HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-12-03 MinutesMINUTES OF A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING A meeting of the Fayetteville Board of Adjustment was held at 3:45 P.M., Monday, December 3, 1979, in the Board of Directors Room, City Administration Buildiing, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Carl Yates, Don.Mills, Steve Nickles, Bob Waldren, Chester House, and Larry Smith. MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry Tompkins. OTHERS PRESENT: Bobbie Jones, Michelle Hale, and John.I. Mehrholz. Chairman Yates called the meeting to order. The first item for discussion APPEAL NO. R79-32 was the public hearing on Appeal John I. Mehrholz No. 79-32, John I. Mehrholz, 1723 1723 North College North College Avenue, application to vary setbacks. (Tabled at November 19, 1979 meeting). Present to represent was John I. Mehrholz. Mrs. Mills stated she would be abstaining from voting. Mr. Mehrholz presented the Board with some photographs taken November 27, 1979 at 1723 N. College Avenue. Four vehicles were placed on the area in front of the building. Three vehicles were placed in the 10 ft. wide parking spaces shown on the plan submitted, after starting the first parking stall 5 ft. from the existing struc- ture. A pickup truck with a solid camper shell was deliberately placed in the third parking stall (closest to the street) to provide an obvious obstruction to vision. The fourth vehicle was placed withfthe front bumper just short of the College curb in a position normal to that of a vehcile leaving the premises. Mr. Mehrholz told the Board that all three parking spaces are readily accessible to all North bound traffic and that a left turn lane is provided on College in front of the property. Mr. Mehrholz said that the first two parking spaces (the third being closest to the street) are readily accessible to South bound traffic, including vehicles with a large turning radius Mr. Mehrholz added that South bound vehicles would therefore have the option of using the first two parking spaces, parking in any of the spaces to the rear of the building, or using the third space in front of the building either by backing into the space or by one maneuvering turn which can easily be done in the available space. Mr. Mehrholz stated if the existing parking were to be relocated to the back of the building, there would be a reduction in future expansion. He added if the Board did not feel the variance could be granted without conditions, he wanted the Board to deny the request because it would not be feasible to move the (frontYparking lot. Chairman Yates asked Mrs. Jones if when the Board had reviewed a variance request from Fayetteville Glass was not the request because they wanted parking in the front. Mrs. Jones said yes and she thought the setback requested in that appeal was 40 ft. from the street right-of-way. Mr. Mehrholz said it didn't seem to him that placing a canopy over the doorway should require the parking spaces to be moved. Mr. Waldren asked if the back of the lot is part of the property on which the building sets. Mr. Mehrholz said it is, and that they planned to make improvements to the back lot in the future. Chairman Yates asked Mr. Mehrholz what his reasons were for not wanting to relocate the spaces to the rear. Mr. Mehrholz said from an economic standpoint it would be more desirable to have parking in the front. Mr. Waldren asked if this property used to be a restaurant. Mrs. Jones said she only knew of a body shop being there. Chairman Yates asked how far the canopy would extend out. Mr. Mehrholz said the • • • Board of Adjustment Meeting December 3, 1979 Page 2 canopy would extend 36 inches from the face of the building and be 4 ft. in width. Mr. Mehrholz said the canopy was not a structural part of the building. Mrs. Jones stated that out of the 3 variances Mr. Mehrholz asked for in his state- ment he only needed one. Mrs. Jones said since the planter does not exceed a height of 30 inches, no variance would be needed. She didn't feel the grapestake screen, in the location proposed, would constitute a traffic hazard; therefore, she did not feel a variance is needed for it. Therefore, the only variance needed would be for the mansard roof style canopy over the entrance to the front office area Mrs. Jones added that the required setback is 50 ft. with parking between the building and the street, and a 25 ft. setback, with 10% landscaping, if there is no parking between the street and the building. Mr. Nickles stated if the only variance question was for the canopy over the door- way he had no objection. Mr. Smith stated he was present at the November 19, 1979 meeting and the photo- graphs showed more room than the plot plan drawing they had reviewed at the last meeting. He added that the question of the canopy and parking go hand in hand. Mr. House asked how many employees would be working there. Mr. Mehrholz said the front of the building would be a real estate office. He said there was actually one employee, there areu6 independent contractors who work out of the office. Mr. House added he would like to see "Customers Parking Only" in the 3 front spaces, but that he would not make it a condition of approval himself unless the other Board members wished to do so. Mr. House then moved to approve the variance as requested. Mr. Nickles said his only concern was the parking and pulling out on Hwy. 71. Mr. Smith stated he would second the motion provided Mr. House would agree to amend it so that no more than 3 parking spaces be allowed in front as shown on the plan. Mr. House agreed to the amendment. The amended motion passed 5-0-1, with Yates, House, Waldren, Smith, and Nickles voting "Aye" and Mills abstaining from voting. Mr. Mehrholz called attention MINUTES to Page 1, Paragraph 5, and asked that the sentence be changed to read "Mr. Mehrholz said it would be more of a problem trying to get into the property if you were South bound." With this correction the minutes of the November 19, 1979 meeting were approved as mailed. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. 132