20 Minutes• • MINUTES OF A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING A meeting of the Board of Adjustment was held at 3:45, P.M., Monday, July 20, 1981, in the Directors Room, City Administration Building, Fayetteville, Arkansas MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Chester House, Bob Waldren, Dr. David Crittenden, Wayne Ball, Don Mills, Larry Thompkins and Larry Smith. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. OTHERS PRESENT: Marcus Walden, Sharon and others. Estes, Bdbbie Jones The Chairman called the meeting to order at 4:49 P.M. The first item of business was Appeal No. 81-8, Campbell-Bell/Lewis 1 South Block Street, application to and Cynthia Stewart,. APPEAL NO. 81-8 Bros., CAMPBELL-BELL/LEWIS BROS. vary 1 SOUTH BLOCK STREET setbacks from 8 ft. from the centerline of an alley to 5 ft. from the centerline of an alley. The property is zoned C-4, Downtown Commercial District. Sharon Estes and Marcus Walden were present to represent. The Chairman asked for comments in favor of the petition. Marcus Walden addressed the Board and stated that he is the president of Campbell-Bell/Lewis Bros. The variance has been requested in order to put a canopy across the complete back end of Lewis Brothers and Campbell -Bell which will include the beauty shop and the rear entry way. Walden said the ordinance sets a minimum 8 ft. setback from the centerline of an alley, however, there is an existing storage area that is the proposed 5 ft. from the centerline. He stated the canopy will not encroach any further than the existing storage area. The height of the proposed canopy will be 14.5 ft. Larry Thompkins asked for some clarification of the width the canopy will extend. Ms. Estes stated that there had been an ommission of some property in the description that had been submitted to the Office of City Planning and showed the Board the legal description of the remaining property. Mr. Walden stated that there are two property owners involved in the petition, that the Lewis' are present, but Mrs. Kinnen is unable to attend. Bobbie Jones stated that she had received a phone call from a Mr. Tom Kinnen stating that he is Mrs. Kinnen's representative and that Mr. Walden would represent their interests. Mr. Kinnen wanted assurance that the canopy would be installed at Campbell-Bell/Lewis Bros. expense, and that it would not be removed when their lease runs out. Mrs. Mills wanted clarification of exactly what the area where the proposed canopy is to be constructed would be used for. Mr. Walden stated that at times goods are unloaded at the Mountain Street location. Wayne Ball asked if the designated overhead garage door was existing. Walden stated it is not, that it will be installed. Ball asked if the plywood partition would remain. Walden stated it will be removed and that the size of the trash area will be reduced. 7H Board of Adjustment Meeting July 20, 1981 • Page 2 Sharon Estes stated that the improvements planned would, in her opinion, enhance the overall looks of the building in keeping with the improvements going on around the square. There being no further comments, the Chairman closed the public hearing on Appeal No. 81-8, and opened the request to comments from the Board. He asked the Petitioner's to please contribute to the discussion if they had anything pertinent to add. House stated some concern over the existing electrical equipment and its close proximity to the proposed canopy. He wondered if there were any codes that pertairjed to the electrical equipment being under the canopy. Bob Waldren (SWEPCO) stated that all of the electrical equipment that is hanging on the building are switch gears and service to those switch gears is underground. He said there is nothing in the electrical codes concerning the placement of a canopy over the gears. House stated, in his opinion, it would be very attractive to have a new entry and shipping and receiving area for the store. He felt the petitioners were trying to make the building compatible with the surrounding areas Larry Thompkins stated that this would be perpetuating a nonconforming structure. He did not see any hardship. However, he felt that the property would be improved aesthetically. He hoped that goods would not be stored under the canopy. Thompkins felt the granting of the variance would not be giving a use to the petitioners not enjoyed by others on the square. He stated he has no problem with the request. Don Mills stated she had no objection to the request. Wayne Ball stated that he too had no objection to the request. Larry Smith moved that the variance be granted as requested. Bob Waldren seconded. The motion passed (7-0). Mr. Walden assured the Board that he would not store goods under the canopy. Upon a motion by Dr. Crittenden and a second by Wayne Ball, the minutes of the May 18, 1981 meeting of the Board of Adjustment were approved as mailed. MINUTES There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:09, P.M. 25_A